Comment Re:Branding (Score 1) 245
It’s not really happening anywhere to any significant extent. It’s just another TeslaQ OP.
It’s not really happening anywhere to any significant extent. It’s just another TeslaQ OP.
Humans are not good at working together when you take away their ability to communicate with each other?! Nobody could have foreseen this.
Filing a frivolous lawsuit like this should be a felony and carry up to 5 years in prison.
This feels like it is really a long way off, if it’s ever going to happen.
Single use plastic is plastic that you use briefly and then throw away. The term is not correctly applied to a material that is installed and remains in place for a decade.
It also doesn’t make sense to claim artificial lawns must contain PFAs.
Obviously if they can be washed, they must be draining water, and they are designed to do so. There is no chance that anyone washing their astroturf is using as much water as someone would use to water their lawn. That is just obviously false, and I see they haven’t presented any numbers to back up their claim.
I’m not a huge fan of astroturf, but it obviously has some benefits and useful applications. I hate this kind of PR doublespeak. I would have thought most people would be smart enough to see through this nonsense.
Where did you get the impression that Boeing doesn’t pay well?
You think Boeing pays low wages?
This will not stop bad actors from misusing the tech, but it will be a burden for people looking to develop the technology for beneficial purposes.
It’s worth noting that SpaceX could completely remove aluminum from the satellites if this turns out to be a problem.
You don’t know what capitalism is.
It’s not about understanding the ad, it’s just a very disturbing ad. Generally, when you’re making an ad, you want your audience to feel good about your product, not vaguely disturbed and depressed by it.
You could ask the navy for their data, they record pretty much every sound that occurs anywhere in the ocean.
Not that they’ve found.
AI is mostly good at mimicking things people already know how to do at this point. You could make an AI to mimic whale song, but it probably wouldn’t help us understand it.
It is legitimately suspicious that TikTok isn’t doing a single thing to preserve their market share. It’s almost like it’s not a real business.
Never say you know a man until you have divided an inheritance with him.