Comment Linus is the BDFL (Score 3, Interesting) 121
The D in BDFL is "dictator", it means that what Linus decides is how it will go, full stop.
So if Linus wants Rust in his kernel, complain all you want but there will be Rust in his kernel. I am not particularly pleased by this decision but for now, I am a bit concerned by tooling and slow compile times, though I didn't give much thought to it. But saying that Linux has done well under Linus rule is an understatement. So I trust him. And if Linux loses its way because of that, which I think is unlikely, then it is an open source project, it can be forked.
Some have raised concerned about the Rust community, and I guess the anti-Rust community too, often on subjects tangential to software development, but for me, Linus does a good job at keeping things technical and focus on what's important for the project. Again I trust him on this part.