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How much use would you get from a 1 gigabit internet connection?

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Lots -- I push a ton of bits almost constantly
3703 votes / 14%
Some -- I saturate my connection on a regular basis
8279 votes / 31%
Little -- It would come in handy once in a great while
6953 votes / 26%
None -- My current connection handles my needs just fine
2444 votes / 9%
None -- I don't *need* it, I just *want* it
3600 votes / 13%
I just want to upgrade my telegraph
917 votes / 3%
25896 total votes.

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How much use would you get from a 1 gigabit internet connection?

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
