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Melania Trump Launches NFT Platform in First Public Endeavor Since White House ( 113

Melania Trump is getting in on the latest crypto craze -- NFTs. From a report: The former first lady announced Thursday that she is selling an NFT, or a non-fungible token, titled "Melania's Vision" -- her first public endeavor since leaving office almost one year ago. The NFT is the first digital art to be sold on her newly launched platform, which will release NFTs regularly and is powered by Parler. "I am proud to announce my new NFT endeavor, which embodies my passion for the arts, and will support my ongoing commitment to children through my Be Best initiative," Trump said in a statement. "Through this new technology-based platform, we will provide children computer science skills, including programming and software development, to thrive after they age out of the foster community."
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Melania Trump Launches NFT Platform in First Public Endeavor Since White House

Comments Filter:
  • Hardly suprising (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Growlley ( 6732614 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @12:10PM (#62086809)
    Never let the opportunity for a perfectly good grift go to waste,
    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      Can naked picture available everywhere of the former FLOTUS touching herself be sold for millions. I offer links for free to subvert the market. NSFW []
  • I don't get it, but hey, if rich assholes want to blow a bunch of money on the world's latest version of a video game ranking ladder, have at it.

    • Stuff like this is how you shift money into the hands of politicians without it being a specific quid pro quo.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Arethan ( 223197 )

        That actually makes some sense. Money wins elections, and the more money a candidate can "personally contribute" to their campaign, the less they need to worry about donation limits and campaign finance laws. It's almost like some politicians don't like playing by the rules.

  • Totally legit! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by GameboyRMH ( 1153867 ) <`moc.liamg' `ta' `hmryobemag'> on Thursday December 16, 2021 @12:18PM (#62086855) Journal

    Former first lady and wife of likely future presidential candidate accepting untraceable payments for valueless tokens, seems legit, nothing to worry about here! But HOLY SHIT Hunter Biden's running an art gallery which appears to have been actually well-structured to prevent bribery, CRIME OF THE CENTU-REEE!!1uno

    • by Arethan ( 223197 )

      Must be born in the US to be our president. She was born in Slovenia, so she doesn't qualify.

      • by Arethan ( 223197 )

        Oh I misread. My bad. Yea I'm sure Trump would love to give it another try, but he might be roped up in litigation by then that also precludes him from taking office. Partisan politics and all that. There's a steaming pile of gross on both sides of the aisle these days.

        • Re:Totally legit! (Score:4, Insightful)

          by GameboyRMH ( 1153867 ) <`moc.liamg' `ta' `hmryobemag'> on Thursday December 16, 2021 @01:11PM (#62087121) Journal

          I am very suspicious of American both-sidesism, it seems to exist mainly as a rationalization for shy budding fascists who aren't yet totally comfortable with fascism to vote fascist.

          • by Arethan ( 223197 )

            I must not grok what you meant by this. Are you saying that centrists are actually fascists that are somehow hiding their identity politics and extremism behind clever discourse? Because, honestly, that's the most insane thing that I've read today, while also being factually incorrect per the definition of the word.

            Or maybe you're just outright calling me a fascist without actually knowing anything about me. What a weird thing to say in response to a small unifying comment.

            Perhaps you'd like to try again?

            • I'm saying that there's a difference between real-world centrism and theoretical centrism, first of all. Your theoretical centrist whose identity is theoretically defined by the definition of the word would at least be a fascist sympathizer now. I don't think this kind of theoretical centrist really exists in meaningful numbers. Real-world centrists aren't instantly and automatically dragged along when a conservative party quickly turns fascist - what would've been called a centrist in, say, 2014 would now

              • by Arethan ( 223197 )

                I see now, thanks for clarifying your statement. I can agree there is some merit in clarifying "centrism". However, I disagree with your analysis that a centrist from 2014 now leans moderate democrat and that a centrist of today would be a fascist sympathizer due to the presence of extremism within the political landscape. The general public may or may not be more extreme today than they were 7 years ago (the Internet and media is a constant flamewar, not a good litmus test for the political will of a popul

          • It's pretty easy to see that both parties in the US are full of shit. That's not an insightful observation, it's just an observation.

          • So one might say crypto-fascists?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      As Melania is well known to have said that she wants nothing to do with returning to the White House
      It is a little difficult to run for POTUS while in Jail for Tax Fraud (which makes him ineligible anyway)
      She will need some mulah to live on after DJT is declared bankwupt again for defrauding the IRS.

      I find this move totally predictable even if it is totally cringeworthy.

  • by Pascoea ( 968200 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @12:19PM (#62086861)
    In related news: Crypto Scam Revenue Up 81% in 2021 []
  • by aerogems ( 339274 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @12:24PM (#62086905)

    Seems after years of only being married to a serial grifter narcissist she's now getting in on the family business of relieving gullible idiots of their hard earned disposable income.

  • Literally, the very next story is:

    "Crypto Scam Revenue Up 81% in 2021, Hits $7.7 Billion: Chainalysis"

    Proof positive,

  • Why should The Donald have all the fun? She has learned her lessons well.

  • If the charity is a fund for her divorce? I'd consider it. Yep, all Trump hate make the nuances go away. This is one of the few cases where it may be deserved.
  • ... are - well, you know the drill.

    In times like these I wish /. had a "laugh" reaction for the main article, this one is bonafide "+1 Funny"

    • by jwhyche ( 6192 )

      Honestly, I thought she was smarter than this.

      • by waspleg ( 316038 )

        Based on what? Imagine the orange ring around her bathtub ... and mouth.

        • by jwhyche ( 6192 )

          Because she married Donald Trump.

          Don't bother if your response is along the lines of "orange man bad." Think very carefully before you answer, and you will see why she is smart.

  • Actual NFT here (Score:3, Informative)

    by enriquevagu ( 1026480 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @12:46PM (#62087009)

    The NFT is in this page []. It's a watercolor of her eyes, with a background voice of herself. At the moment it indicates "1 sol", presumably meaning "1 unit sold".

    Hey, wait, what's this 1 unit? Wasn't all this NFT rage about uniqueness of the digital items? Well, not according to the FAQ in her own website []:
    Why purchase an NFT?
    When purchasing an NFT, the buyer is receiving a unique and secure digital asset, such as a piece of digital artwork, with a unique serial number, backed by the blockchain.

    It seems that you don't even need to modify the picture of the monkey to generate a new NFT...

    • So is this like a Franklin Mint release, where yours is marked as #243 of a limited series of 1000 (for example)? If so, then I guess this is okay. As okay as ANY of this NFT garbage is, anyway. But if it's unlimited, then I think either she has missed the point of NFT, or, more likely in my opinion, she and her cohorts believe, probably correctly, that a lot of people who would pay for this are missing the point of NFT and think they're smarter than they are.

    • At the moment it indicates "1 sol", presumably meaning "1 unit sold".

      The way I read it sol is the name of the currency provided by the platform Solana, that one unit currently goes for $182.43 [] and that currently 3 NFT's of the artwork has been bought for 1 sol each [] with 276 remaining (corrections welcome).

    • by splutty ( 43475 )

      1 SOL means 1 "Shit out of Luck", because once you buy it, you're never going to be able to sell it :D

      • by rossdee ( 243626 )

        I thought that Sol was the name of the sun (you know the star in the centre of our solar system.

        Of course it the Trump universe everything orbits the Donald

    • The only uniqueness that NFTs provide is that of the token on the blockchain. The only exception to that is digital art that's small enough to store directly on the blockchain itself (e.g. small pixel art), although even in that case nothing precludes storing it more than once. Either way, if the NFT author wants to issue multiple tokens, there's nothing preventing them from doing so. They're still "non-fungible" in a sense that you can distinguish between them - and, in particular, know which ones were iss

  • ...she stopped getting her weekly paycheck for acting the First Lady, and needs money for groceries and jewelry

    • ...she stopped getting her weekly paycheck for acting the First Lady, and needs money for groceries and jewelry

      Groceries? Have you seen this woman? She doesn't eat!

  • Maybe it's one big joke that the super rich are in on. Perhaps they know NTFs are worthless, they know we know NFTs worthless, but it they can mock us by throwing obscene amounts of money at worthless things while we scrape a living. Or more likely these people have no real understanding of how worthless a NFT really is. My prediction is that NFTs will crash and burn horribly at some point in the not too distant future. Twenty years from now people will say "remember those NFTs that became a fad around 2020
    • Aren't they mostly just spending equally worthless crypto coins on this stuff though? It's like selling stuff for WoW gold that technically someone could exchange for real money on some Chinese webpage.
    • and no doubt - they get tax relief on the NFT themselves some how - tax right off etc - charitable donations for buying them etc. Wiser people than me say the whole NFT scheme is geared towards money laundering.
  • Republicans losing their mind when Hunter Biden sells tangible artwork.

  • by Shag ( 3737 )

    Naked, nude, and non-fungible?

  • Am I talking about the art or the artist?

    Even I can't tell.

    I hate to hate on Melania...I really do want to give her the benefit of the doubt. But she never takes the offramp to decency.

  • by magzteel ( 5013587 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @01:55PM (#62087283)

    The announcement mentions donating to programs for teens who have aged out of the foster care system.

    One of my relatives founded a 501c3 charity dedicated to this cause.

    Have a look at https://ageoutangelsorg.ipage.... [] and please donate if you think it's worthwhile

  • I'd figure she could command a heck of a lot more. Certainly there are some wealthy folks who will happily blow a lot more than that up the Trumps rear ends. Would mean more money for the kids.

    • I'd figure she could command a heck of a lot more. Certainly there are some wealthy folks who will happily blow a lot more than that up the Trumps rear ends. Would mean more money for the kids.

      It think would be interesting with some friendly competition with proceeds going to charity from for example Michelle Obama (currently Melania has sold 6 NFT's while boldly increasing the total available to 460 [] ).

  • Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday December 16, 2021 @03:38PM (#62087891)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion

panic: kernel trap (ignored)
