Comment Re:Perspective (Score 1) 96
Having your SSN and financial details exposed is a 'minor inconvenience'? No.
Having your SSN and financial details exposed is a 'minor inconvenience'? No.
The government? It is a civil case.
So what was the point of your completely worthless comment? For a really impressive number, why don't you see how many NOPs you can do in a second?
People who are purchasing mainframe-type equipment are interested in how fast THEIR workload will run. Nobody gives a crap how fast a useless transaction can run if everything happens to be in the cache.
Your comment is a perfect example of how to completely mislead people with a so-called "benchmark".
With a 4.7Ghz processor, that leaves 1000 cycles for you to do a 'transaction'. You won't even have the transaction decrypted and routed to the right handler in that time. A credit card purchase is a transaction. A trivial update to a trivial database is not.
It's 40 terabytes of RAM, not disk.
Ancient metal? Who is running ancient metal? The current generation of mainframes is 2 years old, and includes dedicated AI inference hardware on each chip.
SIKE was not endorsed by NIST. It was a candidate for standardization. It failed.
Yet they appear to drive exactly like a 16 year old. They do the same stupid crap, like just stop where they are when they get confused.
What a great example of "how to lie with statistics". Compare the MAXIMUM sentence of one crime with the AVERAGE TIME SERVED of another.
The MAXIMUM sentence for murder is life without possibility of parole (or in some states, death). The average time served before first release for murder is 18 years.
The MAXIMUM sentence for wire fraud is 20 years. The average time served (for fraud of this size) is about 5 years.
More than 50% of mainframe workload is now "new workload", meaning Linux and/or Java. It's time for the "legacy only" meme to die.
So you actually think that they spun up an LPAR that had a CPU dedicated to your task? Here's a hint - they didn't. You were sharing that resource with dozens, maybe hundreds of other users. Your benchmark is completely invalid.
Nobody says that everything digital the holds value is a security. The rest of your rant is meaningless.
I don't know how you got that from what I wrote. I was responding to someone who was making the claim that if State Farm was not interested in profits they would have no reason for expensive advertising. I simply pointed out that keeping/increasing your customer base is important for insurance companies even if they aren't profit driven, because the more customers you have the more the risk is spread. I also specifically said "provided the customers do not present undue risk". State Farm obviously considers California as "undue risk" so they don't want those customers. Nothing wrong with that.
Do you know how insurance works? The more you can spread the risk (ie by having more customers/owners) the less that risk costs each customer/owner.
You can self-insure, but then you have to have enough in reserve to pay for a loss. Or you can agree to mutually insure with someone else, now each of you only has to have half the reserves (assuming the odds of both having losses at the same time are very small). Or you can pay a professional athlete millions of dollars to do a TV ad to get many more people to join your mutual, and now your costs go way down.
Increasing the number of customers (provided those customers do not present undue risk) is important even without a profit motive.
State Farm is a mutual, owned by the policy holders. Profit is not in the picture, they just need to break even.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo.