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Comment Re:Of course (Score -1) 71

Chinese people know about the 6/4 incident. It was an atheist, rationalist government defending itself against a bunch of crazy anti-government radicals with no plan for what they were going to do after overthrowing the government. How were they planning on feeding, housing and clothing a billion people? They didn't think that far ahead. They just wanted to overthrow the government and that's it. 6/4 was China's 1/6. Imagine if the US government had had the guts to apply the Chinese solution to the insurrectionists on 1/6? The world would be a better place and Trump would have received a bullet to the back of the head instead of being inaugurated tomorrow. Don't think Chinese people don't know, they do. Don't forget Americans got all of their news about the incident from CNN. Of course you're going to get a distorted version of the story. Don't feel bad, they're professional propagandists, it's difficult for us commoners to get the real story when people like that are on the job.

Once you know the real story of the 6/4 incident and how much it mirrors the attempted coup of 1/6, you come around to a different point of view.

Comment Re:Home charger (Score -1) 172

s hopeless as a neo-nazi? That's no way to talk about our brave heroes in Ukraine! Remember, their interests come before America's. More war is priority #1, and both D and R agree on this. That's why they're called the Uniparty, and why they unite in face of the threat that is America First.

Comment Re:Home charger (Score 0) 172

Call us Americans derogatory names some more. Try "Nazi" or "fascist" instead. Maybe it will work this time.

The problem is that you Democrats fundamentally don't see yourselves as part of "us", as in Americans. That's why you're all leaving for safe white countries in Europe. Real Americans, when faced with tough times, stand and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

But go now and lick the hand that feeds ye, and may history forget that ye were our countrymen.

Americans: this is what a butthurt Democrat sore loser looks like. Get used to it and get used to ignore it, we're going to see a LOT more of it as time goes on. They're going to do everything they can to wreck America, because they hate Trump more than they love America.

Comment Re:Racism, misogyny, and homophobia (Score 0, Interesting) 116

Unfortunately, You've fallen for a hoax. "Systemic racism" is a fraud. Professor Fired for Faking Data to Prove 'Systemic Racism'Infests America's Criminal Justice System"> Eric Stewart, a professor at Florida State University, has been fired for falsifying data in research papers purporting to show that American society is beset with racism The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data â" including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives -were found to be in question. Professor fired for 'faking data to prove lynching makes whites want longer sentences for blacks,' 6 studies retracted College authorities said he was being fired for âoeincompetenceâ and âoefalse resultsâ. Among the studies he has had to retract were claims that whites wanted longer sentences for blacks and Latinos.tThe disgraced professor was able to rise to prominence as an influencer in his field despite his studies from as early as 2003 now being retracted.

Comment Re:Nevermind the quality... (Score 0) 134

But you've missed the most important part: the sense of satisfaction felt by the executives knowing that the Trump-voting little workers are working their assess off with no rest. This mental reward is worth much, and yet you didn't address this facet of the equation at all.

Comment Consider Linux? How? (Score 0) 242

It was about five years ago when I downloaded one of those USB stick booter Linuxes and tried it. Something didn't work, wifi or sound or printer or I don't even remember. I pasted the error into Google, which that alone brought back bad, bad memories, and not long after I found myself in a .conf file with vi.

I screamed and yanked the power cord from the wall. I booted back into Windows, reformatted the USB stick and never looked back.

But now, Microsoft seems dead-set on driving me off Windows. Which I'mnot against, but holy fuck I never want to edit a .conf file in my life again. And don't say I'm not technically competent, I used to be a Unix system administrator. REAL Unix, commercial Unix, not some free OS. I just don't want to ever mess with that crap again.

So, assuming Microsoft successfully drives me away(already sick of their in-OS ads for subscription servies and spyware), what are my options? Let me be crystal clear, I want an OS that JUST WORKS. I don't want one that's easy to configure, or that has a transparent desktop, or that comes with a great library of anime girls as desktop backgrounds. I need muh web browser, muh ad blocker and muh 1-2 pieces of Windows software that have no substitute.

I stronglysuspect the answer to my question is "stop being so picky" or possibly "editing .conf files is fun!"

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