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Comment Inept at Foreign Affairs (Score 4, Insightful) 280

Disinformation operations should never target things like humanitarian aid, health care and similar areas.

If found out you are sure to make long term enemies.

All of this I blame squarely on the clumsy, inept and malicious foreign policy of the Trump administration.
Their poor handling of the vaccine situation to begin with.
Their poor handling of the diplomatic relation with the Philippines.
And then their green lighting of an influence operation like this.

I blame ALL Americans for electing these clowns. Doubly so if they re-elect him in November.
Most of the world does not care about your internal politics, about Democrats vs Republicans.
The world only sees what the United States of America does on the world stage.
It is your job as American voters to make sure your elected representatives behave as adults.

Comment Re:And Windows won't perform at all... (Score 1) 569

OSX/macOS has a lot of smart things built into it.

I consider it the only 21st century OS, even if it also has its roots in the nineties.

I have been underwhelmed by Apple's hardware for at least the last 5 years, but the OS still the best in class.

And I use Windows 10 on a daily basis, and desktop Linux more than once a month.

Comment Re:QNX (Score 1) 80

I used to own a PocketPC (WInCE 3.0).

The operating system was not at all designed to run on a handheld device.
I regretted the money I spent, should have gone with Palm instead.
Could play Doom on it though.

I had a Casio Casiopeia E-125. The hardware was really good, well designed and powerful, for the time.
The OS was horrible.

Comment Re:You've gotta love China and their culture (Score 2) 175

I do not agree that religion has any authority in this matter. Religion is just belief organized to keep those in power at the top. Anyone ruling in name is just abusing the unpredictability of nature to divine an invisible actor that they can interpret to rule over the believers. Religions are like cultural DNA.

I do agree morals and ethics are needed, and I consider them a good thing. But we can have those without trying to see an invisible hand in the randomness of nature.

Comment Re:Science gone wrong (Score 1) 175

Everything has unintended side effects and consequences.

Even simple animals influence their ecosystems with their behaviours.

It's just that as humans, we can choose and understand the results of our actions.
It's one of the reasons science is really useful to us: A better understanding allows better choices.

It's why we don't do some things any more that used to be popular, like using lead-based white paints.

It's often when greed and profit get involved, that our judgement gets clouded, especially if the consequences seem to be for others, not ourselves, or the risks seem small.

But I agree that crypto coins are an absolute evil.

Comment Re:Don't they ever learn (Score 2) 175

Only because you have different words for them.

In Dutch we have different words where English uses "move": verplaatsen, bewegen or verhuizen.
In Dutch we also have different words for things that the English call "a canal": kanaal or gracht.
In dutch we have different words for what ing English is called a "ditch": sloot or greppel.

These are all very different things, and it confuses Dutch speakers when they try to use English.

This is what I find time and time again for people who haven't really studied a foreign language. They think that there are 1-to-1 translations for all words. There are not. Sometimes not even between dialects, like American and Australian English. The worst are "false friends", where the same word means something else in another language.

Comment Re:The end of apple devices in specific enviroment (Score 2) 91

I think this would still need to be off when in airplane mode or with the BT switched off on purpose.

As I understand it, this is not working when devices are really physically off/unpowered.
The article states that it works when they're "offline".
Basically when not connected to the internet, the devices with use low power bluetooth, if it is enabled, to try and build an ad hoc network with other Apple devices that happen to be nearby and might be connected to the internet.

And yes, large radio telescopes are super sensitive. I don't know the exact numbers for Arecibo, but our own telescopes can detect a smartphone signal on Saturn. (We did track the Huygens Probe when it descended to Titan, for example)

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