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Papa John's Celebrates 'Bitcoin Pizza Day' - as Price of Bitcoin Drops to $38,240 ( 119

Business Insider re-visits the story of why May 22nd is celebrated as "Bitcoin Pizza Day." Exactly 11 years ago today, a software programmer from Florida, Laszlo Hanyecz, became well known in the crypto world after trading 10,000 bitcoins for two Papa John's pizzas. In honor of that purchase, the date is now celebrated in the crypto calendar as "Bitcoin Pizza Day."

"It wasn't like bitcoins had any value back then, so the idea of trading them for a pizza was incredibly cool," Hanyecz said in an interview with the New York Times in 2013... In 2018, he gave an interview to Cointelegraph. He said: "You know, I don't regret it. I think that it's great that I got to be part of the early history of bitcoin in that way, and people know about the pizza and it's an interesting story because everybody can kind of relate to that and be [like] - "Oh my God, you spent all of that money!"

So today Papa John's is giving away 10,000 slices of pizza to commemorate their place in history, another Business Insider article reports. Justin Falciola, SVP, chief insights & technology officer, tells them that "Celebrating National Bitcoin Pizza Day felt like a natural extension of Papa John's historical tie to the bitcoin story... It's great for consumer brands to show that they're aware of trends and emerging technologies. The benefit to this is meeting consumers where they are and continuing to build a meaningful connection."

The link between pizza and bitcoin was further observed earlier in the week when crypto investor Anthony Pompliano launched a bitcoin-themed pizza service in the US that won't accept the digital asset as payment. As Insider's Shalini Nagarajan reported, the service will partner with independent pizzerias in 10 cities across the US, but won't accept bitcoin payments. All proceeds will go towards supporting research and development of bitcoin, Pompliano said.
The article also points out that "Earlier this week, the crypto market lost 47% of its value in just seven days," and by Friday one bitcoin was worth $37,340.

But another article notes that the 10,000 bitcoins traded for two Papa Johns pizzas would, at one point this year, have been worth $648,950,000.
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Papa John's Celebrates 'Bitcoin Pizza Day' - as Price of Bitcoin Drops to $38,240

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  • Trade those coins for some "real" money and you can buy yourself a "real" pizza. Or at least a good one. You own bitcoin, you've got the extra $10 right?

  • The whole money as debt thing, where if everyone paid off all debts, there would be no money left in circulation. Crypto currency could finally be a way to solve that mess. []
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by iggymanz ( 596061 )

      No, because "crypto currency" isn't money, just gambling tokens. It fails each and every test of money. Paying all debts would not erase the need for money, which crypto coins can't meet in any case.

    • by Entrope ( 68843 ) on Saturday May 22, 2021 @08:17PM (#61411548) Homepage

      Probably because that angle ignores most of what money does.

      Money has four major functions: a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a store of value, and a standard of deferred payment. Only the last is really debt in a classic sense.

      People use money as a medium of exchange because it's easier to say "I will trade you $9 for a cheeseburger" than to say "I will trade you this hammer for that cheeseburger and, uhhh, a plate". This does touch on the other functions making the money useful later, but there's no debt angle here

      As a unit of account, it's not debt in the usual sense. You put money in a bank account, and you can withdraw it later. Depending on various factors, there may or may not be something like interest involved. Because the normal case is on-demand withdrawal, it's not like a debt, which generally has defined repayment terms.

      As a store of value, it's also not debt. You expect its value to be fairly stable over time. To store value, it doesn't matter whether you hold it or deposit it or loan it to someone else; the important part is that you have a fairly good idea what $100 will be worth in a year or ten years.

      As a standard of deferred payment, it can function as a way to record and define debts. However, this really hinges on the other functions holding true: If it's not a medium of exchange, it is also poor as a standard of deferred payment. If it's not a good store of value, there is a lot of risk in using it for deferred payments.

      Bitcoin ends up being fairly poor at the first, third and fourth of those purposes. It's a good unit of account, but it's hard to use for trade, it's a terribly unpredictable store of value, and this makes it lousy as a standard of deferred payment. (Imagine if the two Bitcoin pizzas were traded against 10,000 BTC, payable ten years after the exchange!)

      • by jeremyp ( 130771 )

        People use money as a medium of exchange because it's easier to say "I will trade you $9 for a cheeseburger" than to say "I will trade you this hammer for that cheeseburger and, uhhh, a plate". This does touch on the other functions making the money useful later, but there's no debt angle here

        This is absolutely false. If I give you $9 in exchange for a cheeseburger, I have a cheeseburger and you have a few bits of paper with numbers on them. Even worse: if I pay with a credit card, I have a cheeseburger and you have nothing, but some number in a database somewhere has increased by 9.

        When I give you money (or fiat currency, at least), I am really just giving you an IOU. What makes it useful as a medium of exchange is that it is an IOU that you can reuse to obtain goods from other people.

        • by Entrope ( 68843 )

          If cash -- or fiat currency in general -- is an IOU, who is the "I", what is owed, and when is it due? You can't go to Fort Knox and demand an exchange of dollar bills for silver or gold bullion.

          • You can't go to Fort Knox and demand an exchange of dollar bills for silver or gold bullion.

            Plenty of places will sell you gold or silver, or anything else for you dollar bills
            This will get you started cash for gold []

            • by Entrope ( 68843 )

              Yes, as I said, it's a convenient medium of exchange. Those places don't owe you anything. A wallet full of cash doesn't obligate them to trade with you. Money is not a IOU.

              • You are right I didn't read clearly enough. My bad. Money isn't an IOU.

                That said. If anything legally will obligate them to trade with you. Money would be that thing.

    • The whole money as debt thing, where if everyone paid off all debts, there would be no money left in circulation. Crypto currency could finally be a way to solve that mess.

      The "mess" you are referring to is basically the backbone of the economy. Without lending, entire industries would collapse. Debt is a feature of financial systems, not a bug.

      • In the Old West, there weren't enough dollars in circulation, and parallel systems of money were used. (This is from my first clicked search result and is the extent of my research.)

        Coins in circulation throughout the U.S. included Russian kopecks, Dutch rix-dollars, and French and English coins. The Spanish real was commonly used throughout the United States in the early to mid 19th century...
        Prior to 1861, all paper money was issued by private or State Banks, often with little funding available. The notes could be redeemed for coins at the above-board banks, but notes issued by dishonest banks, called Wildcat banks, were worth little or nothing. In 1863, National Bank notes replaced State notes.

        Note that State Bank Notes were essentially a form of circulating debt. If all debt were eliminated, these new debts would be issued to help make the monetary supply large enough to address the actual amount of economic activity

        Ironically, Bitcoin would be a more viable competitor if the dollar itself became deflationary and fo

    • Because BTC, like pretty much every other cryptocurrency out there, is useless as currency.

      BTC, by design is a) deflationary and b) makes it incredibly easy for existing currency to be lost forever. With those two, you'd be insane to buy anything with BTC today as it, unless it crashes horribly, will literally buy you more of the same tomorrow.

      This is the reason why people treat cryptocurrencies as speculative assets instead of, you know, money.

    • The whole money as debt thing, where if everyone paid off all debts, there would be no money left in circulation.

      There would also be no debts which would in turn cause the entire economy to stop dead. Oh right until you need to eat at which point you will trade a debt for produce which in turn gets traded for produce which in turn gets traded for logistics and wages, which in turn gets traded for labour on a farm...

      There's no economic scenario where it is possible to remove a currency from circulation while debt remains. There's no economic scenario where debt can be eliminated without the complete extinction of our s

  • by iggymanz ( 596061 ) on Saturday May 22, 2021 @08:16PM (#61411542)

    If you bought bitcoin any time in the last three months, you'd be one sad motherfucker. And the plunge is ongoing...

    • by Anonymous Coward

      You will write the same kind of message when Bitcoin will drop from $120,000 to $100,000.

      Bitcoin is inevitable, because you can't attack it!

      • attack? it flops without warning on its own. Governments are bringing down the hammer, not good thing for gaming token with no intrinsic value.

  • by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Saturday May 22, 2021 @08:49PM (#61411604)
    instead? Back when the ACA passed Papa Johns could provide every one of their employees healthcare by adding 25 cents to the cost of a pizza. It's probably 50 cents today what with inflation.

    To this day whenever I hear the words "Papa Johns" that's my first thought.
    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Powercntrl ( 458442 )

      To this day whenever I hear the words "Papa Johns" that's my first thought.

      Mine's that the founder was a victim of cancel culture. Maybe I'm getting old, but I 'member when people would just apologize for being a giant douche nozzle and that was the end of it.

      ..and before someone reads this and assumes I'm some right-winger with an axe to grind, I'm a gay man and I vote democrat. Yeah, some of us think cancel culture can be a little stupid too. Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek", "an eye for an eye makes the world blind" etc.?

  • It should be a reminder that Bitcoins are only worth what someone is willing to give you for them. In this case, 10,000 Bitcoins was worth two mediocre pizzas. There's no technical reason that couldn't happen again. My bet would be on some other coin becoming dominant. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna update my MySpace page, then go pick up a movie from Blockbuster..

    • by ghoul ( 157158 )
      Jokes on you. Blockbuster started accepting bitcoin only for rentals and they havnt updated their rates from 11 years back. That will be 10000 bitcoin for a weekend rental.
    • Everything is only worth what someone is willing to give you for them. Classic Twilight Zone, a sip of water cost one gold bar!

  • by bitcoinhater ( 8128328 ) on Saturday May 22, 2021 @10:45PM (#61411832)
    I've lurked on here since 2000/2001 when I first started using Linux. When Bitcoin started in 2009, the comments section was always filled with hate for Bitcoin. Thankfully I stopped listening to you guys in 2013. Here's a timeline and some gems from the past.

    $0.10 - 2010 - Bitcoin is too volatile to be a useful currency and will never hit $1.
    $1 - 2011 - Deflationary currencies are doomed to failure.
    $10 - Later in 2011- Bitcoin is like tulip-mania in Holland. This massive bubble will pop soon!
    $100 - 2013 - Bitcoin is a massive ponzi scheme! A lot of people will get hurt!
    $1,000 - 2014 - The Mt. Gox hack is the end of Bitcoin. It will never recover.
    $10,000 - 2017 - Bitcoin is only used by criminals like the Silk Road and will never be taken seriously!
    $60,000 - 2021 - Bitcoin's Proof of Work is too energy intensive for our Carbon free future!

    I think it's high time to admit that Slashdot was wrong about Bitcoin every step of the way. This has been the largest transfer of wealth from Big Finance to geeks like you and me in the history of the world. From the sound of it, most of yall missed out. You guys continue to parrot the FUD talking points provided by Big Finance, Big Government, and their lackeys in the media. If you took a couple hours to read the whitepaper, and have a basic understanding of finance, you would understand why you were so incredibly wrong.
    • This has been the largest transfer of wealth from Big Finance to geeks like you and me in the history of the world.

      Sorry, you're fucking delusional. Think what you may about why cryptocurrencies exploded over the last couple years, they're still less than a drop in the bucket of global finances. Their market cap is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

      This is the reason why someone selling or buying a couple tens of thousands of BTC can drop it's dollar value by 25% in hours.

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Ogive17 ( 691899 )

      $0.10 - 2010 - Bitcoin is too volatile to be a useful currency and will never hit $1.

      The recent loss of 1/3rd of its value doesn't prove this true?

      $1 - 2011 - Deflationary currencies are doomed to failure.

      Is it even a currency or just an investment? Use for trade is still quite limited for day-to-day living

      $10 - Later in 2011- Bitcoin is like tulip-mania in Holland. This massive bubble will pop soon!

      See volatility and the sudden rise of joke crypto as proof of a bubble.

      $100 - 2013 - Bitcoin is a massive

    • you're hilarious, what's your excuse for it being $59K two weeks ago and augering into ground since? Now $32.5K and plunging like a meteor....

      We're not wrong, it's gambling and gaming token only, that was tulip mania II and nothing more. Bitcoin fails all the tests of being money.

      • what's your excuse for it being $59K two weeks ago and augering into ground since?.

        Me, I am the killer of all good things.
        I had a good house, and then I tried some home improvements. A few weeks later, They needed redoing.
        I had a good bike, and then I attempted an electric conversion. A few weeks later, I have a fried battery.

        About a month ago, I had a good few hundred dollars which I dipped into various crypto currencies....

    • Bitcoin is a massive ponzi scheme! A lot of people will get hurt!.

      The fact that the submitted headline says $38k, and the price as I type this is below $33k means that some people probably have got hurt at this point.

      It's not really the fault of Bitcoin though, a huge problem is just like anything you can put money into the whole market is leveraged out the wazoo. We are right around the point where a lot of margin calls for bitcoin leveraged to buy more bitcoin, is about to be called for people that did

    • From the moment that I read up on Bitcoin somewhere about 10 years ago, I realised it has no intrinsic value. Which is the thought that most of your Slashdot quotes express. However, those quotes, as I myself, fail to account for the gullibility of people with money.

      Now, you think that money is being transferred from the man who just got it stuck to him, but the transactions in the very recent past above 40, 50, 60k all have the buying party a a severe loss today. Some of those people are left holding the

    • The hostile responses to your comment only further prove your point - slashdot really seems to collectively hate bitcoin for some reason. I've also been reading the comments here for years, and for every article about an all time high has comments warning of an impending crash, and every article about a huge crash (like this one) is full of collective schadenfreude, while conveniently ignoring the gains made over the last year or two. iTS a BuBbLe! Well if it's a bubble, it never really pops, it maybe lo
      • Why wouldn't people hate something that chews up ridiculous amounts of energy and computing resources to produce literally nothing other than propping up a pyramid scheme?

    • >by bitcoinhater
      Thanks, never selling.

  • How great I hope one day I can try it.
  • Did he give up all his Bitcoin for the pizzas, or just a small percentage? Maybe he still has 100K bitcoins...

"It's the best thing since professional golfers on 'ludes." -- Rick Obidiah
