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Would You Take a One-Way Ticket To Mars?

Displaying poll results.
Yes, even if I would die on impact
5470 votes / 12%
Yes, if we had a 50% chance of surviving a year
2857 votes / 6%
Yes, if we had a 50% chance of surviving 5 years
2537 votes / 6%
Yes, if we had a 50% chance of surviving 10 years
6674 votes / 15%
No way, round trip only
8072 votes / 19%
No way, flying is for the birds
3423 votes / 8%
I'd vote yes in a poll but chicken out later
9905 votes / 23%
Stay away from my world, hoo-man.
3323 votes / 7%
42261 total votes.

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Would You Take a One-Way Ticket To Mars?

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