Facebook More Hated Than Banks, Utilities 332
jfruhlinger writes "According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, Facebook raises a lot of ire among its customers — more than Bank of America or AT&T Mobility. This bodes ill for the company — as blogger Chris Nerney points out, many of the others on the most-hated list are utilities and other companies with monopolies, which can hold customers despite bad service. At least Facebook edged out MySpace." Unsurprisingly, the most important thing about Google+ is that it's not Facebook.
Never underestimate (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Never underestimate (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Never underestimate (Score:5, Insightful)
You're what Facebook sells to their customers.
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isn't it "You're what Facebook tries to sell to their potential customers"? The whole business model is imo based on an idea and at the moment venture capital companies believe in this dream
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Re:Never underestimate (Score:5, Insightful)
They have customers, but it's not their users. They're the product. Yes, dear user of Facebook, you're not their "valued customer". You are what they are selling. You are the product. You are a bit like the native Americans when the white people came. Ignorant of what this "trade" really means, what it really means that you hand over your private space for a few trinkets. Your data is valuable, but you hand it over for a few shiny beads.
But hey, don't feel bad. Facebook ain't the only one. It's about the same with private TV. You, watching it, aren't their customer. You're their product. They're selling you to the ad companies. So it's not like Facebook is the first "evil" company to exploit that people attach little value to their time and data, they just took it to a new level.
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Re:Never underestimate (Score:5, Insightful)
The privacy-drain of the internet has turned you into a husk of a human being unable to escape your own vices! You can do nothing but buy, buy, buy because all of the advertisements around you contain nothing but exactly what you want and/or need! You're nothing but a slave to your impulses now, controlled by your corporate masters! What has mankind done to the world of the future?
Frankly, I think services paid for by marketing research are probably on the losing end in the long run. Product placements can only get so subtle... and as they do, we're getting more adept at catching them and ignoring them. Viva la AdBlock.
Also, there's a chance that your mother's maiden name and/or credit card information could be leaked to someone unscrupulous in a developing country.
Re:There's a difference... (Score:5, Insightful)
On top of that, the information a bank knows about you is, by default, private Your neighbour cannot get your banking information from $BIGBANK without a court order or a certified letter stating that he is now the executor of your estate. Facebook is, and always has been, by default as public as possible. By default, almost every app someone installs has access to all the information found in their profile and the profiles of their friends. Facebook makes it very easy for it's users to remain unaware that their privacy is subject to the decisions made by their friends.
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Sure targeted advertising works, but it is not forcing people to buy the products, It is letting people who want a like product know that your product is out there.
Hey even on Slashdot I have Adds turned on. After doing some Google searches for some products I go to Slashdot I see some adds about Similar stuff I am looking at. If it wasn't for advertising a lot of products that we use today as staples wouldn't be around. Advertising isn't evil, the problem with online adds are the Criminals who use to try
Your data. (Score:4, Insightful)
You're paying by your personal data, which are then made available to FB's customers (e.g. advertisers). Also, FB can use anything you upload there as it sees fit ("irrevocable license blah blah blah"). Go read their ToS, you may be *slightly* surprised what you're giving them - it's certainly not free, not even as in beer.
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My personal data isn't worth a dime to me. It's data. It's not like an investment. So, yes, it's still free, and did not cost me a dime.
Re:Your data. (Score:4, Insightful)
Can you send me: current employer, your residences for the last 10 years, your home and/or cell number, all currently used email addresses (plus password! the FB special), photos of you and friends, vacation schedule, where you like to eat/shop, your sexual preferences and anything else I missed... Thanks!
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A service that is not paid for with money is not synonymous with "free". Money is not the only value that can be used to pay for something.
In its original form, people exchanged 1 cow for let's say 5 sheep. Not for free.
Slightly different form: computer repair service for quality whiskey. Not for free.
Mow my lawn 10 times and I'll fix your roof. Not free.
Almost the same with Facebook: share some (or all) of your personal info, I'll provide a convenient way to keep in touch with friends. Except for the fact
Re:Your data. (Score:4, Insightful)
One easy example is in tagging photos, indicating that I am in them. I have no problem with my friends having a picture of me enjoying a cold one at a birthday party, after all, they were at the same party, engaged in similar activities and so they are aware of the context in which that photo was taken. However, unbeknownst to most of my friends, by default most of the applications they install (Mafia Wars, Farmville etc) have total access to that information as well. The developers then harvest whatever information that has marketable value. I can easily foresee a company that offers background checks on prospective employees that, among other things, searches for photos with my name attached to them as a tag. They can then say "we found X number of pictures of Mr Example in which drugs or alcohol were being consumed" and there go my prospects of being hired.
Note that I don't have to be actually the one consuming those products, just to appear in the pictures to be labelled as a potential alcoholic or drug user. And this could easily happen completely unknown to me, whether I belong to the site or not. And because neither I nor my friend have any good way of knowing which application developer harvested what information and in turn sold it, we have no good way of suing such a background checker if they provide false or misleading data to my prospective employer.
Sure, I gave that information to my friend freely and he in turn freely gave it to Facebook (as per the TOS), my problem is that sites like Facebook make it as easy as possible to be unaware of this covert data gathering and then make it hard as possible to defend against if/when you do become concerned about it.
As far as I am concerned, no matter what the fine print actually says, sites like Facebook knowingly use misdirection and outright deception to cultivate ignorance on the part of it's members and then make millions exploiting the ignorance they created.
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There are these total chumps that ask me to come by most days of the week and let me use their computer in their air conditioning. Not only does it not cost me a dime, but they actually give me money! My employers are total chumps...
(Woosh prevention: it costs you _time_. Facebook also has the additional to you of, well, you. The information about you they sell. Money is only an occasionally useful abstraction of true cost and value.)
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You have to explain that a little further. Facebook haven't cost me a dime, so how is that not free?
It hasn't cost you a dime, it has cost you a lot of privacy, personal information and other behavioural data which can has been used to monetize you. Perhaps that is a reasonable quid pro quo but there is still a cost associated with using a "free" online service whether it is immediately obvious or not.
Re:Never underestimate (Score:5, Insightful)
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This is one reason why I was disappointed that Google Wave didn't work out--it would be nice to move to something that is an open protocol, like email, rss, etc. that can be decentralized and hosted across different sites.
Really, I feel like things are rarely new, just sort of polished up. IRC, html, newsgroups, email--most people could use these standards for whatever they want and wouldn't notice any difference in their lives.
I'm not saying nothing is new, or that new communication methods shouldn't be de
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I'm not even on Facebook and I hate it, because everybody stopped sending personal emails.
I'm not even on Facebook and I love it, because everybody stopped sending personal emails.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen a "forward this to 1,000 of your friends" emails for a very long time, years even.... It never occurred to me that Facebook might actually have made a positive difference in my life.
Re:Never underestimate (Score:5, Insightful)
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And this is why different groups of people know me by different nicknames. Tag me all you want, aside of people who know I'm part of that group nobody will find me in your Facebook profile, and most certainly not my boss.
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Friends tag your face with your name. Only since you're not a member, you can't untag it.
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I don't see you paying to get the privilege of reading (or reading about) such complaints!
So quit your bitching! It's free! Be thankful!
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Only if your data and time have no value. Which I doubt. At least your data is valuable. Giving it away for the laughable value you get in return is... well, I don't wanna start a flamewar.
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I still remember how very much I hated AOL when I got their trial membership for "free." I don't think I've ever hated any company more.
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Facebook is free. Free as in beer. It's nice, you can take as much as you want, but the more you do, the worse is the awakening the next day when you go "gee, what have I done?"
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Never underestimate the ability of people to hate something that didn't exist a few years ago and they get for free.
Considering that it's free and people still hate it... says a lot.
And it's not free.
More importantly it is better (Score:4, Insightful)
That's the real significant fact about it. Facebook's UI is a gargantuan POS. G+ has a vastly better UI and functionality that is clearly more useful for what it is intended to do. I don't understand what it is about sites like Facebook, but these services just seem to be incapable of not turning themselves into crap. Hopefully G+ will just stick to doing what it does now and doing it better. I don't understand why I should need to be able to run 'applications' in a social networking site, I can go to Popcap and do that if I want, etc.
So yeah, G+ isn't Facebook, and that's a good thing.
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The primary reason is the profit motive. Corporations, especially corporations with lots of shareholders such as public companies, need constant profit growth to satisfy those shareholders. So, they have to constantly be looking for new ways to monetize their brand. For free web services, this usually means becoming steadily more insufferab
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You've got me thinking, why could you not have a distributed social networking standard? Why (from a technology viewpoint) could you not have competing social networking sites, or even run my own one much as I would an email server or a blog?
In this case friending a person would create a two way link between the two identities allowing you to tag them in photos, invite them to events and effectively subscribe you to their rss feed of news posts.
The technology is all there - anyone interested in creating an
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Because the only sites likely to implement it are the ones that nobody uses. FB is unlikely to ever use a standard format as it would make it too easy to leave, they'd have to start learning about integrity and ethical business practices if they wanted to participate in that.
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This isn't a technical problem. There already are schemes like that - the problem is, nobody's promoting them, because there's no money in it.
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The whole working of social networks promotes monopolies.
Back in the days we were all chatting on ICQ, and newcomers went to ICQ because everyone else was on there already.
Later MS replaced it with MSN - same effect.
Online auction: e-bay. There is no other. Why use e-bay? Because everyone else uses it, so that's where your buyers are if you want to sell something, and that's where all the offers are found if you want to buy something. There are local alternatives (geographical location matters for that k
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Oh, it may well go to the dogs too. At least the core functionality is better than Facebook's. Only time will tell. Google may add more cruft to their stuff, but they don't seem to go as crazy with that as many places do. Fundamentally some kind of distributed social networking might be ideal, but I think technologically we're not really anywhere near being there yet.
But it's still Google... (Score:5, Insightful)
As long as we depend on single monolithic sites run by for-profit entities for social networking, we'll continue to have the same problems we do with Facebook. The whole social networking model is based around providing the service for free while making money from targeted advertising. As long as that's the case, the companies running the social networks will do whatever they can to try and entice people to reveal more information about themselves. Switching from Facebook to Google isn't going to change that.
Re:But it's still Google... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:But it's still Google... (Score:4, Informative)
Takeout is only an example. The Data Liberation Front [dataliberation.org] page has information for almost(?) all Google services.
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As long as social networking sites don't interoperate (I can't for example through linked_in friend someone on facebook) then this is going to be the problem because they have to be free because they only work if they have enough people on them. True in the early days they could limit it to just college students because to a large approximation you caught the entire social circle with that restriction. Now if they did interoperate then you could have pay sites that didn't sell your information and yet still
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While this is true, Google does let you get your data back out if you should so choose, whereas Facebook actively discourages or outright prevents this.
Additionally, do you ever see Facebook choosing to interoperate with Diaspora in any meaningful way? Now, do you see Google choosing to interoperate with Diaspora in any meaningful way?
While I think Google will choose to try to interoperate if they can, I think their open data policy makes it hard to not interoperate, even if they don't want to.
So yeah, some
Dont use it then. (Score:5, Insightful)
I always wonder about the people who hate something, and despite quite some competition, continue to use it. Do your friends really stop talking to you if you leave facebook? Then look for other friends.
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From what I gather, Google+ just makes it more convenient to restrict to whom you show the pictures. Which seems like a big improvement over FB, as you can show images of things that happened at a party to people who were there or typically go to those parties, but not ones parents.
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Your shameful photos can end up anywhere on the web whether you want it or not. They can also end up on Youtube as animations. Facebook/G+ are no different.
G+ isn't Facebook, so what? (Score:4, Insightful)
The big draw of Facebook in its early years was "It's not MySpace". What makes anybody think that the story of G+ is going to be any different than the story of MySpace and Facebook?
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Nothing, but that won't stop people from potentially flocking to Google+ from Facebook just like they did from MySpace.
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Unlike facebook or MySpace, G+ is just a subproject of Google. That already is a large difference in dynamics. Google might be willing to experiment more with it than a company whose entire business model relies on their social network's success.
Good point (Score:2)
I've been curious about this. It seems like Facebook took off because as you say "it's not Myspace". What happens when the next generation wants to post their teenage/college sex/drinking exploits? I can't picture them doing so on the same service Grandma uses.
Is social networking going to become an alternating generational cycle where each upcoming generation must move to a new service to get away from their family? Or will people adopt multiple networks? I expect a geek to do so naturally but the average
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Did granny ever become involved in MySpace? Don't think so.
When/if Facebook is replaced by something else, granny will move as well. The whole net population has changed over the last decade or two - in MySpace's heyday granny wasn't online yet, and the youngsters were still by themselves. That part has changed a lot.
Most likely they will just continue posting those compromising photos in /b/ or so... at least it's usually not going to stay online forever.
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It may be me... but I don't recall MySpace as a real networking site, which offered personal messaging and so like Facebook does. I've always seen it more as a successor of sites like geocities, where everyone could set up their own web page. I've also never seen MySpace getting anything near the popularity Facebook has now.
Though Facebook is not a place to set up your own web site but a place to send messages to (groups of) other people - they call it "friends" - and to form special interest-related group
WRONG - you are not Facebook's "customer"! (Score:5, Informative)
You are Facebook's PRODUCT... not their customer. Their customer is the advertisers. Their only motive is to not piss you off enough to go away.
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Who the hell clicks on fb ads anyway? I just use it to keep in touch with family and friends. I don't use any of those silly apps, and I never click on any ads, heck, I do;t even glance at the right hand side of the browser window.
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One could argue that for a lot of society today - that you are the product, not the customer.
More importantly, "not piss you off enough to go away" gets a lot harder if there is a viable place to go. Right now, an alternative doesn't exist, but G+ has the potential to actually give people a place to jump to. Things could get interesting...
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Exactly, and thank you for saying that. I suspect that Facebook's actual customers - advertisers - are very happy indeed with them. Users? Screw 'em, just not hard enough that they leave.
I need circles indeed. (Score:3)
facebook does not have this differentiation. you can change privacy settings to allow/disallow people from seeing, yet it is a 1 vs 0 boolean choice. you cant differentiate in groups. and even these settings are buried deep, problematic to do (you have to manually eliminate 140 people from seeing your updates down to 14 people), and facebook is constantly changing these settings so that they will be able to snag and sell more data to their corporate customers.
it has really become a steaming pile of shit.
i am on it, because of a few valued people are still on it, and not technically affluent to be on anything else. but, they could easily use google+, and when google+ comes, i am going to encourage them to sign up.
Becoming? (Score:2)
Some of us were calling it a steaming pile of shit before calling it a steaming pile of shit was cool.
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I don't really want to jump to the defense of facebook here, but your particular complaint seem to stem from being ignorant of its "lists" feature.
Create a list for each of your circles, and when you post something, select only the lists you want. Most of my updates for example, go only to people on my "Friends In Real Life" list.
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Listen, I am not going to get in an argument about whether anything on facebook is user-friendly or not, but the fact that you were not aware of it doesn't mean it is poorly implemented or hidden.
There is a big button at the top of the friends list page that says "Add List." on it. When you post something, there is a drop-down immediately to the left of the "Share" button to choose who can see it. And when this highly requested feature was finally added, there were plenty of news articles about it on all
Re:I need circles indeed. (Score:4, Insightful)
Bodes ill? Ha! (Score:2)
...This bodes ill for the company...
I don't know why. The other companies mentioned, Bank of America; AT&T, are doing just fine even though their customers hate them. Saying that it "bodes ill" for Facebook because they are universally loathed is just wishful thinking.
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The difference is that BoA and AT&T have a much stronger means by which to prevent people from leaving. Remember how MySpace was the social network before it pretty much collapsed over night? It wouldn't surprise me if that happened to FB in the near future when the cool kids find someplace else to hang out.
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My axe to grind (Score:3)
...and the axe of many of my friends, is that Facebook keeps changing their layout, users find out when they log in and are like "...what's going on?" since they can't find whatever it is they're looking for, and there's no way to change it back. I'm certain that Farmville users can find their farms, but it's getting more and more distilled into a platform where the communication aspects are less useful.
While yes, 99% of the groups were "1,000,000 strong for not clubbing baby seals" and "I hate it when people text me 'k'", there were a few groups that I was a part of that were genuine groups with active discussion boards. All of the discussion threads turned into wall posts with massive amounts of comments...and to someone, that made sense.
There's more and more spam happening. While admittedly they're doing much more to mitigate it than Myspace ever did, filtering out the malicious links is still ultimately a manual job. Even the nonmalicious stuff that's still unwanted takes a ridiculous amount of time to do right. While I blocked Mafia Wars, *ville, etc., my block list is a mile long because of it. The only one that was actually fun to me was Superpoke (there is, in fact, an odd humor to be found in throwing a virtual sheep at a friend), but the first time there was an official "new facebook", Superpoke got ditched in the process, so plug-ins became less useful unless you were someone like Zynga.
I was a fan of the 'old' messaging system, where it was effectively an e-mail. it made a lot of sense, since it was much easier to scroll the address book (i.e. my friend list), my friends frequently set up SMS notifiations so they could respond in a timely manner, and read receipts were automatic. When they asked if I wanted to change to the 'new message' system, I was like, "yeah, I'll try it out", silly me thinking they would allow me to go back if I didn't like it. Naturally, it was a one-way street.
At this point, Facebook to me is just another e-mail account, with a 'public message' view, a 'private message' view, and a game view (along with questionable privacy practices). Some of my friends are holdouts and still don't have a Facebook. While I used to be all "zomg you need one", I'm finding myself now saying "don't sweat it - is e-mail or cell better for you?" This usually provides me at least one - usually two - explicit means of contacting them. Facebook is relevant and useful, but I feel that there's a distinct possibility that it's in a position where its best days are behind it. If Zuckerburg is smart, he'll cash out now.
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But WHY do they hate Facebook? (Score:2)
My expectation (no, of course I didn't RTFA) is that people hate the relatively rigid UI format of facebook which changes without notice on a fairly regular basis, with no attempt to transition or provide guidance. Whether it's the list friends online (list->pictures) or the "enter now submits your comment" features, or any of a dozen other annoyances, they all generate ill will, even if they may be useful in the long run.
People like the concept of facebook - the connectivity, the games (ugh), organizat
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First, "hate" is the wrong word here - more accurate is "lowest satisfaction rating". And it's easy - people are inclined to dislike things considerably more when they perceive they have no choice in where they get services from; and the service itself tends to be not as good when that situation arises. When you look at the other businesses in the list, you'll see that most of them hold near-monopolies in their areas of service as well.
"Customers" (Score:2)
Facebook raises ire amongst its "customers"? Really? So, amongst the corporations to which it sells aggregate advertising data? Huh, I wouldn't have expected those customers to be so upset.
Food for thought (Score:2)
First: the link in the summary is wrong, it links to a marketing firm. The ACS is here.
While the original Business Insider post is straightforward enough (BTW the summary should have linked here [businessinsider.com], instead of to itworld spam... I find the itworld spam interesting.
Facebook is far from the most interesting company in that top 19 list - in fact the general trend seems to be companies with relative monopolies in their service areas; but does anyone really think it coincidence that ITWorld ran this article with th
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My first link disappearedin posting - ACSI is here: http://www.theacsi.org/index.php [theacsi.org]
The real reason (Score:2)
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That's called Reddit.
Where is the customer principles today? (Score:2)
*Proud not-user of Facebook*
How is Google+ different from Orkut? (Score:2)
I'm asking because G+ hasn't open its doors to everyone yet
Facebook vs. mobile (Score:2)
The edge Facebook used to have is that it wasn't Myspace.
Facebook's user count is dropping. The problem seems to be that the users are becoming annoyed with all the junk,
The rise of mobile use may be a problem for Facebook. Anecdote: a female friend of mine in SF is very much into doing everything possible through her iPhone. She recently told me to use email, text, or voice to reach her, rather than messaging on Facebook. She's deluged with useless Facebook status updates, and now only checks Facebook
Customer satisfaction (Score:2)
This is shocking. I had no idea that advertisers were that upset with Facebook. I thought the bent over backwards to provide advertisers with everything they could possibly want. It could be a big problem for them.
The Howard Stern Syndrome. (Score:2)
Facebook the "most hated", and yet it keeps growing...like a flower..or cancer. You choose.
Reminds me of that line in Howard Sterns movie when the statistics reported the #1 reason people that love Howard Sterns radio show was also the exact same reason for people that hate the Howard Stern radio show. Both groups couldn't wait to hear what he had to say next.
Monopoly (Score:2)
Facebook basically is a monopoly, if all your friends are there then you have no real choice... And your friends are probably in the same boat, with it being too impractical to move them all en masse.
Unfortunately, a service of this kind basically ensures a monopoly... I don't know how such a service could be offered in a decentralised way.
Yeah, and now they even blame Mozilla's POSTDATA (Score:2)
Facebook doesn't want you to use the back button [mozilla.org]
Banks are holding up Mozilla to make it break the back button on SSL pages that are the result of a form submission [mozilla.org]
Bubble bursting? (Score:3)
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He's a known troll. He is neither a chiropractor nor a doctor, nor in fact does he care about the subjects in question in the slightest. He only posts in every thread he can shoehorn alt med crap into for the sole purpose of generating flamewars. Stop feeding him.
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There are many people that despise Facebook, but begrudgingly go along with it, at least in a limited fashion, because it's adoption rate has become so great that it has become more difficult to maintain a social life, or to date, without some use of Facebook.
The problem with the social network concept is that even if you developed the finest social network that you can imagine, that it won't matter unless the people are there. There are already alternatives to Facebook that I'd much prefer to use, but nob
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Why have I never heard anyone actually say a disparaging word about it?.
You must be new here...
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So the story planting begins.
You'd think they would at least try a new strategy.
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Er, wasn't it the other way around? The big story a few months back was how Facebook had hired a company to run an astroturfing smear campaign against Google, accusing them of antitrust and privacy violations (and then, "coincidentally" enough, the FTC opens an investigation a few months later).
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Re:And... (Score:4, Insightful)
MS has repeatedly shown that they can not be trusted, more to the point was the backroom deals they made with hardware manufacturers. And though Google doesn't have as nearly as bad a track record, the Law (US & EU) is beginning to take notice of them specifically for anti-competitive behavior. But don't take my word for it, ask them [google.com] yourself ;-)
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You know? It's funny. MS was sued for "monopolic practices" for including Internet Explorer as their default option.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. And in this case, you either have too little knowledge, or are simply trolling.
MS was sued for a variety of reasons; the browser issue was only one small part (which got a lot of airtime). The per-processor licensing agreements that required OEM's to pay Microsoft for both a DOS and Windows license for every computer they shipped, even if it didn't include DOS or Windows was a significant part of that suit (as it made any computers that shipped with any other OS's
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The problem is you don't WANT to get it: google *is* a monopoly as much as Microsoft is. While there are search alternatives (like Bing, cause Yahoo uses Google anyway), they're not as good as Google, or don't have the brainpower (or money) to compete with Google. Just like Windows in the OS world. We can avoid the flamewar and just accept that Windows is the dominating desktop OS (either cause it's good, preinstalled, or any other reason).
Google is adding a "+1" button. Google NEVER ADDED a "Like in Facebo