Comment Re:Launch a shade? (Score 1) 53
Meteorologists and climatologists will obviously consider a continuous imagery of a cloud of gold chaff much better than looking at the boring old earth.
Meteorologists and climatologists will obviously consider a continuous imagery of a cloud of gold chaff much better than looking at the boring old earth.
an appropriately edited "Stephen King is dead" troll post, but I just don't have the heart.
RIP, roblimo.
Or maybe the site was updated with a message designed to delay pursuit while the miscreants continue to skedaddle.
How would you know? At least, until some time had passed.
Independent devs like at XDA Developers have been sideloading gapps against the terms of its license for just about forever. The Google Services framework is Google's magic handcuffs, without which the users have no meaningful experience (because apps depend on it). So Google's desire to abandon AOSP by making it meaningless (because of insufficiency) will no longer be thwarted. (Without clever hacks. But let's face it, it's getting harder and harder to find clever hacks. Safetynet has been out there for a while, and if you root or alter your phone, odds are good Safetynet will bust you and prevent paranoid apps (like Google Pay) from running.)
This is just the Safetynet experience made broader. Good for Google; meh for users. But most users are comfortable inside their pens.
I hate to break it to you, but that's a copycat. A fairly poor knock-off, actually.
Oh, well, that's the troll ecosystem for you.
Which explains SCO right now.
'Cuz they were WAAAY salty after losing all of their cases.
"I just get more work done while the Uber-free is driving all over and am a unique individual who never pays attention to ads anyway."
Which is a neat trick when the car ejects you from the seat and forces you to either go inside the damn store or cool your heels in the parking lot for 15 minutes.
Still, the business case is completely absent. The folks you want to drag into a store can afford to not need an enforced-shopping-trip-subsidized ride. And the impoverished needing to get from Point A to Point B at the least possible cost won't be spending a damn cent in those overpriced consumerist hell-traps.
The FCC's own rulemaking process requires it.
However, nothing obligates them to give a rat's ass about what they learn from it. Your tax dollars at work.
Never confuse "We want to hear from you" with "We care about what you say."
I've been here a pretty long time, but I wonder... is this a record-setting dupe? I mean, the two are almost right next to each other, separated by one story and less than two hours.
Have we ever had dupes right next to each other? Because that's the only thing that would exceed the egregiousness of this.
Management knows how to address this.
"You won't make mistakes if you know what's good for you!"
Because even the laws of physics and physiology can be overcome with a good browbeating. And the best companies, the very best ones, make sure employees are "magazine-loaded": expend one, eject it, and slot the next. If you're not sacrificing everything and then dragging your worthless empty husk to the dumpster, you're not committed enough.
No, not Hitler. But he did have a German name.
It would be a confirmation of his life-view: that there's no difference between science and science fiction.
Appropriate SF quote:
Think of it as evolution in action.
-- Oath of Fealty, Niven/Pournelle
The victim self-driving shuttle bus didn't try to back away from being run over. According to reports, it couldn't for unspecified reasons. (I speculate that the autonomous logic or arrangement of sensors didn't adequately cover "going into reverse.")
Someone up-topic asked about sounding a horn. I haven't heard any press reporting that the autonomous vehicle tried.
Either case (if true) represent a difference between how the self-driving logic reacted and how a human driver would probably have. This tells me unless an autono-car can do everything a human driver can, at least as well as a human driver (admittedly a low bar), it shouldn't be on the streets. There will always be corner conditions; they have to be handled as well by the robot as they would be by a human.
Why can't you ask Logitech for source code for the cloud software?
You certainly could ask. Expect crickets, however.
Why Logitech won't respond to your request is right in TFS:
"The certificate will not be renewed as we are focusing resources on our current app-based remote, the Harmony Hub," Logi_WillWong added, which seems to indicate that the shutting down of the Harmony Link system is a way to get more customers on the newer Harmony Hub system.
Planned enforced obsolescence doesn't work if you don't force it. Allowing people to escape "upgrade or fail" defeats the purpose.
Corporations are not your friend, and you have value to them only as far as the next wodge of money they can get out of you.
"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks