Will Providers Provide Equally? 237
theodp writes "Imagine the chaos if your power company could take money from Sony so that its appliances got a higher quality of juice - and thus worked a tad better - than those of Mitsubishi. The power system wasn't built that way, but ISPs have that very capability. It may seem like a dodgy competitive tactic, but Yankee Group analysts envision that broadband network providers could give precedence to their own revenue-generating services, possibly leading to the demise of the biggest VoIP player today, Vonage."
Getting around it... (Score:5, Informative)
It seems to me that all one would have to do to get around this is to use SSL. ISPs wouldn't be able to lower the priority of such communications without affecting many other applications, such as VPNs. They could still do it based on IP, but not if the providers of a service used some large provider like Akamai [akamai.com].
Anyway, regardless of whether it could be circumvented, and at what cost, the implication is still a further push away from the original spirit of the internet towards a network that is solely a means of extracting as much revenue from consumers as possible. I just wish it were more realisitc to create an ad-hoc network with all my friends...and their friends, etc. I think some day that is what the tech community will be forced to turn to someday, in order to retain the usability we have come to cherish.
Of couse keeping this theoretical peer network free and uncommercial would be very tough, if it got popular. Call me paranoid, but I'm looking into affordable methods of connecting my friends directly together, using wireless technology and encryption.
Re:Getting around it... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Getting around it... (Score:2, Insightful)
Although many devices (Linksys cable/dsl routers for example) provide an option where you can manually set a mac address to replace the default manufacturer provided one. If this practice went into effect it probably wouldn't be too long before we saw a much more widespread use of this feature where people could change the address to something in the range of a "preferred product"
Re:Getting around it... (Score:2)
decnet (Score:2)
Re:Getting around it... (Score:4, Interesting)
While MAC addresses would provide a way for ISPs to uniquely ID servers, it wouldn't prove was using the service. All the manufacturer ID would tell them is for example, that the server was using an Intel network card. Certain MAC addresses could be given lower priority, but if a large infrastructure company were providing the connectivity on a round-robin system, there is no gaurentee that such action wouldn't also downgrade a bunch of unrelated sites/services. Also, the overhead required to do this could quite quickly become cost prohibitive. Think how many more resources it would take to inspect each packet for several different criteria and prioritize it differently based on the results than just letting most things through unchecked, and perhaps lowering the priority of things that are easily flagged.
Some priority checking is already in wide use; I use it on the LAN I run to raise the priority of email and DNS queries over web traffic/FTP-data, and SSH/Telnet/FTP-control over both. This type of prioritizing is actually a Good Thing, because it makes letency-sensitive services run better without noticably hurting other traffic. But that's a far cry from deliberately making your competitors's services run badly.
Of course, the best way to keep companies from doing this is to speak with our money. But the truth of the matter is that the average user won't know enough to realize why their fancy new VoIP isn't working well. They'll just write it off as another failed internet idea that only the nerds will use. Hopefully VoIP will become popular enough before this type of thing is implimented that people will expect good service, but it seems like people are much more willing to accept shoddy service and bad reliability with technology than with just about anything else that is so pervasive in daily life.
Re:Getting around it... (Score:2)
Huh? I'd do almost the exact opposite, and raise the priority of SSH and lower email. email is not time sensitive, and a lower priority means it will arrive 10 seconds later than it would normally.
Re:Getting around it... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Getting around it... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Getting around it... (Score:5, Insightful)
if you looking for idealism, look elsewhere.
Re:Getting around it... (Score:4, Insightful)
But as a community, it stemmed from universities working together and the development of UNIX, which, at the time, culminated in BSD.
So, as a community, the Internet had a free-flowing spirit. Read Cliff Stoll's The Cuckoo's Egg for an idea of what that community was like. (The cracker in the book being the exception, not the norm.)
Re:Getting around it... (Score:5, Interesting)
I know that many of you do check it out, even seem interested. Contact me if you're not in the USA, for an immediate invitation, and be prepared to install openvpn [sourceforge.net].
Re:Getting around it... (Score:5, Interesting)
So vonage over ssl would be the same as vonage over nothing (well +performance hit).
I'd have no problem with this so long as they guaranteed internet as it is.
Ie; Comcast gives me about 3mbit down now, if they had their own content on local servers (movies, game downloads, VOIP etc) that I could access at 10mbit or higher, I'd probably pay for it - so long as my 3mbit pipe to the rest of the 'net isn't affected.
Reliability is a big hurdle for VOIP as it is, if comcast had their own route that guaranteed the service, and it was still cheaper than Ma Bell, and didn't interfere with regular internet service, I think that'd be cool.
Re:Getting around it... (Score:5, Informative)
Lots of people use H.323 and SIP and proprietary codecs and signalling. What is Comcast gonna do, hunt it all down and throw it in a low queue? With Teamspeak, you can just switch port numbers, foiling that.
I see no legal difference between taking a competitors traffic and putting in a low queue, and simply blocking Vonage's entire IP range for the PSTN gateways totally. Poof, end of competition. The effect is the same, why not just be explicit and target individuals?
Re:Getting around it... (Score:3, Insightful)
You make a sound point. I would point out, though, that there is also no legal difference between beating someone to death with a baseball bat in a crowded room and quietly dropping some slow-acting poison into their water line.
They end up dead both ways, but in the latter case, it's a lot less obvious that a murder was committed, and it's certainly harder to prove you did anything wrong.
Re:Getting around it... (Score:3, Insightful)
I see no legal difference between taking a competitors traffic and putting in a low queue, and simply blocking Vonage's entire IP range for the PSTN gateways totally. Poof, end of competition. The effect is the same, why not just be explicit and target individuals?
I do. It's a lot easier to prove that someone is blocking your service than it is to demonstrate that they are degrading data transfers to/from you, especially since it would only result in intermittent outages under load, which the company cou
Re:Getting around it... (Score:5, Insightful)
No amount of encryption is going to get around the telcos giving priority to their own traffic and having a high enough lag for other companies that when reviewers test their service they will say that the telco service had less problems.
Re:Getting around it... (Score:3, Informative)
If comcast uses QOS for there own VOIP service then they will already have an advantage over anyone else on that same network. Calls will sound better, have less dead air and less echo. Using QOS also means you can still run your bittorrent session or ftp download and your voice packets arent going to be dropped.
Comcat... (Score:2, Funny)
Besides, if they do try that, their competitors won't.
Re:Comcast... (Score:3, Interesting)
solution to everything.. ok maybe not everything (Score:3, Interesting)
Decentralise everything, encrypt everything. Your ISP will just see random packets going to random IPs with random data inside them - distributed filesharing, voip etc etc and on the plus side the pigs cant track you either.
Wouldn't help (Score:5, Insightful)
If you used encryption and decentralization, it doesn't help you, because they're giving their stuff a boost, not directly giving other stuff a kick in the teeth.
Re:solution to everything.. ok maybe not everythin (Score:2)
Re:solution to everything.. ok maybe not everythin (Score:2)
I don't think they want to do this... (Score:5, Insightful)
Right now, ISPs stay out of the RIAA/MPAA lawsuit fights because they are common carriers. The moment they stop being able to claim that by giving disadvantages to those who they choose to spite, the RIAA/MPAA will demand that the P2P client of the week be spited as well...
That's just too much of a headache for them. They don't want to become liable for their user's usage. They'd rather that users keep using without them being bothered. They're not going to open themselves up to such exposure.
I bet there's a price point (Score:3, Insightful)
Somebody, sometime, is going to offer an ISP a boatload of money to do this, and the ISP is going to calculate that the probable cost of interfering in connection usage (P2P monitoring or whatever it is) is dwarfed by the amount of revenue they're getting for a sweetheart deal like this.
If the ISP is a major nationwide network, the monitoring could be a huge burden, but the cash rewards could be just as huge.
At least it'll create a few hundred IT jobs.
Re:I don't think they want to do this... (Score:3, Interesting)
Of course you can (Score:2)
Re:I don't think they want to do this... (Score:3, Informative)
Common Carrier Status (Score:3, Informative)
More dumb analysis by the Yankee group. (Score:5, Insightful)
Of course, this is the Yankee Group we're talking about, so logical analysis is not to be expected. This is the same bunch of boneheads that has Didio doing their "analysis" of the SCO lawsuits.
Re:More dumb analysis by the Yankee group. (Score:4, Informative)
Really? Well, go read Norton's "The Art of Peering - The Peering Playbook" [nanog.org] to see how providers mess with your connection to their advantage on a pretty regular basis.
Good luck finding a provider that doesn't either a.) play this game themselves or b.) purchase wholesale bandwidth from an upstream who plays
Re:More dumb analysis by the Yankee group. (Score:3, Informative)
I think what he meant by "mess with" (I'm guessing) is adjusting traffic priorities based on application data.
Re:More dumb analysis by the Yankee group. (Score:3, Insightful)
Yes, because most of us live in an area with more than one (1) broadband provider. That way we always have the option of switching to a competitor if the current company shafts us.
Seriously, for most people it is a case of putting up with whatever nonsense their current broadband provider decides to shove t
Re:More dumb analysis by the Yankee group. (Score:4, Interesting)
Constant corruption.... (Score:4, Insightful)
So sad, so sad.
Re:Constant corruption.... (Score:5, Interesting)
On our own we can't do anything about this, but we are numerous, together we do have the power to make companies behave themselfs. It's time we bring together this power and use it to get all the wrong do-ers back in line.
We won't accept no DMCAs anymore, we won't bow down for DRM, MS shall not control us. RIAA will not lead us quitely into the night.
Geeks of the world, now it's time to rise up and tell them "no" in one strong, united voice.
Geek power!
Re:Constant corruption.... (Score:2)
Of course everyone is self-serving. That's a fact of life.
The problem is that people don't realize dishonesty, in the long run, isn't really self-serving.
It all comes back to you eventually. It's hard to see and indirect, but it will come back to you.
A Simple Solution (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:A Simple Solution (Score:2)
Not that many people understand the issues enough(except those who are paid to lobby for companies) and that kind of numerical disadvantage can only help those slimey companies out to make a quick buck.
Until the clueful gain more control over what gets bought, those out to exploit the clueless will win.
(But the fact that the clueless hate the clueful's gut helps noone, least of all the clueless.)
Re:A NON-Simple Solution (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:A Simple Solution (Score:5, Interesting)
Double-Edged Sword (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Double-Edged Sword (Score:2)
Wouldn't such tactic actually drive customers away?
Not if they were only customers for the VoIP service--then they wouldn't care what the hardware requirements were. Look at cell phones: you can only get certain ones for certain networks, and most people don't much care so long as they work.
Re:Double-Edged Sword (Score:2, Interesting)
Face it... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Face it... (Score:3, Insightful)
If profits are all they care about, then losing customers would show up on their collective "radar" screens pretty darn fast. So, they really DO care what you think of them if it means you could be switching to another provider...
Oh, and P.S. - Of course they could care less - you can ALWAYS care less - the correct way to make that point w
Re:Face it... (Score:4, Interesting)
I'd say its more a case of "they care about finding the cheapest way to keep you and prevent you from switching to another provider, with what you actually think of them being secondary"
ie: a company can sometimes get away with having horrible customer support as long as the service is outstanding. Likewise, they may be able to get away with "features" which would generally alienate its customers as long as it has something else up its sleeve that puts it ahead of its competators in terms of the overall value to the customer.
Gotta love this line ... (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh yeah, no reason at all -- except that if they do that, it's not the internet any more. And if they call themselves "internet providers," they're lying.
Re:Gotta love this line ... (Score:2)
It may decrease the internet's utility, but claiming that it makes it "not the internet" is utter nonsense.
Re:Gotta love this line ... (Score:2)
Re:Gotta love this line ... (Score:2)
Re:Gotta love this line ... (Score:2)
That isn't the internet.
Re:Gotta love this line ... (Score:2)
Re:Gotta love this line ... (Score:2)
Re:Gotta love this line ... (Score:2)
Re:Gotta love this line ... (Score:2)
Re:Gotta love this line ... (Score:2, Insightful)
It would be like having a furniture set delivered to your house and furniture company having to pay the delivery company a fee to make sure your upholstery doesn't
A perfect Example (Score:3, Interesting)
Apart from poor bandwiths such pseudo "g" cards work only with propietary windows drivers. I tried using some Br chipset cards with linux and they did not work! It was the early days when g just came out.
Re:A perfect Example (Score:2)
You probably meant act as "b" cards, since "a" is in a completely different RF band.
IIRC, networks cannot handle full-speed "g" rates if any "b" cards are connected to that network.
But ya, companies were producing "g" cards before the draft was finalized, but most, if not all, of those cards can be reflashed to be compliant.
Re:A perfect Example (Score:2)
The "future" is already here ! (Score:2)
Aha, the expert is talking.
My 'provider' (hansenet) does this already.
thinking of switching to commercial services (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:thinking of switching to commercial services (Score:2)
Sometimes one person's bug is another person's feature.
Re:thinking of switching to commercial services (Score:2)
Seriously though, I did the same thing.
Re:thinking of switching to commercial services (Score:3, Insightful)
Read your TOS before whining like a child, you got what you paid for. If you didn't look to see what you were agreeing to, thats you fault not your ISP's. Just about every residential ISP TOS clearly states you are not to be running a server or services for external users, as in external to your home.
So its not that your ISP 'had the nerve,' to tell you what you agreed to, but you were too clueless to read what you were agreeing to before you agreed to it.
Re:thinking of switching to commercial services (Score:2)
It sucks, but... (Score:4, Insightful)
How is this any different than mega supermarkets that give shelf space preference to various brands with respect to location and quantity?
Re:It sucks, but... (Score:2)
Re:It sucks, but... (Score:2)
It is an anti-trust issue, but it generally stays under the radar because they always have the explanation that they have to place things according to some pattern, due to the reality of, well, shelving, and just putting things in at random is unnacceptable. However, ISPs can make no such claim; it is easier for an ISP to not be biased, so they woul
Re:It sucks, but... (Score:2)
Because you aren't paying a single supermarket to act as a go-between for all of your direct product requests. Any time you want something from a store you go to whatever one you feel like and pay for exactly what you want. A better (but still warped) comparison would be a music subscription service that put it's highest-margin songs on the front page and served from
Re:It sucks, but... (Score:2)
This is why there's competition (Score:3, Insightful)
You would think but... (Score:3, Interesting)
It has always been a fight for the homepage. The local paper used to have an ISP tied to it (infi.net) that ran dialup and hosting services for 100+ newspapers across the country (infi.net was owned by Landmark, Gannet and Knight-Ridder). Supposidly the big push from the papers wasn't that the ISP functions were really profitable, they just wanted their content on the homepage.
It is a bit monopolistic in a way, but I think everyone understands. More viewers, the more you can charge for banner ads.
The downside is none of the community sites are really innovative. In the case of Cox's, it is identical to every market they are in. Cookie cutter crap.
AOL probably has the biggest advantage, as normal netziens cannot access the content on their network. This is a major selling point for some of the AOL subscribers, even.
removing the ISPs (Score:2, Interesting)
It doesn't use it today (Score:5, Insightful)
So, it's at the class of service level of everything else. Which doesn't have any packet loss and has low latency. In order to give themselves competitive advantage, Comcast could only trust the TOS and DSCP values in VOIP flows coming from their equipment, but the ENTIRE CONCEPT OF QOS is predicated on the idea of congestion!
Now, if they deliberately threw competing VOIP flows into a low queue and INDUCED loss, well - that's actionable as anti-competitive behavior. And in the standard IANAL disclaimer, I have no idea what the remedies available are.
Also, as another posted that got modded up pointed out, Vonage could use VPN or otherwise mask the RTSP stream. But that's silly. It's also counter productive long term.
I think the parent article is kind of a troll to get legislation by the FCC and others regarding QOS. It's a tactic to cause dissention because of the pass the FCC took on regulating companies like Vonage.
Of course they will (Score:5, Insightful)
You're damn right they will. They've already started blocking port 25 outbound (one thing that I might be okay with) along with a variety of inbound ports. They've taken complaints again and again. They respond with a resounding "We don't care."
And why should they? Joe Schmoe customer doesn't care. He doesn't know if it's his ISP that broke it or the client or somebody else. If he calls someone for support, it's almost certainly not going to be his ISP. After all, he's using someone elses services. His VoIP connection is slow? Why would he blame his ISP? Everything else is fast.
Will they lose a few customers (i.e. the Slashdot crowd)? Yes, but they don't care. Our money isn't worth that much to them. And since we're the only crowd opposed, there's not enough business to start-up competitive ISPs.
Re:Of course they will (Score:3, Insightful)
Unfortunately, you're 100% correct. The customers that they might lose are the ones that they WANT to lose. Why would they want to lose these people? Because that > 1% of their userbase is using more bandwith than 50% of the rest.
ISPs want users that just use the service to check
Re:Of course they will (Score:3, Insightful)
The slashdot/IT-clueful crowd may not be that large, but if I could get one in a thousand slashdot UIDs to buy one of my products, I'd be extremely happy with that increase. But I'm just one man. However, we are a large-ish, influential group. When our less clueful friends and family come to us with advice, we will try to point them in the right direction. That kind of grassroots advocacy is something that companies love to have. Some ISPs may
Re:Of course they will (Score:2)
Re:Of course they will (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm glad you are okay with it. Some of us aren't. And we're not spammers. SMTP has not been given any special status by the ISP, as a protocol. It's being singled out because of abuse. But what if I have a home device, say a fire alarm, that I want to use SMTP to page me if it goes off? Should I, as a Comcast customer, be prevented from using that protocol? I have to switch or tunnel it in SSL, or ask my paging provide
Power companies do this already (Score:3, Informative)
Actually, our local utility, BC Hydro does this already [bchydro.com]. They have lower rate schedules if you are a customer willing to be interruptible during peak demand. So, some commercial and industrial customers here do indeed have a "higher quality of juice" than others.
While a potential problem, not likely (Score:3, Informative)
While their phone service is going to be IP based, it isn't going to be Internet based.
I live in an area where it is being beta tested, and I understand they are using an ATA with an integrated cable modem that installs at the phone box. This would allow them to tie into your wiring, provide real 911 service (the box isn't portable enought that you are likely to take it anywhere) etc.. It will use a diferent private addressing scheem and QOS end to end on their own gateway. Chances are it will use bandwith allocated seperately from the actual cable modems, so there should be no impact to other services such as Vonage or Broadvoice.
For them not to do this would be crazy. They are going to be trying to take on the Bells, and while Vonage is great for geeks, I can cause it to break up with heavy file transfers.
On the other side, the cable companies service which is currently being advertised is somewhere well in between the Vonage and SBC pricing.
Oh yes they would, oh yes they want to (Score:3, Interesting)
well, the carriers are doing it for the pipes now (Score:4, Informative)
ISPs buy what they want, and if it's not a dedicated point-to-point circuit, they are usually buying traffic-interruptable service like VBRnt or frame. remember, the Internet is best-attempt by definition already, and YOUR software has to deal with anything other than sequential packets sent at a constant rate of speed. you don't like that, stay on POTS, or upgrade your software.
if you want PRIORITY service, with MPLS on the switching/routing end and higher classes of service like CBR availiable for a sub-circuit of an ISP's T3 to an upline, for instance, that can become possible quite easily. it gets more complicated if you want it beyond an ISP's reach, but it can be done sometime as soon as agreements are reached to allow it.
the Bells are offering or tarriffing to offer such priority VoIP services now. for the Internet to offer it, you will need to have a protocol approved by IETF for it. propose or lobby against over there.
Re:well, the carriers are doing it for the pipes n (Score:2)
Anyway it doesn't take any protocol, you just use queueing algorithms to prioritize traffic.
VoIP, cell phones, conspiracy theories (Score:3, Interesting)
1000ms all by itself would effectively kill most use of VoIP, as the noticable delays for some reason causes really annoying conversations... you don't know whether to start respond to what the other person just said, or whether they're going to follow it up with something else, causing you to accidentally start talking over them. Latency is so important to voice calls that the International Telecommunications Union recommends latency no greater than 150ms [nwfusion.com].
So is this just my conspiracy theory that T-Mobile GPRS provides way worse than 150ms for data, while providing better than 150ms latency for the voice side of things?
This already happens (Score:4, Interesting)
That said, I find it generally unlikely that ISPs would do any type of overt targeted network shaping. They make their money by moving packets, and for more and more contracts these days, the more packets you move the more money you make.
The benefit of ISPs getting into the VOIP, streaming, and other services where network properties matter is that those are exactly the kind of people who can optimize their networks to give the customer the best experience. ISPs want to displace Vonage because Vonage isn't their customer, but they have to deal with all the network issues generated by customers that use Vonage. It is cheaper to offer an optimized solution designed and tested to work beautifully on your network for free or nearly free than to support the problems caused when people use whatever random VOIP software suits their fancy.
Not all networks are created equal, and this really starts to become apparent when using QoS sensitive services. It is cheaper and generally gives better results for the ISP to integrate those services vertically, which ultimately will be a win for the customer.
Smells Like Microsoft (Score:2)
Monopoly Privilege (Score:5, Insightful)
Internet connections, at least in the US, or different. You have an extensive choice of providers. I live in a metropolitan area, and I have a choice of about two dozen providers. A friend who lives in a rural agricultural area still has a choice of four providers, two of which are high speed. You might have to pay a tiny surcharge to your local telco monopoly, but the choice is there.
A provider that gives one person preferential treatment over another for the same fees is going to be at a competitive disadvantage.
It's already happening (Score:4, Informative)
Also, at the ISP level, Speakeasy already has a package that preferentially routes online game packets, providing better performance for subscribers. In fact Speakeasy toutes itself as the "gamer's ISP".
I was just talking to a vonage customer about this (Score:5, Interesting)
This has been an ongoing issue since comcast entered the voip market.
Any vonage (or comcast) moles want to comment?
Demand excess in resources (Score:3, Insightful)
One thing that I believe would help third party companies provide several interesting services (pay-per-view over IP, party-line VoIP, etc.) would be multicast. It seems to me that there is a conflict of interest with most Cable/DSL providers in regards to providing multicast support on their networks since it benefits external companies more than themselves.
Already happens in the Layer1 world (Score:3, Informative)
Someone say Regulation? (Score:2, Insightful)
Vonage and ISPs (Score:2)
Or the other way around. Vonage may have (and I think already has) such an agreement with certain ISPs that Vonage will have better bandwidth if your Internet was from that provider.
Alternatively, Vonage will be the OEM provider of the ISP branded VoIP, like in case of Earthlink VoIP [blogs.com]. I am sure I don't nee
This is a bad thing? (Score:3, Insightful)
I've noticed some interesting things about my access:
Why would we expect a cable companies VOIP be any different?
They already do! (Score:2)
My ISP already do.
They only provide technical support for Windoze and Mac. They will not answer any technical questions if you have a Linux box, even if the problem has nothing to do with the fact that it is a Linux box.
Case in point: a while back they "upgraded" their DHCP server, so it suddenly refused to give my ADSL-connected Linux box an IP address. Rebooting as Windoze 98 (yeah, I know...) provided an IP address. I found, quickly, that there was an update to the Linux DHCP client that was only a c
Which is exactly why... (Score:3, Interesting)
Currently phone companies are defined as such, and they have to carry all calls. They cannot exclude fax transmission, modem connections, or any voice connections. They must carry them all.
Current the ISP side of the cable industry is NOT defined in that way. They have every legal right to block content.
The whole industry is moving towards this model (Score:4, Insightful)
The company I work for makes equipment that does this. We set it up so an ISP can create a portal where a subscriber can select services and the network will automatically adjust the shaping and priority settings so the subscriber gets that service while allowing the provider to charge for it.
If Jane Doe wants to watch a certain movie, our box will guarantee the bandwidth between the video server and her DSL line while still limiting other traffic to the normal rates. Or if John Smith wants to download a huge ISO and doesn't want to wait, he can click to up his bandwidth to download it and lower it back down when he's done and gets charged extra for the amount of time he has the higher bandwidth.
Anyone can provide a pipe, but it's not real profitable for the providers. They want to make money off of things like pay-per-view or other special services.