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Comment Re:Focused approach. (Score 1) 31

This is offset by growth in demand meaning they still roll out dirty solutions when needed.

Thank you for mentioning this because it's very important is that is the demand we are kinda making of the post-WWII industrializing nations. The US and Europe already went through this phase so we look better now but we burned a fuckload of coal and oil and performed several other environmental catastrophes in the name of industrial growth and it's a big part of why we are so rich today.

Asking other countries trying to develop to slow themselves from doing the same is gonna get some rightful sideways looks. If we actually want these other countries to stop polluting as much and not just using it as a dodge away from not really thinking it's a problem at all then the solution has to be carrot-based.

Comment Re:Focused approach. (Score 2) 31

Actually the US has no *direct* interest in PM 2.5 problems in other countries

Sure, that's taking a step back which is a good idea, my post was really in regards to if say we do in fact say we care about those things, that is a choice we can make (Back when America wanted to consider itself a world leader then it would be in America's long term benefit to improve this, we benefit indirectly). If we declare we don't care then no need to discuss anything related to solutions.

remember what things were like in the US before the Clean Air Act.

Yep, I grew up in NYC and my parents talked about how bad the air was and how disgusting the East and Hudson rivers were considered. Negative externalities are real and one of the primary goals of the state is to correct those.

Comment Re:We walked out (Score 1) 137

Maybe but I have been to a restaurant where they change the menu weekly and they just used B&W laser printouts put into those clear menu holders, I was surprised I don't see this more often. Looked like a standard MS Word template (and they still had the QR code on it). I never asked but I assumed they just printed them out themselves.

Comment Re:Focused approach. (Score 1) 31

We've got to focus and start fighting the biggest offenders

I don't think any necessarily disagrees with this but it's easy to say; how do you suggest we do that? How does one sovereign nation state enforce a demand against another?

History has shown that answer to be "through the barrel of a gun" but if you don't like that idea then you are left with diplomacy and soft-power politics; trade, sanctions, alliances, multinational agreements and the like. What helps in all that is your reputation on the world stage and your ability to pull multiple parties with differing goals together.

If the USA want's smaller, poorer and still developing nations to "clean up" what's more likely gonna lead to that outcome? Threats, finger wagging and blame or using our vast wealth and resources to first set a good example of how to do it and then developing (and then you can sell it) the tech and policies those countries would actually need to clean up and providing them incentives to do it. If the wealthiest nation on Earth doesn't seem interested in cleaning itself up why would any other?

So the way it looks to me a nation like the USA has 3 choices: Actual war / economic war / lead through example and diplomacy, have a vision of what we want and execute on it. That is if environmental improvement is a priority, if it's not then just stop caring what other nations do, if we can't agree something is a problem then nothing can really happen.

Comment Re:I'd buy that for a dollar! (Score 1) 28

Yeah my bet is the next AMD gen after Strix Halo might be enough improvement for Steam Deck 2, plus when you hear Gaben talking about it they put a lot of risk into it's development so they're even still probably recouping that a bit.

The B580 is quite a nice piece of kit, I am glad Intel is staying in the GPU game. Even their newest integrated chips are putting out nice numbers.

Comment Re:Carly Fiorina (Score 2) 72

True and lest we forget they gave her $100M for the her skilled leadership of the company.

Once you've reached a certain "class" in the business world there truly is nothing you can do bad or incompetent enough to personally affect your life. "She's got money, therefore she knows what's she's doing!"

Comment Re:I'd buy that for a dollar! (Score 1) 28

I mean the ROG Ally got really good reviews, beating Steamdeck in performance and at least matching it in terms of battery life

"Overall, though, the ROG Ally feels like a quality upgrade over the Steam Deck, not a performance upgrade. It’s faster and more efficient, but you’ll mainly be running games with better visual quality at a higher resolution while getting similar performance and battery life."

But to many, including myself that just doesn't matter. Like I don't own any of these but if I wanted one it'd be the Steamdeck all day long, just purely on Valves earned-good-reputation.

Comment Re:Truly impressive (Score 2) 72

To be fair back in "the day" HP was the quality printer brand which is even more gross that they traded those decades of good reputation for bullshit like this which really, it feels like HP should have burned that good rep a long while ago.

I suppose Brother could really use the HP PR team keeping that business afloat.

Comment Re:I'd buy that for a dollar! (Score 1) 28

Some games, especially competitive online games that have anti-cheat measures don't appreciate Proton just yet so there are edge cases where people still want Windows. While it's doable to install Windows onto the Steamdeck it's not like, supported-supported.

That said Microsoft is not new with trying to take the Steam Deck crown. Lenovo, ASUS, MSI and Logitech have all tried and seemingly failed to approach the top spot even with pretty impressive hardware.

Comment Re:Mimicking? (Score 2) 32

The difference between infringement and a cover song comes down to details and if you went through the process to clear it.

You can claim fair use but it could go to court and there is precedent, famously the Queen/Bowie v. Vanilla Ice where he famously said "We add the little tss at the end, that makes it different" .

Also the case of The Verve versus the Rolling Stones for Bittersweet symphony, and these cases were just over samples, much less entire lyrics or melodies

Comment Re:Under What Authority? (Score 2) 32

If this was purely between Sony and say Spotify/Apple/Google and other services then no legal authority needed, could be just "Sony is a big client of our platforms and if they have requests we think are legit we honor them"

It's likely not in the best interests of a music streaming platform to have these songs on their system, both for the customers (Now i gotta dig through a dozen fakes to find the real song?) or their real clients the publishers like Sony who could just say "Fine, we'll pull all our artists from your platform"

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