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Marriages Spawned From Online Dating As Satisfying As From Traditional Dating 313

sciencehabit writes "Millions of people first met their spouses through online dating. But how have those marriages fared compared with those of people who met in more traditional venues such as bars or parties? Pretty well, according to a new study. A survey of nearly 20,000 Americans reveals that marriages between people who met online are at least as stable and satisfying as those who first met in the real world—possibly more so."
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Marriages Spawned From Online Dating As Satisfying As From Traditional Dating

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:04PM (#43902101)

    I mean, if anything it should be better, it's much easier to vet and eliminate chicks online. If they send a message 'how r u 2day??' you know to move on. I met my wife online and have been married for 3 years.

    • by starworks5 ( 139327 ) on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:16PM (#43902151) Homepage

      My Wife and I got married on OKcupid. I have to say that it worked out okay, despite the difficulty of long distance for a year, travelling across the country every 2 months.

      However I think that online provides a different veil from what you get IRL, Because your able to filter out what you want to say to a person, though its easier to narrow down interests.

      On one side I married a beautiful geek woman who is motivated to change the world, on the other side I didn't know about the extent of the despression / suicidal thoughts from abuse and neglect.


      • by DFurno2003 ( 739807 ) on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:22PM (#43902191)
        "on the other side I didn't know about the extent of the despression / suicidal thoughts from abuse and neglect." Don't worry, her parents weren't going to let that slip to any IRL Suitors either.
      • by countach ( 534280 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @12:11AM (#43902351)

        I "dated" a woman online, and found out about her depression and suicidal thoughts after a couple of weeks, so I wouldn't assume that online is always a better way to hide stuff. In some cases the distance gives you an objectivity missing from real life. It all depends.

      • by flimflammer ( 956759 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @02:16AM (#43902701)

        Your story rings similar to mine. We haven't gotten married yet (known her for several years and been together for almost as long) and I didn't meet her on a dating website but a regular forum that I co-ran. Same kind of girl as mine. The whole depression angle seems to be a common one when you get into relationships online.

        • by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @07:40AM (#43903541) Homepage Journal

          Same kind of girl as mine. The whole depression angle seems to be a common one when you get into relationships online.

          That's one thing about NOT getting married younger, once you get past a certain age, what's left out there is largely damaged goods, lots of crazy chicks out there. Not all, but a LOT of them. After a few years, you start catching the good ones coming out of bad marriages, many of those are damaged too, BUT, if you find one coming of marriage that didn't go off the deep end, you have a pretty good, strong minded woman which is kinda nice.

          Trouble is with the latter one, you have to possibly put up with kids....ugh. However, meet them a few years after that, often the kids will be old enough to be out of, or just about out of the house, then, you don't really have that much interaction with them, or dependence issues.

          But yeah, you gotta watch out, lots of crazies out there...crazies are often fun in the sack, but be careful not to get too close or attached to them, they can really spin your world badly.

      • by mcvos ( 645701 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @02:58AM (#43902819)

        People don't advertise their mental illnesses in bars either. You usually find out that stuff by meeting them in person and getting to know them. And you're going to do that anyway, no matter how you met them, as that's the entire point, isn't it?

      • How is that going to be different if you had met this girl in a bar or your local handcraft workshop? It's still gonna take a while to get to know a person. Dark emotions that cause depressions will remain hidden for a long time, regardless of how you met.

        It is true that email contact is different than talking face-to-face. You have more time to think about what you write. But I would hope that any relation moves away from written to spoken contact soon enough? Even if it is long-distance, there is Skype or

        • "How is that going to be different if you had met this girl in a bar or your local handcraft workshop? "

          That's not the 'normal' way.

          The normal way is being forced to sit in your aunt's living-room with tea and cookies while she introduces one of her acquaintances daughter to you.

      • by r1348 ( 2567295 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @04:41AM (#43903011)

        Don't even tell me about long distance relationships, my wife and I are from two different countries (I'm Italian, she's Polish), and had to fly to each other for 3 years... $deity bless low-cost flights!
        Actually I accidentally stumbled on her on ICQ while I was looking for another girl, figures. We were teens back then and we were just good online friends for years, while both of us had other relations IRL.
        Then the year I started working I was left home alone for summer while my parents were on vacation, so I decided to invite her to stay at my home. I really didn't have plans, I just wanted to meet an interesting person I've been interacting with for years. One year later we were engaged, but had to wait another two years before getting married as she was finishing her studies.
        We're now happily married for 4 years, I know it's not long enough for drawing anything conclusive, but it feels good and I'm not regretting anything.
        On a side note, we're pretty different people, she's not really the geeky kind, even though she has a great interest in literature and language (she's got an MA in English Philology), but I find having someone with such different points of view to debate with actually stimulating.

      • by wwphx ( 225607 )
        My wife found me online December 2003, we married June 2005, today is our 8th anniversary. We accelerated our wedding plans when we found out her father was terminal with cancer that spread to his brain, he was in good shape for the wedding and was dead 11 days later.

        I've come to believe that everyone is damaged goods to one degree or another. She has her problems, some of which can be kind of crippling. I certainly have my problems, which aren't quite as crippling.

        I don't think we filtered too muc
    • by Penguinisto ( 415985 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @12:28AM (#43902419) Journal

      I can agree to that.

      I met my missus online while farting around online. We spent the first few hours together in a chat at an online forum, tossing sarcasm at a TV documentary on love while it was being broadcast. Found out she lived across town... long story short, we wound up married a little over a year later.

      It is amazing how you can not only assess her intelligence, but it's easier to be yourself when you're not distracted by deep green eyes and a gravity-defying bustline.

      • by Penguinisto ( 415985 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @12:33AM (#43902435) Journal

        All joking aside, I should add a PS: It's been 7 years since we met.

        It's like any other marriage, really... you still have to work at it. You still have to wake up next to her. You still have to debate, argue, compromise, and most importantly? In spite of my peking on a laptop and her messing about on an iPad 3 feet away, you still have to get along in real life.

        Online is just one of many ways to meet someone initially... it still takes a shitload of work to make it work.

        IMHO? I spite of the rather adventurous life we've led together since (both for good and ill), it's still worth it. :)

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by davester666 ( 731373 )

      I met your wife online two years ago. I concur with your opinion. She's GREAT!

    • by mcvos ( 645701 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @03:04AM (#43902831)

      More importantly, you get to focus on interests and personality before you even meet. In bars, you're more likely to focus on looks, on "I'd like to tap that ass", and that's not a great basis for a stable long-term relationship.

      My wife of 5.5 years and I originally noticed each other because of our shared interest in sailing, foreign countries and religion (and indeed basic literacy), but it's when we started mailing, and then calling, and then meeting in person, that we discovered how well we matched in other, more subtle and intangible ways. The physical match is important, but so is the mental/psychological match, and that's so easily forgotten when you start with the physical match right away.

  • by pngwen ( 72492 ) on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:06PM (#43902109) Journal

    Good thing I did it the traditional / free way. I would have felt ripped off it was no better ;P

    (Note: I love my wife very much. I just have a twisted sense of humor.)

    • by CaptainLard ( 1902452 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @12:12AM (#43902353)
      I've heard of low maintenance but if you think $30/mo to meet your wife means getting ripped off, you must have hit the jackpot with her! For the rest of us, cash pours out of our wallets like outdated memes in a slashdot post. Enjoy your early retirement.
      • by jalet ( 36114 )

        Where are mod points when you need them ???

        You made my day, man !


      • by mcvos ( 645701 )

        I have little faith in commercial dating sites. On the worst ones, people who don't pay can't send messages, but you still see them anyway. So that means the vast majority of profiles you read, are utterly irrelevant. It's okay when people who don't pay can still respond to messages of paid members, though. Still, I frequented a few paid dating sites with little success, and found my wife on one that was either free or cost about $10 a year.

        $30/month by itself is no problem, but some dating sites are effect

    • Good thing I did it the traditional / free way. I would have felt ripped off it was no better ;P

      (Note: I love my wife very much. I just have a twisted sense of humor.)

      Lots of places you can meet for free, even for dating [plentyoffish.com].

    • Free? - Normally most people meet in a social setting, Bar, Club, Sports etc ... almost none of these are Free to enter ...

  • by morcego ( 260031 ) on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:09PM (#43902125)

    Marriages Spawned From Online Dating As Satisfying As From Traditional Dating: NOT AT ALL.

    • So you met someone through a friend/bar/etc AND someone online AND got both of them to marry you? You're the man, man (or woman?) I count my lucky stars I found just one girl that puts up with me. Funny story though, I met her in college and had one great date and then met her again several years later through a dating site (got married about 2 years after that). Does that count as traditional, online or both? Either way, so far so good...that should counter your anecdote. Good luck next time!
      • by morcego ( 260031 )

        Hitchhiker's humor? Hum? Hum?
        Please turn back your geek card at the door, on your way out.

  • My wife and I met on a text MUSH in the 90s. Got married 10 years ago next may.

    It worked for us!


  • Online dating can be a bit more objective, in that you can look at thousands of profiles and only contact exactly the kind of people you are interested in. Of course, there is a big difference between a profile and reality, but it ought to be more objective and get you closer to what you want, quicker, than meeting whoever happens to catch your eye at a bar.

  • by WegianWarrior ( 649800 ) on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:17PM (#43902157) Journal
    Caveat: I meet my Significant Other online, although not on a dating site.
    The benefit of meeting online is that you're pretty much forced to talk, and talk, and talk. It's not like you can take them to a movie and then then make out in the back of the car - instead you'll have to show them that you're a likeable person they would like to spend more time with. Goes double when you're on different continents and all that... before either party gets on a plane both parties needs to be sure that they are comfertable with seeing this person they have talked to for a while. On the other hand, the guy you ran into in the coffee-shop who ask you out to see a movie may be the biggest creep in modern history - and if you let him drive you home he knows where you live :/
    TL:DR; Online dating works because you must talk and reveal yourself to the other before meeting.
    • by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:34PM (#43902237)

      The benefit of meeting online is that you're pretty much forced to talk, and talk, and talk. It's not like you can take them to a movie and then then make out in the back of the car - instead you'll have to show them that you're a likeable person they would like to spend more time with. On the other hand, the guy you ran into in the coffee-shop who ask you out to see a movie may be the biggest creep in modern history

      Ya. Now if only there were a way to meet and talk and talk and talk with a person face-to-face, in-real-life, instead of *having* to go to a movie and then make out in the car...

      TL:DR; Online dating works because you must talk and reveal yourself to the other before meeting.

      IRL dating works because you must talk and reveal yourself to the other *during* the meeting.

      As for me, I met my wife in 1985 (when I was 22 and she 41) when I helped her to set up her new home (after she separated from her second husband). After a few days, she offered to pay me for all my work and I suggested she take me out to dinner instead. We were together for 20.5 years before she died in 2006 of a brain tumor - just seven weeks after diagnosis. (I haven't dated anyone since.) Remember Sue... [tumblr.com]


      • by countach ( 534280 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @12:15AM (#43902365)

        Wow, a woman 19 years older. That's unusual. Even more so that it lasted.

        "Now if only there were a way to meet and talk and talk and talk with a person face-to-face, in-real-life, instead of *having* to go to a movie and then make out in the car."

        Ha ha. The reality is, in real life there will be an expectation of some kind of physical contact rather soonish (unless you are in Iran or something), and that can tend to muddle things. In your case, you got to know her through NOT dating, so you got to know her a bit prior to any such expectations.

    • I expect the single life is my lot. Even apart from my own blunders, or just the stigma of being too "white and nerdy", I'd have thought I'd have a bit more success. But I have gotten nowhere. Talk and talk on dating sites, maybe for weeks, seeming like we have much in common, and then suddenly she stops responding. What did I say wrong? What happened? I don't know. Communication? What communication?

      Could be some were just using men. Maybe she was married, and misrepresented herself as single, or

      • by slim ( 1652 ) <john@har[ ]p.net ['tnu' in gap]> on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @05:58AM (#43903181) Homepage

        When I was "doing" online dating, I took the view that meeting up should be done pretty early on. Two weeks of chatting online, maximum, before meeting for a coffee, or a meal, or whatever.

          - If they don't want to meet in person, they're timewasters. It may not be their fault -- but this is going nowhere. Feel free to keep talking to them online, if it gives you pleasure, but expect no more to come of it.
          - Only by meeting up, can you establish whether there's a real mutual attraction. If there's none, you might continue to be friends anyway. But if romance isn't on the cards, it's worth knowing early.
          - It's nerve jangling, but it's fun!

        If you're morbidly obese, then quite separate from wanting companionship, you should do something about it. Seriously. But I expect you know that.

  • Uhhh... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Obfuscant ( 592200 ) on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:19PM (#43902169)
    This is like saying that raspberry pies baked with raspberries you go to the store to buy taste the same as raspberry pies baked with raspberries your spouse buys from the store. Same raspberries, same cook, just a different way of getting the starting ingredients.
    • Nope. Proximity limits who you can date in reality. The internet eliminates that limitation. If you live in a town of very few people, your chances of meeting the right person are...different.
  • I want the stats on relationships started in the adopt-a-pet thread in the usenet group alt.sex.bondage.personals.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I want the stats on relationships started in the adopt-a-pet thread in the usenet group alt.sex.bondage.personals.

      9 Years so far and working pretty well for us.

      Right honey?


      Just remember, silence is golden, and a ball gag is around 14 dollars at stockroom.com.


  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:38PM (#43902249)

    How many people prior to the 90s had to settle for whoever they met in a 50 mile radius of their place of birth?

    • by raymorris ( 2726007 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @12:20AM (#43902387) Journal
      I was looking for a special lady, a one-in-a-million. (Okay, so maybe one in ten thousand.). It's REALLY hard to meet and sift through a thousand women just meeting people around town. I tried, and I did have brief conversations with 60-120 or so, and had lunch with 20-30. Online, I had more available women to see, with tools to narrow it down before starting up a conversation.

      I married my one-in-a-million five years ago.

      (My first marriage taught me that choosing from the five or ten available women in my social circle was a REALLY bad idea.)
      • That's good. I'm curious since you were so specific about what you were looking for... what were you looking for? Super beautiful and smart, or something very specific?

        • That's an interesting question.

          I looked over my previous relationships, romantic and otherwise, and made a list of problems, and what caused them. Mainly, things about ME that caused them.
          From that list, I worked on a list of what I was looking for. There were a few things I wanted IN a relationship, like honesty. Relationships are (I thought) hard work, so I needed to look at what I was getting FROM the relationship, and there were a few things specific to the kind of PERSON I wanted to be with. I wish
    • by NeoMorphy ( 576507 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @12:33AM (#43902437)

      How many people prior to the 90s had to settle for whoever they met in a 50 mile radius of their place of birth?

      Thank you! Somebody who get's it.

      It's amazing how many idiots can't grasp this simple concept. The biggest advantage of online dating is it allows you to network yourself in the dating world more effectively. It's not like you can go into a bar and yell "I'm a computer geek who is looking for a single intelligent and attractive woman who is interested in techies who look like me! I'm going to Comic Con this weekend, any takers?", Nobody?? Fine, I'm off to the next bar.

      What if your soul mate doesn't hang out in bars, or other social venues? Not much chance of it happening, is it?

      IRL?? What do you Neo-Luddites think happens? Do you think we all jump into virtual reality and live our lives there? Of course IRL meetings happen, it's part of the process. Online interaction is not substituted for face-to-face interaction, it's a step before face-to-face interaction. Even better, it facilitates face-to-face interactions between people who would otherwise never meet, even though they are a good match.

      For those "The old-fashion way is the best, I walked up to my future wife and started talking to her", really? Do you have psychic powers that let you home in on the right one? Or did you marry the first girl who would talk to you?

      I met my current wife on OkCupid, and OMG I can't believe how much I am in love with her. She's awesome! Would I have met her without online resources? Not likely. Different states, different circles etc. But we were able to discover someone that extremely interested us. There was no other way it could have happened, other than developing psychic powers!

      Am I the only one who thinks it's very bizarre that there are people interacting on an online forum who don't understand the concept of people interacting online?

      • Am I the only one who thinks it's very bizarre that there are people interacting on an online forum who don't understand the concept of people interacting online?

        Well, if you'd met by cracking a joke about Soviet Russia, first posting a link to goatse and then berating her for using vi instead of EMACS, we'd all understand perfectly.

  • by Osgeld ( 1900440 ) on Monday June 03, 2013 @11:46PM (#43902267)

    online dating has as much chance of long term success as picking up a drunk chick in a bar?

    • Ha ha. I assume the survey assumes first that you married the drunk chick, which I guess doesn't usually happen. (Unless you are in Vegas).

  • Married, twice (1); divorced, twice(2). If online dating results are as stable and satisfying as those IRL, forget it.

    Maybe I should try another tack?...

    5'8" Male. Geek. Grown children. Looking for a...

    In slashdot? Aw shucks! Forget it! Probably I will get a dog posing as girl...

    For the curious: married (1) five years and (2) eighteen years

    • Married, twice (1); divorced, twice(2). If online dating results are as stable and satisfying as those IRL, forget it.

      Maybe I should try another tack?...

      5'8" Male. Geek. Grown children. Looking for a...

      In slashdot? Aw shucks! Forget it! Probably I will get a dog posing as girl...

      For the curious: married (1) five years and (2) eighteen years

      Welcome to the Internet - where men are men, the women are men and the children are FBI agents posing as children...

  • by shadowofwind ( 1209890 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @12:29AM (#43902423)

    Downside: Online relationships are kind of unnatural, you go through various stages of intimacy and its largely in your head. Its easy for the relationship to stray too far from reality, and even if you maintain perfect objectivity intellectually, there's still a kind of emotional disconnect, like you've missed something that you can't quite replace.

    Upside: Its way easier to find someone who shares your values and is otherwise compatible with you. Modern life is so strongly partitioned into different kinds of careers and social settings, it can be almost impossible to meet a compatible person just by offline social networking. A lot of times people get hooked up with someone in high school or college that they don't actually fit very well with, they were just the closest thing in proximity. Online matches can be a lot better in that regard.

    I'd say that if you live in a big metropolitan area, and date online, you're probably best off dating people who are close enough that not much of the relationship is online except for the original contact. That doesn't work if you don't live in such an area of course, which was the case for me.

    I think an alternative to dating online that can work for a lot of people is graduate school. When I was an undergrad, two out of more than a hundred students in my major were women, and one was middle aged and married. I think the ratios are a lot more favorable than that now though, and the women who go to graduate school are different than undergraduates also.

    • You're suggesting that people sign up for college just to date?
      • If more school is something that fits you well anyway, and you're happier doing that than whatever you would be doing otherwise, sure. That's not why I went back to school, but I can see the timing of that would work for some people.

        If you don't like the rut you're in, you get out of it. If you live in a region of a mobile society that has few to no intelligent, single women in the workforce, and meeting single intelligent women is something that's important to you, then you go to where the women are. Re

  • because we can change the aspect ratio of our dicks in Photoshop

  • Agreed - my story (Score:4, Interesting)

    by ciurana ( 2603 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @12:43AM (#43902477) Homepage Journal

    Dang it - I wasn't logged on last time and my post ended in Anonymous Coward limbo...

    My girlfriend and I met through a dating service when I was living in Russia. We've lived happily for two years, have a child, and I wouldn't change anything in how we met, or the wonderful times we've spent all over the world since (we've lived in Russia, the Ukraine, Mexico, Switzerland and San Francisco since). The best part about the on-line dating aspect was that we could spend lots and lots of time discussing various topics of interest to both of us, comparing our values, and otherwise communicating in a cool way that would've taken a lot longer in-person.

    Another great aspect of on-line dating is that you aren't limited to one person at a time. You can screen (and be screened) much faster, and you can then cherry pick with whom you'll invest time for the in-person dates and so on.

    Disclaimer: at the time I was the VP of technology for Badoo, so I was in a position to use the service as much as I could or wanted. I didn't have to pay for the additional services (e.g. gifts, Super Powers, etc.) so it was easy for us to spend as much time on the service as we wished. My opinions on the subject are biased because of this -- but I'd still recommend anyone looking for a mate to try the on-line dating service that better works for their tastes.



    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 ) *

      You can screen (and be screened) much faster, and you can then cherry pick with whom you'll invest time for the in-person dates and so on.

      Depends to a greater extent if you are male or female. The ratio of men to women is often 40:1 or thereabouts, so for women they can pick and choose but men not so much.

  • Online or off, just about everyone has to hide half of themselves to attract the other sex. Yeah, I know that sounds weird...but not everyone is 100% he-man or 100% she-male. We all have degrees of separation.

    • Online or off, just about everyone has to hide half of themselves to attract the other sex.

      I've found the opposite is true. Offline, you have to start off showing only the half of yourself you don't mind everyone seeing. However, Online you can show whatever half you want up front, and then graduate to showing your full self. Just because you start off with the web cam aimed at your face doesn't mean you can't tilt it down... Or, you could just start off with the web cam aimed at your crotch, and build a "satisfying" relationship from there.

      It's true that a 1st date IRL can lead to sex rig

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @01:06AM (#43902535)

    There are 56 posts and nobody asked about arranged marriages? Or other forms of pair bonding. I am disappointed in you nerds.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @01:09AM (#43902539)

    My ultra-orthodox Jewish grandparents lived in a society where fixed marriage was pretty much the norm, and that's what they did as well. Anecdotaly, it never seemed to me like that generation had worse marriage. More rigorous methods are unavailable: there probably aren't reliable questionaires in fixed-marriage societies, and other posters have pointed out that divorce rates can be misleading. I wonder if the key to a happy marriage is just managing your expectations.

  • by Noah69 ( 1083017 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @01:12AM (#43902549)

    I actually went one step further and had an online wedding. It went surprisingly well until it became obvious that my future wife couldn't hold a positive K/D and was called a n00b faggot by the pastor. Worst day of my life, I even spent like five bucks on a custom suit character skin.

  • Oh man (Score:4, Insightful)

    by no-body ( 127863 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @02:22AM (#43902727)
    It's a fantasy and illusion - why should there be any difference at all?
  • Lola (Score:5, Funny)

    by RedHackTea ( 2779623 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @03:06AM (#43902839)
    I met a girl recently at a bar where she approached and asked me to dance under electric candlelight. Her voice was dark brown like sweet molasses, like a guy actually. I'm not the most physical guy, but whenever she hugs me, it almost breaks my spine. She said that she'll make me a man soon... I hope it works out.
  • Worked well for me (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Bruinwar ( 1034968 ) <bruinwar@ho[ ]il.com ['tma' in gap]> on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @04:53AM (#43903041)

    Anicdotal yes, but.... I met my late wife back in 1996 in IRC (a gaming channel ha, imagine). She moved from LA to live with me in Michigan (again, imagine ha!) We were married in 1997 & were happy for 14 years until cancer took her from me. One thing about online chat was how much we ummm... chatted. The crazies & the bullshitters were picked out rather quickly, they couldn't keep the crazy/bullshit straight.

    Again, when I felt I was ready, using an online dating service I've met an absolutely wonderful woman. We have so much in common it's scary. I don't think it is as good of a vetting system as IRC was though. I got lucky.

    My opinion is online is actually better than the old ways.

  • Digression (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Catmeat ( 20653 ) <mtm.sys@uea@ac@uk> on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @06:06AM (#43903209)

    Online is just one of many ways to meet someone initially... it still takes a shitload of work to make it work.

    Bit of a digression, but during the UKs recent Gay Marriage debate, an awful lot of conservative/religious commentators were spouting endlessly about how 'natural' marriage is.

    If that's so, why do married people always go on about what hard work it is. Surly 'natural'='easy'.

  • by Hans Lehmann ( 571625 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @06:18AM (#43903233)
    My own parents met through online dating, though back then the Internet was only available on paper. They were together nearly 40 years and raised 4 kids.
  • by Lumpy ( 12016 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @06:52AM (#43903303) Homepage

    First wife was traditional, ended in a horrible train wreck as she was insane.
    Current Wife met via the internet and 11 years later we are still the best of friends and still madly in love with each other.

    From my experience, Meeting a mate IRL is a recipe for failure, you get infatuated with their looks and not their mind first.

  • by Jason Levine ( 196982 ) on Tuesday June 04, 2013 @10:29AM (#43905217) Homepage

    My wife and I met online. In a Yahoo Chat Room of all places. She had forgotten that she was even signed in. I signed in just looking to kill some time before I headed to sleep. She contacted me when she saw "Nice Jewish boy looking for nice Jewish girl" - something I put in my profile on a whim a few weeks earlier. We began to chat and quickly found we had a lot in common. I immediately knew there was something special about her.

    A month later (after many late nights chatting online and on the phone), we met in person. (Public place halfway between us just in case either of us turned out to be secretly crazy.) We had a great time. So much so that, when it came time to leave, we had a hard time saying goodbye. (We kept saying goodbye for about 30 minutes.)

    We started long-distance dating until I asked her to marry me about 10 months after we first met online. We were married a little over a year after that and are approaching our 12 year anniversary.

    If my previous dating experience (or lack thereof) is any indication, online dating was perfectly suited to me. Of course, that might just be because I find online communication easier than face-to-face communication in general.

    Fun fact: We still find ourselves communicating via "online methods" even when we're just one room away and especially if we don't want the kids to overhear us. ;-)

They laughed at Einstein. They laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. -- Carl Sagan
