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Trippy T-Shirt Makes You Invisible To AI ( 38

In modern cities, we're constantly surveilled through CCTV cameras in both public and private spaces, and by companies trying to sell us shit based on everything we do. We are always being watched. But what if a simple T-shirt could make you invisible to commercial AIs trying to spot humans? Motherboard reports: A team of researchers from Northeastern University, IBM, and MIT developed a T-shirt design that hides the wearer from image recognition systems by confusing the algorithms trying to spot people into thinking they're invisible. Adversarial designs, as this kind of anti-AI tech is known, are meant to "trick" object detection algorithms into seeing something different from what's there, or not seeing anything at all. In some cases, these designs are made by tweaking parts of a whole image just enough so that the AI can't read it correctly. The change might be imperceptible to a human, but to a machine vision algorithm it can be very effective: In 2017, researchers fooled computers into thinking a turtle was a rifle. A T-shirt is a low-barrier way to move around the world unnoticed by AI watchers. Previously, researchers have tried to create adversarial fashion using patches attached to stiff cardboard, so that the design doesn't distort on soft fabric while the wearer moves. If the design is warped or part of it isn't visible, it becomes ineffective.
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Trippy T-Shirt Makes You Invisible To AI

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  • by burtosis ( 1124179 ) on Friday November 08, 2019 @06:30PM (#59396088)
    Sick of waiting at the end of secret government lists, never getting those sunglasses in suits to come and spirit you away to the unacknowleged hell of secret government holding facilities? Well wait in vain no longer! This apparel will get you flagged and bumped up to the short list of troublemakers all for the low low cost of 39.95! Popular with social macoschists everywhere. Act now while supplies and facility space last!
    • by AHuxley ( 892839 )
      Re "bumped up to the short list"
      Think of the university work, billable hours and contractors overtime in trying to make the CCTV see the human face over the T shirt.
      Once perfected the update is offered to govs.
      Its win, win for any contractor. The CCTV works again and the "why" of the need for the T shirt can be tracked globally.
      Global sales of T shirt aware CCTV software upgrades are offered.
      • by Tuidjy ( 321055 )

        Sorry, the work is already done.

        A moron's first knee jerk reaction is recognizing humans, then looking for their faces. But some systems look for faces - much faster - and then judge the chances that the faces are attached to humans... or to objects of the right size that move in the right way.

        Objects, you say? And the T-shirt will disguise you as an object? To some algorithms, maybe. The system I'm most familiar with uses four (sometimes five) different validation approaches, and the T-shirt will succe

        • You want to fool the system? You need eyeliner, stuff to insert inside your cheeks, a particular kind of wig, etc.

          You want to fool the system? Paint a second pair of eyes below your existing ones.

          As for the trippy t-shirts.. be careful about stepping in front of a robot car or delivery vehicle.

      • Think of the university work, billable hours and contractors overtime in trying to make the CCTV see the human face over the T shirt.

        Just add some images of people wearing the shirt to the training set.

        Then rent an AWS GPU cluster for a couple of hours. Train, test, and deploy. Done.

    • Re:What if (Score:5, Funny)

      by Immerman ( 2627577 ) on Friday November 08, 2019 @07:58PM (#59396328)

      Better still - Congratulations you're now invisible to all the government surveillance AI! You can finally step outside and cross the street in safet-ACK.

      Oh. Um. Oops. I guess crossing in front of an autonomous vehicle wasn't such a good idea...

  • and place the camera at a more average head height?
    See the face of normal citizens? Thats an ID pass.
    Cant see the face due to fashion and art?
    Try the second level camera?
    Still no face?
    Apply gait tracking and get security/mil/gov/contractor to move in for a face image from a smartphone.
    Wait for the next person to try and use a T shirt design and the CCTV computer to alert to the need for human support.
    Slowly the T shirt art will be understood with the next CCTV computer upgrade and be less of a probl
  • The pattern on the clothing looks a lot like Impressionist paintings about a century or two old, and (until now) it was pretty unusual that someone would walk around wearing a print of such a thing -- although not unheard of, certainly. I can understand why an AI with no guidance could come to the conclusion that a piece of artwork in the middle of a human silhouette is probably art and not a human. However, artwork doesn't usually move (very far), and it should be possible in most cases to use motion detec

  • the research paper (Score:5, Informative)

    by Gravis Zero ( 934156 ) on Friday November 08, 2019 @06:52PM (#59396158)

    the research paper is here: []

  • "Oh, where *did* our little human go? She must be invisible!"

    AI don't give a fuck.
  • Darwin award anyone?
    • by novakyu ( 636495 )

      Uber's killer SUVs aside, self-driving cars should be avoiding all objects in general, not just the ones it can recognize as a human being with a face.

  • by jfdavis668 ( 1414919 ) on Friday November 08, 2019 @07:43PM (#59396286)
    During World War I, many ships were painted in dazzle camouflage, which broke up the contour and made it hard to determine the speed or direction of the ship. Seems like this shirt has a similar effect.
    • Biologists have also hypothesized that zebra stripes evolved for a similar purpose, as biting flies seem to land less frequently on striped targets.

  • 20 minutes into the future people were concerned with AI and privacy as well. I know blanks like blank Reg would wear this to avoid the cameras.
  • When you have to resort to doing stuff like this, the government has become hostile to it's own citizens. We refer to such an entity as the enemy.

      Things have already totally gone to shit when people are compelled to wear this t-shirt , and the slope only gets slippier.

      We are not too far from "Let me see your papers" every time you try to move around more than a few city blocks.

    • >"When you have to resort to doing stuff like this, the government has become hostile to it's own citizens. We refer to such an entity as the enemy."

      And the next step will just be to make wearing such shirts illegal. It will happen- masks are illegal in most places for a similar reason. Plus, wearing something like that will make you an instant target for harassment. Advertising to the sheep that you are "trying to hide something."

      Such a shirt won't work when not facing the camera- turn your head towa

      • And the next step will just be to make wearing such shirts illegal. It will happen- masks are illegal in most places for a similar reason. Plus, wearing something like that will make you an instant target for harassment. Advertising to the sheep that you are "trying to hide something."

        Such a shirt won't work when not facing the camera- turn your head towards a camera without your torso facing it and wham.

        It is only a matter of time before the AI systems are trained to identify such shirts and send alerts, even if it has trouble identifying the person, so you can be intercepted in real-time. And then the AI will still figure out your face (if a human can, an AI will be able to, also).

        Have you watched the demos of adversarial images? If you follow the links around from TFA, there are some pretty good videos of an image recognition system being tricked into thinking a small 3d printed turtle is a rifle. The adversarial rifle-turtle really doesn't look any different from the control version which is correctly classified as a turtle. The takeaway here is that you can make an adversarial pattern that a human can't perceive, but an AI will be completely befuddled by. Think of it as an optical

  • and most of us probably won't put Juggalo paint on our faces

    On second thought, that sounds like way too much effort. Can I just not shave and never get a haircut instead?

    (at least not until everyone's doing it)

    Can you imagine a world where everyone dressed up as a Juggalo every day?

    t's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Juggalos for life, bitch! []

    "I lost all my friends too."

  • I want one. Or three. Amazon doesn't have "adversarial AI t-shirts". The original article barely shows the shirt... nothing to copy&paste and get printer.

    Where can I get one?


  • "Trippy T-Shirt Makes You Invisible To AI" -- He's going to be SO surprised when he keeps bumping into things that aren't there.

    Just like "Fire At" Will is always fearing for his life. And Alice and Bob always get into weird things, sometimes involving innocent Charlie. Background []

    Y'know, Al and Will should become friends --that way they can be paranoid together, what with now invisible people shooting at them.
  • This will lead to trained AI to defeat it; thus making them smarter.

    I'm pretty sure Terminator is the result of an ad campaign gone awry..

  • I remember an article from a few years back where certain complex images would result in a crash and reboot of low-end consumer IP cameras, I think due to a flow in the MJPEG encoder? (Citation would be appreciated)

    With computer vision being deployed at the edge in many cameras, I can see BLIT-like attacks against surveillance being feasible. Shades of comp.basilisk []!

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