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Pizza Hut Tempts Gamers With a $10,000 Gaming Setup 83

Now when you are trying to decide which late-night temple of crusty dough and burnt cheese gets your dinner vote, there may be an extra moment's pause for Pizza Hut. Along with a free 30-day GameFly membership, you also have the chance to win the gaming setup of a decade. Including a Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, and a 60-inch plasma TV, this package would be sure to make any gamer's heart skip a beat. Unfortunately, it also means you have to break that typical gamer diet of soy and bean curd, good luck.
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Pizza Hut Tempts Gamers With a $10,000 Gaming Setup

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  • I like my soy and bean curd diet!
    • I'm actually trying out this flaxseed/peanut-butter hot cereal. Tons of omega-whatevers and fiber, or something like that, decent (less bland than oatmeal) and darned easy to make. Amazing things, grains.

      • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward
        Why don't you go with hot grits instead? You ask a naked and petrified Natalie Portman to bring them to you.
      • by Deagol ( 323173 )
        You should try porridge, made with toasted steel-cut oats. Now *that* is some yummy oats. Good Eats had an episode about oats, which described the dish.
  • Thanks (Score:5, Funny)

    by ucblockhead ( 63650 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @07:44PM (#23676323) Homepage Journal
    Without Slashdot, I would have missed Pizza Huts' advertising campaign!

    Can you alert me next time Coke has one of those bottle-cap things? I always miss those...
    • If you object to an onslaught of advertisements and self serving "press releases" thinly disguised as technical articles, then you really should be here. Slashdot jumped the shark and went to the dark side some time ago.
      • I think in this case it's just that \. is for nerds, and many nerds are gamers. And many of all those eat pizza (guessing, no numbers to back it up). \. is just reporting on video game related stuff.
    • Re:Thanks (Score:4, Interesting)

      by CrazyJim1 ( 809850 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @07:57PM (#23676455) Journal
      I liked the old bottle caps that told you if you won on the spot. These new games make you enter personal information on a website before they even tell you if you won. To me it seems less of a game and more of an experiment of who is willing to be advertised more to for being paid about a nickel on average. It is more than a waste of time.
      • Re:Thanks (Score:4, Informative)

        by Jarjarthejedi ( 996957 ) <christianpinch&gmail,com> on Thursday June 05, 2008 @10:30PM (#23677727) Journal
        Dr. Pepper's new Indiana Jones contest lets you know if you've won something on the cap, but not what you've won until you've registered on their site. Most of the prizes are pathetic too, they advertise a '1 in 6 chance of winning!' which is easy when half your prizes are Wallpapers and Screensavers, of the type that most people give away.
    • Without Slashdot, I would have missed Pizza Huts' advertising campaign!

      When I read the headline, I thought it would be about $10,000 gaming kiosks in Pizza Huts. That, while advertising, would at least be interesting.

      I also challenge the $10,000 valuation. The parts look like thy might run $5,000 (I don't know about the sofa) if you price shopped.

    • by KGIII ( 973947 )
      Mod this as something OTHER than funny, will ya? Bullshit. How much did /. get paid to post this?
    • I look forward to Slashdot alerting me next to a cousin of the deposed president of Nigeria who needs help getting some money out of a bank there.
  • by ExploHD ( 888637 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @07:47PM (#23676351)
    • Except that the prizes are crap. Sell the whole package on ebay, buy a $10,000 gaming workstation.
      • by Jarjarthejedi ( 996957 ) <christianpinch&gmail,com> on Thursday June 05, 2008 @10:42PM (#23677827) Journal
        More like sell the Wii on ebay and buy a $10,000 gaming workstation :P.
        • by kesuki ( 321456 )
          not quite $10,000 but you can probably set a reserve of $1,200 for the wii, and if you roll your own setup $1,200 buys a nice HD capable PC to hook into that 60" plasma TV.

          my folks bought a 50" plasma, it caps at 720P, so it was a lot cheaper than 1080P, but still, the only reason to get 1080p is if you're going to play HD video games*, and even then, it's a significant waste of money to get 50% more pixels.. (not to mention many 720p displays are actually 1366/768, so the same display hardware can be sold
      • Sell the whole package on ebay, buy a $10,000 gaming workstation.
        You meant four $2,500 gaming workstations, right? Otherwise, how are three people who visit your home going to play? One advantage of video game consoles is that console games' multiplayer modes tend not to have the one-machine-per-player mentality.
        • You mean the makes-actual-sense mentality?
          • the one-machine-per-player mentality

            You mean the makes-actual-sense mentality?

            Not all video games are first-person shooters or real-time war simulators. In games like Bomberman and Smash Bros., all four players see a view of the playfield that encompasses either the whole playfield (e.g. Bomberman) or the parts of the playfield that the players occupy (e.g. Smash Bros. and Tecmo Bowl). Why does it "make actual sense" to have four computers in the same room rendering the exact same thing?

    • Interesting choice of the microsoft logo for the icon for the website
  • ScuttleMonkey? Advertising? Who would have expected that? I have nothing against ads, but I'd really like to see them recognized as such, rather than presented as actual content.
    • Sorry, we don't do separate ads nowadays. Consumers have gotten too savvy, there are Tivos and Ad blockers and whatnot. You want ad supported content, you will fucking well look at our ads, capiche? I don't care if we have to pack every story, every TV show, every song, every painting, every fucking poem full of ads, you will look at them. I don't care if we have to pay random people on the street to talk about our products. If we could beam our ads into your heads, we'd do that too. Because you aren't our
  • Is ScuttleMonkey permitted to post all this disreputable spam about (usually poor) games?
  • They need spend that on paying there drivers gas money as they are under paying them buy a lot.
    • Kind of like how your school district under-funded its English classes?

      (I'm not one to bash foreigners trying to learn the language, so if you are, my apologies, your mistakes just look like they were made by a native speaker with poor grammar.)
  • Surely you can't be serious.
  • by badboy_tw2002 ( 524611 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @08:26PM (#23676701)
    But this is an ad. Lets just call it an ad, or a "sponsored story" and move on. If you guys didn't get paid for this thing then that's even sadder. I don't mind the ads on /., it keeps things going, but please don't try to pass them off as content. There's nothing in this story that at all meets the (admittedly low) editorial bar for submissions here. Its product placement, pure and simple.
    • That's a matter of personal taste. I think that it's cool that they're giving away a hot gaming setup like that, and I'm glad I know about it. You do realize that, if you get right down to it, pretty much every story posted on here is an advertisement, right?
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Killjoy_NL ( 719667 )
        Personally I just wish with a lot of those contests, that they weren't restricted to the US, I'm just a poor silly dutch boy who would like to win some cool gaming gear :)
  • $10,000? I'd prefer an anime-themed pizza box over that. C.C. was pretty cool.
  • Wow, something that combines eating Pizza Hut pizza and listening to Bose speakers? Just when I thought neither of those two could get any worse...
  • by Animats ( 122034 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @09:45PM (#23677357) Homepage

    Here's where the $10,000 goes:

    • LG 60' Plasma TV $2,417.99 []
    • Nintendo Wii $325.00 []
    • XBox 360 $449.00 []
    • Sony PS3 $399.00 []
    • Bose Lifestyle 28 Series III Home Theater System $1300.00 []
    • Berkline 3-seat home theater seating, curved. $2697.00 []
    • Commercial popcorn popper (5' tall) $569.00 []

    The big-ticket item is the furniture.

    Did they throw in any games?

    • I'd assume that the idea is the person would get games from Gamefly instead of getting some with the setup.
    • by Jarjarthejedi ( 996957 ) <christianpinch&gmail,com> on Thursday June 05, 2008 @10:42PM (#23677823) Journal
      You're assuming they bought it all at retail, and, in the case of the Wii, markup beyond retail. That's a fairly unlikely assumption.

      (And what's with your numbers for the consoles anyways? I can't find anything on the linked pages to support your prices at all, if we go by cheapest they're $285, $315, and $195 for the PS3, 360, and Wii respectively. If we go by actual retail the prices are $399, $350 or $450 (basic and elite), and $250 for the PS3, 360, and Wii respectively. All my data was taken off Amazon's prices, which mirror standard retail in 90% of cases, except the Wii which was simply priced according to my knowledge of the system's prices.)
      • by antic ( 29198 )
        "You're assuming they bought it all at retail, and, in the case of the Wii, markup beyond retail. That's a fairly unlikely assumption."

        Err, valued at, not what it cost them. Plus, you're quibbling over shrapnel like you've never seen a "prize valued at" promotion before.
    • by ravrazor ( 69324 )
      Don't forget the one year of free pizza...though that might add another 10 bucks or so for me, I'm sure someone else could get their (prize value) money's worth...
    • by kesuki ( 321456 )
      "Did they throw in any games?"

      one year of gamefly, and one year of free pizza.
      the game fly is $275, and they give you $499 in free pizza. so your numbers are 'lower' than what pizza hut claims.

      "Approximate Retail Value (âoeARVâ): $10,355. The ARV of electronic prizes is subject to price fluctuations in the consumer marketplace based on, among other things, any gap in time between the date the ARV is estimated for purposes of these Official Rules and the date the prize is awarded or redeemed."
  • No thanks (Score:5, Funny)

    by the_Bionic_lemming ( 446569 ) on Thursday June 05, 2008 @11:01PM (#23677945)
    The only problem with the promotion is you have to be able to actually purchase something from Pizza Hut.

    The last time I attempted to, my stomach leaped out of my mouth and dragged me pert damn near fifty miles - then proceeded to slap me around the head while burping vindictives that haunt me to this day.

    I learned a lesson that day, I found out it was more nutritious to suck pond scum from a fetid Florida swamp, then to attempt to consume anything that pizza hut calls a pizza.

    I need to start a therapy group.
    • by ProppaT ( 557551 )
      I was gonna say, gamers love the hell out of some pizza. Wouldn't it just be easier to tempt them with edible pizza?
    • by kesuki ( 321456 )
      "The only problem with the promotion is you have to be able to actually purchase something from Pizza Hut."

      not true, you can enter once a day online, for free (but if you do ordering online doesn't add any extra 'chances' you're limited to 1 entry a day, order or not)

      someone else posted the website, but i assumed you might not read that so here goes []

      eprize com/net has a lot of contests going for a lot of companies... but their page is entirely broken to firefox... i wonder
    • The only problem with the promotion is you have to be able to actually purchase something
      In most U.S. states, having to purchase something to earn an entry in a sweepstakes is considered gambling. That's why sweepstakes tend to be "no purchase necessary".
    • I found out it was more nutritious to suck pond scum from a fetid Florida swamp...
      So you're saying you prefer Domino's?
  • Last I heard, gaming on a plasma display still caused a burn-in effect similar to really old CRT computer displays. Has this changed recently, or is it still far safer to use an LCD display for this sort of thing?
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      This has changed, and not recently. There is image retention, which means that if you leave your display on the same, high contrast image for a while, you'll see the bright bits on very dark screens for a couple of minutes. It's nothing even remotely permanent, and it never happens in motion video.

      Unless you're showing airport departure times 24/7 (where I admit burn-in is likely), plasma screens are awesome. For gaming in particular, the total response times on plasma are typically better (try the calibrat
      • by kesuki ( 321456 )
        "This has changed, and not recently. There is image retention, which means that if you leave your display on the same, high contrast image for a while, you'll see the bright bits on very dark screens for a couple of minutes. It's nothing even remotely permanent, and it never happens in motion video."

        partially wrong, Plasma TVs have a nice built-in Image Retention detection chip, they cycle those pixels often enough for the display to avoid burn in, also, you can have screen savers set to prevent 'uneven pho
  • Personal computers (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Mishra100 ( 841814 ) on Friday June 06, 2008 @08:21AM (#23680425)
    Although I don't care about these contests, I wonder why the PC wasn't added.

    Is it because it's not popular anymore?

    Or is it because a 3000 dollar addition is a little too much?
  • Hmm.... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by sesshomaru ( 173381 ) on Friday June 06, 2008 @09:05AM (#23680757) Journal
    Hmm, so basically, I have a choice of a real pizza or a Pizza Hut pizza with an incredibly small chance of winning an ultimate gaming set up.

    I'll take the real pizza, please.

    Incidentally, anyone remember Pizza the Hut from Spaceballs? He was cool. (I'm just trying to make this article somewhat relevant to this site.)

  • Anyone know what you would have to pay for taxes on this stuff. It still costs to money to win free stuff.
  • Winning this stuff would go a long way towards apologizing for the state of pizza hut pizza.
  • What good is winning the 30/60 day free membership to Gamefly if I don't own any systems? I say they give me the grand prize first, then we will talk about this free membership deal.
    • by kesuki ( 321456 )
      the '30 day' membership isn't a prize, it's 'free to anybody' normally gamefly only gives you a 10 day trial, so 'giving pizzahut customers' 30 day memberships, with any pizzahut online purchase is easy. all you get is an extra 20 days of free trial, they've done 30 day free promotions before, anyways.

If the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong. -- Norm Schryer
