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Comment Re:Crisis? What Crisis? (Score 1) 80

"Universal expansion is fake news! Riggers and wokesters are making up excuses to regulate space companies like Space X, where my good friend Leon invents money. I will stop this nonsense and nuke the Hubble and Spider Webb telescopes so riggers can't invent their fake science, so sad. I'll even nuke Jiiihna's scope before they even launch it. We'll make the Universe safe and static, like it was in the 1950's and how God intended it! Tintman Out!"

Comment Useful MBA's (Score 2) 120

> These people are a problem, not a solution.

MBA's actually can serve a useful purpose: they keep OTHER MBA's and bosses our of our techie hair so we can concentrate on real problems instead of management BS. A good MBA can out-BS another MBA so they don't sabotage your own projects.

Human fluff ain't going away, so we need experts in fluff to counter the bad fluffers.

Comment Hoping this will result in modular cars (Score 2) 115

whereby China manufactures hardware modules that are shipped over to be assembled in the US. If they play their cards right and make de-facto standard(s), then car "manufacturing" will stop being dominated by conglomerates, increasing competition, bring prices down, and give consumers more choice. Local customizers and maybe even hobbyists can assemble what you want by mixing and matching modules.


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In these matters the only certainty is that there is nothing certain. -- Pliny the Elder
