Even in the billions is the least of my worries. There is solid evidence that 7 million Americans were prevented from voting last year
So when you get that "Offtopic" mod, you've at least owned it this time.
You also had 7-hour wait times to vote
Uh, nope, my partner and I did the whole early voting thing and it was a literal walk-in.
Oh. Yeah, Florida's not really that anymore.
Maybe you agree with the administration right now but if you do you better hope that doesn't change.
Word on the street is people are really not happy about the continuing egg shortage and retailers jacking up prices as a reactionary move towards the tariffs. This is the most often I've ever had people just randomly approach me while I'm out shopping just to express their dissatisfaction with things (gee, thanks social media for giving the average American the impression that nearby strangers want to hear your comments on things in real life).
Also, if you've been keeping up with the news, some Republican state representatives have decided to cease doing town halls because the public is getting mad at them over veterans losing government jobs. Also, again, the eggs and high grocery prices thing, too. I'm sure the Republicans are going to take a major beating during the mid-terms. Probably not in Florida though. Our leadership could announce that they're going to require every Floridian to own an emotional support gator and the MAGA folks (and oh boy, are there a bunch of those here) would be like: "Finally, a leader who understands Florida’s true spirit! Gators are a symbol of strength and resilience, just like the people of this great state. Emotional support gators will teach responsibility, promote local wildlife appreciation, and deter porch pirates. DeSantis is truly making Florida freer and greater than ever - God bless him!"