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Comment Well, in 2020... (Score 1) 215 the world dealt with Covid19 and all of the shitstorm of problems that produced, multiple private space missions happened. Billionaires floated above the clouds, looking down upon the masses. "Champagne wishes and caviar dreams" up there, COVID19 down here.

The world's economy is funneled into the bank accounts of the elite. The result is that even governmental entities such as NASA are wilting. And NASA isn't the only one either, but let's not talk about that because that'll take the spotlight away from the evil men, Musky and Orange man.

Comment Re: Not sure how to respond (Score 1) 163

It's not the way "I'm seeing them", Trump and Musk are literally hurting people. That is definitely something that didn't happen before. Whether governments before were corrupt or not is beside the point.

But it is the way you're seeing them. Everything that you said above is you opinion. No matter how steadfast you are in said opinion, it's just that, an opinion. Other politically motivated people might argue the other way around, saying that past presidents were terrible and this one is the greatest ever.

What I'm saying is that this whole bullshit notion that you have a political friend/foe is an illusionary process that you willingly take part in, for your own reasons. In the end, you're arguing with people that you don't know (here on slashdot), about other people that you don't know (president of whatever). And without an opinion on it, I can ask, "Where is that expected to go?" And your answer would be...?

Comment Re: Not sure how to respond (Score 1) 163

If you don't like the way things are, then be the change that you wish to see in the world. I've never seen 'voting for a president' produce any real change. In fact, politics seems to be THE drum that creates the beat that all of this insane dance-of-the-world dances to the beat of. Any time you're pointing the finger at the political decisions made by others, all you're doing is the same thing that they're doing, and the beat goes on.

Donald Trump isn't God, and never will be. But the people hold dear, this presidential power, so he FEELS like a god. Same with the last president, same with the next president. Their power grows stronger and stronger as the world diminishes in the name of something better.

Comment Re: Not sure how to respond (Score 1) 163

You've chosen to see things the way you're seeing them. The reasoning is your own.

All that I'm saying, is that all of the governing powers of the world, today, are run by a mentality that doesn't serve humanity, but rather serves itself. What we have today, as far as a world-wide political system, also is much worse than anything that you've seen in your lifetime. In fact, most everything today is in the worst state that it's ever been in, and the trend continues to grow exponentially.

Comment Re:Not sure how to respond (Score -1, Troll) 163

Your government, and all other governments are corrupt. It doesn't matter if it's a dem or a rep - they all contrive. The REAL issue at hand, the REAL thing causing head and heart aches, is when people go along with the contrived and when people feel like they're a part of a team because of the contrived. Humans need to turn things back around, but it's not going to happen by a political movement or any sort of action taken by a politician.

Comment Influential (Score 1) 228

When I think of the word, "influential" I think of things like: people, world events, education, love, etc... but VIDEO games? How COULD a video game influence anyone at all? Sure, video games can have an effect on you, and they can affect you, but influence you??

Influence, verb: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

How does a video game effect the character, development or behavior of a person?

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