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Comment Re: Tariffs (Score 1) 223

Baloney. I've worked for several companies that have gone from zero to selling products in 2 years. Economies can't stand a vacuum. There are plenty of investors and entrepreneurs out there that are looking for any sign of exactly that to throw money at and jump into.

Comment Re: Tariffs (Score 1) 223

As soon as you create a level playing field by effectively reversing the subsidies that the Chinese government gives all those chinese factories for exporting and selling their crap for cheaper than it costs to actually make, then US manufacturing will grow again.
Yes even in a couple of years that you think is not possible. I've worked for several companies that have gone from zero to selling products in 2 years. Economies can't stand a vacuum. There are plenty of investors and entrepreneurs out there that are looking for exactly that.

Comment Re: Tariffs (Score 1) 223

The alternative is to become entirely dependent on China for everything. You do realise that the Chinese government are subsidising all that cheap chinese imports right?
I mean without those subsidies even the Chinese cant make stuff anything like that cheap either.
Now ask yourself why the chinese gov. would do that.

Comment Re:On the other hand... (Score 1) 223

I hate to generalize, its not all Gen Z'ers, but you're making it sound like they all have an actual clue which by and large they really don't.
Otherwise (assuming they do actually want/need the job they applied for) they wouldn't be making it harder to hire them than others with less reqiurments.

Comment Re:On the other hand... (Score 1) 223

>> Companies taught their parents that employees are not valued as human beings, and are treated as disposable cogs.

Yes of course. They're not your family. They owe you nothing. You're going to be a lot happier once you just face the truth that companies are required by law to have other priorities than your personal preferences.

Comment Re:"Nowadays, Linux runs well with Nvidia chips." (Score 1) 95

>> Nvidia is *horrible* with Linux today.

I have to say that's a complete 180 from my own experience.
Nvidia has always just been plug and play for me. Admittedly I mostly just use Ubuntu and throw the factory drivers on, (I can't be bothered to waste my time dicking around with Arch and Nouveau or whatever).

Meanwhile AMD GPUs have for me multiple times been a giant headache to get working stably under Linux, even just 2D/desktop stuff.

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