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Comment Re:seriously ? (Score 1) 111

The problem is the human condition is we believe people and sources that we trust, and we discredit sources that we distrust.

Even with the smartest people, they are going to have a belief bias based on information they trust. To change a persons mind they will often need need that trusted source to explain why it is wrong, or for events that would loose your trust into that source.

For many people a pastor or other religious person of some clout is in a position of being a trustworthy fellow. And they would be able to push a message that people would believe (even from some rather intelligent people) that is overall just nonsense, and even contradictory to the tenants of the religion.

"Ah-ha!" says an Atheist, "because I don't trust religious folks then I am immune to such nonsense, my beliefs are based by empirical facts."
Well no, they are just as irrational as the religious person, but they are just trusting different sources. Say a political group (who may have some good ideas, but also tied in with crazy ones), marketing from companies, misinformation/FUD, or from your favorite news source, who makes those other guys seem like insane idiots.

There is a lot of so called "science" reporting, which is loosely around a scientific study, but often just a hypothesis at best, that a group of people are getting paid to study, however being from a trusted science source you may trust the message it is trying to convey. Even if it ultimately wrong.

Comment Re: Biggest problem is CCS vs NACS/Tesla (Score 4, Insightful) 172

NACS doesn't solve the problems while it is smaller and easier to use, the problems is the 3rd party charging companies, not doing what they need to keep the infrastructure up and running. Tesla has the advantage that their car profits goes into the supercharger network.

Comment Re: Murph yâ(TM)s Law (Score 4, Insightful) 172

Technically an EV has less of parts to go wrong.
Now this report has the exception of Tesla Models, which are actually on the top of reliability. The issues are mostly due to these companies mainly legacy auto, trying to change the processes around for EV production. More software, focus on weight... A lot of these issues are the type of problems Tesla had a few years ago.

Comment Re: Saturation isn't the problem (Score 1) 245

These are comic books character, some of them for decades, with the race gender and ethnicity remained intact. In a lot of ways the movies had town down the political messages a lot. The real issue isn't about being woke, but the fact they made female characters that we don't want to masterbate to.
I think the real problem with the Marvel Universe is it has been diverging from our reality for a while now. Iron Man seemed out of current events, Avengers then created a post NYC attack split from our history, then Endgame Post blip, is creating more divergence from our recognized reality. After retiring most of the Phase One characters, we will see some natural disinterest in the movies, and being 2 decades of movies, with said divergent reality it is difficult to bring in new viewers.

Comment China is investing in the future are we doing it? (Score 2) 18

China has over 4x the population of the US. They are about the same size in geography, Have access to resources and a temperate envrionment. Chinese relegation as a 3rd world country had historically been due to their own failures to invest, grow and adapt to the modern world, and were blinded by their past success as world power that they had failed to grow and realize that the barbarians are out pacing them.

The United States is slipping into that type of thinking, we are not trying to compete with China, we are just trying to convince everyone that USA #1. China isn't playing any more unfairly than the U.S. has, but the U.S. has given up putting effort into competing with the new conditions.

Comment It is easy to be Ethical when you have nothing... (Score 1) 58

It is easy to be ethical when you have nothing to loose.
We see this in politics where a political party might demolish or even kick out a member for misdeeds, but only when they are nearly certain their replacement will be a member of the same party. Otherwise they will fight tooth and nail, and excuse all the bad behaviors to keep the scumbag in.
We see this in business, where they will follow ethical and responsible business practices, just as long as it is convenient to them. Proud to show off their 0 emission fleet and solar panels, just as long as they are more affordable, or they are continued to get positive press from it. However if a factor changes, they will drop it and ignore any of the benefits to the community, and just do what ever brings in the most money.
Religions will encourage a set of values and a way of life, that is general considered good and healthy, until it leads to some people especially people with notable ranks in the religion, to be disadvantaged by following these rules.
Individuals are open to diversity and multicultural activities, until we perceive others getting something that you though that you deserved too.

As I have gotten older, I have learned to avoid Hero worship, and have gotten skeptical towards any person or group who is being treated as a Hero. I will applaud them for the good that they did, however I will not use that as a reason to admonish them for the bad they can do as well. I no longer have the will power to adjust my ethics to excuse bad behavior by anyone. Sure I can be convinced to change my mind, but it isn't because someone who did some good in the past just believes in it. Also I need to realize that I myself am not immune to having my personal set of ethics corrupted because things may go to my disadvantage. And I find it a struggle to make sure I am not falling down the rabbit hole.

Comment Re: For once... (Score 1) 59

Tesla especially initially, had a lot to gain to develop a reliable and wide reaching charging network. Only selling Electric Cars means a poor charging experience would kill themselves. Other automaker GM, VW, Ford, Hyundai, KIA... See EV as a new business expansion opportunity however, they are not tied to the Charging network, as their business has more options. So they relied on third party (or mostly so) charging companies, expecting them to do all the work. While these third parties are smaller companies with less resources, and expecting to try to be compatible to all the car companies, with minimal support and resources to expand at the rate they need.
NACS will not solve all the problems as the Tesla Charging Network will need to be relied on to be compatible with other cars, and for third party charging companies all their problems still exist, except for that Tesla Customers can use their network without a converter.

Comment Re:To what end? (Score 1) 147

Despite Right Wing Propaganda, California and San Fransisco are from a failing State/City. While the need for office buildings is declining, there are advantages to to being local to the economy source. Speaking as someone who live in the country, their are some advantages with city life. Being close by to cultural activities, nearby to shops, and access to a diverse set of foods, as well if you happen to be a people person, you get to be around people. While the Office may no longer be needed, the workplace may still be nearby, where you may need to go to meetings, or some other activities that may need more personal touch.
There is also access to city services. Water, Garbage Pickup, Police/Fire/Ambulance who can respond in minutes not hours... So people do actually enjoy city life. I am not one of them, as I prefer to avoid people and noise, however the supply of places where people can live in cities have been diminished, reusing office space can help.

No it won't solve homelessness, or poverty. But it might help the few who on the edge to go in the right direction.

Comment All fine and good but... (Score 1) 56

I am sure we are like, green Hydrogen, so we can all get Hydrogen Fuel cell cars!
However for consumer cars, I don't want Hydrogen Electric, I much rather have Battery Electric. It is just more practical and convenient for normal driving behaviors. Plug in every night, leave with a full charge.
For longer trips, Hydrogen may be a little bit easier in theory, however the 250-300 mile range, and the speed of DC Fast Charging, your biology kicks in and you need to use some facilities, and your car is charged by the time you are done.
Hydrogen Fuel Cells, are good for Semi-Trucks. Where home base isn't really a thing, and the larger energy requirement will make charging times much longer, and a working condition where one needs to get so many miles per day.
But for normal driving, having to go find and refill every week at a Station, is going to be more expensive, and take time out of your day, like it already is for Gas Cars.

Comment Re:Luddites (Score 2) 145

People want to go their on vacation, because their home is polluted ugly wasteland.

Maine isn't as backwater as you would expect. Its population density is still greater than 23% of the other States in the United States, as well it is near by some decent cities in like Boston, and Quebec so I wouldn't quite call it backwater. Nevada is mostly a burnt out desert while it does have some fragile ecosystems that should be protected a lot of it is mostly a lifeless hunk of rock. And if it weren't for Los Vegas I doubt you would get too many visitors.

Comment Re:how long until (Score 5, Insightful) 145

This sounds like this is from a person who is all about States Rights, until a state does something they don't like, then they want the Federal Government, Supreme Court to jump and and tell the states to Stay in line!

Feds: We order the state of Maine to pollute its water supply killing of communities and families who had been their longer than the formation of the United States just so we can save $100 on a price of an Electric car, which there are many bills running in the congress which trying to stop as well, because the Democrats seem to like them.

Comment Re:News outlets can't report worth a damn (Score 2) 145

Or perhaps the companies will just need to find cleaner ways to collect and process that material.
My family is mostly from Maine, they live primarily around a post-industral city. During the last family gathering last year, I heard many stories about family members, and their friends being ill, getting cancer from the polluted water supply from a hundred+ year old industry where many of those polluting companies have long been out of business. Now that area, has a hard time growing and recovering economically too, because no one wants to put a new business in a city with polluted water. Which puts the general city in decline spiral.

We see the likes of China who is trying to sprint a marathon, and we think we are running too slow. But Chinese lack of environmental concern is going to cost them big in the long run. Much like it has for a good portion of the Rust Belt in the United States.

While I am personally a big fan of Electric Cars, (I own one myself and quite happy with it) and want them to become more affordable and available over time, and I know the battery cost is the biggest roadblock to affordability. However I don't want to unnecessarily trade off help reducing global warming, and forgen energy dependence with destroying our water supply needlessly. Especially if they are ways it can be done cleanly, even at the expense of a bit more expensive products.

Comment Re:Manned versus unmanned (Score 1) 58

While Manned missions may not be as practical, they are more politically beneficial. Nothing says look how cool our nation is, by having people be first to a new planet.

The moon landing inspired so many people and our culture, over a half a century ago. However with media today, it won't be the Big event like the moon landing was.

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