Putting "mr" in a word can lead to pronunciation difficulties, just google for words containing "mr" then exclude all abbreviations of mister to find how rarely the sequence it's used. Renaming it to "memistor" would help greatly. Also, the wikipedia page for memristor already contains a reference to memistor.
The 'm' and 'r' are in different syllables, so it's really not an issue. I assume you can handle 'Tim Robbins' so you can handle 'memristor'
Cut to yesterday and he's having trouble accessing a particular page. After about ten minutes of troubleshooting on the phone, I asked "You aren't still using IE are you?"
"No, I'm using...oh wait, yeah it is IE".
Average users really do see the browser as a pane of glass with internets on the other side, it's a perfect description.
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.