
Submission + - How To Operate Your Briefcase Reviews Beyond Just Blogs

briefcasebash1 writes: Propelling an effective site without anyone else isn't all that simple. You need to be able to devote a lot of time to learning many things about the workings of the site. Ensure you incorporate strong key phrases and tags to increase search engine optimization. This short article provides lots of creative solutions that could make your briefcase reviews visible and active online.

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Do a little research by checking out the briefcase reviews of leading companies in your industry to see what kind of content they're providing. If you make use of a personal approach when you write content, readers will find it easy to relate to you. The more frequently you update your content, the more likely your site is to rank well in search engine results. Additionally, you can employ professional writers as they're easy to locate online nowadays.

Inviting visitors to subscribe to a newsletter grants you their contact information. Good newsletters should inform your customers about your business, advise them, and let them learn about upcoming sales. Customers who are more often reminded about your briefcase reviews will probably be more likely to return to it. To assist with marking their picture, an extensive number of fruitful destinations utilize bulletins.

You should invest as much time and energy as you could to turn your briefcase reviews into something beautiful. Take time to see your briefcase reviews from all different viewpoints and improve it when needed. It just isn't easy to maintain a briefcase reviews and can be quite time-consuming. Since a number of people see an awesome site as imaginative, you ought to effectively ensure that yours is accepting the greater part of the consideration it merits.

You have a lot of potential sources for images to include on your briefcase reviews. The proper images can enhance and enliven your webpage. It's easy to find copyright-free images online. Make sure that your images complement, rather than contrast or distract from, the written content on your webpage.

Profits will soar whenever your online company can run well and fast on any type of webpage browser. Make certain that all users of computers, tablets, and phones can access a well-designed version of your briefcase reviews. On the flip side, a site that's only compatible with a limited number of web browsers will lose you a lot of traffic. The person best able to help you with problems of browser compatibility is your briefcase reviews designer; he or she's your best friend in this area.

For more Information, visit https://www.briefcasebash.com
Address: 2615 Camino Del Rio S Suite 311 San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: 202-555-0121
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Journal Journal: 10 Desain Kamar Tidur yang Santai, Nyaman dan LOW BUDGET. Cocok untuk Keluarga M

Ingin desain kamar tidur yang lebih santai dan nyaman tapi nggak bikin kantong kering? Mari simak beberapa tips praktis untuk mendesain kamar tidur Anda melalui artikel ini. Ada juga 10 desain kamar tidur yang bisa Anda adopsi untuk konsep kamar tidur Anda. Selamat membaca! https://www.finansialku.com/desain-kamar-tidur/

Comment Re:Not a surprise. (Score 0) 208

So, what do you think is more risky... apparently incompetent IT management / staff who don't know how to keep things patched (e.g. Equifax, previous government SNAFUs), or the risk of turning over sensitive information to someone else, who one presumes has more expertise in keeping stuff secure.

The latter, because cloud services by definition have a higher attack surface since there are multitudes of clients on the inside, and more people with access to the data. They're also jucier targets for bad actors as hacking cloud infrastructure gives access to all their customers data.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Romania: Applause greets ex-king's coffin at Royal Palace

BUCHAREST, Romania /December 14, 2017 (STL.News) —A coffin carrying the body of Romania s late King Michael I arrived Wednesday at the Royal Palace in Bucharest, where it was met by applause and will lie in The post Romania: Applause greets ex-king s coffin at Royal Palace appeared first on STL.News. http://bit.ly/2o1Kh8Y

Submission + - Pengobatan Keringat Dingin Secara Alami - Jual Obat Keringat Di (tokogamatwalatra.com)

eris rismawan writes: Anda selalu mengalami keringat dingin? baik di siang hari maupun malam hari? yang di sertai dengan beberapa gejala? Nah, sekarang anda tidak perlu cemas, karena kami akan memberikan cara Pengobatan Keringat Dingin Secara Alami yang efektif mengobati keringat dingin dengan cepat dan aman.

Comment Re:Reinstates an 2015 policy (Score 1) 468

If you wait for it to load and don't scroll, it will eventually jump down to the relevant section anchor (Sec. 6002). It's a really slow loading page, though.

Literally the only thing it says in the bill is to tell the FAA that they should regulate it in some form. It doesn't restore anything or designate what that regulation should do.

Comment Re:IFLS (Score 1) 78

I've seen 18/2 or 18/4 used in similar situations, occasionally with pairs of wires shorted together. Quality is somewhat lower, usually, compared to Romex; I couldn't recommend using it for anything close to the normal current limit for the wire. You also have skin effect to be concerned with in solid wire, though not likely to be a huge issue at audio frequency and reasonable power.

Was also reading Yamaha's site on XP amps and noticed they described their lineup with "5 Models from 700W to 100W" ... why the descending order?

Comment eFast (Score 1) 113

I am assuming your version of APK Hosts File Engine 10++ 32/64-bit is MALWARE.

I'm guessing others have tested it in a sandbox for malicious behavior. Do you assume Intel and AMD CPUs contain malware? And if you do, do you use them despite said assumption?

So why not just open source it

If this post is to be believed, APK doesn't want people adding malware, building it, and distributing it, like eFast did with Chromium.

The other option is for some Slashdot user to make a free replacement. Does the functionality described in this specification appear useful?

Comment Re:The Space Aliens Are Not Coming (Score 1) 384

I'm inclined to agree about resources - other than possibly exotic matter which may not be possible to synthesize by the species involved. Magnetic monopoles, useful strangelets, negative-density unobtanium to enable antigrav or FTL, - the sort of things that might have immense value, and cannot be synthesized from local materials.

And obviously that could extend into useful organisms, or perhaps even just seed "cell-lines" that could be used to create clonable alien "zygotes" using synthesized "DNA" that can be transmitted later, since it might prove extremely difficult to synthesize an entire living cell based on completely alien biochemistry - perhaps easier to bootstrap the recipient with a tiny bio-culture from which other organisms could be created. Likewise nanotech, or other self-replicating "technology" - things where a comparatively tiny cargo can grow to deliver massively outsized value. Basically information in one sense, but information coupled to physical realization. "Pure" information is likely more easily sent by tightbeam transmission.

As for raw (elemental) materials - there's probably not a whole lot of interest on Earth - the gas giants have neatly concentrated most of the useful gasses in quantities dwarfing anything available on Earth, and the Oort cloud likely has far more rocky materials than the inner system. Unless some sort of very patient roving planet-eaters venture here with the intent to strip-mine the solar system we're probably okay.

Though... interstellar "locusts", intelligent or otherwise, are certainly something to consider. If humanity develops the technology to travel to the stars, either personally or in multi-generational world-ships stocked with enough energy to drift leisurely between stars, we might well become just such a species ourselves. After all, if we choose to colonize the outer solar system, our habitats will likely grow to be large and self-sustaining enough that a thousand-year migration to a nearby star would not be overly burdensome.

Comment Re: I can see this working (Score 2) 92

Why doesn't it scale? Is their any fundamental reason they couldn't use an LTE like technology to broadcast using similar (RF) bandwidth as LTE (I'm using broadcast to mean 1 sender many receivers)?

The broadcast part is pretty much scaled by definition.

for mealtime streaming they'd likely use 5mbps (Netflix HD), that gives a tower 200 homes at a 10-50% reduction in overall network bandwidth (20-100gbps tower), there are probably places that would work too (sparser suburbs, not universally).

There's potential to use caching too, to prevent popular content from hitting the back haul, the LTE network itself is apparently capable of up to 18(subdivided)*128(users)*600mbps (this seems really high, just reading this), if the top 10% of content is 75% of streaming (made up numbers but seem reasonable), that's essentially allows for a lot of streaming that doesn't hit the back haul (perhaps only the popular content can be streamed HD in real time).

if 75% of streams (and all live) are cached, then 20gbps back haul can handle all live (100 channels in HD for 2gbps, with a mix of 5-40mbps), + plus 75% of
  cached streaming for some small part of back haul, but a significant part of the Wireless network itself, plus another whole lot of 5 mpbs streams to the end user.

It seems very scalable to me even without being able to broadcast the signal (just caching the live TV, plus the last 1000 hours of streamed content (40mbps * 60 seconds * 60 Minutes / 8 (bits in a byte) gets me 20 TiB of storage for 1100 hours).
That can be the most popular 1000+ episodes of the week, which must be a huge percentage of the non on demand part, if a cell tower really is capable of 1.3tbps, that's 34k steams at 40mbps, assuming 1 in 3 people are streaming at a time, that leaves plenty of space for overhead and the 100mbps of capable of hitting the internet traffic do to back haul.

It seems very scalable to me.

I'm actually going to say that I think they could probably get away with streaming their own service at 40mbps, with only very rarely needing to drop uncached streams to 5mbps.

There are 6 Tmobile towers in my county of 200 thousand households, so it won't work to provide 40mbps for everything even with the newest tech everywhere, but I could see them being able to handle a significant number of households with those six towers (if we say each household is using 3 streams on average at peak (your number) and they allow one 1 ultimate quality and 2 HD per a house for 50 total mbps (I think that sounds really hi), that's 400 mbps at peak, each tower would need to be able to provide 1/3 theoretical maximum to cover 25% of the houses, if it's profitable they can build out more.

Comment Re:Oh great, so the Twitting Twat Twaddler in chie (Score 1) 47

Since when were any of you ever proud of being American?

I'm a proud American. There are a lot of things wrong with my country; there are plenty of stains on our history; and I'm concerned about our current vector. But we also claim a lot of accomplishments and advances and some of what we do helps the world. We have a lot of promise. America is Americans and some of my favorite people are Americans. America has Penn and Teller - What have you got?

What's the actual statistic on black on white crime and vice versa?

About 14.8% whites killed by blacks and 7.6% blacks killed by whites. Not remotely close to DJT's numbers. Whites are much more often killed by whites and ditto for blacks.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Romania: Applause greets ex-king's coffin at Royal Palace

BUCHAREST, Romania /December 14, 2017 (STL.News) —A coffin carrying the body of Romania's late King Michael I arrived Wednesday at the Royal Palace in Bucharest, where it was met by applause and will lie in state ahead of his funeral this weekend. ... http://bit.ly/2o1Kh8Y

Comment Re:Goverment System = Secure Stable Durable (Score 5, Interesting) 208

As a result of working for DOD contractors at various times my identity information — extremely detailed identity stuff, like who I went to grade school with and every place I've ever lived and every foreign country I've ever visited — has been stolen from Federal government systems three times now. We see no end of criminality in the handling of the Federal government's electronic documents and no end to the incompetence and deliberate neglect in maintaining recoverable backups.

This Federal government you imagine of competent, conscientious and moral people that don't neglect things and don't destroy incriminating things is a fiction inside your head, and no amount of billions of dollars can ever make it real; it's broken by design. I can't see how moving the bulk of it to efficiently run and competently maintained cloud environments could do any harm, and it may well improve things in a number of ways. At the very least it may stop being trivially simple for the next Paul Combetta to doctor and erase the record.

Submission + - The single parent's guide to eating healthy — the easy way! (meal5.com)

kieu tinh writes: To say the least, you are time-strapped, and getting a healthy dinner on the table can be overwhelming. Not only are you juggling the job and the kids, but the meals and housework. Getting anything on the table is a victory, but what if getting easy, healthy, delicious meals on the table was almost as easy as picking up take-out?

Comment Stupid Move T-Mobile (Score 1) 92

T-Mobile is dumb I cut the cord and don't have TV at all. I thought I couldn't live without it but I have found that it was the best decision I ever made. Not only am I saving $300 US a month I don't have to watch commercials anymore. Netflix and all the local channels stream for free, and guess what NO commercials (I think they don't show commercials because you can watch anywhere in the world and they want to be paid for that). So why would I pay for TV again? Cable companies have missed not only the boat but the whole ship on this one. Instead of raising the price every 6 months and taking channels away (especially the ones I watch), they should have been lowering the price to keep us. They send me a begging letter every month trying to get me to go back. No you idiots, just because I can have it at $100 US a month for 12 months (then back to $300) is still a bad deal with 8 minute commercial breaks now-a-days and the start and end of the show in a tiny window while they play more commercials and the extreme cost!!! NO NO NO NO I say. TV is dead!

Comment Re:You need to learn to read... apk (Score 1) 113

According to virustotal.com it says:

ClamAV Possibly Unwanted Application. While not necessarily malicious, the scanned file presents certain characteristics which depending on the user policies and environment may or may not represent a threat. For full details see: https://www.clamav.net/documen... . Symantec reputation Suspicious.Insight

Sounds like malware to me.

Comment Too bad Drip/Kickstarter couldn't capitalize (Score 1) 66

The tone deaf handling of Patreon (and I still can't grasp that, considering who created it, created it as a starving artist) would have been a perfect moment for Drip/Kickstarter to say fuck the invite only, let's roll. They'd probably have gotten a huge swath of folks switching because there was a reason too. The completely shit way Patreon handled this by announcing it to the users and creators simultaneously ... trying to solve a problem people didn't have.

It's unfortunate a lot of people lost income, as many people were like fuck this shit I'm out and bailed. I was hovering over the button to delete my pattern account this morning, but was trying to figure out how to keep paying the folks I do as I genuinely like this model of support.

Comment Re:Not a surprise. (Score 4, Insightful) 208

Forgive me for slightly playing Devil's Advocate here. I'm also a bit wary of the rush to cloud services, but...

Haven't most of the worst security disasters we've heard of in the past few years come from companies or government departments losing control of their own in-house systems and data? So, what do you think is more risky... apparently incompetent IT management / staff who don't know how to keep things patched (e.g. Equifax, previous government SNAFUs), or the risk of turning over sensitive information to someone else, who one presumes has more expertise in keeping stuff secure.

For all the potential risks of cloud services, I haven't heard of too many major breaches of Amazon, Google, Intel, or Microsoft services, even though those have got to be very significant targets. Most "breaches" I've heard of involving AWS, for instance, are due to misconfiguration, not necessarily the fault of the platform.

If you read the article, you see a lot of compelling reasons for at least modernizing and consolidating many of those very expensive and often obsolete systems. Naturally, each federal agency has their own completely unique-as-a-snowflake system, and often pays many times what a more modern commercial system should typically cost. This is apparently an effort to get some runaway costs under control, and if it can be done safely, that's a big win. Whether this should be done with commercial cloud services rather than trying to consolidate internally is certainly a valid point of debate.

The worst of both worlds, of course, would be contracting with a cloud vendor who ALSO has incompetent management / IT staff. If the "unnamed cloud-based e-mail vendor" mentioned in the article turns out to be Yahoo, I'm going to sit in a corner and cry.

Submission + - Tattoo Albuquerque

archetypetattoo writes: Archetype Tattoo

Archetype Dermigraphic Studio is all about promoting a high ethical standard and a sense of community and brotherhood for those who are in the tattoo industry for the right reasons. Archetype is not only a tattoo studio, but a place for artists of all mediums to glean knowledge from one another and inspire each other to branch out and tap into new veins of thought. Art is for sharing not only imagery, but reaches to the gut and root of human experience. We invite all those who love art. Whether you produce it, like to look at it, or love to wear it, Archetype is the place where it all intersects. Please join us!

Learn more: Tattoo Albuquerque

Call Us Today: (505) 265-0972
Email Us Today: archetype.tattoo@yahoo.com
Office: 2019 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107
User Journal

Journal Journal: In blow to May, UK lawmakers assert final say on Brexit deal

LONDON /December 14, 2017 (STL.News) — British lawmakers delivered a blow to Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit plans Wednesday by giving Parliament the final say on any exit agreement the government reaches with the European Union.

The House o... http://bit.ly/2ACedyh

Comment Re:Ham radio. (Score 5, Insightful) 119

I didn't know that 'airwaves' could travel over powerlines. Maybe just the high frequency ones described in the summary? That's a hell of a breakthrough.

They have done a minimal version of this for years.

The problem is that this is another one of those ideas where people believe they can trump the laws of physics.

The last time this was attempted, It failed pretty miserably. There are some serious problems. A power line is an antenna of sorts. You put signals on it, and they are going to radiate outwards from it. And the different frequencies of all the digital data will create a rather broadband hash. It interferes with licensed services. Attempts were made to notch out the frequencies that it used to not have the interference, but intermodulation, the mixing of different frequencies kind of made the notches not do much. The square-like waves of digital signals just make a splattery mess.

Then there is getting it into the house. The concept uses the signals coming in on the house wiring But the signals don't survive goingthrough the transformer that feeds poer to your house. the cure such as it is, is some bypass circuitry that has the signal travelling down high tnesion lines. like a couple KiloVolt, then bypassing the transformer. to your house line. Hopefully the failure mode is always open.

And the real kicker is that just about any radio transmission can knock them out. Kids with hand-talkies, People with CB radios, amateur radio operators, airplaines passing overhead.

Coupled with the fact that it's a "Last Mile" solution, it needs an actual fiber or cable line to get the signal to the BPL lines, the main purpose of BPL is to extract investment money from people who do not understand RF.

It's always sold as a way to get Internet access to people who aren't in a populated area. That part is 100 percent bogus. What would be the point of a last mile solution? They have to run the real line alomst to the house way out in the country.

Comment Re:They did what? (Score 1) 92

Wireless still seems like a giant tripartate monopoly to me.

How do you have a "tripartate monopoly"?

You mean like AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, Metro PCS, and the 26 other wireless services that this website allows you to compare? Is "tripartate" a latin word for "31"?

Yeah, not all carriers cover all places, but there's a lot more than 3 in most of the US, and "three" is hardly a monopoly.

Comment Re: Ham radio. (Score 5, Informative) 119

>The emergency communication issue is irrelevant because of mobile cell towers.

Remember Puerto Rico? No power whatever - well, almost - everything was out except for extremely limited areas with emergency generators. The American Red Cross asked the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) for help. The ARRL is ham radio. The ARRL was able to send 22 operators that went down to Puerto Rico and relayed health and welfare messages back to the USA.

Those messages came in chiefly on 7.000 - 7.300 megahertz bad, known as 40 meters. Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) of about 10 years ago would clobber the hell out of bands in this area of the spectrum. While there was no BPL or anything else in Puerto Rico to interfere, the USA hams on the other end would not be receiving these 40 meter signals with a power line going "Braaaaaappppp" in the backyard for the purpose of delivering internet signals over a power line.

This is an idea that deserved to die before it was formed. Hopefully this will be shot dead with a bazooka before anyone can deploy it.

Comment Re:... and also think of ... (Score 1) 302

Well no, that is not quite accurate, you have to compare it to the alternate. So what is consumed versus what is saved. So the cheapest element, condoms, than there is the whole expensive ritual, going out, car and fuel, restaurant as a very energy expensive food source, maybe dancing or theatre again high consumers of energy, add in the whole gift cycle and that is if things go smooth. When it goes bad, wow, rape and murder, abortion and really toxic relationships of all sorts and the energy wasted in that, police, law courts, prisons, it goes on and on.

So some pron, and quick fiddle with accompanying hormonal adjustment and you are done. That pron of course, well, it's production is less than savoury (quite destructive for the individuals involved but less so that say joining cults like the military industrial complex) but it basically lasts for ever, so does any more even need to be produced? So does online free pron consume more energy than say non-reproductive mutual masturbation and everything associated with it, positive and negative.

Obviously solo masturbation can not replace reproduction, oh wait it can, https://www.mivf.com.au/fertil.... So what's the problem, it's cheap and it's safe, well mostly (excluding https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...) and on the whole consumes way less energy than the alternate and causes way less social division.

Submission + - Hng dn la chn micro karaoke tt nht (topsound.vn)

Topsoundkaraoke writes: Hng dn la chn micro karaoke tt nht

a s mi ngi thng thích micro không dây, vì nó rt tin, có th di chuyn trong phòng mà không phi lo vng dây. Nhng khi mua loi micro này chúng ta phi chú ý mt s im sau, vì nó nh hng trc tip n vn có thu hay phát c ca micro. Vy nên, hôm nay TOPSOUND s hng dn bn tr nên chuyên nghip hn khi la chn micro karaoke phù hp và tt nht vi gia ình.
Hng dn la chn micro karaoke tt nht
  I, Kim Tra Micro Karaoke Nh Th Nào?
  Kim tra micro úng cách thì bn mi chn c micro karaoke tt nht hin nay. Thông thng, các ca hàng, các mic ã c iu chnh v echo, repeat, delay chun nên nghe cái nào cng hay, khó phân bit và nhn ra s chênh lch gia các mic vi nhau.

Do ó, khi mua micro, bn nên yêu cu nhân viên theo yêu cu: gim delay, repeat, echo mc trung bình. Nu volume c dàn ang mc trung bình nhng bn li nghe thy ting di qua loa thì chng t receiver không có mch chng nhiu. Loi mic này không tt.
II, Th ging vi b dàn ti ca hàng
Bn tìm mt v trí thun li, có vt cn test xem receiver ca micro không dây có mnh không. Th ging vi mic bng "1,2,3,4,5,6, ùm — ngm ming, sut — nghin rng cho hi phát ra t k rng". Bn cng có th hát th mt bài xem mic nào cho âm thanh cht lng tt hn, trong hn, sáng hn, m hn và không rè.
III, Micro không dây ch tin li không gian rng và không vng víu
Micro tt là mic phù hp vi không gian phòng hát.
+ Nu din tích phòng hát nh, bn nên chn micro có dây vì các loi mic không dây thng b hú dè trong không gian hp. Hn na, dây dn ca loi mic có dây cho bn vô t di chuyn quanh phòng.
+ Nu din tích phòng hát rng, bn nên chn micro karaoke không dây vì chiu dài dây dn ca nhng loi mic có dây s làm bn vng víu khi hát.
IV, Hát th na bài bng mic này, na bài bng mic kia kim chng
Hát mt câu bng micro này, mt câu bng micro kia kim chng loi nào tt hn. Sau ó, bn tt hn nhc, ch m micro và hát lin mch xem cái nào cho ra ting va ý bn hn.
V, Sau khi test, chn ít nht 2 b th vi dàn karaoke tng ng ti ca hàng
Trong nhiu loi mic bn ã test, mua c micro karaoke tt nht hin nay, bn hãy chn ra ít nht là 2 b sn phm test li ln cui.
VI, Gim echo, delay và repeat xung 0, th ting thun ca mic
ây là bc test quan trng nht nhn nh v tính cht âm thanh ca mic. Mt micro karaoke tt s có nhy tt và gim dn u âm theo xa. Mic loi thng có th hát rt tt nu t mic gn ming nhng a ra xa 5cm s t ngt gim hút âm và bn s chng còn nghe ting gì c nu t mic cách ming 15cm.
VII, M dàn vi âm lng nh ch yu nghe và kim tra micro
Khi ã mua mic v nhà, bn nên kim tra li mt ln na. Nu thy không n, bn có th i tr ngay lp tc c.
  test micro ti nhà, bn nên cm vào cùng ch (VD: mic 1 và mic 2 chung line mix). Tt nht bn dành nhiu thi gian mt tí (ít nht là 30 phút) test ch không nên vi vàng kt lun. Vì có nhiu loi mic lúc u nghe rt thm t nhng li cc k hay v sau.
Ti Showroom TOPSOUND c thit lp phòng hát th bn s c hng dn chi tit v k thut khi hát và k thut chnh micro hay nht, không b rú rít.
S hài lòng c ánh giá cao ti TOPSOUND

Comment Cable companies have worst customer service rating (Score 2) 92

>what companies like Cox, Charter, and Comcast do.

This is what Cox, Charter, and Comcast.do:
  already targeted a few areas it thinks it can fix: it doesn't like the years-long contracts, bloated bundles, outdated tech and poor customer service that are staples of TV service in the U.S.
Of the eight companies with worst customer service ratings in America, two are major cable companies.

Their *goal* is to provide cable-like TV without becoming a "cable company" like Comcast and Time Warner, companies consumers loathe.

Their "uncarrier" initiative with mobile phones included things like getting rid of the half-dozen extra fees that typical carriers add to your monthly bill. Ever noticed "terms subject to change without notice"? T-Mobile is doing away with that. They are trying to be a different kind of company providing these services. I hope they succeed.

Comment Here is what I know (Score 3, Insightful) 208

'Cloud services' are the in thing right now, just like we went through outsourcing. Few people in management give a shit about IT, it's an expense. If they can externalize it and not have to deal with as much in house, they will.

So right now I get to bitch and moan that it's a mistake, knowing the only good it does is to let me vent. And if I'm still with the same employer 10-15 years from now, I'll be working on the project to start bringing things back in house because of all the problems cloud services cause us. And I'll get to say, "I was right but nobody listened", and exactly zero people will think anything of it except that I'm an old crank.

Comment Re:Suggestion: Reopen Mental Hospitals (Score -1, Troll) 422

Nope, the ACLU would just sue to shut them down again. Keeping people imprisoned like that is wrong and against ACLU ideals. Since when is mental illness a crime? If they were voluntary treatment centers, nobody would go there. Ever see the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"?

Comment Re:Not a surprise. (Score 4, Interesting) 208

I think you're being too cynical. AWS GovCloud is pretty damn nice:


Helped a friend move two web apps used by the state of Washington from their Windows 2000 servers with firewalls that hadn't been touched in over a decade to it. It's most certainly more secure now with revisited firewall (Security Groups in AWS-speak) and ELB (elastic load balancer) in front of the server with no direct access to the Windows servers.

Comment Re:Is this for real? (Score 1) 422

Six figures is a nice income most places, but it's not exactly going to have you rubbing elbows with the Rockefellers, and you still need professionals who have a lot of other job opportunities. There are people who will work for peanuts because they believe in The Cause, but not enough. After all, if SPCA offers $100k/yr, and the World Wildlife Fund offers $300k/yr, guess who the animal-loving fundraiser with connections is more likely to work for? They will easily pay for themselves.

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Samsung updates its Notebook 9 ultrabooks with even bigger batteries - The Verge (google.com)

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