
Comment Re:Coal is dead (Score 1) 169

Vote for the same people who called them deplorable? The same people who coldly told them "learn to code"? The same people who, when the working class retaliated with "learn to code", considered this a hate crime? We'll get right on voting for people who call us racists, rape apologists and woman haters.

Comment Re:This is going to be GRRRR-GREAT! (Score 1) 485

And yet the examples you gave show the logical absurdity of the nanny state.

You can't own your own body as regards sex, gambling, abortion, drugs and not have ownership over your own body for something like wearing seat belts.

If you think that people, and not governments, can decide who to have sex with; or what substances they ingest then you ought to be opposed to the government forcing you to wear seatbelts.

Comment Re:FUD stats... (Score 1) 169

Wow, that is a lot of time to get your backup system up and running efficiently. /sarcasm
Yes, it is. so what is your point?

Here is where reality kicks in. Power plants do not produce energy, but power: electric utilities sell a guaranteed power output
The "utility company", yes. But they are free to use what ever plant they want, or simply buy power elsewhere.

Did I mention: I'm tired about idiots who have no clue how production works?

Comment Re:When evil battles evil (Score 2, Informative) 290

Dammit! Why the hell doesn't Slashdot provide a preview feature before posting!?

Oh, wait.

This is how it should have looked:

How is this ANY different than the MS Java case?

Microsoft agreed to abide by Sun's licensing terms in exchange for being allowed to call J# an implementation of Java. Microsoft violated those terms by making J# incompatible with Java.

Google copied the interface specification, wrote its entirely own implementation, and made it quite clear that it was NOT Java; but rather had a high degree of compatibility with certain parts of Java.

These cases could hardly be any more different. They are nearly polar opposites.

Given that, Google was really stupid about the whole thing. It should have started with the GPL'd Java, stripped out the parts not wanted for Android, then GPL'd the whole thing. Tada! A clean and completely unassailable (through copyright) Android. Plus many millions of litigation dollars saved.

Submission + - Discover How To Assume in The Well-most Tabu Of Cl (applancer.com)

LittleDreyer31 writes: In this economy, fifty-fifty the nigh dependent workers are having fuss decision a fracture vocation. Ane of the Charles Victor Herbert Topper ways you croupe heighten your fiscal independency is to make your feature online concern sector. The undermentioned article provides you with around helpful strategies for marketing your articles. Right wing entropy and motivative are deuce name factors for having the philosophical doctrine online patronage.Oblation rough short reports for unloose as a cubitus board to countersink nigh Norman Thomas Thomas More hoi polloi to sign-up for your newssheet.

Comment Re:What a Cluster... (Score 1) 169

A bold statement, considering wehaven't actually mentioned any particular system. A straightforward electronic counting of paper ballots, designed specifically to be as small and easily-understood as possible, should be pretty easy for any decent programmer to audit.

It's worth mentioning that personally I think any electronic voting or tallying machine should be an embedded system with no operating system at all, and be as minimalist as possible for exactly that reason - every line of code on the machine that's not critical to serving its purpose only serves to obfuscate the critical components, and potentially hide malicious elements that could interfere with the proper functioning of those critical components.

Comment Re:Old news (Score 1) 52

Well I for one welcome our new soundscape-composing algorithmic overlords.

Seriously, I think it sounds very nice. The tracks do have a strong similarity, and I don't think it helps that they're all in the same key. But they are intended to be ambient music, with ambiguous ephemeral chord-progressions. They kind of remind me of Brian Eno, with some touches of Sigur Ros.

Comment Re:actually... (Score 1) 195

Access to Tor has not been blocked and that's the point.

Not here.

Feel free to lodge your complaints with the governments that do.

I am fully aware of psychological frailties, but appointing the Handicapper General is not the cure.

That's so far off base that I'm embarrassed for you. Nobody is being handicapped.

As long as the market is open and universally accessible (dumb pipe), not subject to arbitrary authority, I will go along with that.

Great. Support net neutrality.

But as long as anybody has the power to shut them/you down...

The laws of physics ensure someone will always be able to take away your rights using brute force. Perfect is the enemy of good.

Comment Re:The only tractor in America is (Score 1) 243

They have patents and aggressive lawyers, you probably can't build a competing tractor for a long time.

Patents? What could there possibly be to patent on a fucking tractor? IIRC, patents are for things that not obvious to anyone familiar with the subject. What could fail to be obvious about a tractor? Using GPS? How is that not obvious? Are they using some sort of new combustion technique? Surely, combustion is exhausted of all patents by now. What could possibly be patented ON A TRACTOR?

I could see Copyright on the software... but god, what an abomination of a thought. The purpose is the tractor, not the software.

I just don't see John Deere having any patents that should be considered valid.

Wait! I figured it out! They patented Air Conditioning the cab. Of course it's not obvious. Look at all the old tractors: Open to the air, no protection from sunlight, etc. And I am sure that no farmer anywhere or even tractor manufacturer anywhere, except John Deere, had the idea and the courage to add a climate controlled cab to the tractor.

Never mind. Carry on. Everything is normal.

Submission + - Apple Watch Rings & Covers (articles.cia.pm)

TRUEMullen6 writes: You can expect these adjustable and stylish wristband situations for every Apple Watch series beneath the sun. Sleek fits stylish in our Hera Apple View cases with built-in bumpers for total display screen and body safety. If you currently adore the look of your watch, you can guard it without concealing that exciting design with this slim and clear Halo case.Up and Fitbit Flex use their respective accelerometers to measure your movement — tossing and turning or lack thereof — while youre sleeping. Basis gets even more technical, using both accelerometry as well as your heart rate. It t
User Journal

Journal Journal: LDG Acquires New Neighbours On Foley Street

LDG Acquires New Neighbours On Foley Street We’re delighted to announce the acquisition of office space at 17-19 Foley Street opposite our offices. Our new neighbours []
The post LDG Acquires New Neighbours On Foley Street appeared first on LDG Estate Agents Ltd. https://www.ldg.co.uk/journal/workspace-commercial-real-estate-news/ldg-acquires-foley-street/

Submission + - High-Quality Tires and Related Products (american-omni.com)

AOT USA writes: Founded in 1990, American Omni Trading Company is an international import and export company located in Houston, Texas. We offer quality products and services for tire dealers and distributors in over 55 countries worldwide.

EU To Ban Plastic Plates, Cups, and Cutlery by 2021; Will Require Plastic Bottles Be Made of 25% Recycled Content By 2025 (fastcompany.com) 261

The European Union has decided to ban plastic consumer items including plates, cutlery and straws as of 2021 to help clean up oceans. The prohibition on single-use plastics approved by the European Parliament this week in Strasbourg, France, also applies to beverage cups, food containers and cotton bud sticks. A report adds: The new legislation also states that by 2025, plastic bottles should be made of 25 percent recycled content. The new legislation also sets an admirable target of recycling 90 percent of plastic bottles by 2029 -- as well as a goal of making them out of 30 percent recycled material by 2030. Parliament originally rolled out its plan at the end of 2018 and have now made good on the ambition directive.

Comment Re:When evil battles evil (Score 1) 290

How is this ANY different than the MS Java case?

Microsoft agreed to abide by Sun's licensing terms in exchange for being allowed to call J# an implementation of Java. Microsoft violated those terms by making J# incompatible with Java.

Google copied the interface specification, wrote its entirely own implementation, and made it quite clear that it was NOT Java; but rather had a high degree of compatibility with certain parts of Java.

These cases could hardly be any more different. They are nearly polar opposites.

Given that, Google was really stupid about the whole thing. It should have started with the GPL'd Java, stripped out the parts not wanted for Android, then GPL'd the whole thing. Tada! A clean and completely unassailable (through copyright) Android. Plus many millions of litigation dollars saved.

Submission + - If you would like a new way to connect with people (applancer.com)

BoyetteBoyette1 writes: Try generating from your really possess encounters. Create overtly about objects you know about and write your interior views about them with no fearing remaining totally improper. It tends to be a large oversight to copy from authorities than to obtain out from your individual difficulties. Your very own experience is the most cherished functioning a site asset that you have.Have a portion of your website reserved for reader opinions and leap in your self. This will support you to bond with your people. This is usually a man or woman of the most very well-favored and energetic attributes of a

Comment Re:Uh.... "billions"? (Score 1) 106

First, I was quite clear that the billing is granular to the second, I was also clear that that was the very first hit, because it's just not worth thoroughly researching since I'm not intending to set up a robocall operation.

Yes, I do think it's cheap, since they are getting paid for each call they make.

When you consider that companies used to be willing to pay a much higher rate for a human being in the U.S. to actually sit in a cubicle giving the spiel rather than a recording or a voice synth, yes I believe they get enough money to make that worthwhile.

Face it, you were wrong because your information was decades out of date. Time to move on.

Submission + - Family: Love, Care & Understanding (amazon.com)

Vignesh Kumar writes: Family: Love, Care & Understanding is a thought-provoking story based on the real life of the author Vignesh Kumar.
There's a unique idea mentioned in the story which makes this book unusual from the other family drama books you have ever read.

Comment Re:Unbelievable (Score 1) 289

No true Scotsman or appeal to purity is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect a universal generalization from counterexamples by changing the definition in an ad hoc fashion to exclude the counterexample.

Sorry, it's No True Scotsman.
It's called No True Scotsman, because the same logic can be applied both directions, even if you're only applying it one direction.
The fact is, if you take the average person who considers themselves Christian, you get a Catholic.

Submission + - Case Study on Financial Soundness

An anonymous reader writes: Students studying finance often baffle when asked to compare two companies in the two different sectors. “Sir, these are incomparable, every industry is a unique”, says one after another. It is true but in many aspects, there are common measures which make them comparable.

Take for example, “Financial Soundness”. All business entities would be assessed with the same yardstick. When we look at possibility of defaults in routine payments like markup, we are taking a short-term view. Any company which provides write my essay service in any field may be heading towards bankruptcy if it lacks ability to clear its liabilities when due. On the other hand, if we want to know whether the company would survive in the next economic down-turn, we would look far into the future. A company doing well now, may go insolvent anytime because of over-borrowing. Similarly, a company solidifying its asset-base may get into trouble for not meeting its current obligations. Hence both “short & long positions” are considered while gauging the financial stability and same ratios are used for all types of industries.

Let us start with two companies. One is known as Cotton Printer Ltd. It is located near the Lahore City in Pakistan. Lahore is also known as City of Gardens or merely Heart of Pakistan being a historical city as well as commercial and industrial center. Our second company is “Quality Air-Conditioners Ltd”, based at Karachi which has a seaport, big financial market and in fact it is the largest city of the country. Distance between Karachi and Lahore is about 1,000 km.

Both companies differ in regards to technology, stock requirements and trade practices. If one analyses the accounts of these companies, one must try to understand their normal features. A common sense approach would suffice.

Financial Analysis

Analysis means “breaking-down”. As such, aggregates are not considered in analysis such as total current assets but what these assets consist of. Each item would be evaluated one by one. But first, a bench mark has to be ascertained or simply put a question asked, “What is an ideal situation in case of finished goods stocks”. Obviously, in cotton printing, a print loses its appeal when a new and better print is offered by the market. Firms engaged in printing cotton fabrics employ good designers and commercial artists. They try to excel each other. So an old print does not lost for more than a week. The production cycle is short, say one day. Further, it is a fashion ware for summer season. Who buys cotton print in winter especially in December when temperature falls to zero or below? The ideal situation would be not to have a single meter of processed cloth. If there is any stock, it is already a junk to be thrown off. Similarly, a cotton printing should have small work-in-process inventory in dull season. Same is the case with Trade Receivables. The normal practice is to sell against hard cash. Even if some credit is extended, it should be in peak season which lasts until August. By December, each and every penny should be collected or written off as bad debt. The company may, however, build up stocks of grey cloth to be used in the ensuing spring season. In air-conditioning, it is different story. The product is stable; it takes lot of time to manufacture. It comes under durable goods industry and so one can extend credit and, in case of default, may take back the product without losing its value. So all ratios auger well in case of Quality Printers.

Submission + - Accountability training - Performex (performex.com)

Performex writes: Most managers have been exposed to the concept of accountability: the ability of an employee to deliver the intended results on time and within budget. Yet most of them have not mastered the skill set and end up with direct reports and teams that often don’t deliver the promised business results. If you interested in an accountability training program Atlanta or want training for your global sites, click here for more information: http://performex.com/

Comment Re:Sensors are physical objects (Score 1) 249

Aircraft are not designed to be as reliable as possible by throwing in unlimited amount of redundancy. Usually if an environmental factor affects a sensor, it has a very high chance of affecting other similar redundant items (Remember the birdstrike and landing on the Hudson?).

In fact this is a frequent item of discussion when one is deciding between a single engine airplane and a twin. A twin engine has double the chance of AN engine failing and dramatically less chance of both failing at the same time. Unless an environmental factor was the cause of engine failure. And too many deaths came from just one engine failing and pilot trying to fight the remaining engine instead of focusing on a forced landing.

Most aircraft systems (check out the technical differences between non-TSO and TSO GPS, steamgauges etc) are designed to INDICATE a failure and stop working when there is a failure, rather than try to be as reliable as possible. This way, the pilot has an option to switch to a completely different system. Of course you need some redundancy, especially if the other item works in a different way.

So 5 AoA indicators would not be as good a design as a single AoA indicator that can reliably flag a failure. Since it can't two indicators can show a failure by showing the disagreement between them. Just fly through icing if you have 5 indicators and you'll see why that's not as good an idea. Once a failure is flagged, a pilot can disable systems that depend on it (if not done automatically) and remain in control.

Ideally a transducer that does not depend on vanes (maybe some kind of movement/capacitance sensor that can sense the movement of air along its surface) would be a perfect backup.

Comment Re:Another explanation (Score 1, Offtopic) 131

It's the least they could do after the NSA was caught red handed systematically backdooring Cisco hardware.

You know, espionage requires that sometimes you tap peoples' lines, steam their mail open, and r00t their routers.

If NSA did that to everybody indiscrimnately, boo, bad agency.

If they did to enemies of the USA, or friends of enemies of the USA, then more power to them.

It's dirty business but it has to be done.

Are you going to argue that a country should take zero steps to protect itself?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Exercise to Notice April 2019 – Video

The bird dog exercise is a core strengthening exercise that works both abdominal and back muscles. https://auburnfit1.com/exercise-to-notice-april-2019-video/

User Journal

Journal Journal: Member on Fire for April 2019

John Erickson - Member on Fire
“Persistent” and “Keep Moving Forward” is what John shared with Fit 1 https://auburnfit1.com/member-on-fire-for-april-2019/

Comment Re: FALSE (Score 5, Informative) 290

Minor correction, can be copyrighted. Not every API that comes into existence automatically becomes copyrighted unless the author says so and even then if they only enforce it.

Your correction is incorrect, at least in the United States. Creative works are automatically protected by copyright from the time they are created; no additional action by the author is necessary. Unlike trademarks, copyright (as well as patent) protection is not lost for failure to actively defend it.

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