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Comment Re:How do I tell...? (Score 1) 250

Ok, tell me, where do most Linux users get their software? From binaries downloaded from various freeware sites or from repositories with carefully scanned open-source software and some reputable proprietary software. What browser do most Linux users use, is it the one filled with Active X security flaws?

While it is true some Linux boxes are bots, 99% are not and will not be, why? Because the average Windows user does generally insecure things to their machine (Surfs using IE, downloads untrusted binaries, uses Outlook for e-mail, is root, doesn't have a proper firewall...) while the average Linux user/newbie will usually do some rather secure things, (Firefox for browsing, nearly all software is from repositories, uses Thunderbird or similar for e-mail, isn't root) all of which put them at significantly less risk for becoming a bot. Its not impossible but the risks are FAR far less.

Submission + - How Blender compares to the Major 3D applications

LetterRip writes: CGWorld and CGTalk recently asked whether OpenSource software set to become the dominant toolset in feature film production? Also TDT 3D did a comparison chart with the Major 3D Digital Content Creation applications such as Maya, 3DS Max, and XSI, and of course Blender in this 3D Application Comparison. Blender came out surprisingly well, although it definitely still has some weaknesses. So what do slashdotters think? Can Blender 'take over' the 3D industry or will it always be just for 'freelancers and hobbyists'?

Submission + - Demonoid torrent tracker site shut down by CRIA 1

An anonymous reader writes: As of Tuesday, 25th September 2007, Demonoid is currently down, with no prior warnings from any moderators of the site. Both the main torrent page and the forum (fora) are no longer accessible. It is still possible to ping and trace the IP address of the site and it locates itself as in Canada. As of 6:45pm EST on 9-25-07, SSH and SMTP services are no longer active. has since reported this is due to legal actions from the CRIA (Canadian Recording Industry Association) who ordered Demonoid's ISP to shut down the site.
Portables (Apple)

Apple Now Selling Better Than One Laptop In Six 767

Lucas123 writes "Apple's share of the laptop market has grown over the past few years and the company is now beating Gateway in sales, according research firm NPD Group Inc. in Port Washington, NY. 'Their sales are continuing to grow faster than the rest of the marketplace,' the firm stated. In June Apple was responsible for 17.6% of laptops sold (at retail) in the US and is now in third place behind HP and Toshiba."

Submission + - Ultimate Censorship? China and Reincarnation.

michaelcole writes: ":
"China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission"
  — /

This article is both hilarious and sad, looking at the lengths to which a government will go to regulate thought through censorship. It also goes into some of the more subtle politics of the current 72 year-old Dalai Lama as he thinks about his political and spiritual successor.

The Dalai Lama's response: "he refuses to be reborn in Tibet so long as it's under Chinese control.""

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