Submission + - Where are the Open-Source Local-Only AI Solutions?
Why cannot we have software--without AI. While it upsets me that a company such as Microsoft, who seems to have had legal problems from with taking another company's code--banner intact and all, implementing machine-learning in computers for legally defenseless masses, but it was just heartbreaking to read that Firefox has updated their legalese to further go upstream from their often-self proclaimed privacy motto for likely the sake of adding AI. I have used Firefox since it split from the Netscape suite, now I am likely going to leave it--because I am losing my remaining trust for Mozilla. Why is AMD stamping AI on local-processors--when most of the AI is done on external company servers? And if there is local AI processing--with what is it processing? To whom is it processing for? Having grown board with the elusive fusion reactor, the memsistor, the battery tech that will spare our remorseless wastefulness, having nosed its way past blockchain--should AI be crowned the ultimate hype?
We read about falsified naked pictures and video of society's beloved actors and performers. Have they not given enough of themselves? We see photos undiscerningly mangled to where most people can no longer trust what was once de-facto proof. We are at a point that anyone can be placed in any crime scene. Perhaps we have for some time, but now anyone can do it to any one
Beyond the deliberate targeted assassination of our sense of morality, lies the withering of society's intellect, as AI, as used, feeds on everything--including ingesting its own corrupted data--until the AI purveyors will have no choice but to use AI-free content, which it at first it was. As time goes on, finding AI-untouched data will be as difficult to find--as vintage wine without isotopes from nuclear tests.
Why ever would computer bugs be called, "hallucinations?" In reference to a comparison to the human intelligence of a six year old human, why are we being told that we just have to redefine intelligence in favor of the marketer's of AI? If AI is not really intelligent, nor is it mortal, nor feeling, nor capable of empathy, living or dying--then why ever should it be allowed to say, "I" Why should we allow it.
What future will anyone have if anything they really wanted to do when you--could be mimicked and sold by the ill-gotten work of others?
Could local, open-source, AI software be the only answer to dishearten billionaire companies from taking and selling back to their customers--everything we have done? Could we not...instead--steal their dream!