Comment Raises hand (Score 1) 16
'What CERN Does Next Matters
Update the facility to collide small and medium hadrons?
'What CERN Does Next Matters
Update the facility to collide small and medium hadrons?
Officials have 60 days to develop a new plan to modernize DoD's civilian HR systems.
I thought they were firing all the civilians
Look, I get that TV cable bills are out of control, but
On the flip side, because the Supreme Court says the president can not be charged for doing things in an official capacity, the next president could just go to Trump and execute him as an official act.
Ya, but that would just make him a martyr to his flock.
He won't live that long anyway
Fingers crossed, except then there's Vance - and then, at least until 2026, Johnson.
So looking forward to the treason trials once sane people are voted back in charge.
Sadly, U.S. Presidents are now immune from criminal prosecution for any official acts done in office. Thanks SCOTUS for inventing that - for him.
Is anyone else as puzzled as I am about how this is supposed to be serving American greatness?
He's just trying to show Putin and Russia some well-deserved compassion, because, as Trump has said many times, Putin, like him, has been treated very unfairly. He even noted in his meeting with Zelenskyy:
Let me tell you, Putin went through a hell of a lot with me. He went through a phony witch hunt, where they used him and Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia, you ever hear of that deal?
Kill NASA. Replace it with SpaceX. What could go wrong?
Between capricious, maniacal oligarch and lumbering, (mostly) benign bureaucracy I'll take the latter please.
No one expects the SpaceX Inquisistion!
Still hoping/waiting for the "comfy chair" torture option
'Wired' Drops Paywalls for Articles Based on Public Records Requests,
While those records still exist, and haven't been purged, anyway
Of course that that is the least of Tesla's worries while they remain associated with Elon who is hell bent on seeing how many people he can get to hate him. Fucked if I know what the guy is thinking but it feels like he went to the South Park school for business and social skills.
Mr. Mackey: "Ruining peoples' lives and destroying America is bad Elon. m'kay"
Well you did a fine job of listing all the least effective methods to stick it to Elon. Is there any particular reason you didn't mention the most spectacularly effective one? Hint: Just not buying Teslas.
Or dumping Tesla stock, where most of his wealth come from. In the past 3 months, Tesla employees have sold 745,228 shares and bought 0 shares of Tesla. Also noting that Tesla has several factories in China including its largest and more than 50% of all Teslas in the world are made in China, which could be affected by changes in U.S./China trade -- and another reason to not share U.S. military plans with Musk as he now has more financial ties to China than the U.S. and makes one wonder where his allegiances would lie push-come-to-shove.
In each of the cases you cited, a crime was committed.
What do you call what the current administration just did?
Yet another example of how incredibly reckless this administration has been so far. We'll be lucky if the damage he's doing / going to do is repaired in a decade.
Unfortunately, what'll probably happen is that Republicans will get voted out of office en-mass in 2026 and 2028, but Democrats won't be able to fix things fast enough -- especially for the short-attention-span populous -- and/or won't be able to agree on how to fix things (the Democrat party is like herding cats) then *they'll* get voted out by impatient voters and Republicans will get voted back in and restart Project 2025, rebranded as Project 2033,
NARA is an agency with a purely bureaucratic mission: maintaining records. Which goes to show that "slashing bureaucracy" doesn't mean making government better. Without an institutional memory, there is no accountability.
I imagine that's the point in this Administration...
Force needed to accelerate 2.2lbs of cookies = 1 Fig-newton to 1 meter per second