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Comment Re:DRM free? (Score 1) 68

Gwent has DRM.

It does? I doubt it. It's part of the game, sold on GOG, and has no DRM. It works fine for me. Except that I don't much care for this "crappy game inside a cool game" gimmick. I'm here to explore a world, not to collect soms crappy cards for an unbalanced card game.

And all of the Witcher games were buggy, uninteresting trash.

Your bias is showing. The Witcher games are incredibly popular because they're deeper and more interesting than most CRPGs these days.

You may disagree with some of their choices (I certainly do), but it's undeniably extremely well executed.

Unless you want to play multiplayer you mean

Do you know which game we're talking about? It's not a multiplayer game.

Comment Re:hu prime rib are steaks (Score 1) 115

I just had a discussion yesterday about how steak is supposed to be the English word for the Dutch "biefstuk", but whereas "biefstuk" can only be entrecote, tournedos or rib-eye, steak can be literally anything.

So either it's a really poor translation, or it's a sign of the differences in food standards between the US and Europe.

Comment Re:Believe it, this happens (Score 1) 115

Yelp calls us one day asking us to advertise. We honestly don't get much (if any) business from Yelp being an online storefront, so we declined. Flash forward two months and we get three critical reviews that cannot be linked to any order in our system, and all of our five star reviews have been disapproved. Our rating goes from a 5 to a 2.5.

They call us again and offer to "help" with those reviews if we advertise with them.

Isn't this blackmail? Report it to the police. This kind of extortion should be extremely illegal. If true, it's time for Yelp to die and their managers to go to prison.

Comment Sounds like bad actors on all sides (Score 1) 115

Obvious Yelp bullying businesses to buy ads and hiding their entries if they don't is bad, and makes Yelp less reliable for users. Restaurants bullying customers over bad reviews is also bad and means everybody should avoid that restaurant. And if someone sends you a pound of poo, it's time to get the police involved.

Bad actors all around. This situation sounds like Yelp and restaurants are working together to undermine the market they both rely on.

Comment Re:Spreading division is profitable I guess (Score 1) 549

I assumed the audience is teenage boys who want to see a beautiful young woman in a tight body suit to go with the usual battle scenes. I would be curious how many girls watch the movie. But I doubt it's many.

I'm curious why you would think this. The movies more aimed at women than most superhero movies. No doubt many men and boys watch it too, but why would you doubt many girls (or women?) watch it?

Comment Re:Spreading division is profitable I guess (Score 1) 549

I don't trust simple yes/no statistics about movies anyway. I don't necessarily like the same things everybody else likes. I like some hard cult stuff that has no chance to make it in the mainstream, and I'm bored by some mainstream stuff. I only trust reviews that address both why it's a good movie and why it's a bad movie. Anything else is useless.

I do trust reviews from people I know to have similar tastes to my own. I know a number of those people online, and they seem to universally love Captain Marvel, so that puts it high on my list of movies to see.

Comment Re:Spreading division is profitable I guess (Score 1) 549

Yet somehow it's never movies with a white male uni-dimensional Mary Sue that get inundated in these kind of hate campaigns.

Also, the fact that these campaigns start well before anyone has even had the chance to see the movie, show that it has nothing to do with how the character is portrayed in the movie.

Comment Re:Spreading division is profitable I guess (Score 1) 549

I'm not sure how the people trying to sow division profited here, but I'm glad to see that they apparently failed. I'm getting tired of these unhinged hate campaigns against genre movies starring women. If they really only want to see movies starring men, there's still plenty of those around. But apparently they need every movie to be specifically catering to them, and every movie that doesn't feels like a threat to them or something.

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