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Comment Re:Not sure about the UK (Score 4, Informative) 113

Not sure about UK or USA, but here in Quebec (Canada), the healthcare system still relies on Fax machines for communications between different departments or hospitals. Same thing with the passport office in Canada, when they require a document, you have to send it by Fax machine, even if you have the document in your hands and are standing right in front of the person requesting it at the passport office.

Another thing, the healthcare system in Quebec still requires having embossed cards for health insurance AND for the hospital card. You could be dying in the emergency room, if you don't have your hospital card, they'll let you die until they had time to print your embossed card. There is even a hospital that almost stopped working because their embossing printer stopped working.

Outdated systems is not a conspiracy. It's because it's so complex to publish RFPs and deliver projects that most administrations will let existing systems go to collapse before they're replaced or upgraded urgently and with steep budget busts.

Comment SEO vs real good info (Score 1) 36

Back in the days, Google would just find relevant stuff crawling the web, in these days where SEO wasn't a thing. Now, if you have great info but no SEO skills, you'll be on the 16th page in the results and get no hit on your great info.

AI is getting relevant, cause it gets (mostly) good answers to questions, compared to Google, where answers are getting more and more sponsored, and less relevant.

As for TikTok, AKA the PRC, I can't say, I will never let that shit in my home on smartphone. Just as Temu.

Comment Re: Free advice (Score 2) 141

If so, why aren't they simply using one of the gazillion cryptos already existing? Some are barely traceable, and can then be converted to USDT or other USD pegged crypto, then exchanged for real money.

I suspect it to be one more scheme to finance their father's legal troubles with the fool's money voting for the Donald, after the book and the running shoes...

Comment Re:Of course (Score 1) 38

Except if you're gullible, as the masses are. Just as in this quote from Men In Black. "A person is smart, people are dumb." When it's relayed on the social media, people become as dumb as a crowd.

Those who tend to follow the masses are the most prone to be tricked and skewed by online half truths, or by downright "Truths" from Truth Social or X posts. What we could call "The 80%". In the 20% remaining, you have those of us who can really think for themselves.

Comment Is China covered by the US constitution? (Score 4, Insightful) 169

I don't understand how a Chinese company, or one that is owned by foreign interests (even if it the company is established in the US) could be covered by the US constitution anyway. Moreover, it has nothing to do with the constitution, it's a health safety issue, and national security issue

Comment Re:Why can't Apple figure this out? (Score 0) 60

iOS and Android are spywares from the start. Both of them. They report all kinds of data (location, browsing habits, app usage, etc...) to the mother ship.

Then you have to trust that they won't leak / provide it.

The only way to NOT have a permanent spyware with you is to not have that iWhatever or Android with you.

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