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Comment Re:Decent people need to survive... (Score 1) 57

Yes, until then the copyright parasites were working to promote the creativity copyright exists for, and were encouraging and everyone using stuff within a reasonable copyright term of five years.

I don't think that US copyright terms were ever that short, nor should be. Up until recently, copyright was for 14 years, extendable once for a total of 28 years. Then, the US joined the Berne Convention which requires excessively long copyright terms so as to provide for the author's family and descendants for an unreasonably long time. Maybe the best thing would be for the US to withdraw from that and go back to a limited term as the Constitution requires.

Comment Re:As soon as they can force Google (Score 1) 91

Now, now, let's be fair. Benny the Moose did make the trains run on time, although there are persistent rumors that he did it by having the schedules changed to reflect reality. And, he managed to get the Pontine Marshes drained and turned into productive farmland, although it required constant pumping out of excess water to keep them that way. Then, during the Battle of Anzio the Germans stopped the pumps, allowing the marsh to come back as an obstacle to the Allied advance. After the war, the damage was repaired and the pumps restarted, returning the farmland to use. I'm no admirer of his, but I think that we shouldn't forget the few good things he did.

Comment Re:Because those with creative power today ... (Score 1) 93

Yup! The more money it's going to take to make a movie, the more risk adverse the people controlling the purse strings are going to be. That's why so many of the people who really have a say in what gets made are looking to be the first person to be the second person to do something new.

Comment Re:Glad I live at the top of a hill (Score 1) 96

If you expect to need a boat, you're not very high. I live in Colorado, and if I could see Denver (the Mile High City) from where I live, I'd have to look down. No way I'm going to worry about flooding unless it's of Biblical proportions, and then, only maybe as there's a mountain pass of over 7000' just south of me.

Comment Re:Typical crap Microsoft naming / branding (Score 1) 52

I've never used a Mac but I do know that you can create a desktop shortcut in Windows, or a launcher in Linux, so it seams reasonable that you could do something similar on a Mac. If so, why don't you do that for the program you need and avoid all of that typing every tie you need it? HTH, HAND.

Comment Re:So this graduated from quack science after all? (Score 2) 53

Yes, humans have been drinking fresh milk for thousands of years, but for almost all of that time it was only safe if you had close access to a lactating cow. In the 1850's, Borden developed a process to make sweetened condensed milk, and sold it as Eagle Brand. Not only that, he set out a list of ten requirements for keeping their dairies clean and wholesome if they wanted to sell to him. These were so good, and worked so well that they became the basis of the sanitation laws that keep our milk safe to drink today.

Comment Re: Thank you RFK Jr! (Score 0, Flamebait) 88

And stay away from those food conspiracy websites that are misleading you.

I have never in my life visited a food conspiracy website, nor felt the slightest desire to do so. Please stop assuming that everybody you encounter is as enamored of those wacko theories as you are and stop assuming that you know how I think, because you couldn't possibly be more wrong. From what I can tell from your recent posts, you make Detective Sergeant John Munch look like a skeptic.

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