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Comment How Capitalism Works (Score -1) 171

"Electric lighting is an economy distorting lie"
"Escalators are an economy-distorting lie"
" 'The customer is always right' is an economy-distorting lie"
"Easy credit terms are an economy-distorting lie"
"Reduce costs by buying in bulk is an economy-distorting lie"

Quite seriously, fuck these people. I get than in business you play every card you have in hand, but it still honestly sickens me. COMPETE.

Comment Re:What's the problem with "hate speech"? (Score -1) 95

George Carlin also said that baby boomers were soulless, bloodless entitled pricks whose generational motto was "GIMME THAT IT'S MINE". But I wonder how often you cite that quote of his while you rant about the fascistic and mean things the social media network did to you?

by the way

: The bullshit phrase "hate speech" becomes a weapon used by insecure people

You know it's funny, never in my 45 years have I felt victimized by the "bullshit phrase, 'hate speech'" you mention. I wonder which of us is insecure, eh Mr. Boomer?

Comment Re: Well, duh. (Score -1) 190

I think what I am most tired of about you chuds is your false equivalencies, willful obtuseness, and mental gymnastics to want two things to be the same, when they aren't. You're honestly like children. Really, really shitty children.
Or,maybe you really do think those two things are the same? Honestly you being a fucking dumbass is just as likely.

Comment Re: I grew up in South America... (Score -1) 691

I don't have a real job and am such a desperate pissant tool that I would have no choice for my living other than to earn a peasant's pissant pittance writing troll ass internet posts on a dead gay comedy web site that no one really even reads. What's that? None of that is true? am just an entitled faggot ass boomer dipshit, completely powerless even though my programming told me I was Space Roy Rogers? Better go ahead and spout off the kind of buttboy idiot pablum that got me banned from every BBS I devastated back in the 80s

Comment Re:Something doesn't add up (Score 0) 95

I'd rather be dim witted than the kind of faggot ass who replies to week old threads on slashdot with limp dick "pay attention to meee" karen shit because he worships a 75 year old who wears diapers and gets his messaging from a television, and can't handle all of the mean people on a dead gay technology website for 60 years olds.

Comment Fifty Percent in Three Years (Score 0) 94

From $12 in 2017 to $18 in 2020 for the premium plan (which is required for 4K). $12->14 in 2017 (~20%), $14-$16 in 2019 (~15%), and $16-$18 now (~15%), all while cancelling every show you watch after three seasons, and adding no meaningful new content that I am able to see.

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