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Journal Journal: Gak Pakai Ribet! Anda Dapat Mengakses e-Klaim BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

Bagi Anda para karyawan, kini hadir layanan e-klaim BPJS Ketenagakerjaan untuk memudahkan Anda. Dengan adanya layanan ini, maka Anda yang berstatus sebagai pekerja dapat dengan mudah memperoleh perlindungan sosial ekonomi dari pemerintah. Takut ribet? Jangan khawatir, simak prosedurnya berikut ini: https://www.finansialku.com/e-klaim-bpjs-ketenagakerjaan/

Comment Re:Obama executive insanity twisted the law (Score 5, Insightful) 316

If a president doesn't have the backing of the rest of the country, well maybe that's good or bad on any particular issue, but it's reality. He can't legally just dictate policy on his own.

I don't think Obama broke any laws. He simply did his best to get an important and necessary job done, in the face of opposition from the reality-challenged knuckle-draggers who think that shouting bullshit loud enough and long enough turns it into truth. In this case, that meant getting creative with the legislative framework. I'm sure he would like to have put his initiative on a more solid footing; but his opposition cared more about tearing him down than about exercising actual leadership, so he had little choice.

(And maybe, just maybe, he might want to reconsider his own position in the process if he finds himself so out of touch with the general perception)

Ummm, that would be a follower you just described. POTUS is supposed to be a leader; you know, the person who sees what others don't yet see, and makes decisions, (even unpopular ones), based on logic, evidence, and science, for the long-term good of all concerned.

Comment Re:Trust isn't the problem (Score 1) 191

In my state, the two laws aren't in contradiction, as the "real" law is: drive at a safe speed considering the conditions. When the weather is bad, you can get a speeding ticket without exceeding the posted limit, too.

Around here, when someone gets a ticket for driving too slowly, it seems that it's always because they're driving in a way that is causing a lot of disruption because of cars passing them. The ticket is not actually written for "driving too slow", it's for obstructing traffic or driving in reckless manner, depending.

I am not a lawyer or otherwise expert on this subject, by the way, so I am likely to be in error about some specifics. I'm just friends with a cop who likes to talk about his work.

Submission + - Obat Oles Untuk Menghilangkan Jerawat dan Bekasnya (obatasamuratalami.net)

jreek7 writes: Obat Oles Untuk Menghilangkan Jerawat dan Bekasnya ( QNC JELLY GAMAT ) dapat Anda temukan dengan mudah.Disini !! Situs pusat penjualan herbal online akan berbagi cara-cara terbaik untuk menuntaskan jerawat & bekas jerawat yang manjur dan aman.

Comment Re:Trust comes from strict regulation and oversigh (Score 1) 191

Before you can regulate you need standards and those standards should actually cover the specifications of automated vehicles and their real world capabilities and how they are promoted. First up detection capabilities should be fully publicised and 3D image maps of what they can detect and how far they can detect it, what the detection cycles are and the standards it has been tested under and the validity and completeness of those test ie what the vehicle can see and how it sees it and what independent tests have been carried out to confirm the truth of the claims.

Then you have vehicle action processing capability, how it can react to what it sees, how it processes it, what some important decision trees are, will it purposefully run down a person in order to preserve value in the vehicle and the safety of the occupant ie an imminent collision with another vehicle, the only evasive action is through a bunch of pedestrians but it is much safer to run them down for the vehicles passenger, than to take the impact with the other vehicle (so a vehicle might be designated as a zero evasive action, breaking only and always adhering to road traffic rules regardless of consequence for the passenger).

A lot of automated vehicle rules should not be a matter of convenience for profit first corporations but standards and regulations approved by the public and their representatives ie to illegally evade a collision or to take the impact and stay within the law and that coding should be audited to ensure it complies no bloody secrets with vehicle automation.

The other big thing is remote control vs localised control, whether or not the vehicle owned by the individual can be remotely controlled by the corporation, keep in mind servicing laws for automated vehicles will end up being compulsary and extremely highly priced and profitable, don't pay and the remote control vehicle wont go, price to change oil $1,000, change computer 50% of vehicle price, the sky is the limit. All automated vehicles will only be able to be serviced or repaired by the original manufacturer with massively inflated profit margins, else lose the warranty on automation, instantly and as a bonus the car simply stops where it is and requires towing to an manufacturer authorised location.

Watch, they will want to ban bicycles because they are not remotely controlled and they cause problems for automated vehicles, and why have them, a child can climb into an automated vehicle and be taken where the corporation wants to take them. More than public safety, this is an issue of total control over your movements. The corporations don't want you to go somewhere and you will be walking and likely get run down by an automated vehicle.

Submission + - Phi yu p là phi nu n gii, ngh bánh ngon (simplesite.com)

blogbepnong5011 writes: Mo hay m thc luôn luôn là quý báu ri hu ích i vi mi cô gái
Các cô bé cng i thc hin nh àn ông, s cn ko nht thit phi m ng ht mi vic trong nhà, tuy nhiên tm cng phi dành thi gian nhng ngày thành thi t bt la cho mt ba dùng ã.

Submission + - Ein einfach zu bedienender USB-Ventilator (usb-ventilator.com)

Meemuum writes: Der USB-Lüfter kann zur Kühlung des Computers oder des Benutzers verwendet werden. Wie auch immer, dieses kleine Gadget ist sehr nützlich. Im Sommer werden Sie sich freuen, wenn Sie einen haben, der Ihnen hilft, der Hitze standzuhalten.

Comment And I will continue paying for Netflix (Score 4, Insightful) 108

But I will never pay for Hulu.

Netflix isn't perfect and the price increase is mildly annoying I guess. One more dollar a month? I can deal with it. Hulu with no commercials is still more expensive and I still haven't finished watching everything I want to watch on Netflix.

And compared to what I was paying for cable before I cut the cord it's completely insignificant.

But why is Netflix raising their prices by a whole dollar considered news anyway?

Is it news when Comcast raises the price of their service by more than that or when they drop a bunch of channels from the basic plan?

One thing that's great about Netflix is I know how much it will cost from month to month and if there's ever a price increase Slashdot or some other internet news will warn me about it - lord knows Netflix never talks to me. I don't even know if they have a current email address.

But with cable TV you never know what your monthly bill will be and if they tell you one price you know they're neglecting a bunch of add-on fees and it will go up or channels will be removed.

With Netflix, I guess I'll lose Disney movies but I haven't even mustered up the patience to watch that Star Wars movie that's on Netflix because there's other stuff I'd rather watch.

Comment Re:The market will go where it's already headed (Score 1) 316

You're too late, this is already well underway, although not exactly as you'd guessed. Power companies are all following the same playbook, where they make selling power back to the grid, or using very small amounts of power from the grid, hugely unprofitable (with shitty energy resale rates and minimum fees). Going off the grid completely is the only potentially profitable option, which has such a high barrier for entry (when maintaining typical home power) that it dissuades most.

We'll see the next stage when that barrier to entry falls with lower tech costs. I'll expect them to go the "small scale generation isn't safe!" route.

User Journal

Journal Journal: On a Day Like Today There's Nothing Else I'd Rather Be Doing

Sun is out and it’s a perfect day to go play. Well, in this case go on a boat ride. Whenever I’m on the water, it seems that it is the cure for all the problems and chatter that is going on. It’s just so calm, still, and tranquil. http://www.allenbrouwer.com/on-a-day-like-today-theres-nothing-else-id-rather-be-doing/#more-1683

Submission + - Six Reasons to Hire a Lawyer (ezinearticles.com)

Lemon Law Attorneys writes: An attorney is required in every legal matter. Two very minor examples, in this case, are — going to small claim courts for claims and fighting a speeding ticket. In many situations, like legal challenges, deals or disputes, nobody wishes to take the risk of going into the courtroom alone. Everyone needs the advice of an experienced lawyer, in order to win such legal battles.

If you are opting for a good legal representative, it should be remembered that it will likely cost you good bucks. But, they assure to help you out of a bad situation, whether it is a divorce, DUI violation, and a lost job.

Here is a list of top six reasons of hiring a lawyer. They are as follows:

The law is complicated — If you are not a legal person then you may hardly have any idea about how to act in certain instances. Sometimes experienced lawyers do not present themselves before the court. A trained attorney is needed for any legal issue.
Not having a one may cost you more — A civil case requires a good amount of monetary strength. Sometimes fees are not accepted by many civil attorneys until they win your legal case. Hiring a lawyer can help you to save money as you may also claim legal fees as plaintiff with the help of your lawyer.
They know how to challenge evidence — Generally, common people do not have any idea that key evidence against the opponent may be obtained by foul means or even sometimes the testimony of a witness contradicts the statements that were given earlier. Your attorney will help you to get rid of these situations.
They know how to handle legal procedures — Your attorney will help you to file court documents properly. An attorney knows every detail of protocol and deadline for filing any legal document in an authentic way. One incorrect filing might delay or stop your case forever.
You don't know any private detective or expert witness — An extended network of professionals is required by attorneys to solve the cases of their clients. Most of the people do not know this type of professionals, in order to fight against the opposing party.
You do not know what pleading is — An attorney understands the law and can help you to avoid severe penalties before the beginning of a criminal trial. All the details of pleading are well known by them.

It is always a good option to hire a lawyer before starting any legal procedure. There are several kinds of them and you can make your choice as per the nature of the case.

Do you require lemon law California attorney? To know more, head to http://www.lemonlawattorneyinl... trusted and highly ranked lemon law lawyers.

Comment Re:In other words (Score 2) 345

I bet the "tens of thousands" of dollars spent was really successful, considering that Clinton and surrogates spent 1.5 Billion influencing her electoral failures.

But yeah, keep on blaming the Russians for her loss, because that totally happened!

This isn't about who won or lost, it's about another country interfering with our nation. The goal of Russia has been to destabilize other nations for their own gain. You are either being disingenuous or just ignorant if you refuse to or do not realize these were highly targeted advertisements.

This is about information warfare.

Submission + - Technology: The Game Changer! (bsm.ac.th)

Wanjira writes: Communication is of vital importance to efficient and happy workplaces in every and any industry. Without good communication skills, stakeholders could be left unsatisfied and work colleagues would frequently be at war with each other. Therefore, one of the very first things to do is to ensure there are good communication skills. Communication in the workplace can be formal or informal. Formal communication tends to be structured and delivered through channels like letters, memos, meetings and company policies or procedures. Informal communication does not need to be so structured.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Dinner Pasta Special @ Candicci's Restaurant

Candicci's Restaurant and Bar, Ballwin, MO
Candicci's Restaurant and Bar, located in Ballwin, MO is offering a Dinner Pasta Special throughout every Wednesday in October.

Available for dine-in only from 4 pm to 9 pm.

All traditional pastas for... http://restaurants-stlouismo.com/2017/10/dinner-pasta-special-candiccis-restaurant/

Comment Re:In other words (Score 0) 345

A Hilary Supporter means you support her without any reservation, meaning she could do illegal things, say stupid things and be incompetent and you would still vote for her.

A person that was making a decision about whether to vote for Hilary or Trump would not fall into this category. They are making a decision.

Hilary supporters can't be turned, much like Trump supporters cannot be turned. Otherwise you wouldn't be a 'supporter'.

I know it's insane, but I'm pretty sure that's what he means.

Comment Re:Trust isn't the problem (Score 1) 191

Yeppers, I remember traffic school many many years ago and a guy was there because he was not exceeding the speed limit and slowing down traffic. He asked the instructor and basically the instructor said it was no win. There is one law that says you should keep up with the flow of traffic and another that says don't exceed the speed limit.

Comment Re:How about trying to EARN trust. (Score 0, Troll) 191

Why not? Even if it's empirically shown that self-driving cars are safer than human cars (and this is going to happen soon), people are still not going to trust AI cars, just because. Maybe they saw a scary sci-fi movie as a kid, maybe they have a false sense of control behind the wheel, who knows.

If the rational case is already made but isn't getting through, it makes sense to advertise against peoples' in-born prejudice against self-driving cars.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Lawn Care Service Feature Yard Madison CT

We periodically like to showcase some of our favorite Lawn Care Service locations here on our blog. https://greenteamct.com/2017/10/07/lawn-care-service-feature-yard-madison-ct/

Comment Re:Trust isn't the problem (Score 2) 191

That's also an interesting point.

One thing is certain: that these systems will not be as adaptable to the environment as people. (Of course, in the conditions you describe, even people are usually officially discouraged from driving).

So self-driving cars cannot used in all circumstances. I'm guessing that the car itself will often know when it's hit those circumstances. White-outs and the like are easy error conditions to detect.

The real issue will be that your car will just stop working if conditions were to change, potentially stranding you somewhere.

Submission + - Questa settimana di moda di Mercedes-Benz Russia non ha dato dubbi (gillne.it)

sqrpoer writes: Questa settimana di moda Mercedes-Benz Russia, non c'era dubbio che fosse presente l'influenza post-sovietica di etichette come Vetements e Gosha Rubchinskiy. Ma a parte un designer o due soli, lo sguardo russo sin dall'inizio degli anni '90, sinonimo di quella madrepatria, si avvicinò più alla strada che alla pista. Invece, molti giovani designer hanno creato le proprie identità e sono lontani dall'estetica dei loro contemporanei. Prendi l'etichetta Saint-Tokyo di San Pietroburgo Designer Yury Pitenin. Anche l'occhio di Lady Gaga, che ha indossato uno dei suoi indumenti in pelle a pochi mesi fa, Pitenin ha una testa futuristica che ha sperimentato con stampe e circonda varie sostanze. La sua tuta sportiva è anche fresca: fa una bella stampa floreale dolce all'osso quando lo fa nei manicotti di una giacca di motociclista in pelle.

Inoltre, come in Georgia, sembra esserci una fiorente scena di maglieria in Russia. La prova è in Ksenia Seraya, che ha lanciato la sua etichetta nel 2013, in questa stagione fustando maglioni di maglia a maglia e pantaloni slouchy in una tecnica di illuminazione. Sul fronte denim gillne abiti da sera, sorelle San Pietroburgo-based Katerina e Vera Vipers etichette Viper gestiti sesso un paio di semplici razzi denim dal taglio diamanti slot nella parte posteriore del ginocchio.

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