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Comment Re:Doesn't sound like much... (Score 1) 73

In Japan there are monuments marking the high water lines from tsunami that happened hundreds of years prior, and when the 2011 Tohoku tsunami happened the water came up to those historical markers again.

And in Honolulu, there are markers painted on the walls of buildings, and on shop windows to show how high various tsunamis got, with dates to tell people which one was which. I'd be surprised if there weren't similar markers in those parts of the US where floods are common. For that matter, if you're ever in Los Angeles, take a look at the LA river's concrete banks, and see how high they are. I spent most of my life there, and I've seen the river over half full many times, and possibly up to 2/3s.

Comment Re:Does India have Math (singular) or Maths (plura (Score 1) 100

I was born and raised in a commonwealth country, and we had Maths (short for Mathematics) I thought that Math (singular) was an american invention.

No. People in Commonwealth countries think that Mathematics must be plural because it ends with an S, but here in the USA, we know that not all nouns that end that way are plural.

Comment Mostly when travelling by car (Score 1) 54

I do a fair amount of traveling by car up and down the Interstate because the only other option is by bus, which is far less convenient. This way, I can stop when I want or need to, usually at a truck stop to stock up on caffeine after a pit stop. It's just easier to make sure I have some cash with me for the small purchases and don't have to worry about which card to use. And, I can register the bills ahead of time with, and occasionally have one hit and find out where it's gotten to.

Comment Re:This is not a new phenomenon (Score 1) 61

People seem to have lost that simple trick for calculating change.

Except that it isn't calculating how much change to give; it's an algorithm for giving the right amount of change without needing to know how much that is. I learned that method for making change from my father back when I was a lad and I've been using it ever since when I was working a cash register. I've wondered, off and on, how many cashiers today could make change without having the register tell them how much change to give.

Comment Re:WTF Slashdot? (Score 1) 47

These stories are all over mainstream media, and independent media, and YouTube in general. Yet I found not a WORD of it anywhere on this ostensibly tech-centric site.

If you feel that strongly about it, why don't you submit a bunch of stories here? Not just one, because it may or may not reach the front page, but several to up your chances of getting one posted? If it's that important to you, the least you can do is try to spread the word.

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