Microsoft's Future 486
cyberkine writes: "The Economist has an interesting article on Microsoft's technology strategies that ends with a very astute comparison with IBM's downfall and resurrection in the wake of its own antitrust battles. 'Microsoft's biggest underlying fear is that it will become like IBM - --a company that still has a strong business but no longer sets computing standards.'"
Microsoft's Fear? (Score:2, Funny)
Interesting comment in related news... (Score:5, Interesting)
OSS ranked along side AOL in the battle against Microsoft. Interesting, if not frightening.
Re:Interesting comment in related news... (Score:3, Insightful)
Umm, anyone heard of Mozilla [mozilla.org] - it happens to be a rather large Open Source Software project funded almost entirely by AOL.
Joseph Elwell.
Re:Interesting comment in related news... (Score:2)
Keep in mind AOL's intent.
Who cares if the browser is OSS if the network that delivers the data and the information/media comes from the same company.
AOL is all about a monopoly, just a different kind. They support 'open' and 'free' just like Microsoft does...when it suites their interests. They are getting a mountain of free development for an application that is competeing against an offering from their main fow.
Re:Interesting comment in related news... (Score:3, Troll)
Ah, the War on Open Source. About as winnable as the War on Terror, or War on Drugs, I'd suggest.
This may be true, but.... (Score:3, Insightful)
OSS isn't going to be fighting a line-by-line feature war with MS. If it does, it'll probably lose, MS has far more resources to throw at it. OSS's best chance to take a bite out of Microsoft is to go the other route: make software that can be purchased, deployed, and supported for far less. This means Linux should focus on things like bullet proof installation processes, automated installations, etc. Then it needs someone like Redhat or SuSe to effectively market it.
Re:systemlogic poll (Score:3, Funny)
like it or not... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:like it or not... (Score:3, Offtopic)
Let me just confirm that the sound that you are hearing is, in fact, thousands of Macintosh users laughing.
Re:like it or not... (Score:2, Insightful)
Boo hoo hoo (Score:2, Flamebait)
There's a difference between the two, though. IBM knew when to give up trying to be the center of the universe. I don't think Gates and company are capable of suppressing their egos to the degree necessary.
Society is full of people who want to have their legacy, and want to be "men of destiny." These are people who want to be the kinds of cultural icons that live on forever. IBM thankfully didn't have too many of them at the helm. That meant that they didn't have individual egos looking for their places in the sun at the expense of the rest of the company and the world at large. In plain English, that meant that when the world changed and IBM ceased to be the alpha male, they made that transition.
Microsoft isn't in quite the same positon. They don't control any major hardware that the rest of the world needs. While they have a number of products of varying quality, they don't control anything completely indispensable. The reason for their control is their position.
Problem: The value of a position changes with time. Microsoft can learn when they've picked the wrong fight, maybe. That kind of perception means they can back away and stay alive.
Not with Gates, etc. at the helm. Even the most ardent MS/Gates-supporter would have to agree: whatever virtues Gates has, humility is not one of them. Gates really wants his legacy and his place in the history books, and Microsoft is a means to that end. Just like Bill Clinton spending his last year desperately seeking a legacy, just like RMS who wants the entire English language prefaced with GNU/, Gates wants to be a man of destiny.
That means that he sees Microsoft as being a vehicle, and not much more. I doubt that he even cares about the profits. And that means that he'll take the company into some really bad fights to support his own self-image. Even if the company's survival depended on his walking away.
(Yes, I bash MS and Gates a lot. That being said, if they released an open-source Word for KDE, I'd buy it. Possibly even at retail.)
Re:Boo hoo hoo (Score:2, Insightful)
IBM was the "alpha-male" for a long time (Score:2, Informative)
IBM was the computer company from the end of WW II until the late seventies. They got a good racket^H^H^H^H^Hbussiness going with punch cards and card machines and then early computers.
The IBM anti-trust trouble started in the sixties and the goverment finally dropped its suit in '82. Read the story of IBM and Ahmdal to see how IBM did not play nice.
Boo hoo? Bull shit. (Score:2)
It's about software.
Gates has a vision for how he sees the future of computing and not suprisingly in involves lots of Microsoft software. It's not about his legacy or increasing his fortune...I really don't think he cares. He loves his company and he wants it to be profitable and succesful and he'll make decisions that (he thinks) will make that happen.
Gates knows that he'll be remembered, but frankly he doesn't care.
Let the flame begin.
Did Microsoft set any standards? (Score:2, Informative)
But Microsoft? It's contributed to standards initiated by others. It's tried to detract from standards initiated by others (Java). It's currently trying to make C# and
Microsoft and Standards (Score:2)
Java is not a standard unless your criteria for being a standard is simply that it is used by a lot of people. If that's the case then Microsoft has created lots of standards from COM to the Word file format to UDDI to their XML schema proposal that was rejected by the W3C but was embraced by most of industry.
If you're talking about standards in the strict sense of the Word then I can think of SOAP [w3.org] and C# and the CLI [microsoft.com] (in progress) but then again I haven't paid much attention to what Microsoft does until quite recently.
Re:Did Microsoft set any standards? Yes. (Score:2, Interesting)
Well, surprisingly enough, the answer is, Yes, Microsoft has set good (that is, open) standards.
Off the top of my head I can think of RTF (Rich Text Format), SMB, and DHCP. That last one's a pretty good example, since even in pure UNIX shops it's all but eradicated bootp.
Re:Did Microsoft set any standards? Yes. (Score:2, Informative)
As for RTF -- ugly!!!
That leaves DHCP
Re:Did Microsoft set any standards? Yes. (Score:2, Informative)
As for SMB, i think that DEC Pathworks, and IBM LanManager both predate microsoft's SMB implementation.
Re:Did Microsoft set any standards? (Score:2)
And a bunch of de facto standards, such as the desktop application platform, the Internet browser platform, the business collaboration platform (Office+Outlook+Exchange Server)...just to name a few.
The Windows API (Score:2)
When 95% of the world's for-profit makers of end-user software want to write code, it is code for the Windows API. To me, that's a standard.
Re:Did Microsoft set any standards? (Score:2)
Who is this guy? (Score:5, Insightful)
Obviously not someone who is familiar with the joys of COM - especially pre-ATL. Also, not someone who ever spent weeks trying to get that new shiny feature of NT4, DCOM, working only to find out that it never worked at all (RPC layer broken) until SP3. Not someone who has ever tried to produce a system which runs perfectly on all Win32s. If he means "made life easy for VB programmers", then maybe - but I wouldn't dignify them with the name "programmer".
I could rant for hours about specific instances, but I wont.
Re:Who is this guy? (Score:2)
Oh and VB programmers is an oxymoron.
What's with the hostility for VB? (Score:3, Funny)
Some people have such glorified ideas of what a 'programmer' is. You give detailed instructions to a machine. If you spend a week writing beautiful code you cost your company 5x. If you spend a day writing ugly code you cost your company 1x. If both programs meet the functional requirements, the company that encourages spending one day will survive better. I have nothing against beautiful code, but I have nothing against utilitarian functional code either.
Re:What's with the hostility for VB? (Score:3)
Small businesses often don't HAVE 5x to spend today. But if they can spend 1x today, they hope to have 10x in the near future. If you have one or two developers, their time is a precious commodity. In my experience, writing things 'the right way' is usually at best a waste of time and often very counterproductive. Learn to accept and love the kludgy hack. By the time you need to change a program your company may have been bought twice, and any resources spent on doing cool geek stuff would have been wasted. Code is just instructions to a machine. The goal has to be allowing people to get their job done, not to tell the machine what to do in a cool way. Scripting languages are good at this, and VB is good at this. As far as I can tell strongly typed object oriented languages are more suited to academia or super high tech companies than to a business environment. Have you ever written a custom web browser with built in database access (to check urls against a current partner list)? Integrated with the company standard Outlook email program? In 3 weeks? VB rocks. It's not what I mainly use, but I enjoy using it for what it's meant for.
Re:VB (Score:3, Funny)
Microsoft != IBM (Score:3, Interesting)
Microsoft is not exactly like IBM. IBM's market was in business whereas Microsoft's market combines both business and consumer. IBM sold hardware as well as software. Microsoft sells only software (unless you count those stupid mice and keyboards). IBM sold huge mainframes for huge price that requires months of sales work to get the dotted line signed. Microsoft products can be grabbed in retail stores. That doesn't necessarily mean Microsoft won't run out of steam with its flattening markets, but the mechanisms and potentials will certainly be different than they were with IBM. IBM didn't have a lot of options it could so easily move into. Microsoft has some more, and is more diverse than IBM ever was in a market that can buy things on a whim. So don't count on what happened to IBM necessarily happening to Microsoft. Maybe it will, or maybe it won't.
Re:Microsoft != IBM (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm writing this on a Microsoft keyboard and I'm clickety-clicking on a Microsoft mouse (both hooked to my main Linux box of course).
They have a great thing: they don't crash.
Re:Microsoft != IBM (Score:2)
They also sell that xbox thing maybe you've heard of it, and what ever became of ultimate TV, their set-top box? I wouldnt put selling more hardware past microsoft. As they see their operating system become less and less a strong point and more options emerge I think they'll need to seek new revenue one way or another .NET, XBOX and possibly other things with capital letters.
Eventually it won't matter, (Score:2)
It might be possible for other OSses to use most of the
Isn't it true, that when installing windows XP you are promted to create a passport? I wonder why nobody sued for that, my guess is that (once again) microsoft is pulling a stunt that nobody will see coming until it's too late... frozen
Where Can MS Go? Nowhere? Not So. (Score:2, Troll)
My point is, I just don't get Microsoft. They don't DO ANYTHING. They are a multi-billion dollar corporation that adds bells an whistles to a leaky boat, then resells it for $300 a pop. If you want to talk about the progress Microsoft has been making, I would not call it "innovation". All Microsoft innovation has ever been is gradually making something work better than previous releases when it should have worked right before it hit store shelves. The improvements to their flag ship products are somewhat analagous to improvements on yearly versions of Encarta!
Are they headed the way of the dinosaur? I think I'd get a resounding 'yes' from the Slashdot community, but is this thinking right? After five years of "innovation", people still get suckered into their marketing hoopla and nonsense, thinking that every new version of Windows is a revolution in the making. No, I don't think MS is doomed to the fate we all hope it will fall into. So long as they keep using pictures of people filled with joy because they use Windows, they'll convince the general population.
*ugh* Sorry, just needed to rant a bit here. MS are just ridiculous, and it's pitiful how millions of people worldwide can follow them like sheep. I can't stand it anymore
Re:Where Can MS Go? Nowhere? Not So. (Score:2)
One of the mayor problems is that, a LOT of people still think that computers and windows is one and the same thing, they think that reading your email consists of using outlook/outlook express, that writing a letter is done in Word etc. They don't know there are alternatives, this is (luckily) beginning to change, because even main stream computer magazines are beginning to show some interest in alternatives.
Still, on the internet terms like "Computer virusses" or "Macro virusses" and the like are still pretty deceptive they should (ofcourse) be called "Windows virusses" and "Microsoft Office virusses" as long as those differences are not clear to the main public... the problem persists
so, for now, no... I think Microsoft will stay exactly where it is...
Re:Where Can MS Go? Nowhere? Not So. (Score:3, Insightful)
I can't resist feeding this troll. I am still in school, attending college as a computer science major. I write open source software, but probably nothing that matters to you. I believe in freedom of choice, regardless of the forum. Microsoft doesn't like freedom, they want everyone to be locked into their way of doing things. They are the opposite of democracy, and even if the US isn't perfect, it's still better than what Microsoft offers. Clarify on the comparison? With Microsoft's power over the Internet, information, and how people use computers, they have a tight grip on how they can control our society. This grip is getting stronger. Passport will require users in large groups to authenticate through them.
I know it's hard, but try to consider the big picture in the long run for a change. Not just that your icons get cool shadows or your menus fade in when you click them. Consider that Microsoft are an entity that really does present the possibility of a "Big Brother" (not to be confused with the misunderstood Orwellian sense) insofar as they can and will control (as well as grant control to other monied interests... RIAA, MPAA, etc.) the information that is the lifeblood of our information driven society.
I guess the only thing I can really say about people who don't understand the danger of absolute power in the hands of a few is this: Get out of my country, you swine. Blood has been shed to acquire the freedom we all take for granted today, and anyone who thinks we should just ignore the right to choices and let whatever great ruling entity exists tell us what to do doesn't deserve what we've got in America.
(There goes my karma for speaking my mind.)
Re:Where Can MS Go? Nowhere? Not So. (Score:3, Funny)
The master paused for a moment, held up his hand and said
"Natalie Portman"
At this moment, the zen student was enlightened.
Microsoft's biggest fear (Score:2, Interesting)
Now that they've won the desktop "war" (Score:5, Insightful)
Some of IBM's basic research (eg. superconductivity and nanotechnology) may produce enormous returns, and have already made the world a better place , but won't be pulling in the money for that immediately. Their earlier research helped make them the big company that they've been for decades. Xerox gave us the PC and workstation desktop environment as research, and not a product in development.
If MS dedicates some effort towards published research (remember, product development is only called "research" if it makes the tax man happy, and real reseach can be done outside a university) that will add to the global knowledge base and may mean that the "next big thing" is owned by them. After all, flouride was added to toothpaste after a company that had a waste disposal problem with it funded a lot of research to find out what it could be used for, and some of it paid off spectacularly. You never know what can be done until you try.
Re:Now that they've won the desktop "war" (Score:3, Insightful)
Like what? The only things you named are mouse improvements, and that's not their main business at all. And if I recall correctly, the scroll wheel was invented by someone else; MS only copied/bought/licensed it.
What has MS research done for software? I sure don't see anything. They may have the cash to do innovative research, but I don't see any.
Must be nice... (Score:2, Flamebait)
(Customer walks into bank)
LOAN OFFICER: "So, Mr. Customer, what's your business plan?"
CUSTOMER: "Well, see, I'm going to compete with a multi-billion dollar Japanese company by building a product that will lose $2 billion over the next three years, then break even, hopefully."
LOAN OFFICER: "Sounds great! We'll finance whatever you need."
(Customer walks into bank in the real world)
LOAN OFFICER: "So, Mr. Customer, what's your business plan?"
CUSTOMER: "Well, see, we need a small loan to help expand our business. We saved our nickels and dimes, ate soup and drove 15-year old cars for three years and built this product and generated some sales, but now we want to make the product better with more features and perhaps get some part-time employees."
LOAN OFFICER: "Sounds great! Naturally, you'll need cash exceeding the value of the loan as collateral deposited here at our bank in our lowest-interest account, platinum-lined credit that rings softly in a light breeze, 12 references, a 50-page annotated business plan, three years of financials audited by a big-six accounting firm, an autobiography, two full-time sources of secondary income, oh, and real estate, LOTS of real estate... financial projections for five years showing sustainable 20% weekly growth with full supporting documentation, a large portfolio of blue-chip equity holdings and nice fat juicy municipal bonds, three co-signers and a silver partridge in a golden pear tree, and please fill out this 40 page application. Your loan will be reviewed by the committee at the next meeting in... four months."
CUSTOMER: "But we'll be out of business by then!"
LOAN OFFICER: "Have a nice day!"
"Microsoft is kind." (Score:2)
Writers must meet deadlines. The often are not given the time to learn everything they need to know. So, they string together some nice-sounding phrases. Sometimes, for a few sentences in a row, they sound like they understand the subject. Then they say something that shows they don't really:
That is why Microsoft has always sold its operating system cheaply and has done everything to make life easy for programmers.
"Make life easy" as in artificial limits on resources in Windows 95, 98, and ME. Later this,
Microsoft will continue to be a kinder giant, predicts Rick Sherlund of Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, if only because "the whole world is watching".
He called Microsoft kind. Oh yeah. They probably both have Microsoft stock they would like to sell at less of a loss.
Then this:
It does not help Microsoft's credibility that its new-found faith in openness does not seem to apply to Windows itself.
Whoops, not kind. More "kindness":
Microsoft's concept of openness is reminiscent of a funnel: easy to get into, but hard to get out of. Visual Studio
Sometimes writers just use their imagination:
To convince the world that it will henceforth compete on the quality of its products alone, Microsoft must do something more radical. One possibility would be to accept the kind of antitrust settlement that would clearly signal a shift.
What should be the Response to Violence? [hevanet.com]
Re:"Microsoft is kind." (Score:2, Informative)
After September 11th, while every other media source was running the usual watered down stories presenting simplistic views of the situation (everything from the geopolitics of the situation to any possible bioterror threat), the Economist has been consistently running articles examining the situation in depth [economist.com] [economist.com] and not trying to present its readers with some beautified and doctored picture of what's really going on to give people a warm fuzzy fealing inside or capitalise on the shock-value *cough*CNN*cough*.
And you know what? It's nice having a publication which doesn't treat you like an idiot or a child. Or one which isn't 90% adverts. Or only tells you what you want to hear.
You can bash Microsoft, but you don't bash The Economist. :)
The Economist happens to be one of the most trusted publications around; they have a well-deserved repuation for being right. You can pretty much guarentee that any article by them is well researched and as accurate as they come.
To be brutally frank, the kind of articles you find in the Economist [economist.com] [economist.com] are far beyond what you typically read on /. in terms of complexity, subtlety and breadth of vision, without the usual journalistic bias and bullsh*t you find in a lot of other places - particularly online.
What I find most ironic about the Economist is they usually do a lot better job at picking the important (tech) stuff [economist.com] [economist.com] than most of the tech publications; best of all - they've usually picked it out months before it's mostly ignored by the likes of Wired.
If more people read the Economist, the world would be a better place.
Re:"Microsoft is kind." (Score:2)
I agree with you 100% that The Economist is a great publication. However, in my opinion, the article about Microsoft referenced in the Slashdot story is of poor quality.
The title and subtitle (below) are fine. But some parts of the article itself are weak.
Title: Extending its tentacles
As it launches an array of new products, the software giant is changing, and yet its basic instincts are staying much the same
Microsoft setting standards (Score:5, Interesting)
Anyway, the wierd thing I learned from this guy was that the upper management at Microsoft actually plans to be collecting revenue from basically every computer user in the world through liscenses and
anyway, I'm not religious, I use Microsoft stuff all the time. More power to them. But its just not gonna happen...Microsoft has had its glory days, and now I am starting to see the seeds of the computer world "moving on". People simply don't have the cash or interest now that the Internet boom is gone to pretend that they are gonna get rich by installing XP server for their company. Those days are gone, now people want the basic functionality they need at the lowest possible prices.
Re:Microsoft setting standards (Score:2)
Reminds me of a Blackadder episode "A piddling thousand? Pay the man Edmund, and damn his impudence!"
Re:Microsoft setting standards (Score:2)
Isn't that the truth? Given the amazing amount of resources at their disposal, it's often surprising how bad Windows can be and how many obvious problems they just didn't fix or even address.
This strikes me most often when I find myself running RegEdit to add some key to the registry to fix some Windows annoyance in a way that *should* be modifyable through a GUI utility -- if the annoyance existed at all. I'm amazed first that I have to use RegEdit, I'm amazed second that I have to *add* a key instead of modifying an existing one (what's up with code that looks for variables that aren't there?), and third that the annoying behavior exists in the first place.
Maybe they put so much into marketing/psychological warfare that they don't really have the resources I thought they did for making sure their programs work right.
I pledge alligience (Score:5, Funny)
-Daily morning speech for employees
Re:I pledge alligience (Score:2)
To each his own, I guess.
Since when did MS ever set any standards? (Score:3, Insightful)
Everything Microsoft ever did since the very beginning was steal ideas from other people and companies and market them as their own. Ask Tim Paterson, Gary Kildall, Apple, Stac Electronics, or Spyglass. They very nearly got away with this with Java, but Sun was watchful, and now, what they're doing with C# and .NET is basically a reinvention of what Java already is. It makes me wonder if the bigwigs inside Microsoft ever had an original thought in their own heads.
Difference here is, IBM actually did set computing standards in its time. They actually did innovate a lot of things in a big way. And they had the humility to accept that while they could remain powerful and influential, they could not remain the force that drove the computing revolution.
Re:Since when did MS ever set any standards? (Score:3, Interesting)
An interesting comment.
1. Stac Electronics was a patent infringement suit. I thought every good slashdotter was anti patent-abuse? Or are you the odd man out?
MS infringed their patent on compressing data as it is written to the disk/decompressing it as it's read from the disk. Sounds really original and innovative that does.
The same guy is now running this outfit:
X-Sides [xsides.com]. Check out their new product:
Scary, huh? [xsides.com]
If that doesn't make you sit back and think "OH MY GOD... PERMANENT BANNER ADS!", and then shriek in horror, I don't know what will. This is not the kind of person who shies away from a filing trivial patents.
2. Apple -- see Xerox.
As for the others, I'll let someone else answer them.
Re:Since when did MS ever set any standards? (Score:2)
Well, back in the mid-eighties and early nineties (if you were old enough to have a PC back then), it really was an innovative and original idea which nobody had ever thought about before. Stac Electronics also used to make data compression hardware that sat in the old ST-506 controller bus that transparently compressed and decompressed data travelling to and from the hard drive.
Never mind that it was a case of patent abuse which is something that is against the "slashdot ethos". The point is Microsoft has ever and anon gotten by with stealing ideas rather than innovating. The article talks about Microsoft setting standards. All they do is take someone else's standard and hijack it to lock the rest of the world in. Embrace, extend, annihilate.
By the way, Tim Paterson was the author of QDOS, the codebase that eventually became MS-DOS 1.0, after MS bought it from him. Gary Kildall wrote the original CP/M BIOS code, which MS ripped off in making the PC1 BIOS. Spyglass was the company that wrote the original Internet Explorer.
Re:Since when did MS ever set any standards? (Score:2)
Stac had a valid patent, as was found in court. The case didn't go to the penalty phase because Microsoft bought their way out after losing on the merits. They settled on patent infringement and licensed Stac technology for disk compression.
And you didn't apparently have ad-hominem attacks at hand for the other transgressions mentioned. Perhaps Bill should dock your astroturf bonus.
Reminder to self: must let PHB read this (Score:2, Interesting)
It shows two roads ahead instead of just the one BG sees through his (obviously worn out) glasses.
One road is that where Microsoft gets new leadership because BG steps down in time. Down that road lies an IBM-like future for Microsoft with plenty of opportunities and a more 'normal' growth pattern for the company.
The other road is the one where BG isn't willing or capable of stepping down and Microsoft will go on with it's current practices. The writer doesn't really predict what might happen but has a swing at it by saying (between the lines) that revenue-growth may not be able to keep up it's march forward.
The bottom line is that if your PHB isn't _real_ dimwitted _and_ has an idea of economics (I know it might be too much to ask but still) he may get this. The fact that it reads "The Economist" on top should at least help a bit.
Karma? What's that again?
Becoming another IBM is not the worst case (Score:3, Interesting)
I was amused by the notion that for Microsoft to follow in the footsteps of IBM, as a company that no longer sets standards, would somehow be the bad scenario. Well, things could have been worse for IBM. They had a near-death experience in about 1993. Sure, they had inertia, it could have taken them decades to finally fade away (a la Control Data, Unisaurus, DEC, and many others), but that they revitalized themselves rather than fade away is thanks to having reinvented the company (including their first-ever layoffs, just to pick one example). The best reference I could quickly find was an article [businessweek.com] from Business Week, which seems to capture the essential points.
The significance for Microsoft? Well it is pretty early to start pondering a post-Microsoft era and I'm not sure I see any signs of collapse in the various cracks which appear around the sides of the empire. But if a collapse does come, it could be more catastrophic than you'd think.
Linux and Windows my 2 cents on the war (Score:2, Insightful)
The problem is that Linux has reached the 90% syndrome, that is Linux has 90% of the features required for it to be a front end desktop. As we all know it takes 90% of the development time for these final 10% of features. KDE and GNOME are almost ready, Star Office 6.0 will be a competitor for Microsoft office in a few months. Microsoft have always taken existing technology and made it easy to use (legal and moral issues aside). Would you teach your mother Linux or Windows.
Linux is a tool that now can be used in specific requirements in a back office role and for obtaining a cheap UNIX environment where required. It is not ready for the desktop yet (for technical people yes, for ordinary computer phobic users no). The problem is with the Open Source and most Linux companies cannot make money from their products (just look at what can be achieved with Star Office when a large company does get behind Linux).
With Windows 2000 and XP we have finally got rid of that huge mess the 9X product line gave us, and I am considering upgrading (but only to the PRO version and not until XP SP1).
Issues such as Microsoft FUD and support issues for Linux have now been resolved. Based simply on the products Windows has the edge in a few areas for now. Give it another year and I feel Linux will be able to compete (when things like Star Office, Mozilla, and many other projects finally hit a 1.0 release).
I use Linux and Solaris at work and I want to see Linux succeed.
Setting standards... I think not.. (Score:4, Interesting)
MS is worried that it won't be setting computing standards ? But it _never_ _ever_ has. Its forte has been ignoring standards and setting out on its own. Its problem now with the concept of the pervasive web and pervasive computing is that its #1 reason for this succeeding, its OS is not longer going to be ubiquidous.
IBM failed because they didn't see the PC revolution, MS have seen the pervasive web, and are trying to get onto it, but their problem is that by its very nature its a non-MS world. Where IBM missed the bandwagon the issue here is that MS want to get onto the one that it has previously tried to blow off the rails. Will Nokia, Ericsson, Siemens, IBM, HP, Sun allow MS to join their tea party.
Hopefully not. But there is no accounting for CEO stupidity. MS have to undergo a culture change, their adoption of XML and SOAP looked good, until they haven't implemented the SOAP stuff to the SOAP standard yet (and they are on the bloody standards body!). That underlying aim of embrace, extend, extinguish was fine while they controlled the OS, but with internet aware consumer devices the bar of quality, reliability and interoperability has been raised.
To quote my wife "So people accept that Microsoft write crap code, and even blame themselves for problems, thats the reason I gave up using the PC"
Its true my wife uses the PC very rarely for a bit of browsing and email... but there is no way she would put up with a mobile phone that hangs.
Re:Setting standards... I think not.. (Score:2)
It's funny you should bring up Nokia, because they're seen by many (around where I live, at least) as the Microsoft of the mobile world. Their products are riddled with bugs and instabilities, but everyone buys them anyway. Their market share on cell phones in my country isn't quite as big as Microsofts global OS market share, but it's close.
Interesting use of statistics here.. (Score:3, Informative)
But somehow they have warped the statistics (intentionally?) to make the curves more grim.
To their defense, it is stated clearly in the text of the article, but the subtle difference between text and graphics might be hard to spot.(Especially since it's easier to think up a conclusion from a curve than a paragraph of text)
Re:Interesting use of statistics here.. (Score:3, Insightful)
The graph wasn't there to point out that profits weren't increasing. The graph meant to show that profit increase was slowing down. If you wait till profits are falling before you sell your stock, you will not be optimizing your return.
Re:Interesting use of statistics here.. (Score:4, Insightful)
The huge difference between the two (Score:5, Insightful)
Its true, IBM set standards.. and a lot of them. But did you know that IBM still puts out more patents than any other corporation in the world (per year)?
They're still a company that innovates.
What they realized was that instead of innovating and then trying to force that upon users
The moved from the manufacturing industry to a service industry
The thing is
Anyway.. what's the point of all of this?
IBM changed its philosophy to diversify.
I don't see microsoft going down that road. Even though they're strategy is failing (or is at leasted doomed to)
If they stay on the track they're on, they'll spiral down just like IBM almost did.
Re:The huge difference between the two (Score:2)
They're still a company that innovates.
How many Slashdot stories do you need to read to prove that patents do not imply innovation? There was a comment attached to a story last week from a guy who interned at IBM and he said that they basically just have a meeting every few weeks to discuss what can be patented. Anything that's not already patented is fair game. That hardly sounds like innovation to me. Maybe the whole concept of using patents as a primary revenue stream is innovative: another post in the same article claimed that IBM rakes in about $1.7 billion per year in patent licensing fees.
While IBM may in fact be a great innovator, don't take their number of patents as evidence of anything.
Microsoft vs. IBM (Score:5, Interesting)
I think people have a basic misunderstanding about Microsoft. They think:
Microsoft makes lots of money. Therefore it must be a good, strong company.
However, I believe if you ignore the profits, Microsoft is actually a very weak company. Crazy point of view? My logic:
Ignore for a moment the size of Microsoft's profits, and look at where they come from. A hugely disproportionate amount come from Microsoft Office. It's worth thinking about this a moment - despite Microsoft's multiheaded and complex strategy at the moment, a significant proportion of its profits come from a product the functionality of which isn't that difficult to copy. A bunch of people in their spare time have put together software that has much of the same functionality. Sun has a nearly equivalent product that they are giving away for free. Is MS Office really a sound basis for a strong company? Similarly with its operating systems - Linux is an increasingly tough competitor, and it's free. Much of it was originally developed by a bunch of students and enthusiasts (absolutely no disrespect intendended).
Now look at IBM. Increasingly its profits come from providing complex bespoke services at enterprise level to global companies. It also creates hardware, from breakthough advances at the molecular level to the worlds fastest supercomputers. Try copying that.
Bill Gates says he doesn't want Microsoft to become another IBM. I say, Microsoft is a pathetic company in comparision.
MS doesn't actually turn a profit. (Score:2, Interesting)
How? They claim the value of stock options used to pay employees as expense. Between that and cash outlays, they are losing money, and have been for years.
When they claim profit to their shareholders, and for the stock markets in general, they don't count the stock options they give out as anything. IOW, they would report the exact same profits if their employees' pay was cut to only their cash salaries. IOW, if they paid their employees entirely in stock options, they would report no spending on employees, exactly as if it was all-volunteer labor.
MS does have (or has had) a positive cash inflow, but only because they are constantly creating new stock and selling it, diluting existing shares to create the illusion of profit.
The stock market is not a source of investment for them, but primary revenue.
It works exactly like a Ponzi scheme: early investors are paid off with later investments. Unsurprisingly, like any cash pyramid, it showed exponential growth, roughly doubling in value every year.
This has broken down, though. Forget technical competition, they are on the edge of a financial collapse. They are being supported by the wishful thinking of their employees, who still think the stock will resume its growth, and so are willing to accept stock options as pay. Once they insist on payment in cash, MS will not be able to show even a fraudulent profit, and the company will come crashing down.
The question is what will come crashing down with them...
Re:MS doesn't actually turn a profit. (Score:2)
Re:MS doesn't actually turn a profit. (Score:2)
I've heard this arguement before. The notion that MS stock is highly overvalued in relation to the growth potential left in the company is, IMHO, absolutely true. But I'm skeptical of the idea that once the growth slows down (and the stock price adjusts) the company won't be viable.
In order to support your position you need to show that paying MS employees the market rate (without stock options) would be a significant (or devastating) blow to profits. Do you have evidence that this is really true? Are average salaries at MS available somewhere alongside industry standard salaries for similar positions?
Re:MS doesn't actually turn a profit. (Score:2)
I think you've just contradicted yourself. Employees will leave if they can get more money elsewhere, so MS has to meet that (industry standard) price. They don't need to make their employees rich with stock options in order to compete.
Agreed that they're doing stupid things to keep revenue up in the short term. But they are making plausible attempts to raise revenue long-term through heavy investments in projects like the X-Box. The big question whether this will work. I don't think that Sony will just roll over for MS, but I haven't noticed Sony doing the kind of radical things they'll need to do in order to combat MS either. I'm afraid that Sony is a little over-confident just as Novell was.
Novell had the dominent position in corporate file and print servers and thought that market-share and a superior product would let them keep it. When your opponent has tons of cash and a related monopoly to leverage, this just isn't true.
It won't be much of a crash (Score:2)
Also, the nice thing about ditching all those stock options to employees is that it spreads out the impact of the fall. If Microsoft stock takes a plunge, Bill Gates feels it and Joe Cubicle feels it, but the company accountants just realize they can't issue any new stock for a while, and that's the end of it for them.
Re:MS doesn't actually turn a profit. (Score:4, Informative)
Well, checking their financial reports for the last 3 years shows they paid more than 30% of their Revenue as tax. Check the audited financial statements.
-- How? They claim the value of stock options used to pay employees as expense. Between that and cash outlays, they are losing money, and have been for years.--
Actually, what is claimed as a liability is the money reserved for income tax payments on exercised options. Options are considered compensation, but the amount of the compensation cannot be determined until they are exercised, therefore Microsoft has to hold money in a long term liability account to cover the expense of the exercising of options as they occur.
--The stock market is not a source of investment for them, but primary revenue.--
Actually, they lost money on investments this year but still have a positive Net Revenue (i.e. Profit).
-- They are being supported by the wishful thinking of their employees, who still think the stock will resume its growth, and so are willing to accept stock options as pay.--
Microsoft pays salaries on par with the leaders in the industry, and gives employee great benefits as well. The fact that they grant options in addition to that is even better.
Re:Microsoft vs. IBM (Score:2, Interesting)
I would go farther than than. Microsoft sells commodity software. Commodity software is software that changes little and is used by millions of people. In economic terms what happens to any commodity? Its price drops to the marginal cost of manufacture. For software that is the cost of stamping the cd. So in the long term it Microsoft's current business model is going to break.
Sounds far fetched? It's not really. Even Microsoft knows it. That is why they are pushing renting software rather than selling it. With renting they have an income stream without having to sell new software. I did not think they would succeed in renting software, until it dawned on me that already had succeeded with Windows. Why do you think you can't resell Windows when you sell your PC? I thought it was because Microsoft wanted get another sale of windows to the new owner. But no. It's so you can't reuse your Windows licence when you buy yourself a new machine. Effectively you are renting Windows for the life of the PC you bought.
However renting is only a short term solution. In the longer term competitors will come out of the wood work. In 5 to 10 years KDE Office/StarOffice/Gnome will be almost as good as Office. If it is not open source then it will be commercial in a longer time frame. But whatever. The trigger is having your revenue stream based on selling software that does not change, that has finished evolving, that you can no longer add features to make people upgrade. Office has reached that trigger and Windows can't be far away.
BTW, IBM is a total different kettle of fish. They sell hardware. In order to push their hardware they sell services, one of them happens to be software. IBM will install your software, customise it for you, and run your IT department if that is what you want. Like the other 99% of software companies in the world IBM sells a service, not a commodity. The contrast with Microsoft could not be more stark.
In order to survive in the long term Microsoft is going to have to change their business model completely. They are going to have to stop selling software and start selling services. I don't know it they will be able to do it - it is a huge cultural change. Unlike the rabid minority on Slashdot I think Microsoft has contributed a lot to the software engineering community. I wish them luck.
Re:Microsoft vs. IBM (Score:2)
At the current rate of development I think two to four years. In fact, for the home user, school, charity and many small businesses, it will be good enough within 18 months.
Re:Standards, not Software (Score:2)
That's just a different way at looking at the same thing. To say MS don't make much money from Office is not true.
Microsoft can force XP (with
I would disagree strongly with this. When MS first woke up to the web, they tried hard to get people to use standards that would lock web sites to IE. They tried as hard as they could (I even had a guy from Microsoft visit promising free software licences if I put special IE-only tags on the popular web site I was maintaining at the time.) But they failed and gave up on that strategy.
Whilst there is a small proportion of people accessing web pages from non-MS platforms (that includes stuff such as handhelds which includes embedded OSes) Microsoft will have a hard time persuading people to lock themselves in. When you have a web site, ten percent of visitors is a lot if your business depends on it. Microsoft's
GPL'ed Clone of Windows NT in the Works (Score:4, Informative)
It is still in very early development, so I wouldn't suggest you go out and run it (except for purposes of testing and debugging), but if you are looking for a worthy project to contribute to, consider this one.
The New Microsoft?? (Score:5, Insightful)
Microsoft is not friendly to developers as the artical suggests. There will always be people like Adobe that have to rewrite their applications for other operating systems, and they will suffer from Microsoft's unwillingness to cooperate. The things 3rd party developers must worry about are sometimes as menial as how windows doesn't handle fonts the same as a Mac, to the enevitability that the X-Box won't support OpenGL out of the box. (NVidia's version aside, also, I'm sure someone will play XBill on it in a week
On the other side of things:
OSS can't compete:
The one thing that I notice about all of open source software is the complete lack of good documentation. I don't know about many people on here, but if you've worked with MSDN, then you know that something is definately missing from OSS documentation. No, man doesn't count. There is a lot of documentation on how to use various tools, but its very hard to even find out how to create a window in X without using SDL or GGI. You can't expect a relatively new programmer to grep 1G of source to understand all the API calls to create a graphical version of FTP that takes all of a day to write in VB or Borland Builder/Delphi for windows. The OSS community could make things much more enticing for new developers by giving them a standard that if the software follows it is gauranteed to run on any distrabution without a headache (Quake3 is an excellent example, ID doesn't want to make another version of their software for linux due to tech support issues) Sun does the same for Java and the numbers speak for them, not by users choice, but the convenience to developers. Linux is also prohibitive in the fact that it almost certainly requires hardware manufacturers to release more to the community than windows does, or pay developers to maintain the drivers functionality with every OS change (NVidia chooses to do their own driver, and I can tell they struggle... Promise tries as well, but the SCSI driver code base changes with almost every revisionof the kernel). The result is very poor hardware support, even with IBM's help.
But, then again, OSS software maight get a bit of a kick from the commercial entities:
Microsoft's success or failure might lie in the hands of Apple. Apple's ability to make a stable, secure, OSS underlying OS that is easy for the average person to use, easy for the average programmer to make inexpensive or free software for, and easy for coorperations to adopt without loosing functionality or money, is a variable that still gives me hope that I won't have to run XP on anything but a test bed. Macs are more expensive because of the proprietary nature of the hardware, but if they release a X86 version of the GUI, then they would have much more market. Most of the software I have to use Windows for has a Mac counterpart. Mac OS's reign in compatibility with itself. Also many companies have a few macs and are open to experimentation with them.
The bottom line is: With Bush as president, MS is pretty much given free reign to be as monopolistic and anti-privacy as they wish. Votes tallied with MS Election.NET next term?
Why don't companys release specs? (Score:2)
On your comment about he hardware companys and the device drivers... Companies not releasing hardware specs to the community is the #1 reason that device support in linux is lacking. I honestly have never seen the huge deal most hardware companies have with exposing the interfaces with their products? Surely if they have some "top secret" IP, that for some unknown reason they didn't patent, it wouldn't be exposed by simply knowing he calls to interface with the operating system???
Am I totally off track here? Why do companies try so hard to protect IP that they should already have legal protection over? If NVidia has patents on its 3D accellerator design (which I am sure they do), then why do they have to continue to obfuscate it by not releasing hardware specs so poeple can write OSS drivers?
Re:The New Microsoft?? (Score:2)
On the other hand, I've encountered issues with MS COM, IIS, NT, 2000, SMB, Outlook, Word, Office, IE (IE,IE,IE!), where I've uncovered problems that are totally undocumented and completely impede progress. My company has spent MONTHS reverse engineering MS crap to get it to work, only to discover that it is some totally publicly undocumented registry hack, or worse, the multimillion dollar company down the road who paid $115,000 per year for documentation and is a certified MS partner had the documentation anyway.
So OSS or MS? I'd choose OSS anyday; it might have it's weak points, but across the board, it's got support. As for the MS documentation? I say fuck it; it's not there when you need it, never has been, and never will be, unless you've got brown-nose money.
Re:The New Microsoft?? (Score:2)
The original post was about msdn, docs for developers, lib calls example code etc.
The help you where looking for (at least from yyour posting) was how to install office or exchange.
I'll agree that MS's documentation in that respect is lacking but their developer documentation is quite nice and is all in one place. Something OSS is severily lacking.
Re:The New Microsoft?? (Score:2)
I was responding to both concurrently. The problem is this: If MS *chooses* to give you the documentation, then you get the documentation. If Microsoft does not so choose, you do not get the documentation, and you are shit out of luck.
Linux administration has its problems as well, but I'm more inclined to complain about MS since I use Debian for Linux and OpenBSD/FreeBSD ports, which have given me little-if-any real problems compared to NT/2000/etc. As for development, it's pretty hard to beat the standard C libraries, QT, and even relatively esoteric libraries such as OpenSSL, which range from fairly well documented to idiot-proof; is ample support and public documentation.
The problem is not with administering or developing on MS. The problem is the discourse through which MS provides its information; I may have geared my post towards administration, but I can safely assure you that development is no better.
Re:The New Microsoft?? (Score:2)
Re:The New Microsoft?? (Score:2)
Gtk [gtk.org], on the left hand side in a table called "Documentation".
Cool thank you
P.S. This guy sounded like a troll.
Well it just seems to me that if you are going talk about good documentation you should give a link to it. Otherwise people might think you are just talking out of your ass.
OT but Interesting question (Score:4, Interesting)
I think hacking Xbox into a Linux box in iOpenner fashion might make a few MS executives blink!
Anyway... just a thought... anyone doing this already? Is there any web site to show?
You can buy windows, but you can't own it.. (Score:4, Insightful)
With Linux we all own it, provided we respect it and others.
Microsoft is a phenomenon of the consumer society, it is adequate enough, like a popular brand of hamburgers, but is it cuisine?
Some good comes from the process, but this goodness is a reaction to it, not caused by it.
This company still wants to own everything, can it reform? can it work with others and play fairly?
It is in Microsoft's hands. The courts may set heavy controls, but they won't breathe life into the company. Consumerism is passive, the company is dominant. Linux requires involvement, and to me that is the difference.
M$ and Karma (Score:3, Funny)
Could someone smart explain this quote to me (Score:2)
Is there a computer that I could buy that doesn't need an OS?
Re:Could someone smart explain this quote to me (Score:2, Informative)
Having said that, the general-use networked computers at my college (Macs and Win2K PCs) have a full OS and basically nothing else (they use a Netware server for apps). I don't know about the Macs (there are only a couple and I haven't used them) but the PCs take longer than they should to log in and ages to get enough network connectivity to run apps (and because Windows likes running services on login rather than on boot, this happens once per user...) Once they're running and have refreshed their list of what software they can get at, they're reasonably fast.
Personally, I much prefer installing software and knowing I have a working copy of whatever app on my hard disk...
Just the way it should be (Score:2, Insightful)
Good. I like MS much better in that sense. Leave the standards to committees such as IETF, IEEE, ITU, ANSI, and other similar bodies.
Think about this... (Score:2, Interesting)
If the truth be known, Windows will never be a completely bug-free and stable OS. Sure, it may come close, but it's never going to be perfect. And this isn't because of the natural human nature of programmers, either. I'm not talking about minor/very small bugs - but rather bugs that are at least rather annoying.
Why? It makes perfect sense as a corporation to release a product that is perpetually "almost there" as far as QA is concerned (especially if they charge for upgrades.) Simply put, if Microsoft can create an image of, "Dangit, we ALMOST had all the bugs out... maybe next time!" to its customers, then those customers are probably going to purchase the next release of Windows in hopes that those bugs are fixed. Of course, fix those bugs, but make sure to add some sort of new stuff (features, eye candy, etc.) that have a few bugs, so that the same cycle repeats itself.
Why woulod they do this? Think about it this way... If WinXP turned out to be a completely stable, bug-free version, and taking into consideration their track record of being rather buggy at times, would you upgrade past WinXP? If you're like a lot of people, probably not. I know several people who have told me already that they are 95% happy with their Win98, and will NOT ugprade past Win98 for fear that the new versions may be buggier. I am sure a lot of people have that same general feeling, and if they ever got their hands on a "good" version, they'd stick with it.
I will give them this much - creating the "Bother, we THOUGHT we had all the bugs out!!! But, we'll get it next time around!" look to all its customers has seemed to keep them on the upgrade track rather well. :) Question is, how long before the customers catch on?
Bullies are Bad Business (a repeat of the 80s) (Score:3, Interesting)
Anyway, I don't have children, but people younger than me think that Microsofties are a bunch of bullies (or so I tell them). And rather than investing our attention in another company, I think we may have collectively learned our lesson. We are investing our time in open source software that is publically owned.
It took over two decades for Microsoft to catch up to IBM ('75-'95). I think it is fair to give open source a fair shake ('85-'2005). Sometime soon the pendilum will swing away from Microsoft and towards the next monopoly. Guided not by technology decisions, but by personal choice not to support the bullies. This time the monopoly holders will be the public, through licenses like the GPL.
looking beyond (or why M$ will fail) (Score:3, Interesting)
IBM has this thought out. Their revenues going forward are more and more service-based. That's something you just can't steal.
Microsoft shouldn't be afraid of becoming IBM. They should be afraid of not becoming IBM.
Like olde AT&T (Score:4, Insightful)
My folks have had the same phone on the wall for about 40 years now, and they've probably paid for it 10 times over by now.
Microsoft makes life easy for programmers? (Score:3, Insightful)
It's been a long number of years since I've attempted to develop
any sort of software with MS tools/APIs, because every experience
I had was miserable compared to alternatives. The only positive
experiences I've ever had developing for DOS or Windows were because of Borland.
I'm a programmer and part of my beef with Microsoft is that if they
have their way, I'll have little choice but to use their tools and do things their way. Of course, that might be good... it'd provide suffecient incentive for me to become a subsistence farmer or luthier or anti-trust economist and lead a simpler life.
And the OS is cheap? Hardly.
MS Future Visions (Score:3, Informative)
I for one hope MS dies long before it sets our living standards, or I might just have to move out of my house into a wigwam.
Re:Crashing.... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Crashing.... (Score:3, Informative)
Mainframe admins strive for DECADES of uptime.
Re:Crashing.... (Score:2, Funny)
You can say a lot of bad things about old hardware, but then, back in 1865, they knew how to make strong and reliable equipment.
Re:Microsoft not setting any more standards? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Sense when as MS set computing standards? (Score:2, Insightful)
From Xerox of course, apple got the GUI from them.
True Apple has turned it in to a piece of art (wheras M$ has turned it into a piece of S$@*).
Unfortunately M$ has set standards.. file extensions. because their programmers seem to think filename extensions are an effective way of determining file types. (yeah renaming a
Re:The Economist has got it wrong before. (Score:2)
A lot of that is just "Anti-Rich Guy" syndrome, like the sentiment against the rich rail tycoons in the late 1800s and early 1900s. These were the richest men in the country and were villified soundly by the populace.
Of course, just because they were villified didn't mean they WEREN'T on the way out...
Not just shot. (Score:2)
"It does."...BLAM!!
It wasn't just "rich guy syndrome". Everyone laughed because almost everybody who has to use a computer at work has had to tolerate Window's idiosyncracies.
buggy software on MS and Linux (Score:2)
There is a big difference, though: on Linux, you get the source. That means that, unlike Windows, you never get stuck on a project. With the source, you can usually code a workaround, recompile the library and link statically, or fix the bug. You aren't dependent on anyone's release cycle and you don't have to pay for the privilege of having a bug fixed that you yourself reported. Microsoft has actually attempted to help out developers in similar ways with partial source releases, but it just doesn't work out the same way in practice.
What that all amounts to in practice is that Windows does end up being a lot more expensive to buy, a lot more expensive to maintain, and a lot less reliable in practice than open source systems. And the fact that Windows is a kitchen sink of functionality, with much more interdependency than other systems, only compounds the problem.
Re:What kind of standard? (Score:2)
but ms has set standards, but not in the way