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WHO Expresses Concern About COVID Situation in China ( 134

The World Health Organization is concerned about a spike in COVID-19 infections in China and is supporting the government to focus its efforts on vaccinating people at the highest risk across the country, the head of the UN agency said on Wednesday. From a report: Infections have recently spiked in the world's second-largest economy and projections have suggested China could face an explosion of cases and more than a million deaths next year. "The WHO is very concerned over the evolving situation in China, with increasing reports of severe disease," Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters.
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WHO Expresses Concern About COVID Situation in China

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  • by war4peace ( 1628283 ) on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @12:07PM (#63147794)

    One simply can't use "lock all doors" policy when a virus is in the wild and genuinely expects it succeeds.

    • I wonder.

      If the worst scenario actually plays out....any chance the remaining Chinese people might revolt against "the party" that was the cause of all this via lockdowns, not using foreign made vaccines, etc.....potentially screwing things up at the beginning with all the denials of origin, etc.?

      There's a lot of people that will be left that I would guess would be pissed off at the current powers that be...?

      • Re:Why of course (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @12:24PM (#63147872) Journal

        > not using foreign made vaccines

        This is the biggest of their "sins". The extreme lock-down can be forgiven as an understandable judgement call, as other countries had early success with it. But avoiding foreign vaccines out of pride is inexcusable.

        • Re:Why of course (Score:5, Insightful)

          by mspohr ( 589790 ) on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @12:47PM (#63147954)

          Yes, they really blew it with the vaccines. They should have used lockdown to get everyone vaccinated with good (Western) vaccines instead of just repeated testing. Now they're screwed. They removed the lockdown but people aren't vaccinated. Result is a new pandemic.
          Just stupid.

          • Yes, they really blew it with the vaccines. They should have used lockdown to get everyone vaccinated with good (Western) vaccines instead of just repeated testing. Now they're screwed. They removed the lockdown but people aren't vaccinated. Result is a new pandemic. Just stupid.

            I would think they would have stolen the vaccine formula by now. They are really good at IP theft and have a lot of experience with it.

          • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

            They had enough trouble getting people to take the Chinese vaccines.

            Think about how Americans would react if they were offered a Chinese vaccine. China isn't quite as bad with all the 5G conspiracy nonsense, but when people don't trust domestic vaccines...

        • by ffkom ( 3519199 )

          avoiding foreign vaccines out of pride is inexcusable.

          I have not seen evidence that the Chinese vaccines are vastly inferior with regards to preventing severe disease or death from Covid-19. What evidence for this can you refer to?

          BTW, Chinese pharma company "Fosun Pharma" invested into the Biontech vaccine even before Pfizer did: [] - the decision of the Chinese government to not approve the vaccine was certainly a stupid, politically motivated one.

          Not unlike the stupid CDC decision to cook up a (flawed) Sars-Cov-2 test of []

        • Not even just pride. I had a Chinese Malaysian tell me, with all seriousness, that she was actively seeking out the Chinese vaccine and didn't trust the Western Vaccines because "Westerners will make the vaccine kill Chinese.".
        • by NFN_NLN ( 633283 )

          > as other countries had early success with it.

          More countries have had success without it... assuming you count Africa as a continent made up of individual countries (like most people).

      • by ffkom ( 3519199 )
        The "the remaining Chinese people" will, even in a worst-case scenario, be pretty much the same people as there are in China today. The sub-1-% group of people at risk of dying in such a scenario are mostly elderly that are usually not inclined to fuel "revolts" anyway.
        • The sub-1-% group of people at risk of dying in such a scenario are mostly elderly that are usually not inclined to fuel "revolts" anyway.

          But they are parents to someone, right? I mean, if I was such a victim's kid, I would have been pretty pissed at my government.

    • Actually it can.
      Historically you had various African and South American tribes that would lock up their villages and land and do the actions necessary to prevent other people from entering them or getting close to their people in times where plagues were going through the areas.
      From the stories and records that exist it worked; even if you just look that those procedures were passed down through time.
      • I'm sure you mean "Actually it could, back in the day, in very specific cases".
        None of that is valid anymore. People travel quickly and easily. A virus could have an incubation period as short as 24h before first symptoms, and the response could be extremely swift afterwards, and still it wouldn't be stopped in time from spreading pretty much everywhere. You can literally travel around the world in 24h today and be a contact to between dozens and thousands of people during that time frame.

        An isolated tribe

        • by dryeo ( 100693 )

          SARS-Cov-1 spread from China to Hong Kong and Toronto over 2 years before being defeated. It depends on the virus, with SARS-cov-1 not being infectious until the 2nd week of illness. It is a lot easier to isolate/quarantine obviously sick people.
          Now the current strain is the opposite, very infectious before symptoms develop with some never developing symptoms so hard to impossible to isolate.

    • Of course you can, but the policy needs to have a sane end goal. Lock all doors until the virus is wiped out is not an effective end goal. Lock all doors until the population is vaccinated is. Unfortunately China is too proud to admit their vaccine is completely worthless. Meanwhile several countries have adopted the lock all doors approach to great effect and managed to keep their deaths per million people figures quite low, and not just via dodgy accounting practices like the particular Asian country we'r

      • Agreed, and I should have been more verbose:

        One simply can't use "lock all doors" policy without any other measures[...]

      • I gather China is now looking at importing vaccines and other treatments. While no one is quite coming out and saying it, I suspect most know that the efficacy of China's own vaccines, doubtless intended as a great victory for the government, is now rather doubtful. As you say, with a virus like COVID-19, lockdown alone can at best only slow the spread of the virus. That's not a worthless goal, as it does at least moderate stresses on health care systems, but until there is some degree of immunity, lockdown

    • by GuB-42 ( 2483988 )

      It may actually become a success in reducing deaths caused by the virus.

      We are in a much better spot than in 2020-2021, with a widely available vaccine and a less deadly virus. I don't know about China but they may have had time to prepare a health response. In fact, even "more than a million death" (assuming 1M-2M, about 0.1% of the population) is not that bad compared to what we experienced in the west (around 0.3%).

      I doesn't mean I support the Chinese policy, that I ignore all the bad things lockdowns ha

      • We are in a much better spot than in 2020-2021

        By "we", you mean "the Western World", right?
        Because everywhere else, things are still pretty shit.

        • by GuB-42 ( 2483988 )

          I mean countries where we have reasonably accurate data. Just look at [] , the worldwide "daily deaths" curve is very obvious.

          In the poorest countries, I guess natural immunity played the role of vaccines in the west, with a hard to determine death toll because they simply don't have the infrastructure to confirm and count covid deaths.

    • by dryeo ( 100693 )

      Depends on the virus. We beat SARS, which was related to Covid, by aggressively locking doors. But then again, it wasn't too far in the wild and the contagious were obvious.

  • Why concern? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by dc29A ( 636871 ) * on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @12:08PM (#63147800)

    Chineese gov reports no deaths. It's all good and contained.

    • Wait, they reported two. See, it's a crisis!!! []
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      They have adopted the same technique as some other countries. People who die with COVID but from other things like pre existing conditions are not counted.

      Nobody is buying it though. When they try to get their relatives cremated the crematorium is booked until January.

  • by q4Fry ( 1322209 ) on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @12:09PM (#63147810)

    Tedros, you had a chance [] to be concerned before, and it was all "Hooray, the CCP has everything under control!"

    • by systemd-anonymousd ( 6652324 ) on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @01:18PM (#63148052)

      "If I had COVID-19 I'd want to be treated in China." -Bruce Aylward, team lead of the WHO-China joint mission on investigating the origins and nature of COVID-19, said in Feb. 2020, as the CCP was welding people into their homes, throwing cats out of windows, and bashing dogs to death in the streets. Those who spoke out against it were put in iron chairs and recorded on social media as they tearfully apologized.

      • Not sure what your point is, but February of 2020 is an awfully long time ago in the evolution of treatment of Covid 19. The US position at that time was basically, "wow, look at that stuff happening over there, hope it never finds its way over here!!!" That's the month of the infamous statements about not letting people disembark from cruise ships because it would make the official US Covid19 case count of 15 people look worse. Well of course that was all Wyle E Coyote already having run off the cliff
        • Their fever clinics were overrun and they were rounding people up and sticking them in warehouses. It was laughable then and it's laughable now, no matter how much we knew or didn't know about COVID-19. It was dick-sucking an extremely corrupt, Chinese-owned health organization.

          They also prevented that joint team from going into China to investigate the disease for *months*, and barred them from asking questions about the origin for a year. The idea that that a Canadian would want to be in China in Feb. 202

      • Well he's not wrong. At least they were doing something. What was the advice in the west? "DON'T GO TO THE DOCTOR! and ... errr... try not to die or something. Herbal tea?"

        No seriously in Feb 2020 when I came down with covid like symptoms that was the response. Test? We don't have a test. We test people if they end up in the ICU! If you have covid symptoms for the love of god don't go get medical assistance, we don't want you infecting anyone. Stay at home and call 112 if you pass out.

        The Chinese were at le

    • Most people are clueless about who Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the leader of the WHO really is. People should look into this evil little man.

      First, he's no medical doctor - he does have a biology degree, but he's not a guy who treats patients. This is not my criticism of him, I just point it out because the general public tends to assume the leader of the WHO would be a medical doctor.

      Second, he was heavily supported in being elevated to WHO leadership by the Communist part of China and most countries simpl

      • by rossdee ( 243626 )

        "Most people are clueless about who Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the leader of the WHO really is."

        Yeah, I've never heard of him. I thought the leader of the WHO was Roger Daltrey .

        "First, he's no medical doctor"

        Neither is David Tennant

      • Since Tigray seems to have got the short end of the stick in their civil war, with Nobel Peace Prize winner Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed being accused of genocide with half a million Tigray dead: []
        so if Tedros is so horrible, he should get a Nobel Peace Prize too
  • by dhaen ( 892570 ) on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @12:17PM (#63147834)
    More transmission = more mutation.
    • There are new strains. Constantly. BA.5 is currently trending down in the west, and BQ.1 is on the rise. In fact since the media was running the shock "OMICRON IS COMING" headlines there has been 5 unique strains that have passed around and come and gone in waves (at least in Europe).

      Most people didn't even notice. Mutation itself isn't scary. The result of a mutation may be, but largely mutations result in a viral strain the fizzles out, such as BF.7 variation which came and went without every actually rec

      • by Luthair ( 847766 )
        You're confusing major variants and sub-variants. Beta, Delta, Omicron are all variants while BA.5, BQ.1, etc. are sub-variants of Omicron. One need only look at hospitalisation numbers for the past year to realise that Omicron was in fact a big deal.
        • No I'm not confusing anything. Variant is variant. It defines a unique that differs it from another virus. The bigger genetic deviations get more important names and become the major variants, but ... critically ... the deviations in question do not define in any way the traits of the virus.

          The thing with major variants is that while they are more likely to be differently defended against by vaccines or immune systems exposed to a different variant, they are also more likely to contain a mutation that makes

    • by ffkom ( 3519199 )
      As we can see from human corona viruses like OC-43 (which is documented to cause ~15% of all "common cold" infections), that has been circulating among humans world-wide for many decades now: Yes, those viruses will continue to form many new variants, every year, a few of which will see large distribution. And there is nothing scary or extraordinary about this, it is just the long history of co-evolution of viruses and their hosts continuing.
    • Yep, I'm starting to think that the reason it seems we're coming out of the pandemic is that China has stuffed all their COVID into a closet with the door squeezed shut with their zero-COVID policy. And now that the zero-COVID policy is being rolled back since it was pushing the population toward general unrest, the closet door's about to burst open.

      As others have noted a few mutations have already passed around without batting an eye, but it's just that none of them have been significantly worse compared t

    • []
    • Follow the money? The government just registered its first civil uprising against the iron clad rule of Pooh-bear with people actually rioting and standing up to the CCP. They have far bigger concerns than money.

    • People really don't know what an opinion piece is anymore.

  • by sentiblue ( 3535839 ) on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @12:34PM (#63147920)
    China has been such controlling and denying their responsibility in this whole thing. Now I don't care. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm a heartless person, but China begged for this.
    • by thegarbz ( 1787294 ) on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @03:13PM (#63148386)

      Now I don't care.

      That shows a profound lack of empathy on your behalf. Basically all the Chinese affected by this had no say in your attack on them. The CCP can burn in hell for all I care, but the fact that people are dying shouldn't be moderated by your opinion on the dictatorial arsehat running the country.

      Also, even if you don't give a shit about other humans ... they make your stuff, so you should be wishing them well so your cheap Christmas Amazon packages still come on time.

      • Are these the same people who danced and cheered when they learned President Trump got COVID?
        • Are these the same people who danced and cheered when they learned President Trump got COVID?

          Good work trying to turn my post political. You see you don't seem to understand the difference between people who have nothing to do with any policy, and people who do. We should be critical of anyone who shows no empathy towards China (a collective name given to a geographic area enclosing a population of 1.4billion people). And in the same breath we can support a desire that ill comes to one specific subgroup of Chinese people (the CCP), just as we can celebrate that our own human shit-stain directly res

          • And there's the hyporisy of an extreme left that has been terrorizing this country for the past 6 years. I was actually expecting you to say exactly stuffs like this.

            You tried to lecture me about empathy, then you turned around and said such a thing about the US President. I may have said I dont care anymore and at the same time admitted that it's heartless to say it. But I sure as hell didn't wish anybody to die. Peace!!!
            • Nope. If you think it is hypocritical to empathise with people who have zero blame, and not empathise with people who shoulder all the blame then I highly recommend you see a doctor. If caught early enough dementia can be managed.

              I was actually expecting you to say exactly stuffs like this.

              Hey, I fully expected someone who turned a non political post political just so you can apply a label to me to demonstrate a profound lack of reading comprehension and thought. So we're equal. You think I said things I didn't say. I think you're a brain dead moron. Everyone is happ

              • And there's the expected reaction that I before you wrote it. You got caught in your own confusion so you turned erratic and start calling people names. Uneducated people have the need to make themselves feel important. So they go around lecturing other people, to make them sound like to know stuffs. And when someone else prove them wrong, they start calling names, and other sorts of things that uneducated people do.
  • The original strain was a mutation of a less harmful coronavirus and look how that turned out. Of course most mutations have negative effects, that's evolution 101, but elevated numbers of mutations increase the risk of the virus becoming different in a way that our immune system is not ready for.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      no, the original was manufactured. try again.

  • We should be sending them over to places that need them.
    • China unfortunately has not approved any of the mRNA shots the west uses, there are reports they wanted Moderna to turn over their intellectual property which the company refused (that's a whole discussion about IP laws in the face of a global pandemic)

      The shots in China like Sinopharm are not bad but they apparently do wane in effectiveness faster. Combine that with a kinda backwards rollout policy (young people first instead of the elderly) and the harsh zero-covid restricitions and you have something of

  • by kbahey ( 102895 ) on Wednesday December 21, 2022 @01:32PM (#63148086) Homepage

    The real question is what is causing the spike in infections, and increased load on hospitals.

    Is this all due to China's adherence to zero COVID for so long or something else?

    The zero COVID policy, well into a post-Omicron era, did not make sense.
    China's vaccination rates are low, and their home grown vaccines are of low efficacy.
    Combine that with zero COVID reducing population immunity from naturally catching the virus, and you can explain what is happening ...

    But there could be something else: new variants that are yet to spread to the rest of the world.

    We know that there are new variants that evade antibodies (BQ and XBB []), which is sort of expected since a variant will spread more efficiently when it evades immunity. But so far, the vaccines still prevent severe disease, and the need for hospitalization.

    Are there other variants? So far nothing on the radar ... but who knows?

    India has stepped up COVID surveillance [] in response to what is happening in China.

    • by sinij ( 911942 )
      Zero COVID. China has much lower levels of natural immunity as they were under very strict lockdowns since early 2020. Newer variants are off-the-chart infectious, so when the protesters forced relaxation of lockdowns, infections snowballed.
      • You only get higher levels of natural immunity by contracting Covid in the first place, and we now know that natural immunity versus vaccine immunity, the vaccine immunity is MUCH stronger (which was expected from the start, but now we have the studies to completely verify the assumption). Not sure how natural immunity was supposed to protect them, given all that. "They should have prevented everyone from getting Covid by letting everyone get Covid" is a horribly bad take.
        Zero Covid did work, up until they

        • by sinij ( 911942 )

          You only get higher levels of natural immunity by contracting Covid in the first place

          Yes, this is how it works.

          and we now know that natural immunity versus vaccine immunity, the vaccine immunity is MUCH stronger (which was expected from the start, but now we have the studies to completely verify the assumption).

          Citation required on "much stronger". My understanding of published literature is that vaccine immunity decreases with time, while natural immunity does not. Anecdotally, this matches my own experiences. Fully vaccinated, got light case of COVID ~4 months after second shot, have not gotten it since then even after repeated confirmed exposures. I do not plan to take boosters, as there is no need due to natural immunity.

          Not sure how natural immunity was supposed to protect them, given all that. "They should have prevented everyone from getting Covid by letting everyone get Covid" is a horribly bad take.

          Natural immunity protects you by making subsequent infection v

          • Natural immunity seems to wane at a slower rate but it wanes nonetheless. The issue with relying on natural immunity by itself though has always been the fact that it is unpredictable and outcomes can vary greatly between people and strains. Natural immunity appears to grant immunity more focussed on the strain one contracted with less effectiveness versus others. Peoples individual immune response can also vary whereas the vaccine is much more predictable. Even if the vaccine wanes faster it wanes con

            • by sinij ( 911942 )

              Natural immunity seems to wane at a slower rate but it wanes nonetheless.

              True, but we are speaking years vs. months. I read a study looking into SARS-CoV-1 immunity, and it was still there at the start of pandemic. We can assume the same will be true for natural immunity for SARS-CoV-2.

              While I agree with you that combination of vaccine and natural immunity is ideal, in context of this discussion about China and Zero Covid policies, they have very little natural immunity BECAUSE they continued with lockdowns even after vaccination program concluded. Meaning, they wasted peak va

              • Sure but there's no real guarantee anyone with natural immunity has a years long effective protection. Some might, some may not, which is why natural immunity is nice, should be studied and considered but as a matter of public health policy is a complete non-starter.

                On a societal level no nation or group of people can "natural immunity" themselves out of covid, at least not without what would effectively be an amount of death most people would not be comfortable with.

                Not enough natural immunity is far from

              • by dgatwood ( 11270 )

                Natural immunity seems to wane at a slower rate but it wanes nonetheless.

                True, but we are speaking years vs. months. I read a study looking into SARS-CoV-1 immunity, and it was still there at the start of pandemic. We can assume the same will be true for natural immunity for SARS-CoV-2.

                Protection against infection from ancestral COVID infection wanes a lot more rapidly than you think. Prior COVID infection is associated, on average, with only a 30% reduction [] in infection by omicron by the time you're one year post-infection. So we're probably only talking about a factor of two or three difference in the rate of decline in protection, rather than the order of magnitude implied by "months versus years".

                Also, the SARS-CoV-1 thing is something of a red herring. SARS-CoV-1 nearly killed jus

        • How does one country maintain Zero COVID when other countries have circulating COVID ? The answer is you can't, unless you totally seal your borders completely--never allowing even one person to come in. Which is impossible.
          • They don't, that's not what I said. They maintain it short period (which they did, so we know that is possible) and use that time to get vaccines developed and everyone vaccinated, except they fumbled that last part and didn't do it near well enough. Long term, there's no way to maintain zero Covid. Medium term it can be done by shutting down the borders except under full testing/quarantine. It's very unpopular to do mild lockdowns, let alone drastic ones, of course.

      • by ffkom ( 3519199 )

        Newer variants are off-the-chart infectious

        No, the first Omicron variant (BA.1) was even less transmissible than the variants before [], it just was different enough to evade some of the immune responses of those who had contact to prior variants. And it will be like that with many future upcoming variants: Epidemiological they will appear as if they were more transmissible, but only because they appear in a population that has acquired immunity to former variants, not because it would be more potent to infect immune-naive individuals that have never s

    • But there could be something else: new variants that are yet to spread to the rest of the world.

      The world has gone through several waves of different variants since this so called "post omicron" thing you're talking about. Yeah sure it *could* be that, but really you explained a far more likely theory in your post.

      Chinese vaccine efficacy is balls and vaccination rates are low. They've gone from avoiding to not avoiding. This was a 100% predictable outcome. You can't defeat this by abstinence alone, and every other country which had a zero covid policy combined it with an effective vaccination scheme

      • by kbahey ( 102895 )

        Yes, the evidence so far points to lack of sufficient population level immunity, due to suppression of natural spread, bad vaccines, and low vaccination rates.

        I hope this is all there is ...

        India seems to have panicked though and doing extensive genomic surveillance.
        I hope it all confirms the first scenario ...

  • What about Taiwan? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Does the World Health Organization have any concern about the COVID situation in Taiwan?
    "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you"
    I can ask again
    "No no, let's move on to the next question"
    Does the World Health Organization have any concern about the COVID situation in Taiwan?
    *WHO hangs up*
  • I hear Townshend has washed his hands of the whole China/pandemic thing.

  • A part of me feels positively macabre for even considering that this might be a possible explanation... but I can't help wondering if maybe someone in a position of influence within China watched the Avenger's movies, and found themselves inspired by Thanos. Maybe this hypothetical Chinese influencer concluded that the population growth in China (or maybe even the world) was simply out of control, and something needed to be done. Not having access to a complete set of Infinity Stones, they decided that biol

    • If you start looking at all the problems in China that would be solved, literally overnight, by a million people dying?

      The Evergrande Crisis [], The Mortgage Crisis [], the Population Crisis [], the "Bai Lan" Youth Crisis? []

      Most of the casualties will be old people. Old people who are a massive draw on collapsing social services. Old people who got scammed and have sunk their entire life's savings into fraudulent banking and real estate ventures that the government can't afford to pay back, old people who are crushi

  • I remeber that quite a while ago, China was exclusively using home-grown vaccines which turned out not to be too effective.
    Does anyone know where they stand now? Have they deployed better vaccines, or imported the international ones?
  • We (the whole world) don't need a billion new hosts to generate new variants.

    We also don't need the economic disruption that will inevitably follow from massive sickness in China, though I'm not sure this will be worse or better than the lockdowns that were done previously.

  • Who expresses that? Come on eds, that's really poor journalism!

  • Just like it is the UK's and the US's fault for their bungled response to the pandemic, and no one else's, similarly the PRC is at fault for their bungled response to the pandemic.

    Lockdowns were necessary as vaccines were being created and tested. Vaccines became available, and once enough people got vaccinated, lockdowns would not be necessary at all. Their refusal to use vaccines - THREE OF THEM - that provably work and are provably safe is their own fault.

    In Australia, were it not for the Murdoch f
  • Covid is over and WHO doesn't want to leave the spotlight. China and the CCP are liars and cannot be teusted. They operated in bad faith at the start of the pandemic and don't deserve international support for their crimes.

core error - bus dumped
