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Comment Re:Shareholders (Score 1) 112

depends on the job. i had a relative that worked on oil rigs. he was in charge of hiring. he said the indians were the best because even if they knew nothing at the beginning, they were willing to learn and do whatever to make their bosses happy. workers from other countries had lower motivation and thus lower performance.

anecdotal, maybe, but that's the point, it depends on the job and industry. same reason most construction workers in the area that i live are hispanic. they are the only ones willing to put with hard work. same can be said about most low level agriculture jobs. for a reason these workers could work even if not being legal during covid, because no one else would do the job

Comment implement actual backups and phone data transfer (Score 3, Interesting) 27

android doesn't support transferring application _data_ when doing a phone to phone transfer. that means that if i transfer an app via cable, not only will i have to login, but the app will open with no saved data at all.

  the only purpose of the file transfer seems to be to transfer your camera roll and some general settings

i wish google fixes this without requiring root and a third party app

Comment Re:Why would anybody want it to die? (Score 1) 163

i have been using computers for almost 4 decades, work in IT, have a degree in computer science, been using Excel (for very simple stuff) for over 20 years, and guess what... Never heard of TSV until I read your comment. Never seen anyone else mention it, and worse, never seen any single website use this format. Hence TSV is doomed if even someone like me hasn't heard of it :(

Comment Re:What is actually going on? (Score 1) 100

isn't it obvious?

the world found out that most people can do their jobs from home equally or most of the time even better, and saves them about 1-2 hours a day in dressing up, driving, getting ready and so on. also, saving money in car maintenance, gas, laundry, clothing and more.

management hates it, because means letting go of some control.

eventually, the market will decide who is right.

Comment prices are lower online (Score 1) 229

my experience so far is almost every time i buy something at walmart, the price at the store is higher than what you see online (for the same store). they clearly mention this in the website that the price you see on the website is only guaranteed if you buy online

so you can buy something online and pick it up at store (which requires a human to go and pick it up and move it to the customer service area) yet it's cheaper...

makes no sense. i know walmart is pushing people to get w+, but it's not even needed in this scenario

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