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China Locks Down Thousands in North to Contain Growing Outbreak ( 129

China locked down a county that has seen the most Covid-19 cases in the nation's latest delta outbreak, as an initial flareup in the northwest quickly spirals into a nationwide surge. From a report: Ejin, a county in China's Inner Mongolia region, asked its 35,700 residents to stay home from Monday and warned of civil and criminal liabilities should anyone disobey the order, state broadcaster CCTV reported, citing a local government statement. The small county bordering Mongolia is the current outbreak's hotspot, home to nearly one-third of the more than 150 infections found over the past week in the mainland. The lockdown comes a day after a warning from National Health Commission officials that the outbreak would continue to worsen after spreading to 11 provinces in about a week. China reported 38 Covid infections on Monday, half of which were found in Inner Mongolia.

The capital Beijing -- which has seen a dozen new cases traced back to the northwest -- has all but banned entry by people arriving from anyplace in the country that's reported locally-transmitted Covid cases. People who have to visit Beijing from these areas must provide a negative Covid test conducted no longer than two days earlier, and undergo two weeks of unspecified health monitoring.

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China Locks Down Thousands in North to Contain Growing Outbreak

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  • and black-bag some citizens off the street.

    That ought to fix it.

    If all else fails, you can always start issuing quotas to the local physicians for how many covid cases they're allowed to report that day.

    And besides, in a country of 1.something billion, who's going to miss a village of 35,000?

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by BytePusher ( 209961 )
      You have clearly been infected with CDS(China Derangement Synrome) and will now be quarantined to the USA and Europe.
      • Don’t you know doctors were writing down Covid for people who died from heart attacks? Of course I’m being sarcastic. If you ask why there’s never a real answer.

      • But, what they said is what the CCP has been doing since the start. There is plenty of video that has escaped to YT and elsewhere if you care to look instead of playing piglet for Xi Jing Pooh.

        Wumaos are extremely aggressive at trying to flag and takedown YT video but there are still lots of places to find examples.

        people being sealed in []

        quarantine camps and forced testing []

        millions unable to leave their homes []

        This is very cursory, it's not my job to educate you.

        • I really don't know what your point is... In the "covid camps" video "unsanitary covid test" clearly has a replaceable plastic shield. These videos are just complete and total bullshit. You can even tell by the nasal voice this "journalist" uses and the way they show just 1 or 2 seconds of a video and fill in the rest of the narrative. We already know that China is doing massive testing and has much more strict lockdowns.

          so I don't know what I'm supposed to learn from any of these videos except that China

        • China Unsensored is funded by "New Tang Dynasty TV," which is directly funded by the CIA. []

          Meaning, every video you posted is directly linked to CIA funding mean to propagandize US citizens against China for the purpose of US imperialism and the perpetuation of the military industrial complex. But, please, keep guzzling down that sweet sweet, deep-state, CIA propaganda.
          • Oh look...the CCP shill has identified himself.

            Here's a moral question: if you had to shill for "American imperialism" or the CCP, which would you rather do and why?

            Here's a practical question: if you had to shill for the CCP or the US, and got found out and had to gtfo, do you think you'd do better for yourself if you GTFO'd from the west to china, or the other way around?

            • But why believe this CIA funded propaganda bull shit? They have you seeing monsters in the shadows of trees just so they can fight "commies" and suck money away for the military. Everything you have ever learned about the world outside the US has been filtered through a CIA lens so that you keep seeing the world in the binaries of "us" verses "them." Where the us and the them are whatever is convenient at the time for continuing the US's constant war making.
              • So when I read stuff on dw or bbc or other foreign sites, or read books written by European or Asian academics and historians, that's gone through the cia reality distortion field too? Neat!

                Get help dude.

                Not every helicopter you see in the sky is sent there by the cia to spy on you jacking off to grainy videotapes of baywatch.

                • Yes and no. As a right winger, you likely felt that the mainstream media was controlled by a wealthy class of elites. That is just true. The majority of large media corporations serve the wealthy and the narrative that capitalism equals freedom. Meanwhile, those same wealthy elite support wars abroad that actively deny various countries their freedom of self determination. A Marxist Leninist government cannot be allowed to exist without punishment, because if it ever so happened to thrive the rest of the wo
                  • More to the point. The Cold War with China isn't about China. The wealthy elite are panicking that working people are demanding higher wages and better working conditions. For a long time sending high paying manufacturing jobs to China served to suppress wages, and the price of survival goods, in the western world. This allowed the pipelines of cash to more efficiently flow to those with the most capital. Now that wages(China eliminated extreme poverty in their country) are rising in China and improved work
                    • Very grainy tapes, I take it?

                      Capitalism doesn't equal freedom, but freedom results in capitalism if it's actual freedom: freedom of thought, freedom of association, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, etc.

                      Capitalism can exist without freedom, but as a political/economic system it's more accurately described as fascism.

                      Marxism didn't require any outside punishment to collapse. It did so of its own volition. East Germany was being propped up by the Soviets, West Germany was being propped up by America. No

                    • Please explain Operation Cyclone and the fact that the US is STILL active in Afghanistan: []

                      Why don't we allow Afghanistan, Korea, China, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Iran, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba, Mexico, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, (and the list goes on) to have the freedom of choice? You really should read Lenin's thoughts on imperialism. Capitalism allows for relative freedom for certain classes of people with
                    • I don't think you understand what capitalism is.

                      It's not top hats, monocles, and manservants to dress you for the evening. It's people being in control of themselves and their labor. Some do better than others through skill and luck. That's okay.

                    • Capitalism has the definition in the name. It's not laborism. It's not antiauthoritarianism. It's not anticlassism. It's not antihierarchicalism. It's CAPITAL-ism. Meaning the owners of capital decide the ideology. Those who own the most capital decide the rules. And, yeah, top hats are out of fashion. Now they wear athleisure and try to masquerade as one of us while sending rocket propelled penises into space. If you want to know what capitalism is I highly recommend you read the book Capital, Volume 1, by
                    • No cupcake, *humans* are violent and imperialistic creatures. Communist states and pre-industrial tribes engaged in wars of conquest. And they had quite high body counts, as recently as the previous century.

                      Capitalism merely enables material prosperity. And enables humans to do their thing more effectively. A miraculously wealthy communist state would rack up exaclty the same kinds of body counts abroad. Almost all were poor, so they racked up their body counts at home.

                    • If I've got a few thousand saved up, and I open a I a capitalist now of I invest that couple k into equipment for my business?

                      There are one-man lawn care companies where an investment of a few thousand into a lawnmower and trimmer and leaf blower that fit into your truck is the start of something that turns into a sizable business in ten or 20 years.

                      Are those people capitalists?

                      Or is there some vague and unspecified amount of cash and cashflow that let you pass as a communist if you're under,

                    • All you are saying here is propaganda points you have been taught since you first learned the pledge of allegiance. I suggested a book, a podcast and lessons on YouTube. Since you have such a hatred of communism, you should at least learn what is it that you hate so much. You don't understand capitalism either, even though you claim to love it. If you need more accessible information I can look for you. As is, all you are doing is repeating capitalist slogans without understanding what you are talking about
                    • I was born into a communist system and was raised by people who lived most of their adult lives under a communist system. Then we came here and have lived for the past 30 years under a capiralist system.

                      I understand both well enough to compare their merits and their demerits and make an informed choice.

                      You grew up under a capitalist system, have reaped all of its benefits to the point where you take them for granted, and read about a mythical utopia in a book produced by propagandists with an axe to grind,

    • And besides, in a country of 1.something billion, who's going to miss a village of 35,000?

      Well, it's for sure no more than a mere rounding error, but damn... yeah, the free press sucks when it doesn't support your narrative, and it's only the suckiest way of doing things until you consider all the other alternatives.

  • Oh no! (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by quonset ( 4839537 )

    Someone fly them some goat paste. That will do the trick.

The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom.
