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Comment Re:And Trump will just crap on the environment (Score 1) 167

Let the GOP own it. Eventually they won't be able to deny climate change any longer when it gets worse, so Joe is forcing them to own it. Hopefully Dems will be smart enough to message on it "GOP was wrong about Iraq, Afghanistan, and Climate change; do you really trust them to make important decisions?"

Comment Re:why would they (Score 4, Informative) 158

their star is rising and the west is waning.

No, China's economy has been mostly stalled since the pandemic. This language hiccup is likely about Cold War II tensions rather than economic might. English is still the de-facto business language of the world, for good or bad. If you want to do world biz, then you still need to learn English.

Xi also started regulating China's rich heavier after a couple of plutocrats got too comfortable and dabbled in China's politics. The crackdown is driving out investors.

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