I found it hilarious that the post bemoans the state of getting started with a new environment, and how it invariably requires a tutorial, and that is terrible.... And then you download their software and you're presented with a blank screen and no idea how to get started... so you turn to you guessed it.. a tutorial.
And then a tutorial that isn't even illustrated, so you can't tell what is supposed to happen with you hit cmd/ctrl+enter... I get a little checkbox next to my line of code.. I don't know what that means. Line is syntactically correct? Line executed? Line monitored by system? And it certainly doesn't provide any insight into the flow of data. I don't see a pane like I do in pycharm that lists the variables with their current values, I don't see any state.. Is that intended? I don't know, the tutorial doesn't inform me, and the environment is useless.
I don't generally use debugging tools, preferring to keep my abstractions shallow, my code small and understandable, and a test suite that can prove that my code is handling the cases its designed for correctly. In some projects, yes, complexity is a requirement, but I feel like the advent of IDEs and debuggers has only served to allow people to more easily break what is in my opinion the first rule of development:
"Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?" - Brian Kernighan
Break systems down into small manageable parts. Write the code simply and clearly. Write tests EVERYWHERE.