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Comment Re:2C may be dead (Score 1) 59

Despise away, but per capita is not an excuse for ignoring the total output.

Canada is tiny, and it is working on improving. China and India are massive, and their total output keeps going up.

If you're trying to stitch up someone with a sucking chest wound, you don't focus on the papercut on their index finger.

Comment Math genius! (Score 5, Insightful) 220

He's ordered the creation of an investment account funded by surplus government revenue. The US runs a deficit.

So that diverted money will make the deficit worse, and I'd bet a lot of money it will 'invest' in things that put a lot of money in his and certain others pockets.

It's Trump. It's another grift. And if you don't believe it's a grift it's going to be another astoundingly bad Trump financial disaster.

Comment Re: New US Factory???? (Score 2) 85

>Trump is unlikely to be bribed

That must be top-notch koolaid you're drinking. Or not, maybe you understand he's moved on to extortion. He's a little more active now than just suggesting bribes be made. You make them or he crushes you with the weight of the US government.

I hope Americans figure out really soon that you're past the time for using peaceful means. You have a fascist infection and they don't go away without violence.

Comment Re: New US Factory???? (Score 3, Interesting) 85

Not a good time to be investing in anything requiring cross-border trade unless you can afford to bribe Trump to keep it open.

Our politicians didn't figure it out last time, but I'm hoping this kick in the nuts was finally enough to drive home that Canada cannot be overwhelmingly dependent on trade with the US. As long as we are, we can expect attempts to exploit our disadvantage until we're ground into dust.

There can be no friendly relationships with a country going fascist.

Submission + - CDC orders massive retraction of scientific papers on political grounds ( 1

Mr. Dollar Ton writes: The CDC has apparently instructed its scientists to retract or pause the publication of any research manuscript being considered by any medical or scientific journal, not merely its own internal periodicals. The move aims to ensure that no “forbidden terms” appear in the work.

The policy includes manuscripts that are in the revision stages at journal (but not officially accepted) and those already accepted for publication but not yet live.

In the order, CDC researchers were instructed to remove references to or mentions of a list of forbidden terms: “Gender, transgender, pregnant person, pregnant people, LGBT, transsexual, non-binary, nonbinary, assigned male at birth, assigned female at birth, biologically male, biologically female,” according to an email sent to CDC employees (see below).”

If true, Lisenko would give fat thumbs up to the new administration.

Comment Re:No they wouldn't. (Score 4, Insightful) 151

>only interest I have in marriage at all. It seems so pointless otherwise. Its practical usefulness ended after the industrial revolution.

I'd say starting around 1948, at least in the West. Prior to that it was still pretty damn devastating to be a single non-virginal woman, or worse, a single mother, unless you enjoyed poverty. At least after that women could start to get jobs that paid decently and not have to look at marriage as their primary means of survival.

Comment No they wouldn't. (Score 3, Interesting) 151

Why marry an obedient, subservient thing that has no legal rights, especially one that's a virtual thing... and then endure social pariah status from their peers.

If the claim is that number was any higher than 1/10 and the survey pool was not "men who have never gone outside and met a real woman", and they weren't laughing as they answered, I'm going to call bullshit. An epic, mountain-high pile of bullshit.

Comment No they wouldn't. (Score 1) 1

Why marry an obedient, subservient thing that has no legal rights, especially one that's a virtual thing.

If the claim is that number was any higher than 1/10 and the survey pool was not "men who have never gone outside and met a real woman", and they weren't laughing as they answered, I'm going to call bullshit. An epic, mountain-high pile of bullshit.

Comment Re:This meeting should have been an email (Score 1) 125

>The saying is "this meeting should have been an email" - nobody with actual work to do ever says "this email should have been a meeting".

I would never say never on that one. Yes, the vast majority of meetings I go to result in me being resentful and frustrated at having management mandate my time be wasted and that I smile and nod at the right moments while it's happening... but sometimes a 10 minute meeting will get more done than a week's worth of email back-and-forth. ...It still doesn't need to be in-person, of course.

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