
Comment Re: Raise your child properly (Score 1) 449

The result of such will be that the user will run into third-party digital restrictions management and anti-cheat software that explicitly forbids use of Wine.

Many games sold on Steam lack a port to Linux. When a particular game neither is ported to Linux or works in Wine, the choices are either A. use Windows in a VM on a PC with two GPUs (one for each OS) and a CPU with VT-d (to forward the guest OS's GPU commands to the second GPU) or B. give up.

Comment Re:Many modern societies aren't too different (Score 3, Insightful) 276

The thing is: developing actual, meaningful relationships requires going through a lot of superficial crap. You don't know in advance which people you are going to be able to relate to, so you sample around, and you first meet lots and lots of people who don't work out for you. If you don't go to that trouble, just how are you supposed to magically meet the rare person you actually hit it off with?

Now, you may say "it's not worth it". And who would I be to disagree? I make about 1 good friend every 20 years, because I mostly can't be bothered to socialize. But be aware that this is the price you pay for being a "hermit".

Comment Re:CEO? (Score 2) 104

No, but the CEO, along with the CTO, are responsible for creating the policies which drive the procedures for the company. So while he may not be expected to know the specific implementation, he should know the policies and goals for corporate security. Bouncing those policies to some "VP of Security" only means those policies will not be taken seriously.
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Journal Journal: Excellent Advice About Acid Reflux That You Will Want To Read

TIP! The way you eat can determine your symptoms. Many people often eat fast and ingest large quantities of food. Have you suffered from acid reflux? If so, then you understand how severe this condition can be. You should find a solution to your acid reflux problem so you do not have to experience the [ ] http://veryhealthywater.org/healthyliving/excellent-advice-about-acid-reflux-that-you-will-want-to-read-2

Comment Re:offering *nothing* is not a argument on itself (Score 1) 193

Surely, you must see that there is not a defining border or limit to it.

So? There's not a defining border or limit to lots of things. What's a big pile of sand? How many sand grains or kilograms or whatever do you want for a lower limit? Now, I put one sand grain onto three others: is that a big pile of sand? Are you willing to say it's not, even without a clear defining border?

Borders tend to be stretchy and vague, but in many cases there's cases that are clearly on one side or another.

Comment Equifax Doesnt Know If Data Is Encrypt Dont Matter (Score 1) 104

if you have access to the server you have all the tools and information to decrypt the data so it doesn't matter if the data is encrypted or not.. they could export it decrypted from the server in plain text.. or they could copy it and decrypt it on their end once they have it.

Comment Why testify in front of Congress? (Score 2) 104

If I may, let me ask a possibly silly question: Why do these companies always have to be interviewed by some Congressional committee? What's the point? I mean, the damage is already done, nothing Congress can do to change that. If a crime has been committed, those responsible should be prosecuted. If civil damages occurred, they should be sued. What's the point of the grandstanding by Congresscritters?

That said, a CEO who knows he is going to get publicly grilled ought to have all of his ducks in a row. There's no excuse for not knowing something as basic as "is your data encrypted".

And on the gripping hand, depending on how something is hacked, "at rest" encryption may just be totally useless. It will protect you if someone gets a raw copy of your database, but if they have access to your application infrastructure, that infrastructure will happily decrypt the data for them, because that's what it does. Meanwhile, you will take a *huge* performance hit on a lot of database operations. Really, I have trouble imagining the small additional security being worth the cost in performance. But maybe I'm not familiar with enterprise-scale operations - anyone who is care to comment?

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Journal Journal: Have You Built Your Empire? - NLP Procedures - Mind Persuasion Forum

You Don't Need Much To Get Started - So Get Started!

Genghis Khan was a poor kid with murdered parents. Not a rich kid with a silver spoon. But he conquered more square miles than anybody else. Whatever you have going for you now is much more than Genghis had. What are you waiting for? Start conquering the world! http://www.mindpersuasion.net/topic/1834-have-you-built-your-empire/

Comment Re:Future humans are magically enlightened? (Score 1) 278

we are supposed to believe that humans in the Star Trek future have magically gotten over their animal instincts and tribalism. So why not also getting over the need for tactile controls?

To get over that, you must first get over the need to do something whilst looking at something else. That's easier said than done until neural interfaces become practical.

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Journal Journal: Who Leads Your Life? | Mind Persuasion

Thinking Outside The Box Is Difficult - Until It's Easy
Most people are content to be followers. They are content to think comfortable thoughts that aren't much different than what other people think. In order to be unique, you've got to think unique thoughts, and do unique things. https://mindpersuasion.org/who-leads-your-life/

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Journal Journal: What Have You Invented Today? | Mind Persuasion Archives

Solving Problems Is Human Nature - Why Not Get Paid

The more problems you can solve, the more money you'll be worth. Since you are already a problem solver by nature, why not get paid to be one? Start creating solutions to problems, and get paid as a result. https://georgehutton.net/what-have-you-invented-today/

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Journal Journal: Nutrition: It Can Make You Or Break You! Try These Ideas!

TIP! Try to eat as many natural and fresh foods as you can. Organic foods are the only way to make sure you are eating well nutritionally, as well as avoiding chemicals. Learning about nutrition will help you start a healthier life. You will be able to make better choices, if you know more about [ ] http://veryhealthywater.org/healthyliving/nutrition-it-can-make-you-or-break-you-try-these-ideas-2

Comment Re:Obsolete Device (Score 1) 105

I'm struggling to understand WHY it required an internet connection.

It sounds like it serves as a remote control for the TV right in front of you and also a bunch of stuff you should be able to use your phone for.

Wiki page: Devices that can be controlled with Harmony include TV's, cable boxes, game consoles, smart lights, smart thermostats, smart locks and other connected devices with Wi-Fi

I guess it can turn a dumb TV into something you can control with your phone, though there are cheaper options
Why would you control your game consoles through something like this? Just seems like it would add latency and an extra step to fail.
Is there a smart thermostat or lock you can't control from your phone without this thing?

None of that seems like it needs an internet connection.

Comment Re:CEO? (Score 4, Insightful) 104

He should know this, but I also see your point. It's a real "got you" question. I'm sure the CEO knows exactly what encryption is, and roughly how it works, but may not know exactly what the difference between "encryption" and "encryption at rest" is, and didn't want to say something under oath that turned out to be wrong.

Comment Re:Hm.. (Score 1) 276

> I doubt anyone has guns for that purpose in canada, simply because they are so restricted with how you can transport them and use them, any situation where you would need to have the gun "at the ready" for defence, simply wouldn't be possible.

Weapons and ammunition in separate locked gun safes, I believe. It's been a long time and I never kept a gun at home, so I'm not the best resource for that information.

On the other hand, all sorts of medieval weapons are perfectly legal and I have a few on my walls. Even so, home invaders would likely have guns and I'm not trained for such situations anyway, so chances are I'd end up dead.

Luckily... it's CANADA, and as a general rule unless you are involved in crime or have a stalker ex (or you're a cop at work, I suppose), statistically you don't really have to worry about violent crime in most places.

Submission + - China Says Foreign Firms Won't Be Forced To Turn Over Technology (vice.com)

An anonymous reader writes: A top Communist Party official said Friday that China won’t force foreign companies to turn over technology secrets to gain market access, signaling attention to a key sticking point with U.S. President Donald Trump as he prepared to leave Beijing. The statement by Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang, the Communist Party’s No. 4 official, was made in an article published in the People’s Daily newspaper under his byline. While other Chinese officials have made similar pledges in the past about foreign technology, Wang’s statement stands out for the seniority of the person making it and its timing. In his article, Wang also pledged to improve the foreign investment environment and treat all companies equally. China will also increase access to its services and manufacturing sectors, wrote Wang, who was last month promoted to the country’s top-decision making body, the Politburo Standing Committee.
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Journal Journal: Get In Shape As Fast As You Can With These Tips

TIP! Choose a fitness plan that involves activities you enjoy, and that are likely to sustain your interest over the long run. Choose exercises that make you happy; this way you are in a great mood when thinking about exercising. The following advice will teach you what you need to know about becoming more physically [ ] http://veryhealthywater.org/healthyliving/get-in-shape-as-fast-as-you-can-with-these-tips

Comment Is encryption at rest really that important? (Score 2, Insightful) 104

Outside of somebody stealing your drives to look at them, encryption at rest isn't that vital since when the system is live the data are going to be effectively unencrypted for use. Considering the hack had nothing to do with physical theft of drives, it's kind of off topic.

It's like how Truecrypt can't protect your live database server from dumping data due to a SQL injection attack even if it protects the contents of the DB from physical hard drive theft.

Submission + - Rental Application form Edmonton (rentaladvisors.ca)

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Feed Google News Sci Tech: Apple Promises Fix for iPhone X Cold Weather Screen Freezes - PCMag (google.com)


Apple Promises Fix for iPhone X Cold Weather Screen Freezes
Has your iPhone X been acting up when you take it outside in the cold? You're not alone. Reddit user darus214 on Thursday reported a strange problem affecting the screen of the iPhone X when the device was exposed to cold weather. "I've noticed that my...
iPhone X: Is it worth €1179? Dig into those deep pocketsIrish Times
Apple Working on iPhone X Cold Screen FixThe Mac Observer
Apple releases iOS 11.1.1, fixing pesky Siri and autocorrect bugsTechRepublic
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Feed Google News Sci Tech: Scientists investigate how different houses and lifestyles affect which bugs live with us - Phys.Org (google.com)


Scientists investigate how different houses and lifestyles affect which bugs live with us
Humans have lived under the same roof with bugs since we first began building shelters 20,000 years ago. Now, scientists are studying how physical factors of our homes—from the floor plan and the number of windows to even how tidy we are—may play a...
Your house is a gigantic bug habitat, and there's nothing you can do about itWashington Post
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Feed Google News Sci Tech: Some iPhone X users have a bright green line on their screens - CNET (google.com)


Some iPhone X users have a bright green line on their screens
iPhone X owners have taken to Twitter, Reddit and forums to report a green line running down one side of their phones, MacRumors reports. @AppleSupport my iPhone X already has an issue.There is a green bar along the right hand side of the phone.
Mysterious 'green line of death' appears on some iPhone X displaysTechCrunch
Some iPhone X displays have a nasty green lineEngadget
How to find an iPhone X in Apple stores right nowBGR
AppleInsider (press release) (blog)-Mac Rumors-Motley Fool-Investorplace.com
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Feed Google News Sci Tech: Android 8.1 Highlights How Apps Are Draining The Battery - Android Headlines (google.com)

Android Headlines

Android 8.1 Highlights How Apps Are Draining The Battery
Android Headlines
Android 8.1 (Oreo) comes with improvements to the settings interface which not only look to advise on the current status of the battery, but also on specific apps which may be impacting heavily on battery performance in general. In short, when the ...
Android Pay v1.36 adds an adaptive icon and switches to a navigation drawer [APK Teardown]Android Police
Future Android update will show how apps are draining your batteryEngadget
Rounded redesign widely rolling out to Google Search and Feed on Android9to5Google
AndroidGuys-Android Authority (blog)-Gadget Hacks-Phone Arena
all 15 news articles

Comment Re:Bricks and Mortar can't compete (Score 1) 398

I've noticed the same trend in geographical availability of products or prices, or places that were for 'destination shopping'. A good example from the last couple of trips I took to major cities: The ladies want to hit some large and/or famous 'outlet shopping' area, claiming better prices or hard to get products.

Every time I go there, my suspicions are confirmed. Due to the wonder of modern day logistics and free trade, I can get the same merchandise and the same or better price in my small town in a different country. It wasn't this case 20 years ago... The modern economy has eliminated the need to travel anywhere to get decent wares.

Comment Re: Minix most widely deployed, wait what? (Score 1) 181

Except it seems more like a hack, than proper design. We tried really hard with 2.4 and 2.6 kernels, and could not come near the vxworks performance for a wireless BS/CPE. The 2.4 worked better. The 2.6 was faster, but crashed a lot and didn't make it out of development. Mind you, I hated vxworks and Wind River, but they could charge like a mofo because they knew they had better OS.

Comment NPR Interview (Score 1) 62

He also did a recent interview with NPR. (He's on a book tour) I found one of his responses very interesting.

It does require a certain level of focus, especially when stuff, you know, starts going wrong or becomes difficult. You know, it's something I think the military trains us really well for, is focusing on what we can control and ignoring what we can't, whether that's, well — in space we can't control, you know, the fact that we could meet our demise at any time. We can't control how distracting the Earth looks and how incredibly beautiful it is. We can't control how everything floats around, and that makes stuff more difficult, so yeah, compartmentalization is very important.

Something all of us should remember.

Comment Re:Dead end language (Score 1) 67

What success Go has had is almost entirely due to Google marketing.

Do not underestimate the snobbery factor. Go is supposedly designed[1] by a bunch a unix/plan9 luminaries, and that alone makes a lot of wannabe high-flying programmers fret in their pants.

[1] based on its underwhelming its design is, the actual work was probably done by some less talented imitators, and Ken Thompson &co just gave it a stamp of approval after fixing some long held pet peeves with C and C-like languages.

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