Microsoft Will Require Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination To Enter Buildings in the US (theverge.com) 220
Microsoft has informed employees that it will require proof of vaccination for anyone entering a Microsoft building in the US starting in September. From a report: Employees who have a medical condition or a protected reason, such as religion, that prevents them from getting a vaccine can get a special accommodation. The company has also pushed its full office reopening date from September to "no earlier than October 4th, 2021."
No bugs allowed here! (Score:3)
Slow Down Cowboy!
Slashdot requires you to wait between each successful posting of a comment
Can I at least post comments as fast as Slashdot posts dupes?
Religious (Score:2)
Which religion forbids vaccination nowadays? Just curiousity.
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Which religion forbids vaccination nowadays? Just curiousity.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p... [nih.gov]
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Which religion forbids vaccination nowadays? Just curiousity.
Trumparianism. Avoiding the vaccine is one of the holy sacraments.
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This literally never happened. You're repeating easily debunked lies because you have been brainwashed by fox and the rest of the fake news media.
Re:Religious (Score:5, Informative)
Guess you never actually heard Trump speak.
“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor
and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good
genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton
School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if
you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m
one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s
true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they
try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start
off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there,
went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to
give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little
disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the
thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy,
and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is
powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many
years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he
would explain the power of what’s going to happen and
he was right—who would have thought?), but when you
look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it
used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and
even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger;
fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they
haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now
than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about
another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators,
the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just
killed, they just killed us.”
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You really want to engage in this game? Your idiot doesn't even know where he is half the time.
Yes, I do actually. Your turn to post proof of Biden incoherently babbling.
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Neither is gonna win a Coherency Prize, so lets not debate this anymore.
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Which religion forbids vaccination nowadays? Just curiousity.
Trumparianism. Avoiding the vaccine is one of the holy sacraments.
That's a load of bullshit. I got my shot and I support Trump a hell of a lot more than the senile fuck you asshats elected.
U mad bro?
Re:Religious (Score:4, Informative)
Trumparianism. Avoiding the vaccine is one of the holy sacraments.
That's a load of bullshit. I got my shot and I support Trump a hell of a lot more than the senile fuck you asshats elected.
The overall vaccination counts seem to be strongly correlated with Republican/Democrat region make up (https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/05/partisan-divide-vaccinations-491947)
Somehow it's become a political issue first and health issue second.
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Wow, anecdotal evidence Trumps actual verified data. That more pretty much sums up the former alleged president's entire alleged administration.
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Which religion forbids vaccination nowadays? Just curiousity.
Trumparianism. Avoiding the vaccine is one of the holy sacraments.
That's a load of bullshit. I got my shot and I support Trump a hell of a lot more than the senile fuck you asshats elected.
So your personal experience is that of every anti vaxxer? Tell us more.
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Yea, you need to check your news sources. Biden is kinda on the ball. He may have a stuttering problem, but his approval ratings are still much higher than his disapproval ratings, also instead of Pissing off the rest of the world, he is working to fix relations again.
The Economy is Up, and Unemployment is going back down. Vaccines are now available to anyone (over 12) who wants them.
Biden also didn't toss out everything that Trump Did, the things that he did that either worked, or would require a lot of
Re:Religious (Score:4, Interesting)
Oh you are sad, that LiBeRaLs are calling you names and think you are stupid.
Perhaps you should remember that when you use the term Libtards, Communist, Marxist, come up with a Crazy Conspiracy Theories where the Liberals are both Mindless Idiots (Like how you had referenced Biden), and in the same thought, able to complete complex conspiracies to control everything.
You opened yourself up to attack. You could had just stopped at I voted for Trump, but I got the Vaccine. But No, you had then had to go further onto the attack.
Sometimes saying someone is stupid is just arrogance, sometimes it is just being Cruel, and sometimes it is just because what you said and what you stand for is stupid, because it doesn't follow any logical stance, but just regurgitating speaking points of someone else.
I expect that they are some Trump voters who actually had a good reason, such as Coal Miners afraid to loose their jobs, but for the bulk of them, it is just from fear from fake news, and entertainment sites, that keep on saying those Liberals are the bad guys over and over again, not based on truth of numbers, but just from constant name calling.
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Over 30,000 falsehoods in 4 years and you think your hero isn't senile? One mark of senility is not being able to recognize the difference be truth and falsity.
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Don't tell us, tell his loonies.
Re:Religious (Score:5, Interesting)
Enjoy that talking point while you can because it will be leaving soon since those communities are listening and getting shots. Black and Latin people while vaccinated in lower in numbers are actually far more willing to take the vaccine but more of them have issues with lack of access, lack of a PCP and issues with work.
Anecdotally I would also say that neither of those communities are the ones I see spreading anti-vax nonsense.
According to the poll results, vaccination rates appear to be growing across demographic divides. In February, 6% of Black voters said they had been fully immunized, along with 14% of Hispanics and 18% of whites, Change Research found at the time. Polling in mid-May showed much higher rates, with 35% of Black voters now vaccinated, 56% of Hispanics and 68% whites.
The growth seems likely to continue to build in minority communities, the polling also indicates. In the May survey another 34% of Blacks said they had an appointment for a first shot or planned to make one, compared to just 26% of Hispanics and just 4% of white voters.
Voters who “definitely will not” get immunized include 13% of Black respondents, 10% of Hispanics and 19% of whites, the poll said.
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Read the article on your story. Trump told people to get vaccinated two months after leaving office. Why did he not mention it in the thousands of previous tweets or utilize the dedicated room in his house for talking with the media?
Trump passed up the chances to buy vaccines. https://archive.is/20Lar [archive.is]
You're spouting propaganda.
Re:Religious (Score:5, Interesting)
Even though their Holy Leader got the vax. Go figure.
Yeah. It becomes a little complicated. There is a public side, and there is a private side.
The private side is that Trump isn't particularly smart, but he's not particularly stupid either. So he understands that the vaccine is a good thing.
But the public side of his cult development is to downplay and ridicule anything that whoever his "enemy" is at any given time.
And he cultivates that with a vengeance. He notes that he loves the uneducated. That's a direct appeal to the stupid. He claimed that the Covid 19 virus was a Democrat hoax. Over 600,000 dead later, many still believe as they were told. And it sort of worked. He certainly gets them worked up and in full blown hate mode. Of course, hate based ideologies eventually eat themselves and their children.
We must remember that as a pathological liar, he has no hesitation to say what he thinks will benefit him.
Now on to a non-trolling statement.
To me, the important thing is for everyone to understand that he tapped into a situation that needed addressed. There are a lot of people who have been marginalized. Not everyone is intelligent or capable. Not everyone thinks logically or is rational. But they exist in the spectrum of humans. And they need work and need a feeling of worth.
As we enter a more and more automated age, this marginalization will work it's way up the social and financial ladder. A lot of unemployed males and concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer people is a sure fire recipe for social disaster.
And while his followers attached themselves to him, the saving grace was that there was a disconnect - his selected party was perhaps the very opposite of what they actually needed, and let's face it, he's pretty incompetent. His shtick is boldness.
Imagine if a more competent person pulled the same tricks he tried?
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I expect the concentration of wealth to continue, but with more geographic dispersion. If there's one good thing the pandemic did, it was to make remote work common. That means a small town in the middle of nowhere suddenly has access to a share of the job opportunities places like NY has. Incomes will increase and brain drain will slow or stop. And that brings with it more moderate political views.
I suspect by 2030, Republicans would find their solid red states not so solidly red anymore.
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Not just coincidentally, the most radical pop-figure of the anti-vaxxers in Germany is a guy called "Attila Hildmann" who happens to be the author of award-winning, best-selling "Vegan cuisine" books - there are even English versions of these books sold on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/prod... [amazon.com]
Heh (Score:2)
Microsoft Will Require Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination To Enter Buildings in the US
Heh. Random strangers from the street start entering the building with vaccination forms forged in crayon. The engineers see this happening and just shrug like it was always expected.
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"Microsoft" building. Plus a lot of companies I've worked for you needed a security badge to get in. Not something "random strangers" would have.
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I kinda thought my playful ribbing of Microsoft's competence would be taken in their intended spirit. Oh well.
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Considering it's a small city [youtu.be] I could see it happenning.
Alternative (Score:2)
So what if someone chooses not to get vaccinated? Can they work from home indefinitely, or do they get fired?
Re:Alternative (Score:4, Interesting)
So what if someone chooses not to get vaccinated? Can they work from home indefinitely, or do they get fired?
At will working, one of the basic tenets of the Republican Party allows you to be fired if they don't like the color of your socks, much less your desire to be the source of some old or immunocompromised persons death.
Now on a personal level, I don't care if you die, or have your cardiopulmonary system wrecked or have limbs amputated, or wander around in a post covid fog, hooked to oxygen on your hoverround, or be readmitted in a short time because your mind went poof - 1 out of 3 who have been hospitalized.
Although as a new burden on the taxpayers, I'm not too happy about that.
Re:Alternative (Score:5, Interesting)
This is so satisfying. People are getting fired from their jobs rather than take a vaccine and it was all brought to fruition by their own party. I guess they're owning the libs and not taking unemployment money either.
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Why would they have to not collect unemployment?
It's my understanding that you can only fail to collect unemployment if you are fired for "just cause", which means that you had to have actually done something that the state would otherwise recognize as reasonable grounds for any person to be terminated from their position. For example, if you were caught stealing from the company, or were repeatedly absent or late, etc.
Unless the state was mandating vaccines for all workers that are working indoors, f
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Why would they have to not collect unemployment?
Well you know bootstraps and all that. Only lazy bums and minorities leech money from the government, or at least that's what their party claims. Social programs? As in socialist? Certainly not in this fine country!
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They are also spreading it to people who may legit reasons to not be vaccinated, including their age (young kids). People who may not have gotten the chance to get it yet. /
The vaccine is also not 100% so 1-3% of the people who were Vaccinated can still catch it. So if you are walking in public you can still get a person who did everything right sick.
Being Hospitalized for COVID takes up a bed and often a wing, where the Hospital cannot treat other conditions. Such things called Elective Procedures, like
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They are also spreading it to people who may legit reasons to not be vaccinated, including their age (young kids). People who may not have gotten the chance to get it yet.
None of what you write is incorrect.
But we have to face it - the idiots among us aren't going to get vaccinated, although some on their deathbed plead for it when it's too late.
So in such a situation, we can only defend ourselves, or if vaccinated already, try to keep from accidentally infecting other people.
Which is why no one gets onto my property without proving they've been vaccinated. My entire social crew has been vaccinated, but unless a stranger can prove it, they'll be told in no uncertain
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Well, you don't so much as get fired as you choose not to work at Microsoft anymore.
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I hope you have a skill that is in high demand. Else you might have a hard time finding something.
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Which is probably a good way to clear out the idiots who may be working there too.
joke's on them... (Score:2)
i would bet most people prefer to do their job from home if available. now, if you were going to get fired unless you got the vaccine that would be different and a very good motivator to get the vaccine
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Look at those poor dumb people, while I cheat the system.... Oh wait, I am actually fired, THATS NOT FAIR!
If it could be provided just once that'd be great (Score:2)
It's currently a bit annoying to get into the office right now because you need to load an app daily to testify you don't have symptoms/exposure.
I'll be happy with this change. Hopefully we only need to provide proof once.
Really? (Score:2)
"Employees who have a medical condition or a protected reason, such as religion,"
So you just have to buy a religious title on the internet, print it out and off you go?
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Religion is a condition - a mental condition. This is just formal confirmation.
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I am very sure that if Jesus were around today he would wear a mask to minimize the spread to others.
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Let me go threw a bunch of hoops and pay money, just so I can avoid a freely available vaccine, that will actually help protect me and others.
That is what I call a Stupid Tax.
Fake Vaccination cards incoming..... (Score:2)
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Coming? They've been around long enough for there to have been criminal prosecutions for selling them [justice.gov].
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Canada fined those two morons $20k each for faking vaccination cards. It actually would have been less work for them to get vaccinated.
Religion is not an excuse (Score:5, Insightful)
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We could easily reclassify religiosity as a mental disease if that helps.
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It's actually easy. Please define "delusional disorder" in a way that doesn't require explicitly exempting religion from being included.
If you can, write to the American Psychiatric Association, I'm sure they'd love to have one for their next DSM. Because so far, they didn't find a way to do it.
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I can think of a better use of their time (Score:2)
Plug up the virus holes in Windows.
No problem (Score:2, Funny)
Re: No problem (Score:3)
This is rational capitalism (Score:3)
This is literally a company reacting to a situation with cold rational economics behind the decisions - if you come onto their private property and enable the virus to cause havoc with their ability to generate revenue (i.e. infect their human resources), you are a danger to their bottom line. Any rational, smart company would be doing the same as Microsoft, recognizing that their workers are what makes them money.
Anyone who still complains about the vaccines needs to question their suicidal tendencies and should be looking into who's been lying to them.
So... (Score:3)
MS wants to do their part to stamp out Covid19 and that's to be applauded. The evidence is pretty clear at this point that the vaccine works and is your best chance of avoiding infection.
Not to trample on peoples religious freedoms or anything but if we start allowing exceptions then how are we ever going to rid ourselves of Covid? It's a very sticky situation and maybe a better approach would be to just not come into the office unless you are vaccinated. I'm not saying they should be fired if they don't get vaccinated - just work from home. That seems like a reasonable compromise to me.
Annoying (Score:2)
I'm vaccinated - have my little card, but showing ANYTHING just to get inside of a building is going to get old very fast, unless its a relatively low traffic building.
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I'm vaccinated - have my little card, but showing ANYTHING just to get inside of a building is going to get old very fast, unless its a relatively low traffic building.
Get used to it. It is already starting to happen. I fully expect to see more and more cases of this. In fact I already had my vaccination card laminated.
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Seriously? I have to present 'something' to get into my building every day, and have had to do that for 40 years. It is called my employee ID badge, and it controls what buildings/rooms I am allowed to enter. It is not like your vaccination status changes every day. When you show proof of vaccination, they re-authorize your badge. Really hard to find something 'annoying' about that.
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Funny thing is (Score:5, Insightful)
The vaccine doesn't stop you from getting infected with Delta and may not prevent you from transmitting it to others. The vaccine just lowers the severity of infections. So having a building full of vaccinated people with no masks and no hand-washing will still circulate the newer strains of the virus. But nobody seems to be talking about that yet.
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What if it's a cold with neurological effects?
The COVID-19 virus literally makes your body attack itself, like AIDS. We don't yet know what the long-term effects of even asymptomatic infection are.
So far there's the "long covid", or very long-term reactions from both symptomatic and asymptomatic infections. There could be other long-term effects. We could all end up in a few years with our bodies basically shutting down due to the impact on our nervous system from an old infection that affected the way our
Time to end this "religious exemption" bullshit (Score:2)
I'm sorry, but religious exemption is bullshit. The only valid excuse for not getting vaccinated should be because of medical reasons.
Can you imagine letting people drive without a driver's license because of a "religious objection" to getting one? Or people claiming a "religious objection" to paying taxes? (Oh wait... that one's not so far-fetched.) Or a "religious belief" that they should be able to walk into a store and steal whatever they want?
I don't think so. (Score:2)
Re:I can see it now... (Score:5, Insightful)
BSA storm troopers at a podium at the door: "Show us your papers..."
You have a problem with private property? You will not come onto my property unless you are vaccinated.
Funny how it turns out that the "MUH Freedom!" crowd seems to be communist in nature, demanding that property rights are non existent.
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Anyone demanding a Christian baker "serve every customer who walks in no matter what" and are now applauding Microsoft for making up their own rules on who is allowed on their property may have some cognitive dissonance issues to work through.
You're confusing a service with access to private property.
As a devout Christian, do you also support your god's orders on gays, witches, women wearing men's clothing, and non virgins who marry? Can you show me the scriptures that say you have a choice and can be inconsistent?
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Sex is a protected class under the Civil Rights Act [eeoc.gov]. Antivax is not.
Retail stores are public accommodations [slashdot.org], corporate offices are not.
Cognitive dissonance solved.
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"BSA storm troopers at a podium at the door:"
They're hiring Boy Scouts for this?
Re: I can see it now... (Score:2, Insightful)
Why is it Americans use "communist" like it some vague insult? It's not a general purpose insult, it's a description of a specific ideology.
Re: I can see it now... (Score:2)
"Communist" is a unique insult because it portrays an image of somebody who is gullible, an asshole, a person who wants to take all of your stuff, and a useful idiot to a cult figure.
It's like calling somebody a fascist, minus the take all of your stuff bit, and more emphasis on the asshole.
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Most Americans have only a primitive knowledge of politics and government. Most of what they "know" is wrong since they get it from biased news sources.
They are happy to throw out random terms they have been told are "bad" as insults.
In the case here, "The Anti-Vaxxers and their ilk are shown to be closeted communists, demanding they have rights over property owners." we have several levels of ignorance and prejudice as well as clueless terminology.
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Umm... last I checked, the majority of anti-vax loonies are not exactly leaning communist in their general behaviour and sentiment.
Quite the opposite.
Re:I can see it now... (Score:4, Insightful)
Umm... last I checked, the majority of anti-vax loonies are not exactly leaning communist in their general behaviour and sentiment.
Quite the opposite.
My point is that many by demanding access to private property over the wishes of the owners, the are behaving in a distinctly non conservative manner, which supports property rights to an extreme.
They aren't thinking of that of course, because they aren't thinking.
Now watch me get a real reaction from the kooks. Another non conservative thing I've heard "I'm not getting the vaccine - It's my body, and it's my choice!"
While simultaneously demanding control over women's bodies.
We cant expect consistency.
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I guess what they want to say is "It's my rights. Screw yours."
Re:Politics = Random Virtue Signaling (Score:5, Insightful)
"Many people have won the lottery, here's a list of 800 of them, therefore it's likely you're about to win the lottery" is about the dumbest argument somebody could possibly offer on this subject
Re:Politics = Random Virtue Signaling (Score:4, Insightful)
You’re struggling to understand why some people are vaccine hesitant.
That's not a struggle at all. It's actually very simple:
They don't believe in science.
And, generally speaking, they're stupid.
No struggle at all.
Re:Politics = Random Virtue Signaling (Score:4, Interesting)
You’re struggling to understand why some people are vaccine hesitant.
That's not a struggle at all. It's actually very simple:
They don't believe in science.
And, generally speaking, they're stupid.
No struggle at all.
Anti-vaxxers have always been stupid.
Go to a graveyard, and look at the markers of children. Then in the 1960's notice the dearth of them. There's a reason for that.
I was fortunate to be born at a time after the big kiddie killer diseases were throttled. I have some older friend who have horror stories about how polio would come along every summer, pools and other places for kids would be shut down. And how some of their friends ended up living the rest of their short lives in an iron lung.
Same with the other childhood diseases.
But where I developed a deep hatred of anti-vaxxers was after they enabled the loss of herd immunity to Pertussis (whooping cough), I managed to contract it. What a nightmare. Nothing like seeing the world go brown as you come close to death. And some die from it.
This is why I support the removal of children from families that refuse to adopt. Any parent that is accepting of something like that happening to their child is a cruel and evil monster, not deserving of children.
Which is part of why I have lost any empathy for the Covid-19 anti vaxxers.
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
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I have not seen a single news source make any of those claims. Ever.
Neither have you.
Just man up and admit you don't believe in science, so the grown ups can ignore you.
Re:Politics = Random Virtue Signaling (Score:5, Interesting)
We are not talking about "anti-vaxxers"
Yeah, actually, we are. That, and anti-science.
We are talking about "Covid Hysteria", Covid is a disease a little more dangerous than the common flu,
The flu hasn't killed 600,000 Americans since the 1918-1919 flu pandemic. So, right off hand, I'd say that 600,000 people would disagree with you if they weren't dead.
There is certainly a lot of blind, stupid panic, and a lot of people have gotten to accustomed to it they literally don't know how to live without it any more.
And they're still smarter than you.
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Re:Politics = Random Virtue Signaling (Score:5, Insightful)
Except that the science has repeated lied over the past year and a half.
This is an extremely dangerous lie that is intended to promote extreme and irrational tropes. "Science" doesn't lie because it's not a person. People lie, and it's prudent to question and challenge people's words and motivations. Indeed, this is a fundamental motivation to the historical advances in science. However, science itself is sound because it consists of ideas and numbers that can be researched, tested, and changed/refined.
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Except that the science has repeated lied over the past year and a half. And been caught lying, again and again. E.g., covering up for China, lying about the numbers on cases/deaths/death rates for those with or without comorbidities, pushing for otherwise illegal government/corporate autocracy, etc.
No the science has not lied. People have lied to you, both in content and the fact that their lies were not actually backed by science in the first place.
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You're struggling to understand why some people are vaccine hesitant.
Make no mistake - I hope the vaccine hesitant get their just reward.
You know all of the risks, and you accept death and disfigurement and mental debilitation as perfectly acceptable. You're okay with it, and I support your experiencing it. I struggle with nothing, MAGA.
Re:Politics = Random Virtue Signaling (Score:4)
I hope the vaccine hesitant get their just reward.
Spoiler alert: Most won't even have to go to the hospital, let alone die from it. But nice of you to wish death on other people.
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I hope they do not get their just reward, because it will be a huge disaster. Hospitals will be clogging up in the next few weeks which means that other innocent bystanders will be harmed.
When the hospitals get to the point of triage, they'll just have to wheel the gurneys into that special hallway they use to wheel the dead.
As much as we don't like it, this is a very unfortunate situation that simply is going to happen. It's like a group of people that have declared war on us. The intentionally unvaccinated are the enemy. Unfortunate, but reality.
I feel badly for the hospital workers. At least most all of them are vaccinated, so they just have to deal with the death and disfigurement
Re:I can see it now... (Score:4, Informative)
What a brilliant argument. Yes, prior to 1964 you could do exactly that. Then they passed a law prohibiting discrimation based on certain criteria ('protected class'). The protected classes are race, ethnicity, sex, national origin, things like that. Sorry to inform you, but 'being an anti-vax moron' is not a protected class.
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You should post the actual link so people can verify your claims.
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You should post the actual link so people can verify your claims.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go... [nih.gov] full article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p... [nih.gov] (note that it was first published 4 dec 2020 and we've to date passed 4 billion doses administered).
Re:Microsoft and Others Bear Liability for Mandate (Score:5, Informative)
Dr. Timothy Cardozo, an associate professor at NYU Langone Health, was the author of one of the studies Mercola cited. The Pfizer and Moderna data that came out after he published his study greatly reduced his concern about antibody dependent enhancement, he told the AP in a statement. He also noted that his paper made no statement on whether COVID-19 vaccines should be taken or avoided.
https://apnews.com/article/fac... [apnews.com]
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Oh get off your high horse about authoritarian leaders. The government tells you hundreds of times a day what you can and cannot do with your body. You have to wear clothes in public. You have to drive a certain speed, to drive that certain speed you need a government approved license. To enroll your children in public school you need proof of vaccines approved by the government. You can't ingest certain recreational drugs. The rest of your comment is pseudo scientific drivel. Even if you do catch covid aft
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National Institute of Health
Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go... [nlm.nih.go] [nih.gov]
That link doesn't work.
The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.
Given that the link doesn't work I'll have to base this on what the last paragraph, above, says (I'll try to track down the paper you've failed to link to later).
So, what this says is that the informed consent form wasn't informative enough. That's it. It didn't make clear to the vaccine trial participants that ADE was a possibility. 'Tis true, that's bad.
What it's not however is the same thing as saying that the various vaccines against Covid-19 actually trigger ADE though.
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Here's a quote from the author of that study himself no less!
Dr. Timothy Cardozo, an associate professor at NYU Langone Health, was the author of one of the studies Mercola cited. The Pfizer and Moderna data that came out after he published his study greatly reduced his concern about antibody dependent enhancement, he told the AP in a statement. He also noted that his paper made no statement on whether COVID-19 vaccines should be taken or avoided.
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