AT&T Invests in Filtered Networking 152
Filtered Coward writes "Last summer, AT&T announced its intention to begin filtering copyrighted content at some point. The telecom has now bought a chunk of Vobile, whose core product is VideoDNA. "Like other systems of its kind, VideoDNA develops a unique signature from every frame of video. The signature is meant to be robust enough to survive various transformations and edits, and it can then be used to run matches against incoming content.' Vobile claims that VideoDNA is good enough to be used on video when transmitted over a network. 'Based on the complexity of the problem, we suspect that anything initially deployed by AT&T will fall far short of a robust P2P video filter. But should AT&T truly have its eyes on just such a prize, the company would be in a powerful position to impose its own policies on the entire US, since it owns major parts of the Internet backbone.'"
Sounds preposterous (Score:5, Insightful)
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As soon as this absurd technology starts working (if ever) everyone will turn on the encryption.
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and it doesn't really stop ISPs from specifically throttling Bittorrent traffic (which is the issue today).
You can route Bittorrent through an SSH tunnel which would encrypt the data as well. Presumably you'd need a VPN service provider because I don't think a shell account provider would take to kindly to widespread use of their services in this way.
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Otherwise, with tin-foil hat off, this sounds like a genius marketing plan doomed to fail but done to please certain people who don't have a clue.
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Not to mention, how much processing power will AT&T have to spend on analyzing our packets?
If they do this with video packets by identifying fingerprints on the fly, I guess I've found
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I'm guessing several tons of coal per second.
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"Unauthorized" protocols are even easier to filter and block. Attempts to defeat these mechanisms will be dealt with harshly.
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How can they distinguish between encrypted video and other kinds of odd, binary data that they have no business interfering with, such as text in an exotic language and encoding, or somebody's proprietary compression format, or raw data from some odd kind of sensor?
Re:Sounds preposterous (Score:5, Interesting)
The NSA, now, has fairly good tools. There's a fascinating tool from a company called Sandstorm that re-assembles network traffic into its distinct streams and does quite a good job of re-assembling email and web transactions. Given a remote opportunity to do a man-in-the-middle SSL key replacement, or simply steal the SSL or SSH keys from the serving host (with or without a subpoena), such tools could doubtless do quite a good job of intercepting transmissions seamlessly. And innocent folks aren't bothered to go to that level of protection, such as using obscure languages or real one-time pads.
Like the phone company's wilingness to tap phone conversations from the telephone offices, undetectably, because it's merely duplicating the digital bits and sending them to whomever they care to send them to, such monitoring constitutes a massive risk to the innocent for political and illegal monitoring. We see what such monitoring and related censorship does in China right now: we need to be extremely wary of it occurring here with such tools casually accepted.
One time pad (Score:3, Funny)
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I realize this was meant as a joke, but what you describe is not a one-time pad. Your secret key consists not of the ~700MB XORed contents of the CDs, but merely of the choice of CDs and the fact that you XORed two of them together. A large key-space, to be sure, but you'd probably get much better security with standard public-key encryption.
No... (Score:2)
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I wouldn't be surprised if at&t has something to do with wikileaks coming down yesterday. Wouldn't be surprised if they had helped in the Swedish keys-zotica guy being arrested. It may be that at&t has a Tor node up. Hell, if the Swede did, what's to
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As for deciphering the data, they can easily set the rules as to what kind of traffic can pass. Getting through will be our problem. As long as we're stuck with their wire, we are stuck with their rules.
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All you have to do is work to force that change. Mean while the current corporate trolls will continuously try to tell you, you can't win, you have no power, you can never force change, only the corporations have influence over the government. Basically they are desperate to s
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http://joox.net/ [joox.net]
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Encryption can beat this, but shouldn't have to (Score:4, Interesting)
I think we can all agree that there's a problem: lots of illegal video transmission is happening online. And while some of the slashdot crowd consists of "information wants to be free" hippies, there is also a good community of people who reasonably understand the value of intellectual property rights. But I don't think anyone is excited about a solution like this, which clearly removes the user's fair use rights and common sense.
So where's the balance? Can a technical solution exist that will simultaneously stop the illegal pirating of movies and TV shows (which would be good), and allow other uses (even short clips, parodies, etc)? I think the answer is no. The determination of fair use relies heavily on intent, and no technical system will be able to determine that very effectively.
NerdKits: Educational microcontroller kits for the digital generation. [nerdkits.com]
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And while some people are more than willing to sell everyone's rights up the river for fist full of gold, there is also a good community of people who have morals and are willing to refuse to obey bad laws.
I agree that this policy of network filtering is a bad one, and that it violates the rights of the network users.
However, one thing that some of the slashdot crowd tends to ignore is that content owners have rights too. Or are we suddenly to believe that the only things that have value are physical things?
Long-time coder? No electronics experience? Come play with microcontrollers! [nerdkits.com]
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one thing that some of the slashdot crowd tends to ignore is that content owners have rights too.
You're painting a lot of people with a very wide brush there.. after all, aren't YOU a member of the "slashdot crowd". Would seem so from where I'm sitting.
There are no "content owners". There are "copyright holders" and they have the rights ascribed to them by copyright law.. of which I am opposed and believe should be drastically reduced, if not immediately and completely abolished.
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Ohhh there are quite a few people out there who have bet everything they have on the notion that they have a great Novel in them, a dozen or so great songs, or a really great program, but that is not the point.
The point is this. Anyone who takes another persons hard work and just gives it away when the person who created is selling it and trying to make a living off of it is just being a thief and no amount of semantic tongue wagging will ever change that.>/p>
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No, that's a completely different point. Your victim, so eloquently described before, is just a fantasy. He, and no one like him, does not exist. Morality, which you invoke this time, is quite a different argument, and one not subject to logic, so I leave you to it.
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I didn't say there weren't "hopeful" artistes in every media. My point is that there have ALWAYS been many, many more "hopeful" artistes/authors/screenwriters than "successful" ones. Long before the Internet. And I personally have knowledge of book publishing, and can say that DTP + Internet has led to an explosion of published books. But the market, the number of books bought, is relatively static
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Obviously (I thought) I meant free as in beer, to the listener. Supported by advertising usually.
Anyway, you keep running off in different directions. My post was objecting to your original, heart-rending scenario. Which is complete fantasy.
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You seem to keep doing this, citing as fact things that are true only in your memory, and using them as principles for your reasoning. It's a problem I urge you to avoid.
I have kept running off a bit at tangents discussing this with you, because your foundations for your claims are so off-base I can only counter one at a time without running on and on and boring readers. I think it's enough to show that your basic assumptions are off
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That's what makes Slashdot great, random kibbitzing from smarmy know-it-alls.
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No, they don't! They have a privilage of a finite-duration monopoly, created by the government, for the express purpose of "promot[ing] the progress of science and the useful arts!" Nothing more! This is exactly the opposite of a "natural right."
That's how it's been during 99.99999% of human history (i.e., everythi
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No, I didn't, because profit is irrelevant. Even if all artists go bankrupt, there is still art being created. And that's the goal, remember: "promoting progress of science and the useful arts," not "paying artists an entitlement."
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Not Relevant? (Score:2)
You know the Bible? No copyright!
There are many translations of the Bible, and most of them are copyrighted. Only The original "Thee and Thou" King James version is not.
If anything, in light of duplication technology that can copy even more stuff even better, copyright is even more relevant that it was before. Before any duplication technology existed, there were only physical things. There were no recordings of medieval "Britney the Spear" and no way to copy them, so of course there would be no
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There are many translations of the Bible, and most of them are copyrighted. Only The original "Thee and Thou" King James version is not.
I hate to break it to you, but the King James bible wasn't the original. Jesus didn't speak english, not even with thee's and thou's in it.
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However, one thing that some of the slashdot crowd tends to ignore is that content owners have rights too. Or are we suddenly to believe that the only things that have value are physical things?
Wow, I wasn't aware that encryption is of no use except for masking the transfer of illegal content. Thanks for clearing that up. I agree then, we should by all means, scrupulously avoid encrypting any of our traffic.
Perhaps living in glass houses and wearing no clothes would be a good idea too, since it's qui
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I would compare this to the public road system. The roads can be put to uses that we can all agree are bad, even criminal. They can be used to transport kidnap victims, or to escape after robbing banks or killing people, or to get to the the place where one is going to commit a crime. Filtering network content and allowing only approved data would be like requiring every driver to submit a travel plan stating the reason for the trip and have his or her vehicle searched. That might well cut down on crime, b
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Was there a point in there somewhere? Calling something a "stupid car analogy" doesn't make it so. If you've got an argument as to why this is a poor analogy, feel free to make it.
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And while some of the slashdot crowd consists of "information wants to be free" hippies, there is also a good community of people who reasonably understand the value of intellectual property rights.
You are mixing up two entirely different issues here. I think you will find that the "hippies" understand the value of the copyright monopoly quite well. Much as they also understand that if AT&T were to be given a monopoly on the distribution of water, this would be extremely valuable to them. What the "hippies" question is whether or not this is actually a very good idea.
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-- Content providers need to stop producing shitty content (but, I suppose that as long as a slice of american life likes inane, shitty, pointless "programming"...)
-- imprison those engaging in illegal (or change the) accounting practices to coerce (incentivize?) the content/programming providers to stop producing shit that drags on the bottom line...
-- embed non-removable tags in the content WHILE lowering the price AND making subscription mandatory but low-cost, OR free, so as to g
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The working solution to IP woes isn't technical. The solution is just to make the content available in the format users want, when users want it, and at a reasonable price. Until content providers do that thir content is going to be passed around, for free, by the people that want it. Personally I'm sure I'll keep downloadi
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Encryption can beat this, but should it have to? Now we've got to throw a lot of computing power at a problem just to get around our nominally "common carriers."
The problem is, if the common carriers can get at it, there's a good chance your next door neighbor, and any Russian programmer, Chinese government lackey, script kiddie, and disgruntled ex-telco employee can as well (and I'll wager there's quite a few of those). Have you not been paying attention to the incredible number of compromised machines
Identify content (Score:1)
Co-conspirators (Score:5, Interesting)
Also, how do they pick out copyright material for which a license has been granted compared to material that is "criminal" activity?
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Its a different scenario, and needs handling differently. if you think that the current situation, where companies invest tens of millions in movies which get stolen instantly, will persist, you are dre
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Spoofing is really easily dealt with these days. It's a non-issuel
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If I can half-ass come up with this in 30 seconds, I'm sure they've codif
False positives (Score:1)
Fair Use? (Score:3, Insightful)
or, what if frames are the same between 2 different movies. (Fade to black, fade to white, common things like FBI warning, etc...)
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comcast is the beginning (Score:2, Insightful)
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After all, any unknown data compression format is effectively encrypted unless you know how the algorithm works.
Copyright Law (Score:5, Insightful)
* Educational material
* Parodies
* Licensed use
* Short clips
* Lots of others
I'm not in the USA, but say for example I own a hard copy of a movie or TV show on DVD, am I "allowed" to stream it from home during my lunch break or after work when this system is possibly live?
Remember, if they are doing filtering it means they are no longer a common carrier, what is the legality of this in regard to third party content; if I were to transfer illegal content over their connection will they be liable for this because they haven't filtered it out? Or will the law apply to them when it suites em.
There are so many holes in this I couldn't possibly see this implemented, not to mention the resources that'd be required on their end to keep up with the constant change in codecs/compression methods and to be able to decode it in realtime.
Yeah, it's just speculation at the moment, but in a really dark and unfunny way I can see PHBs combined with RIAA/MPAA mafia seriously pushing something similar based on their draconian previous tendancies.
Dear AT&T (Score:3, Insightful)
I have been a voice customer with you for many, many years, and I have chosen to get my internet service from you in the days of yore - 1996, with a 56k modem, and four years later, I upgraded to your residential ADSL product. I've always been content with your service - sure, the random two-hour downtimes at 1 AM every four or five months piss me off, but I understand that sometimes, you just gotta do it.
I've done my part in being a loyal customer; I only call when I'm sure the problem lays beyond my DSL modem, I don't torrent often, and I've never tried to do anything shady to your other customers. Over the past decade, you've treated me well by not blocking inbound port 80 traffic. That's why I haven't ever moved to a much faster Cable connection. Hell, I even work for a CLEC and if I was so inclined, I could have a free 1.5 SDSL line - but I haven't done that because you've given me no reason to go through the hassle of set-up.
You might have spied on me. Don't get me wrong - I'm plenty pissed off about that. But I know it wasn't anything personal. I know how upper management can be when the NSA comes knocking. The way things are going, I think you'll ultimately answer to us for what you did, so I won't stress too much about it. Anything important is encrypted, anyways.
But now, my dear AT&T, for the first time in a decade, I don't know what to think about you. Your problems with torrenting and streaming video are that you don't have enough bandwidth to accommodate all of your customers. You've grossly oversold your network's capacity, just like my company does, and now you're being bit for it. It's an unpleasant situation for you - trust me, I know exactly how that feels.
But now, how many billions are you going to spend on this fingerprinting system for video? How many people will work on this project? How many legitimate packets of mine is this going to slow down or drop? And, in the first week this system goes live, won't everybody just turn crypto on and use YouTube over https? Billions of dollars...flushed right down the toilet in an instant!
Now, as I said, I'm just a humble legacy customer. I started out at SNET, then get assimilated into SBC/Yahoo, finally ending up as a customer of the Great Bell Company. But, might I, a meek twice-legacy customer, suggest that you ax this project and ***invest the fucking money in buying more fiber, thereby solving the actual problem***?
I mean, come on. What the fuck do you care if people are stealing the latest blockbuster using your network? You're not in the business of being moral guardians, and there's no way in hell a court would ever hold you liable for something like this.
Just know, my old friend, that if you do end up implementing this, the first time one of my packets gets dropped mistakenly, you damn well better believe I'll take my company up on that free SDSL line. And I'll be living here for a long time to come.
The Happiest AT&T Customer Ever
It's not about fear of being sued (Score:2)
Of course no court would find them liable. But that's not the issue. The issue is that AT&T wants to enter the entertainment business, just like all the other big facility based providers. They want to become your "one stop source" for everything in audio, video, gaming, and reading (and bill you for everything on one big bill). But they face TWO obstacles to that. The content industry has probably already made it clear to them wha
Good ole Ma (Score:4, Interesting)
a) this technology can't work - too much overhead looking through all those packets
b) will probably flag several false positives
c) can be circumvented with encryption
AT&T doesn't have to do anything though - they just have to appear to be looking out for the media companies. Perhaps even catch a few dumb people who upload a lot and don't use encryption and hand them over to the media companies to sue. Makes many people appropriately scared of Ma Bell. And who do you think the media companies will choose to deal with to distribute their content on the mobile and internet platform. Well its not like they will have much choice really - IIRC the FCC relaxed rules that prevented AT&T from charging more for access to its lines. Remember when the government broke AT&T up - probably not which is the problem.
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At this point, could using any form of on-the-wire encryption be considered a "circumvention device" and therefore illegal under the DMCA?
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If this technology does produce lots of false positives, and becomes a pain in at&t's butt, then, it may boil down to being "vomitous bile". At&T might end up with hi-tech heartburn.
Captcha: "wreaks".... hmmm woulda been funnier if it were "reeks"...
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What's in it for AT&T? (Score:2)
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Not going to stop anything! (Score:1)
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Flawed (Score:2)
Not so flawed... (Score:2)
AT&T will sell / lease this service to other - media company related - ISPs. "Want to download a movie from iTunes, Amazon, or even TPB? Sorry, not if it's one of ours - but here's a link to our video store..."
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Why should AT&T care? (Score:2)
A Fair(y) Use Tale (Score:2)
So all AT&T have to do is.... (Score:2)
2. decrypt Bittorrent encryption.
3. put the psuedo-randomly-ordered chunks of torrent data into the final file[s] (requires downloading the whole thing).
4. put the rar files most p2p movies are contained in into one piece and decompress.
5. compare the divx with the footprint for the dvd they have (remembering that its all been recoded n-times and possibly editted/cropped a bit so the divx timescale/image is not mu
AT&T (Score:2)
Revoke their fucking charter for the sake of our children.
Spying bastards.
ROT13 (Score:2)
That's the problem with every video fingerprinting system. It first has to be able to see the content. So while you have to upload unencrypted video to YouTube where it can be checked, I hardly expect that this will have a chance against the next round of encrypted P2P transfers. Even now, share an encrypted ZIP file with the decryption key as part of the filename.
In the end, a whole lot of money on fingerprinting software will be spent. Only the rawest newbie users will be bloc
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Yeah right.... (Score:2)
Two of the above were supposed to be public-serving municipal utilities. They were granted breaks to serve the public. This concept is now abstracted by the FCC, which no longer needs to recognize utilities in this way, rather, based on recent telecommunications law and the whims of the NTIA are what govern what AT&T does.
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In the 1900s-1930s, utilities were of a public benefit and received numerous breaks. AT&T is not the AT&T of yesteryear. Through the US TCA of 1996, and subsequent legislation, the breakup of the 'Bell' companies then reformed into the morass we face today in the US. That infrastructure was supposed to be a public, not private, asset base. Now it's to be a return on investment for the telcos-- especially AT&T. AT&T is a combination of SW Be
Anonymous Projector (Score:2)
I find your post painful to read. You are a tired, cynical, resigned Anonymous Coward. Amer
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Processing power. Really, that's all it comes down to anymore and even then there are dedicated crypto cards you can buy to offload the TLS crypto calculations from the main CPUs. Frankly, I wish *all* web sites would switchover to using TLS exclusively, including sites like Slashdot. The two biggest obstacles to this other than sheer processing power are the fact that "trusted" SSL certificates are so expensive and that SSL web sites each need their o