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Bill Gates Asked Microsoft's 'Junior Engineer' Job Interview Question ( 77

DevNull127 writes: Let's say you're interviewing for a junior engineering position at Microsoft," Bill Gates was asked. "Why should we hire you?"

"I like to be on a team," Gates replies. "I like ambitious goals. I like thinking through how we can anticipate the future. Software is cool, and I want to be involved."

The question was asked by top basketball player Steph Curry, in a new YouTube series CNN says will focus on ideas for positive change. In its first 20-minute episode Gates also spoke about the toll of the pandemic on workers in difficult low-paying jobs that can't be done remotely. "We didn't prepare well for this pandemic. I was one of the voices that warned that something like this could happen, but even I didn't appreciate how inequitable this would be...

"Hopefully, although the whole thing's a tragedy and a huge setback, some of those areas of innovation like online learning, telemedicine, get accelerated so that three years from now we can say 'Wow, we made over 10 years of progress. This stuff really works."

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Bill Gates Asked Microsoft's 'Junior Engineer' Job Interview Question

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  • by Entrope ( 68843 ) on Sunday October 18, 2020 @09:53AM (#60621328) Homepage

    Because I can mouth empty platitudes. I can talk a good game without even claiming I can execute. I've been on the other side of this interview thousands of times and know exactly how to make a good impression without promising anything. Did I mention that I have good intentions?

  • Do you like [] giving me money? Do you like ambitious salaries? Do you like thinking through how to anticipate guaranteeing my income? Am I cool and you want to be my patron?

    Otherwise: ... You will hear from me. (lol)

    • It is quite ironic that CNN is posting a video of a multimillionaire (Steph Curry) whose Dad was an multimillionaire NBA player, fake interviewing a billionaire (Gates) whose Mom was on the board of IBM and both used that privilege to get where they are today. There are regular people out there that are having trouble finding work and interviews and they push this bullshit. It would be pathetic if it wasn't so fucking stupid.
      • whose Mom was on the board of IBM and both used that privilege to get where they are today. .

        It is amazing how resilient urban legends are. Bill's Mother was NOT on the board of IBM.

        • by denzacar ( 181829 ) on Sunday October 18, 2020 @01:21PM (#60621884) Journal

          It's a conflation of characters. For all intents and purposes, she may as well have been on IBM's board. At least that way everything would have been... well... above the board.
          Cause she WAS on "the board of directors of the national United Way" [] - along with John Opel. []

          The bit about her role in getting her boy that sweet IBM deal is literally from her obituary. []

          Her tenure on the national board's executive committee is believed to have helped Microsoft, based in Seattle, at a crucial time.
          In 1980, she discussed with John R. Opel, a fellow committee member who was the chairman of the International Business Machines Corporation, the business that I.B.M. was doing with Microsoft.

          Mr. Opel, by some accounts, mentioned Mrs. Gates to other I.B.M. executives.
          A few weeks later, I.B.M. took a chance by hiring Microsoft, then a small software firm, to develop an operating system for its first personal computer.

          The success of the I.B.M. P C gave Microsoft and its MS-DOS (for Microsoft Disk Operating System) a lift that eventually made it the world's largest software company for personal computers.
          Sales now exceed $3 billion.

  • Of course (Score:5, Insightful)

    by robi5 ( 1261542 ) on Sunday October 18, 2020 @10:43AM (#60621444)

    "To help choke the air supply of any innovative company that would, left unchecked, make you need to shift perspective and give up some of the monopoly power"

  • by mykepredko ( 40154 ) on Sunday October 18, 2020 @10:46AM (#60621454) Homepage

    When I was graduating from University.

    To be fair, I was told that I was going to get the question in a interview before the one with Gates.

    As I remember it, my answer was: "I have the right skills for Microsoft to move personal computers into the corporate office."

    I was applying for a job in the hardware group (which were designing mice at the time). I pitched that Mice were critical to making computers easier to use and the right mouse, at the right price would help move that forwards.

    It must of been the right answer, I got an offer.

  • by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Sunday October 18, 2020 @11:17AM (#60621540)

    What is it with Gates and the media? That guy must be buying his way to my eyeballs. I fucking hate Bill Gates and I don't give a fuck what he thinks or what he does or what he thinks is important. The guy was a greedy monopolistic fuck and how he gets to play nice and decide how best to save the world?

    The entire world would be better off without philanthropy. That money should have been distributed properly in the first place, then the world would need less philanthropy.

    Fuck you, Bill.

    • by stooo ( 2202012 )

      Yep True.
      Corporations are now too big, scalping too much profits, and getting zero interest money, paying no taxes whatsoever.

    • I don't think Microsoft employees (or customers for that matter) are generally the targets of philanthropy, so I'm curious how that money might have "been distributed properly in the first place" such that philanthropy was now less necessary, especially under the purview of a CEO who would presumably not be an influential billionaire in that hypothetical.

      Yes, Gates was a complete asshole as CEO. Maybe he's still an asshole. I don't think he should be canonized or anything, or that his philanthropy somehow

      • Fortunes like that of Bill Gates are predicated on income inequality. You are arguing for income inequality because one or a few very rich people did something nice. Real wages in the US have been almost flat for 40 years, but a handful of billionaires can give it all away as they see fit and in exchange for tax and other benefits to themselves.

        We are in the midst of a pandemic that has had great economic impacts. Those economic impacts have been felt far more by the poor. I guess those poor folks that

    • I fucking hate Bill Gates

      Why? Did he run over your dog? I started moving away from Microsoft on my personal computers before Windows 98 came out. Windows 95 was an improvement over Windows 3.0/3.1, but I didn't like their business practices. But I never felt any emotion as strong as hate, and certainly never "fucking hate". What happened to drive you into such a rage?

    • The entire world would be better off without philanthropy. That money should have been distributed properly in the first place, then the world would need less philanthropy. Fuck you, Bill.

      Don't you mean Fuck you, Ronald, George, Bill (Clinton), Barack, and Donald? Because it politicians who decide what the tax rates are and where tax money goes. Not individual businesspeople. If businesspeople want their earnings distributed properly, their only option is philanthropy.

      • You bring a fair point, its the government that fucked up the tax system, though not presidents specially. But the multi-national aspect of taxes that companies like Microsoft deal with allows even greater theft from society. Bill's philanthropy is a giant tax break, really tax payer fund that work but tax payer don't get to decide how the money is spent.

    • How is this marked as "insightful"?

      The first paragraph is an expletive strewn rant (at best).

      The middle paragraph offers: "That money should have been distributed properly in the first place, then the world would need less philanthropy." - which is a challenging thought but just plain wrong in terms of the sources of inequality in the world.

      The closing statement is just an expletive with specific direction.

  • You should hire me because I am a member of 3 oppressed minorities, including women.

  • Ok, that was 20 seconds out of 30 minutes. Not going to change much, and to be honest not standing out much. May work if there are too few people but not otherwise

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