Trekkie Dating, is it Good for the Gene Pool? 120
Eloketh writes "It seems that Tucker Carlson of MSNBC thinks that Internet Dating services are a somewhat disturbing trend. Specifically, when talking about Trekkies, he says 'Is this good for the gene pool?' He also goes on to question whether allowing Trekkies to meet and mate is 'in the national interest.'"
Fortunately... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Fortunately... (Score:1)
Re:Fortunately... (Score:5, Funny)
Is this supposed to be funny? (Score:2)
IOW: A party with 4 female trekkies is EASY.
Re:Is this supposed to be funny? (Score:5, Funny)
I exaggerated the male to female ratio of Trekkies for comic effect. The idea was that people would see the absurdity of there being fewer than 4 female Star Trek fans in the entire world, causing laughter.
Hope that helps explain the concept, Commander Data.
Re:Is this supposed to be funny? (Score:3, Interesting)
She also loves Stargate, Battlestar and Farscape, has a healthy interest in IT, and is the mother of all goddesses; a Librarian.
Re:Is this supposed to be funny? (Score:1)
My wife has an MLIS degree, likes Trek (original series, please, and occasionally DS9) and we met through a friend at an Anime movie.
Re:Is this supposed to be funny? (Score:2)
Re:Is this supposed to be funny? (Score:2)
NOW, THAT was funny ... :-) (Score:1)
Re:NOW, THAT was funny ... :-) (Score:1)
Re:Is this supposed to be funny? (Score:1)
Enough of the Star Trek crap, it's too early in the mornin.
Re:Is this supposed to be funny? (Score:1)
Here's a test - when you are looking at the hot females, if you hear wu-oo-hu-woo music and their faces are slightly blurry - then they might not be that hot.
Or maybe it's the other way round, or maybe your just on Talos IV, or you could be drunk.
Hey! I caan sshtop anytime I wants! (Score:2)
And, no, my rate is accurate: one in six trekkies I knew was hot, one in forty was uber-hot ("Victoria's secret catalog level") -- and I knew 100+ trekkies.
Re:Hey! I caan sshtop anytime I wants! (Score:1)
Even K9 ?
Re:Fortunately... (Score:5, Informative)
You're kidding, right? Trek fandom has always been notable for attracting a significant number of women (especially compared to SF fandom in general or other realms of geekdom). Historically, women have been drawn to Trek by romantically appealing captains, by the ideals of gender equality the shows represented (Uhura may not have done much, but she was a bridge officer), and the community opportunities of fandom itself. The whole genre of "slash" fanfic was invented by female trekkies fantasizing about a Kirk/Spock relationship. Fanfic is also rife with uber-competent "Lt. Mary Sue" characters who win the heart of Kirk or Spock or another character, also obviously written by women. In the TNG era, the DSPSGs (drooling, slobbering, Patrick Stewart groupies) were rampant on CompuServe (and mostly female). To cite a mass-media example, there's the woman who made the news for wearing her Starfleet uniform for jury duty. Whoopi Goldberg finagled herself a part on TNG because she was a fan. I haven't been involved in Trek fandom for a while, so maybe the women have been abandoning it for other more interesting subjects (leaving only the men who refuse to ask for directions), but the notion that female trekkies are some kind of mythical creature is simply incorrect.
Re:Fortunately... (Score:1)
And I realise I'm playing stereotypes. Our science fiction society was offered free tickets to a Star Trek convention by a TV station. They seemed to lose interest when they found out that the only people who wanted to go wer
Re:Fortunately... (Score:2)
Sweet, you hear that guys, Whoopi Goldberg is a fan...let the wine flow in celebration!
I for one am very aroused!
From the simpsons:
Man walks up to endless pit with a box containing photos.
Man: What was I crazy? Who would ever want naked pictures of Whoopi Goldberg.
Man drops box in hole.
Hole pushes box back out to man.
Re:Fortunately... (Score:2)
Re:Fortunately... (Score:1)
Just be sure not to laugh at yourself while getting laid. Even these supposed "Trekkie girls" they say exist won't get the joke.
Re:Fortunately... (Score:3, Funny)
They're just staying in character... (Score:2)
They're enthusastic to go where no woman has gone before.
requires IE6 for the 'free' video? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:requires IE6 for the 'free' video? (Score:5, Funny)
Maybe Fox(not)News will fire him too? (Score:2)
Oh yeah, John Stewart showed him up, and in my book was shown to be a more consumate television professional in the entire debate that was once called "Crossfire".
Re:requires IE6 for the 'free' video? (Score:1)
Perhaps (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Perhaps (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Perhaps (Score:1)
If all of the Gamma quadrant couldn't defeat us... (Score:1)
Re:If all of the Gamma quadrant couldn't defeat us (Score:2)
people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:3, Funny)
wait... here it is.
click for links to movies/transcripts []
this is great!
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:2)
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:2)
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:5, Funny)
But then maybe he doesn't want them for the intelligence reasons. It's far easier to control a populace made up of idiots.
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:5, Insightful)
The major problem I see facing that is that a) many geeks I know don't vote, for reasons I can't explain, and b) many of those same geeks are (like myself) decidedly childfree.
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:1)
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:2)
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:2)
(Not that *I* am, but I have geek friends who are Catholic.)
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:2)
I admit I picked one I knew that was bad, Brazil has a growth of 1% pa - but thats only about 0.1% higher than US & Canada, and 4x more than the UK. Ireland is nice & high too at 1.16%. Oddly (or not), Afganistan is currently running at near 5% increase.
Re:people actually listen to tucker carlson? (Score:2)
Has it ever occured to you that the 24th century Federation in Star Trek is made up ENTIRELY of legislated morality? If you subscribe to a set of shared values, and you write those values into law, you are legislating morality- even if the shared value is only "let me do what I want as long as I don't harm anybody else".
My wife found me online (Score:1)
We met online at a dating site called eMode, now operating under a different name, and were married 18 months later. We have our first anniversary coming up in June, and have yet to have a fight or even cross words.
And you'll never find Carlson, CNN,
Re:My wife found me online (Score:1)
We have our first anniversary coming up in June, and have yet to have a fight or even cross words.
That's not good... You have to fight about something, sometime. I hope the two of you aren't secretly nursing hurt feelings that you won't express in order to "keep the peace". Either that or your wife is a fembot.
People listen to and read trolls, sad to say (Score:5, Interesting)
The most interesting aspect of this species of critter is their seemingly complete lack of self-reflection. They've got images -- the bow tie -- but they're entirely externally facing, and seem not to be subject to introspection. It's like the trade requires a sort of obtuseness in that area, to the point where stuff like Jon Stewart reaming him probably got filed away as "People who didn't follow the script" by Carlson.
Small example of this lack of reflection: Carlson himself has an extremely high "nerd radar" presence for me. He doesn't seem that far from Trekkie country himself. Does he?
Re:People listen to and read trolls, sad to say (Score:2)
He is, in fact,the embodiment of the scorn of maintream society.
Re:People listen to and read trolls, sad to say (Score:2)
Re:People listen to and read trolls, sad to say (Score:2)
In terms social polish, no.
But what makes you think that trekkies don't have self-reflection? It's just that their image is illuminated by an faith in, and optimism about, social progress, what Mr. Carlson would call social engineering. It's no wonder he doesn't want them breeding.
It's not as if the most extreme, way out there Trekkies
Re:People listen to and read trolls, sad to say (Score:2)
PS: I'm being serious. I think I'm onto something here.
Re:People listen to and read trolls, sad to say (Score:2)
You're funny. All that Tucker does during the entire interview is ad hominem (I counted at least 7),
and you point the finger at Jon?
It appears to me you're being dishonest.
In other news... (Score:5, Funny)
BMO - It is hot here, like a cow on fire
How else is a trekkie... (Score:4, Funny)
Finally we get a website (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Finally we get a website (Score:2)
Yeah Great Site.. (Score:2)
The ratio's a bit out of whack there (Score:5, Funny)
Not sure I understand... (Score:5, Informative)
At least in the country I live in, online dating services have people from 18 to ~60 with interests ranging from gardening to space science to hair styling...
Online dating is very accepted and mainstream here. It's just one form of dating along with visiting clubs. Heck, it may even be seen as more hip than that nowadays, because it's more new and "in".
Re:Not sure I understand... (Score:2)
Bah! (Score:5, Funny)
Wow, what a coincidence! Here I was just wondering if allowing Tucker Carlson to mate was in the national interest.
Re:Bah! (Score:5, Funny)
I believe a good sized portion of the nation have already told him to go mate with himself.
Re:Bah! (Score:2)
Re:Bah! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Bah! (Score:2)
By neccessity, most Republicans are part machine. The cyborg augmentations are neccessary to replace the organs lost as a result of the black heart's inability to pump adequate blood to the extremities.
War on Trekism (Score:5, Funny)
Comment removed (Score:3)
I married a Trekkie -- and lived (Score:4, Insightful)
We met before the Internet was open to the public -- the old-fashioned way, in a coffee shop where we were sitting near each other.
I wasn't aware of her Trekkie tendencies for several months. Finding out about them changed nothing. We (obviously) ended up married anyway.
Re:I married a Trekkie -- and lived (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm a geek, the kind that enjoys writing recursive functions in Lisp, but not one who goes to Linux conventions. I met my girlfriend on MSN (the new-fashioned way
She wasn't aware of my C++ tendencies for a few weeks, and when I told her, nothing changed and she doesn't mind me reading books about this Java thing. The truth is that she wants me to teach her a few things about programming now, and I want her to teach me a few things she knows so
Re:I married a Trekkie -- and lived (Score:2)
Yes, but you're a geek. If you were a Republican, it would have ended the relationship.
Is anyone else scared? (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't know about other people but statement like that really scare me. We as humans should really stop trying to control our evolution and let nature take its course.
Re:Is anyone else scared? (Score:2)
Re:Is anyone else scared? (Score:1)
Weel, I ain'ts too shure 'bout that last statement, guv'nor!
I mean, judging from what I see on TV on Oprah, Springer and the Brady Bunch, I for one think maybe a teensy bit of positive interference might be in order.
After all, we've all seen Planet of the Apes, haven't we?
Thing is... selection is becoming much easier. (Score:4, Interesting)
Take okcupid for example. Answer 500 muliple choice questions and the statistical grouping algorithm it uses matches you up with well lots of people who answered in a similar manner. You end up talking to people who think in a very similar way, often with similar interests. In fact it can be damned near telepathy at times. OK, that's great and getting on with someone is very easy but... As well as the influence of the nurture stuff there are underlying genetic mechanisms to the way people think and act but guess what, we're sorting these similar "good" and "bad" genes to be close to one another.
The result is potentially increased incidence of genetic diseases. Ultimately I think things like this will weed out the bad genes naturally as they express themselves in children but there's the suffering and potentally increased healthcare costs.
Methods of Matching (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Methods of Matching (Score:2)
When matchmaking services only catered to geeks, the ratio of men to women was a solid 10:1. I know because I ran a matching bulletin board system in the late 80s, and the imbalance of men and women was always a serious problem.(*)
Re:Methods of Matching (Score:2)
"Men who liked the woman you're viewing also liked the following women: (list)"
Re:Methods of Matching (Score:2)
Genes do influence the way people think and behave, they would be rather useless items if they didn't, now wouldn't they. Introverted and extraverted traits for example are influenced by genes.
okcupid btw, do describe their algorithm: []
Re:Thing is... selection is becoming much easier. (Score:2)
... But are in the wrong country, if you live near a border.
Re:Is anyone else scared? (Score:1)
Re:Is anyone else scared? (Score:2)
Humans will survive and evolve. The question becomes in what fashion?
For instance, you might expect a Trekkie/Trekkie pairing to product a higher than average percentage of autistic kids. Austistic kids have their pros and cons - the rate at which they reproduce and/or kill non-autistic kids will ultimately determine their genetic success.
Re:Is anyone else scared? (Score:2)
Soon it will be a sin for parents to have a child which carries the heavy burden of genetic disease. - R. Edwards
It's only somewhat dangerous (Score:5, Funny)
Eugenics Wars (Score:4, Funny)
There are other things that shouldn't procreate... (Score:3, Funny)
their web site for dating (Score:2, Informative) []
As opposed to letting Tucker Carlson reproduce? (Score:4, Funny)
Drasticly Needed Action (Score:2)
Take into account that a large proportion of these are incestual relationships and I think it becomes clear that in order to save the human race it is urgently necessary to nuke the whole of rural South-West USA!
Re:Drasticly Needed Action (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Drasticly Needed Action (Score:1)
Re:Drasticly Needed Action (Score:1)
Re:Drasticly Needed Action (Score:2)
Why not? (Score:4, Insightful)
Why wouldn't you want to marry a Trekkie? I'm a Trekkie, my friends are Trekkeis, my husband's a Trekkie, my Father is a Trekkie. all of us managed to find love, some have even reproduced. I've yet to have someone come to my home while I had Star Trek on (NG or DS9) and said anything negative about it. infact, normaly it's something to the effect of "Oh, I remember this episode!!"
Trekkies just aren't really all that rare anymore.
Trekkies are good people (Score:2, Interesting)
When I was a kid, my Mom and Dad used to let me stay up late on Thursday night to watch a strange new show, Star Trek []. Star Trek's view of the universe, science and technology stuck. Like many people I meet of my generation (I'm 44), I was inspired to a scientific/technical career by Star Trek, the space race, and so on, while I was a kid. This has to be A Good Thing, IMHO.
The one real issue in all of this is the way that lots of mildly autistic engineering folks (most engineering types live life their ow
OH NO! (Score:2)
*Jumps out the window*
Of course it isn't (Score:5, Insightful)
Online Dating (Score:5, Insightful)
Procreation? I thought kissing was a first step (Score:2)
William Shatner on SNL []
It's all relative (Score:3, Insightful)
Better start a national program (Score:3, Funny)
So we definitely need a program to keep this from happening. I wonder what we should call it; since it's a program for trekkies, how about "4T"? Or better yet... T-4 []! Yes, that's perfect!
Thanks, Tucker. Just what would we do without people like you?
Obligatory Futurama Quote (Score:3, Interesting)
Zapp: You mean after the vast migration of Star Wars fans?
Nichols: No, that was the Star Wars trek. [Some mechanical hands come out of her jar, pick up a video tape and put it in the VCR.] By the 23rd century, Star Trek fandom had evolved from a loose association of nerds with skin problems into a full-blown religion.
[On the screen, a service is held at the Church of Trek.]
Priest: [on TV] And Scotty beamed them to the Klingon ship where they would be no Tribble at all.
Congregation: [chanting; on TV] All power to the engines.
Nichols: As country after country fell under its influence, world leaders became threatened by the movements power. [In Berlin a sign is unveiled saying "Welcome To Nazi Planet Episode Land. Formerly Germany".] And so the Trekkies were executed in the manner most befitting virgins.
[On the rim of a volcano two men throw Trekkies into the flames.]
Man: [on TV] He's dead, Jim! [They throw another in.] He's dead, Jim! [Another.] He's dead, Jim!
Nichols: Finally, the sacred texts were banned.
[The episodes are put inside a torpedo casing.]
Takei: The last copies of the 79 episodes and six movies were dumped on the forbidden world, Omega 3, along with that blooper reel where the door doesn't close all the way.
[As he speaks, a ship that looks like an Eagle from Space: 1999 fires the torpedo. It hits the planet like Spock's coffin in Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan. The video ends.]
Nimoy: Thus, Star Trek was forever scoured from human memory.
Bender: Another classic science-fiction show cancelled before its time.