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Comment Re:Stop crying and look in the mirror (Score 1) 246

Completely fact-free bullshit.
Here's some actual stats:
China's minimum wage is set regionally, with Shanghai having the highest monthly minimum wage at ¥2,690 (approximately $370) and Beijing having the highest hourly minimum wage at ¥26.40 (approximately $3.70).
US minimum wage is $7.25 per hour (i.e. the lowest US minumum wage is still 2.25 X China's hghest) but many states have a higher minimum wage, for example Calfornia's is $16.50 per hour.which is s nearly 4.5 times Beijing's.
Many workplaces in China, especially the tech sector have a "996" work culture, where employees work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week. In the US the usual standard is 8 hour days, 5 days/week.

China's innovations are largely stolen from the US.

Comment Re:So, we need more education? (Score 1) 246

Sorry but the US public education system is utter crap compared to other first world countries. the DOE have had plenty of time to fix it but havent.
Instead the literacy and especially the math/science skills of American high school graduates is embarrassingly low compared to the rest of the developed world. I'd much rather have a new DOE where kids leaving high school have had a competitive education in math and science and the ability to think critically for themselves, than having been politically and socially brainwashed by all the hardcore left teachers.

Comment Re:Stop crying and look in the mirror (Score 1) 246

"The USA has a long history of using tariffs to protect its local industries as they are quite simply noncompetitive. "

So you apparently want the US to adopt the same working standards and low pay as China for its labor force, such as longer hours, lower working standards and much lower pay? Something like $3/hour or $317/month (Currently the legal minimum wage in Guandong province where much if not most exported goods to the US are made).

Comment They need to fire their marketing person ASAP. (Score 1) 20

"The first watch that Migicovsky and Core plan to ship is called the Core 2 Duo"

What a stupid idea. Besides the fact that it communicates nothing infomative about the product itself,
You have to wonder at the blind stupidity of thinking that naming a new product the exact same as another product from a much larger manufacturer is ever a good idea.

Comment Re:Stop crying and look in the mirror (Score 2) 246

The problem is, the Chinese government are subsidising the hell out of all the chinese companies that export to the US. This is an intentional long term strategy to deplete the US industrial base. Consequently, Chinese products have artificially low pricing in the US, often below what it costs to make and ship them. without their government's subsidy the Chinese manufacturers would be making a loss on every unit shipped, so it's absolutely not a level playing field.
Tariffs are about the only real way to try and level it out. I agree that tarriffs cause a short-medium term economic impact on consumers, but in the long run it will help the US regain local production. Keeping going down this same road of selling out all US production to China is not only a plain crazy short-term strategy but would be the end of the US ever being able to control its own destiny or ever recover and support itself.

Comment Then he's wrong. (Score 0) 273

"This is the first time in the industry that the unit of megawatt (charge) has been achieved on charging power," he said.


I used to work for a company called Nxu based in AZ that demoed this in April 2023. .
We even had a free charging day where you could bring your EV and charge at upto 1MW (the charger was actually capable of 1.5MW). (Most cars maxxed out around 200Kw but that was entirely due to the max capacity of the car's charging system, not the charger)


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