Comment Re:More basic (Score 2) 48
Right, it is more-or-less making images of each page. That's also the appeal of it, in that you don't ruin the formatting or render something incorrectly because you don't have a particular font, or some other local feature required to make something like WORD work. Even just the "font substitution" bug alone is enough to make people want to use PDF, and I haven't heard any better solution for archival documents.
We had a Platinum-level trouble ticket with MS for the font substitution issue, they concluded it was insoluble and that to keep our documents from getting corrupted, that we print it on paper, scan it as a TIFF, and save the TIFFS.
Aside from paper - which works fantastically well for this purpose, from the many examples I have at hand - I still don't see an answer that keeps searchable electronic documents intact over time and program version changes. And certainly not that are WYSIWYG when creating it in the first place. Various typesetting programs, - TeX and LaTex, formerly Runoff, etc, are just as prone to bit rot over version changes over many years/decades and also *torturous to use in the first place*.