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Comment Re:we will do in the summer to skip the ice and sn (Score 2) 23

I think it also has the advantage of not "panicking" if it does slip/slide a little unlike many drivers who will react inappropriately and cause an accident.

People that drive up here deal with it enough most people are capable of driving safely, but it’s so true. I’ve been saying since I was a teenager you should have to pass a sliding test. Basically show you know how to start, control, and end a slide on ice, snow, or similar surface and you don’t need to go fast. Most people can learn to do it without thinking after just a little practice, it’s super chill and easy to learn on ice at 2-3 mph. This would prevent so many people from getting stuck or in accidents.

Comment Re:we will do in the summer to skip the ice and sn (Score 3, Interesting) 23

I expect that they're not ready for the ice and snow even in a place they know about.

No joke. I’m in Minnesota but usually away from superior where we get lake effect snow. The Upper Peninsula gets quite a bit and anyone that lives in the upper Midwest or around the lakes knows when it is blowing, or gets deep, or is around freezing so it’s soft and sticky, or so cold it won’t melt off and builds up, all of those crap the bed of most every sensor system in every vehicle. It’s simple, even sensors that can see ok through snowfall do not work with 4” of ice and snow over them, and it happens fast so it does not work to clean them because they foul in minutes. In fact, it can be difficult for humans to see and navigate in and we still have superior reasoning, prediction, and spatial visualization in the real world.

Are these most days? No, it’s even snowing less these days. But on the days it does happen, not getting stranded is pretty important.

Comment Re:Of course it’s a national security risk (Score 1) 50

el Bunko's alleged administration is not going to spend half a trillion on AI. He got the AI companies (Oracle is now an AI company?) to promise to spend their money. So they trolled back through their financials and found they could promise that. Those promises include renovating bathrooms in their facilities, share buybacks, etc. Their accountants will find the "money".

I’m sorry, but in todays age I need to pop up around three orders of magnitude in my sarcasm otherwise it’s too close to the noise floor for any sensible receiver to tell. I, kind stranger, will have you know that I fully and deeply expect a proper fleecing of at least 70% or maybe 80% of my wealth indirectly through these means before midterms, but probably much sooner.

Comment Re:More information needed (Score 2) 147

Exactly how would you set the stock price based on sales?

Ok, this is nuts, but you could look at it year over year and see if they are selling more now. Oh, maybe you could even make a projection for them to meet! But here is the killer part, we educate until the smooth brain investing goes away and logical agency creeps into place. We are breaking ground here, by god these people will be so much better off and the world richer in many ways.

Comment Re:AI and Crypto (Score 4, Insightful) 83

since multi-billion dollar companies are doing it, I see no reason they shouldn't pony up to build out the resources they will use to profit.

Thinking? That is a recipe for trouble. Why we just socialize the costs and privatize the profits, it’s very fashionable among multi-billion dollar companies.

Comment Re:Everything is politics now (Score 1) 193

What we probably had were about a dozen people carrying the virus for some time. The virus being the ancestor to the one causing the pandemic is called Variant B and was sampled on Dec 26th in Wuhan at the famous meat market, the sample being called Wuhan Hu-1. Its genome was published on Jan 13th [https]. But only in February 2020, it went - well - viral. What you see here is a normal exponential growth, which took several iterations to spread to the world.

And thus the wet market is not a likely source at all. We know it spreads 99%+ through fine aerosolized spread like measles and thus the first few cases all the all important factor if it spreads or dies and with a R of likely 3+ those early cases would be dominant at least early on until different strains compete for reinfecting. It’s simply exponential growth of equal exponent growth (same strain) and lead time amounts into massive gain and complete dominance of the vector space. No matter if it’s a legit farm or they were illegally importing, the idea that a wet market patron and not a farm worker infected a week earlier was the first case is so close to unlikely it falls into conspiracy territory.

Comment Re:News (Score 1) 193

Not only that, but only the truly insane would make a viral bioweapon anything remotely like this - it is, by its fundamental nature, uncontrollable. A gun that is guaranteed to kill its owner as well as the target if you're dumb enough to pull the trigger, and has to be permanently contained because otherwise it might just go off on its own

I counter this with the plethora of world leaders who are insane or insane adjacent.

when I do conspiracy I like to mull things over like a biological dirty bomb. You have these endemic diseases scientists have been warning us about for decades as jumping to humans and we need to be careful about nature. So you round them up on some underground farms then stuff it with people and do our best to get that dirty transfer upload of natures little box of nukes on over into humans. Then you just need to pump that around another tank of people or two until you have a semi refined and newly minted* (100 natural) weapon. Might take a few tries, but if the science is real about the risk and is warning against something then it shouldn’t be hard to use high school reasoning to make it optimally worse. This usually fails when the protagonist gets back and explodes things somehow. Do not ask questions, I’ve watched anime.

Comment Re:Everything is politics now (Score 1) 193

Incubation time for SARS-CoV2 is three to ten days, with 5.8 days being the average, and 5 to 6.7 days the 95% confidence interval. There is nearly a week before the infection from the wild and the first infection between humans.

Incubation time for SARS-CoV2 is three to ten days, with 5.8 days being the average, and 5 to 6.7 days the 95% confidence interval. There is nearly a week before the infection from the wild and the first infection between humans.

Same thing holds though, statistically it’s far more likely to have originated rurally, then brought to the city. No serious theory has been brought forth where it originated despite the market being so small it’s quite plausible to take some guesses if they had full access to the data which was conveniently scrapped right before Covid by the current guy and the Chinese government isn’t exactly world renown for transparency. So holding to your assumption (hint: we have so many strains that unless you are specifically referencing it then those values statistically wander the greater time persists) there would be a lead time on cases from only say a small handful given a day or two average first contact and with exponential growth account for a significant early source. Many of the rural farm people around here either make regular trips to the city or have family do so, so it could be lost as a possible vector with no symptom rapid spread, doubly so with the R value of 3 you left off. This could have left a subtle footprint allowing more careful identification of the origin, something that understanding it in detail actually could help things in the future. Part of the problem is the fundamental breakdown in science over other ideologies which ultimately the universe does not care about, it’s better for everyone if we all cooperate but fundamentally I think that’s beyond quite a few people. At the rate we are going H1N5 is going to make us forget about Covid soon.

Comment Re:COVID isn't something that can leak (Score 1) 193

It's easily defeated by mask wearing and hand washing.

False. Masks need a solid and fresh electrostatic filter and need to be fitted to individuals who need to be clean shaven or otherwise made sure that there is zero blow by and the mask is air tight. Medical professionals are professionally fitted for them and they use a noxious substance to test efficacy. Hand washing is almost not important, the oral route is far less infective than the respiratory route. The entire reason covid cannot be contained, even from day 0, is highly infectious airborne spread with no symptoms. It was never possible to contain.

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