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Comment Re:More basic (Score 2) 48

Right, it is more-or-less making images of each page. That's also the appeal of it, in that you don't ruin the formatting or render something incorrectly because you don't have a particular font, or some other local feature required to make something like WORD work. Even just the "font substitution" bug alone is enough to make people want to use PDF, and I haven't heard any better solution for archival documents.

We had a Platinum-level trouble ticket with MS for the font substitution issue, they concluded it was insoluble and that to keep our documents from getting corrupted, that we print it on paper, scan it as a TIFF, and save the TIFFS.

Aside from paper - which works fantastically well for this purpose, from the many examples I have at hand - I still don't see an answer that keeps searchable electronic documents intact over time and program version changes. And certainly not that are WYSIWYG when creating it in the first place. Various typesetting programs, - TeX and LaTex, formerly Runoff, etc, are just as prone to bit rot over version changes over many years/decades and also *torturous to use in the first place*.

Comment Re:Let's all register for Cause And Effect 101! (Score 3, Insightful) 94

No it isn't, nuclear reactors and power plants are pretty straightforward and similar to coal plants with the exception of the reactor. What costs are the unnecessary requirements, regulation, lawsuits, and everything else associated with it. All of which is the results of a bunch of know-nothing chicken littles that use every excuse to oppose it.

Comment Re:Let's all register for Cause And Effect 101! (Score 0, Troll) 94

You have nailed it, nuclear has never been costly, it's fighting tooth and nail for years/decades with the stupid f'ing hippies who chain themselves across the gates and file one legal brief after another that costs something.

      You have to understand that 99% of the people involved in the "environmental movement" know absolutely nothing about the topic, and also, do not care one whit for any practical solution to supplying energy.

      They don't believe in supplying energy, they believe in rolling back any progress and living in an agricultural commune. The fact that this destroys modern society is the goal. Oh, and incidentally, 4ish billion people will also have to somehow "go" because that's about what the Earth can support with a basic algricultrual revolution economy. Naturally, being morons, they mostly dont realize that, and the few that do, don't care.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 111

Great analysis, exactly what I have come to expect from the usual denizens here. Designing and qualifying a complex life-critical system like this can't be done using your sorts of script-kiddie and hobbyist garbage, it is a very exacting and demanding process, you can't just slap stuff in there and then expect it to control a weapons systemÂ

Comment Re:Done. (Score 3, Insightful) 76

This is derived for a population size of infinity, in this cases, 150,000,000 might as well be infinity.

This is very simple, entry-level statistical theory. It;'s not just pulling things out of the air, it's mathematically true (under the assumptions of the derivation (like, normal distribution,etc). Stuff like this is not even a specialist type information, it's basic knowledge, in the same sense that you do not have to be an expert on planetary geology to know the earth is very roughly a ball.


Comment Re:So what. (Score 1) 53

Hard to say in this case, but this is far from a unique capability and I know that there are rocket engine companies in the USA that can turn around thruster design changes, all the way to testing it, in a week or so - in some cases, less. Most of the parts are not changing from unit to unit, the area for experimentation (and where 3d printing might help) are usually just the injector and combustion chambers. I wouldn't discount it out of hand, there are certainly American companies that can do this, why not India, too?

      Everyone realizes they aren't printing an entire system at once, right?

Comment Re:China has a similar problem (Score 1) 249

You are a perfect case study - you have nearly no challenges in life, but feel an ominous sense of existential dread. It would be easy to dismiss you as ignorant about what constitutes real risk and real challenges, but it's probably something else.

      Since it's D-Day, an actual case of existential dread is riding in a landing craft, having the ramp open, and storming a beach into a hail of machine gun fire. Not someone having to work a little harder while having every possible luxury and a perfectly safe existence.


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