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What Your Favorite Web Sites Say About You 163

Jimmy writes to tell us that CNET is running an article on what your favorite Web sites say about you. One example takes a look at the possible origins of Facebook readers; "The typical Facebookers are what you'd get if YouTube and Flickr went halves on a baby. Yes, the site was created to help university students connect and have a good time, but connecting and having a good time generally involves unruly, drunken behavior, which is inevitably caught on film and posted for your entire friends list to see.'" The article also takes a look at eBay, Flickr, Slashdot, and several others.
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What Your Favorite Web Sites Say About You

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  • by BWJones ( 18351 ) * on Monday September 10, 2007 @01:52PM (#20541827) Homepage Journal
    From TFA: The average male Slashdot user probably looks a lot like our model -- but has more acne and bigger glasses. Users are 23 years old but look twice their age and steadfastly refuse to accept the fact that Windows is actually not a bad operating system. Far from being lovable dorks, the Slashdotters have a vicious streak. They hunt like spiders, awaiting the arrival of an article from their victims -- usually a hapless news reporter. The second moderators accept a story, they pounce -- pedantry, suspicion and anonymity their weapons of choice.

    If you read the other entries, it is less an info piece and more of a fluff piece for c/net to blow their own horn when you get to the end. How do articles like this get posted to Slashdot?

    That said, while there are those of us that have been around since '98 or so, many Slashdot users that started participating in this forum back have continued to participate and additionally have created their own blogs. All in all, I'd have to say that whether or not I visit a website says less about me than the content that goes into my blog [] does.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by everphilski ( 877346 )
      If you read the other entries, it is less an info piece and more of a fluff piece for c/net to blow their own horn when you get to the end. How do articles like this get posted to Slashdot?

      you think the mods made it to the /. entry? :)
    • by Jarjarthejedi ( 996957 ) <[moc.liamg] [ta] [hcnipnaitsirhc]> on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:02PM (#20541991) Journal
      Yeah, cause it's not like being a geek has little to do with appearance. Whatever happened to the recognition that stereotypes are usually wrong?
    • by cromar ( 1103585 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:05PM (#20542033)
      The average male Slashdot user probably looks a lot like our model -- but has more acne and bigger glasses.

      How the fuck would they know? Aren't we all buff über mensch!?
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by dal20402 ( 895630 ) *

        How the fuck would they know? Aren't we all buff über mensch!?

        On the Internet, no one knows you're a god.

      • Who cares what people look like?

        I didn't come here to judge peoples comments based on their looks, but on the content itself! For all I care you can be purple with pink polkadots!
    • by SatanicPuppy ( 611928 ) * <Satanicpuppy@g[ ] ['mai' in gap]> on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:10PM (#20542113) Journal
      Oh come on, it's obviously tongue in cheek.

      Did you read the bit about CNET? attracts a wide variety of users but they almost always have one thing in common: they're gorgeous. Oh, and they like technology. Sure, they use MySpace, Facebook and once, misguidedly, even created a Twitter account (but they're sorry for that last part).

      They're the best sort of people to be around. They're highly educated, well-travelled and they possess the sort of qualities every mother tries to instil in her child. They'll one day go on to broker world peace, cure the incurable and are the very reason we wake up for work in the mornings. They're great and we love them all. Even the ones who think we sold them something and ring us up to complain.

      Don't start trying to fact check a joke piece...Unless you're doing some meta-humor by living up to their "Suspicion and Pedantry" snark.
    • by Goaway ( 82658 )
      I can only assume you mean it's not very interesting because it is simply stating the obvious.
    • They hunt like spiders, awaiting the arrival of an article from their victims -- usually a hapless news reporter. The second moderators accept a story, they pounce -- pedantry, suspicion and anonymity their weapons of choice.

      Hmm, it sounds like that should get the article modded -1 Flamebait! :-D

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      The reason this gets posted is because it's a list. The fscking "List" format blog posts are driving me mad.
      "10 ways to..."
      "6 not so smart cats"
      "30 things to do with..."

      The structure is so simple: The headline hook writes itself, and the content can be complete horseshit but once it hits digg, you've got a front page post.

      I challenge you to try it: go to flickr, grab ten random photos based on a meta tag. Assemble them in a list, with perhaps some witty comments, but even that's not needed. Get

      • by eln ( 21727 ) * on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:42PM (#20542567)
        5 ways to piss off Slashdot readers:

        1.) Post a question that is answered in the summary (or better yet, the title).
        2.) Use a Slashdot meme in an unfunny way.
        3.) Be kdawson.
        4.) Post obvious karma whores, such as "text of article in case of Slashdotting".
        5.) Write your comments in list form.
    • by metlin ( 258108 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:28PM (#20542329) Journal

      The one thing that some of us who've been around long will remember is that apart from the dupes and the bad editing, Slashdot has changed a lot over the years.

      When it started out, it was for geeks of a certain age and demographic. Over the years, those users have grown up, and with them, so has Slashdot.

      Compare the number of actual technology articles from the older versions of Slashdot with the number of articles relating to business, politics and management of technology on today's Slashdot. Slashdot has broadened its horizons, and the discussions tend to be a lot more balanced (if you do not believe me, just go over to Digg and see the trolls and the flamebaits out there).

      And yes, the average Slashdotter was (and is) probably a geek or a nerd, but I think that as they have matured, so has the website? Do we see the occasional crap posting and foam-at-the-mouth zealotry? Of course. But compared to the amount of actual, sane discussion, the percentage of idiocy is surprisingly less.

      Secondly, Slashdot is not just about the main articles - it is also about the posters having their journals and having sub-communities of posters.

      Over simplification and stereotyping has been the bane of many an analysis, and this article (if it can be called that) is no different.

      • Slashdot would have done better to remain narrowly focuses on technical stuff. Whenever any other topic is covered the comments are largely ignorant. For example, slashdot pop-science articles are filled with almost nothing but +5 Funny comments.
    • I can't speak for the whole article because I only struggled through about half a dozen pages before I got fed up.

      But I can tell you with reasonable confidence that has roughly zero chance of becoming my favorite site until they clean up their web pages and put more substantive material and less junk on each page.

      Can't say that I thought all that much of the content either. Not very insightful and not especially funny. I don't think this is one of those little things that get's pasted

    • I'm 28, athletic, and my first +5 post (or at least, the first one I remember) was in defense of windows security, which indicates that at least 4 other people agreed that windows is OK as an OS. I don't wear glasses and I am married to a woman who is pretty high on the physical attractiveness scale (and yes, I have had sex with her).

      I think I am probably also pretty indicative Slashdotters. I think that the slashdot comment system is a pretty good way to hold authors accountable for what they write, and
      • I am married to a woman who is pretty high on the physical attractiveness scale (and yes, I have had sex with her).
        Hate to break it to you like this, but you're new there too.
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by db32 ( 862117 )
        Things to note. 1. "12oz curls" is not "athletic". Neither are any actions accomplished in a virtual sense. 2. +5 post can be +5 funny so maybe they were just laughing at you 3. Not wearing glasses doesn't mean you don't need them. 4. "high on the physical attractiveness scale" doesn't mean much if you do need glasses 5. I won't even touch the moderation system. 6. It sounds to me like this poster is your typical slashdot poster that didn't RTFA and realize the whole thing is a damned joke.
        • Things to note. 1. "12oz curls" is not "athletic"

          If you ask me, 12oz curls is a sign you need to cut back on the hair gel, dude.
          • by db32 ( 862117 )
            12oz curls being the act of lifting a 12oz beverage to your mouth in a repetitive fashion.
        • What if the beer comes in 16oz cans? Does that make me more athletic than everyone else? What about 24-oz cans of malt liquor, or the 40 of OE?
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by cortesoft ( 1150075 )
      Yeah! They are so wrong... I am a 24 year old male, thank you very much.
    • by Gilmoure ( 18428 )
      Bah! I only read Slashdot and Ghastly's Comic []. And Ghastly hasn't been updating lately. I have no life [].
    • by jc42 ( 318812 )
      It reminds me of an article that P.J.O'Rourke wrote years ago for the National Lampoon. It was a list of ethnic groups, with a nasty, insulting characterization of each group. My favorite was Canadians, who were described as being just like white Americans, only more boring.

      It can be fun to read such things, and recognize yourself in all the groups that you belong to.

      I am a bit puzzled by the comment that Windows is "not a bad operating system". By all the rating criteria I know of, it's easily the worst
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Macgrrl ( 762836 )

      The average male Slashdot user probably looks a lot like our model -- but has more acne and bigger glasses. Users are 23 years old but look twice their age and steadfastly refuse to accept the fact that Windows is actually not a bad operating system.

      Hrm.. looks down... yep definately breasts... and not man-breasts either...

      Looks at nick and sig file... they got it part right about the Windoze reference...

    • by svunt ( 916464 )
      BWJones, your spam is getting really annoying, can't you just go for a week without pushing your damn blog in the body of your comment? It's already in your sig, you get modded up plenty, ease up a bit.
    • by mwvdlee ( 775178 )
      A typical CNet user likes to talk down users of other sites and praise himself.
  • by paiute ( 550198 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @01:54PM (#20541853)
    My favorite site is one that posts noninsightful stories with titles designed to grab maximum nerd traffic and also lacks a print link to let said nerds bypass the ten pages of ads.
    • by jd ( 1658 )
      You're either looking at the adult pages or a commercial news website.
  • personally I think a better example would be []
  • by 140Mandak262Jamuna ( 970587 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @01:58PM (#20541921) Journal
    They claim slashdot users pounce on hapless writer or reporter and trash them using pedantry and anonymity according to that site. Come on guys, let us show them what is real ripping to shreds is. Show no mercy! Attack!

    Scotty load the missles.

    Aye Sir, fully loaded with 25 Gigatons of sarcasm

    Add pedantry

    Yes sir, 45 Teratons of pedantry added

    And some anonymity too

    Aye Sir, anothe 12457 Teratons of anonymity added

    Fire at the abominable site

    • by bersl2 ( 689221 )
      I prefer my quantities of abstract concepts in the *load system, you insensitive clod!

      You know, "buttload", "assload", "shitload", "fuckload"... you're only supposed to reach "butt-ton", "asston", etc. until after you exhaust all the *loads, and that's several orders of magnitude too much for just one article.
  • by farker haiku ( 883529 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @01:58PM (#20541931) Journal
    10 pages of advertisements, check
    no printer friendly page link, check
    no interest in reading this article, check.

    No thanks slashdot. Next?
    • here ya go, the only relevant page: (,39029477,49292669-3,00.htm) if you want to see the photo referenced in TFA.

      What's the story?
      Slashdot is a well-respected science and technology news aggregation Web site. It lists user-submitted news stories with a bias towards geeks. Each story is vetted by a moderator before being posted, at which point visitors can leave their opinions in Slashdot's highly active forums. It was created in September 1997 by Rob 'CmdrTaco' Malda, who s
    • by fbjon ( 692006 )
      10 pages of ads on the site, 10 pages of ads.
      Block one ad, but no printlink,
      11 pages of ads on the site.

      Resistance is futile

  • Target Audience (Score:2, Insightful)

    Every site has its target audience just like almost every corporation does. All this seems to be doing is defining the target audience. If Slashdot's website wasn't based on "News for Nerds stuff that matters" then I bet there would be less geeks and nerds on this site... that is what digg is for.

    The website doesn't make your personality your personality choses to revisit the website.
  • by Renaissance 2K ( 773059 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:02PM (#20541983)
    How the hell'd they get my prom photo for the Slashdot page?
  • Wow! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Quiet_Desperation ( 858215 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:02PM (#20541993)
    OK, let me get this straight....

    A list of what I like says something about me.

    Truly, is there no bounds to what science can reveal?

    I am well and truly stunned.
  • by king-manic ( 409855 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:05PM (#20542035)
    If you frequent all of them would you then be an EMO, uber geek, trivia nerd, photographer, with an antique obsession, who enjoys poorly made video blogs, and gets smashed reguarly with your college buddies, while constantly chatting about nothing with low self esteem, whilst also enjoy shilling for a has been tech blog?
  • by ettlz ( 639203 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:05PM (#20542039) Journal

    They're the best sort of people to be around. They're highly educated...

    and almost NSFW! []

    • Why do I have a sudden craving for a roast beef sandwich?

      At least they have good taste in laptops. Thinkpads with the IBM logo (why is that still there?) Photoshopped out.

  • AD-FREE VERSION (Score:4, Informative)

    by InvisblePinkUnicorn ( 1126837 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:05PM (#20542045)
    Behold! [], the article is slightly more reader-friendly. Still not worth reading, though...
  • by spellraiser ( 764337 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:06PM (#20542051) Journal
    What's the story? is an increasingly popular hangout for those who call themselves 'Anonymous'. It breeds misfits, criminals, and The Internet Hate Machine, which is a term that is used to describe the collective processing power of the thousands of hackers on steroids who frequent the site.
    Did you know?
    Disturbingly, is the source of almost every popular internet 'meme' that has surfaced since 2004 or so.
    What says about you
    If your favorite site is, you're a terrorist who likes to blow up vans, and should be locked away for a very, very long time. You also like to say 'LULZ' a lot, which is a diabolical corruption of 'LOL', which means 'Let's Order Linguini' ... 'Linguini' being a street term for crack cocaine.

  • by svendsen ( 1029716 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:09PM (#20542091)
    I need major therapy and a healthier outlook on sexual fantasies....
  • So, this is saying if you join a community/website then you are probably inclined to be interested or involved in whatever the subject matter that site is. What a shocker, people belong and participate in things that interest them. This has been true forever, give me a break. I wonder if everyone involved in drafting and signing the Declaration of Independence were into politics in some form?

    Another article aiming just to get hits while producing nothing that would be seen as being anything more than 'mi
    • Re:So... (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Kelson ( 129150 ) * on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:24PM (#20542279) Homepage Journal

      So, this is saying if you join a community/website then you are probably inclined to be interested or involved in whatever the subject matter that site is.

      Actually, it's describing a caricature of each site's target audience. It's more of a humor piece than anything else.

  • So hypothetically speaking, if my favorite sites were 2 girls 1 cup [], Goatse [], and Tubgirl [] what would that say about me?

    Hypothetically speaking of course. NSFW!! I repeat NSFW!!
  • And does it matter what kind?
  • I'm insulted. The geek pictured on the Slashdot page doesn't even have real glasses. In fact, they don't even have lenses!

    Now, if you noticed that as well, then yes, you are a geek too, and Slashdot is your favorite site to visit regularly.

    Dan East
    • by Gilmoure ( 18428 )
      Can't stand movies that have glasses with flat glass in them. Can tell they're not real. Hell, if you can't start a fire with your glasses, you don't deserve to call them glasses.
      • If you're nearsighted, you can't start a fire with your glasses. (Well, not by focusing the light of the sun, anyway).

        And not only does that guy have fake glasses, he doesn't really have any acne either. And what's with the tie? Everyone knows Slashdot users wear T-shirts which have likely never seen the inside of the washing machine, no tie. He's a total poser.
    • In fact, they don't even have lenses!
      Lenses reflect light, making photography much harder. It's pretty common practice to use fake ones for photo shoots like this.
  • The typical Facebookers are what you'd get if YouTube and Flickr went halves on a baby.

    A plateful of bones?
  • by athloi ( 1075845 ) on Monday September 10, 2007 @02:30PM (#20542377) Homepage Journal
    They hunt like spiders, awaiting the arrival of an article from their victims -- usually a hapless news reporter. The second moderators accept a story, they pounce -- pedantry, suspicion and anonymity their weapons of choice.

    I know you're just doing it for the laughs, guys, but that's short-sighted. Slashdot is one of the more diverse (in terms of opinions, not genetics and gender) web sites I've run across, much more so than myspace, for example. Libertarian Christians and Mac-using bisexual Buddhists can agree on the necessary traits for any BIND replacement here without much rancor.

    I think the article sells it short.
  • "The second moderators accept a story, they pounce -- pedastry, suspicion and anonymity their weapons of choice."
    Or are my old eyes starting to fail?
  • What are they saying?? Look it is not true.... It was only that one time, I was only looking for the failed Donkey Kong tv show... I didn't know that searching for "donkey show" in Google would bring that up....
  • They didn't include this one, so I'll do my take on it.....


    What's the story?
    Orkut is an Internet social network service run by Google and named after its creator, Orkut Büyükkökten (sëë älsø: hëävÿ mëtäl ümläüt). It's something like Friendster and MySpace, but it also allows users to create "communities", that is, mini-forums about any theme you choose.

    Did you know?
    Orkut is not very popular in the USA, but it is extremely popula
    • And no civilized person can stand a place with too many Brazilians.

      Very true; the mere sight of a couple of Brazilians will often destroy any pretense of civilisation.

      Oh, you meant citizens of Brazil...
  • Our chief weapon is pedantry. And...two! Our two chief weapons are pedantry, suspicion and... Three! Three. Our three chief weapons are...
  • WTF?! CNet? Who the hell is addicted to CNet?! Nobody. What does it mean if I visit almost all these sites daily (excluding CNet and Twitter)? Also, this is the first time I ever heard of twitter, but it sounds relatively cool. CNet can suck it though.

How come everyone's going so slow if it's called rush hour?
