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If I could revisit / re-run a chunk of my schooling:

Displaying poll results.
I'd re-run elementary school (or earlier).
1181 votes / 4%
I'd re-run middle school.
1148 votes / 4%
I'd re-run high-school.
7666 votes / 27%
I'd re-run college or equivalent.
10401 votes / 36%
I'd re-run graduate school or equivalent.
1671 votes / 5%
I did it right the first time, no complaints.
4557 votes / 16%
Never did none of that book larnin'!
1519 votes / 5%
28143 total votes.

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If I could revisit / re-run a chunk of my schooling:

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"Sometimes insanity is the only alternative" -- button at a Science Fiction convention.
