How Broad is Broadband? 441
Photon01 writes "The Register reports that UK ISP NTL have lost, in a ruling that their advertisement of their 128k broadband service as 'High Speed Broadband Internet' is misleading.
This is despite it clearly meeting the technical definitions of broadband internet.
Apparently 128k broadband is not broad enough." My first cable modem was only 256k. It wasn't blazingly fast but after being stuck on dialup it was heaven, and I imagine 128k wouldn't be so bad for a single household.
relative (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:relative (Score:3, Insightful)
Besides ISDN was a stillborn. Then, as today, the Telcos woudlntknow what infrastructure investment was if space aliens fame down and gave them faster than light superconducting wire.
Re:relative (Score:2)
Re:relative (Score:4, Informative)
Re:relative (Score:4, Informative)
Re:relative (Score:5, Informative)
How is this so? The various DSLs work by what is essentially an RF process, in the same way that cable modems, television channels, etc. do.
The opposite of broadband, baseband, is represented by things like 10BaseT (note the word 'base') and refers to a non-modulated signal.
As an aside, there was an early cable modem standard known as 10Broad36, from memory, which was 10 megabits with (I think) a 36 or 3.6GHz carrier signal. That's what the 'base' in 10BaseX, 100BaseX and 1000Base-XX means.
So, it's technically possible to have a really slow (IDSL) broadband connection, yet have a really fast (1000Base-ZX, good for up to 70KM over 1510nm single mode fibre) baseband connection.
Although, with the introduction of (D)WDM-style multiplexing, where several fibres can be modulated over one piece of fibre, the WDM part of the backhaul would still technically be broadband, as the various wavelengths are multiplexed onto one really clean piece of single-mode fibre at many slightly (I think they vary by about 100MHz in either direction, and the standard units are good for about 1.6GHz variance) different wavelengths.
Broadband is a meaningless term, although these days it appears to have been redefined to mean 'anything faster than 64k or so', in much the same way that hacker now means 'evil computer guy in a black hat and an Anthrax t-shirt.'
Disclaimer: i'm a network engineer, not an EE, so I've been deliberately vague about exactly how RF modulation and such actually work.
256kbps (Score:2)
Re:256kbps (Score:2)
I pay $45 a month for 1500kbps/256kbps, and since Im basically across the street from the switch I get it pretty regularly, usually I hover around 1200kbps/256kbps
The operative word being My Opinion
Broad? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Broad? (Score:2, Funny)
Your falling to fluff. What you see is deciving, your broadband is a fracton of a millimeter wide. ISP's just want you to think the sheething on that cat 5 is giving you a faster connection.
I just see it coming (Score:3, Funny)
Marketting stealing technical definitions (Score:5, Informative)
What can be done to stop sales and marketting (and politicians) from diluting perfectly good technical terms.
Re:Marketting stealing technical definitions (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Marketting stealing technical definitions (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Marketting stealing technical definitions (Score:5, Funny)
The solution to this problem has already been given by Douglas Adams at the end of Hitchikers' Guide.
The scientists and techies convinced everyone that a large asteroid would hit the Earth in a few years. They decided to build three huge spaceships to ferry everyone off the planet. Since the marketeers and politicians were so important to the success of the new colony on a distant planet, they insisted that they should leave on the first ship so they could set up the economy and the government before everyone else arrived.As soon as the first ship left, the techies announced that there was no asteroid and the Earth was now free of marketeers and politicains.
Remember this the next time you hear about an asteroid warning from the techies at NASA.Re:Marketting stealing technical definitions (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Marketting stealing technical definitions (Score:5, Insightful)
Ethernet is baseband. Despite the fact that Ethernet is from 10mbps-1gbps, it is NOT broadband because there's no modulation/demodulation that occurs in the signal.
Broadband != fast. 56K dialup modem is broadband.
mm (Score:5, Funny)
Re:mm (Score:2)
"How many bands can a broadband broad if a broadband could broad bands?"
Perhaps a New System... (Score:5, Interesting)
In addition, there seems to be a growing trend of 'broadband' carriers who are slowly jacking down the bandwidth to each individual, either by packing in more consumers on a main line, or forcing the hardware to lower rates. In any case, more unsolicited disclosure would be welcomed.
Re:Perhaps a New System... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Perhaps a New System... (Score:5, Insightful)
Burstable to that speed with a (monthly) cap or is sustained speed allowed?
X/sec to where? Their router? Their ftp server in your city? Uptime: 5 nines? Whos problem? Customer? Telco? Bandwidth people?
'Demarc': edge of NSPs router? street? telco demarc? Network side of CPE router? Whole router?
etc, etc, etc.
Re:Perhaps a New System... (Score:4, Interesting)
I know it's stupid but we need to do what CD-ROM drive manufacturers have done and call it 4X or 8X and measure it against a base rate of, say 56kbps.
TV ads for BTOpenworld Broadband already say that their connection is up to 10X faster, so why not adopt that as our unit of measure.
Kind of Broadband (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Kind of Broadband (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Kind of Broadband (Score:3, Informative)
Is bandwidth all that matters? (Score:5, Insightful)
I got ADSL myself, at 376kbs down and 128kbs up. It's not very broad for a broadband (indeed, some argue that ADSL can't be defined as broadband), but I picked it for quite another reason then bandwidth; I'm always on. And when you're used to pay for the minute, that's pretty darn important - I've saving about 50% each month compared to a dial-up connection. I would say that for my use, thats more important than the speed with wich I can D/L over P2P.
Re:Is bandwidth all that matters? (Score:5, Informative)
Broadband only refers to the transmission method, not the throughput. All that "broadband" means is that multiple, independant network carriers are multiplexed onto a single wire. That's the definition of "broadband". Your other option is
Anyone who argues that ADSL isn't broadband is either ignorant of the meaning of the word, or ignorant of the technical details of DSL.
Re:Is bandwidth all that matters? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Is bandwidth all that matters? (Score:2)
(indeed, some argue that ADSL can't be defined as broadband)
My ADSL connection is 8Mb/s (1MB/s). Can that be defined as broadband?
Re:Is bandwidth all that matters? (Score:3, Informative)
I dunno, my car is forest green. Can it then be concidered fast?
That makes about as much sense as what your asking.
Being ADSL, yes it is broadband.
It doesnt matter if you could only send 3 or 4 bytes per second, or gigabits per second, its still ADSL and thus still broadband.
The best way to ask is, is anything else served over this carrier other than IP data? In the case with DSL, its phone service. In the case of a cable modem
Network Speed Chart (Score:5, Informative)
10 Gbps OC-192
4.976 Gbps OC-96
2.488 Gbps OC-48, STS-48
1.866 Gbps OC-36
1.244 Gbps OC-24
933.12 Mbps OC-18
622.08 Mbps OC-12, STS-12
466.56 Mbps OC-9
155.52 Mbps OC-3, STS-3
100 Mbps CDDI, FDDI, Fast Ethernet, Category 5 cable
51.84 Mbps OC-1, STS-1
44.736 Mbps T-3, DS-3 North America
34.368 Mbps E-3 Europe
20 Mbps Category 4 cable
16 Mbps Fast Token Ring LANs
10 Mbps Thin Ethernet, category 3 cable, cable modem
8.448 Mbps E-2 Europe
6.312 Mbps T-2, DS-2 North America
6.144 Mbps Standard ADSL downstream
4 Mbps Token Ring LANs
3.152 Mbps DS-1c
2.048 Mbps E-1, DS-1 Europe
1.544 Mbps ADSL, T-1, DS-1 North America
128 Kbps ISDN
64 Kbps DS-0, pulse code modulation
56 Kbps 56flex, U.S. Robotics x2 modems,
33.6 Kbps 56flex, x2 modem communications rate
28.8 Kbps V.34, Rockwell V.Fast Class modems
20 Kbps Level 1 cable, minimum cable data speed
14.4 Kbps V.32bis modem, V.17 fax
9600 bps modem speed circa early 1990s
2400 bps modem speed circa 1980s
Units of Measurement
bit = smallest unit of digital information, i.e. ones & zeros
byte = a set of bits
bps = bits per second
Kbps = kilobits per second =1000 bits per second
Mbps = Million bits per second =1,000,000 bits per second
Gbps = Gigabits per second = 1,000,000,000 (one billion) bits per second
Tbps = Terabits per second = 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) bits per second
(Network speed is mesured in 1000 units, memory and storage space in 1024 units)
Re:Network Speed Chart (Score:2)
It's funny... (Score:5, Interesting)
My home ADSL is 1.5Mb.
Where I work (the R&D hub of the Air Force) has OC-12s and -48s and who knows what else, coming out of its ears.
But the link from inside to outside goes through so many filters and firewalls that reading email, loading a web page, or trying to download the latest security patch goes far far faster at home than at work.
(And it's not competing traffic from the rest of the base's inhabitants, either. Trying to pull stuff off the net in the middle of the night when nobody else is there isn't any faster. Grumble.)
Comment removed (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Network Speed Chart (Score:2)
176 Kbps Ricochet [] spread-spectrum wireless (lower bound)
430 Kbps Ricochet spread-spectrum wireless (upper bound)
That's what I'm using now...faster than dial-up, you don't have to screw with the phone or cable company, and it works under Linux []. Unfortunately, only people in Denver and San Diego can use it at the moment...
Re:Network Speed Chart (Score:2)
512Kbps UK ADSL (BT), UK Cable Modem (NTL, Telewest)
1024Kbps UK ADSL (BT, Bulldog, Internet Central), UK Cable Modem (NTL, Telewest)
2048Kbps UK ADSL (BT, Bulldog)
There are more besides...
eh... (Score:2, Informative)
Another one I see that he left out is ATM - which works at the same speed as an OC-3 (155.52 Mbit/s). Still... a pretty complete listing, over-all.
Re:Network Speed Chart (Score:2, Funny)
Re:48.8 (Score:2)
Well.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Well.. (Score:2)
Re:Well.. (Score:2)
??? Most of their customers have no choice as the current system of local cable monopolies means that if you are in a NTL area you have to use NTL. They certainly do not "kick ass" and the number of complaints about their bad and unreliable service have led to many previous articles in The Register.
Re:Well.. (Score:2)
"that if you are in a NTL area you have to use NTL"
Wrong NTL does not have a manopoly on peoples choices. BT being the most widespread Teleco HAD the monopoly and for ADSL still does (because they own all the exhanges and backbone). NTL had something of a monolpy on broadband supply over cable as BT have/had chosen not to implement ADSL on many exchanges (
Marketers/Lawyers decide technical standards? (Score:3, Insightful)
It wasn't a term that was defined (Score:3, Insightful)
In many cases a copywriter manipulates language to make a dubious clash and then the advertised company gets sued by a competitor. The plaintiff lawyer has fun attacking it with reference to professional and consumer opinion (is Slashdot professional or consumer) and the defending lawyer has to say, it wasn't dubious, people are used to dubious advertising and take it with a pinch of salt and anyway dubious advertising doesn't effect their d
not "high speed" internet as they advertised (Score:5, Insightful)
"Low speed broadband" would have been more appropriate, but of course, they would've made their offering pale in comparison with real "high speed" broadband, so greed took over and caused them to advertise in a misleading fashion.
Latiency (Score:4, Interesting)
Ping ownz0rs (Score:2)
iD and GameSpy really
Re:Ping ownz0rs (Score:4, Informative)
An interesting term.
You're most likely getting less latency on your ISDN than people do on their various *DSLs because of the crap way that almost every ILEC implements the CMUX->3rd party ISP transition.
ISDN's theoretical minimum SRTT is ~30ms (15ms end to end.) This will vary based on your distance from the switch, and the router you're calling's distance from its switch, and the number of switches in the middle. Remember, ISDN is circuit switched, so once you've established a Q.931 call you 'own' that 64 kilobits of bandwidth until you hang it up. There's no contention (unless the router at the other end is being hammered by something and its CPU is peaking, but that's not a physical constraint.)
DSL is usually sold by LECs to ISPs in the form of an ATM circuit that plugs into an L2TP LNS (concentrator.) A PPPoE/PPPoA connection is then established between the subscriber and the LEC's DSLAM, which then, acting as an LAC (l2tp client) forwards the circuit through the ATM network into the ISP's LNS.
The issue here is analogous, but not identical, to the 'engaged signal' problem which dial ISPs had (and still have.) You only purchase so much capacity from your LEC. When the subscriber:capacity ration exceeds 1:1, you will inevitably get contention. In the circuit-switched world of dial, this results in busy signals. In the cell-switched DSL/ATM world, this results in contention for backhaul bandwidth, which causes an increase in ping times. In theory (assuming zero contention,) any DSL will be much faster than ISDN.
I'll give you some (real world) examples. On my home, majorly oversubscribed, ADSL line (which is currently unladen,) a traceroute yields this:
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 0.548 ms 0.231 ms 0.225 ms
2 1.092 ms 0.754 ms 6.590 ms
3 51.111 ms 41.659 ms 89.890 ms
The first 2 hops are the internal and external firewalls, respectively (yes, I am sad.) The third hop is the LNS at my ISP who shall remain nameless but is easily identifiable with a whois
The 2 megabit SDSL connection I've got at work, into our own equipment (I work at a small company who owns its own SDSL infrastructure, essentially a LEC in their own right,) the traceroute yields this.
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 203.x.y.1 0.805 ms 0.856 ms 0.705 ms
2 203.x.z.1 1.577 ms 1.298 ms 1.184 ms
3 2.583 ms 2.682 ms 2.084 ms
4 203.x.a.97 3.097 ms 1.989 ms 2.064 ms
Where, again, 203.x.y.1 (I don't plan to identify where I work in this post, because that path is fraught with danger) is the switch which separates the engineering subnet from management, wireless, and phone (which is almost invariably at 85% utilisation due to the broadcast nature of 3com NBXes). 203.x.z.1 is the SDSL router (a flowpoint 2200 if you're interested), and is the DSLAM. There is no backhaul ATM network in this scenario because we don't have resellers.
Finally, off a friend's ISDN connection:
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 0.996 ms 0.855 ms 0.870 ms
2 30.416 ms 31.422 ms 30.518 ms
This network is less complex. is the ISDN router at the ISP end. The link is unused at the moment as he's in the process of transitioning everything to an ADSL connection (oh, the irony.)
The reason your pings go to shit in a game is because you're trying to stuff too much data down your 64k line, and the buffer in your modem/router is filling up. As this happens, it takes extra time for each packet to get from the end of the queue to the start thereof. Your pings go to crap and you get kicked off the server.
Bandwidth and latency have an interesting relationship.
Really? How? (Score:2)
definition of broadband (Score:5, Informative)
From WordNet (r) 1.7
adj 1: of or relating to or being a communications network in which
the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple
simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
2: responding to or operating at a wide band of frequencies; "a
broadband antenna" [syn: wideband]
From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (09 FEB 02)
A transmission medium capable of supporting a
wide range of frequencies, typically from audio up to video
frequencies. It can carry multiple signals by dividing the
total capacity of the medium into multiple, independent
bandwidth channels, where each channel operates only on a
specific range of frequencies.
See also baseband.
If you think this is bad (Score:5, Interesting)
I tried to call them on it, but the apartment won't take responsibility ("we're not the network guys, we just pay for it") and the actual ISP won't either ("we just provide what they pay us for"). It infuriates me because I think the ISP is trying to pull a fast one on the apartment complex and the complex just doesn't know any better. Even the head technician claims that 64k is two to three times faster than 56k cause it's full-duplex (doesn't help my download speed) and ethernet means reduced latency (still doesn't help my big downloads).
Someone get Cogentco [] to come to Utah. Now *that's* what I consider "ultra high-speed internet!"
Broadband isn't amount of bandwidth (Score:5, Informative)
Broadband means it's a communications channel divided into multiple chunks. Each person on a cablemodem connection uses a different freqency range on the same cable, that makes the cable broadband. The opposite of broadband is baseband, that's where the base comes from in 100BaseT.
If you divide a 2400 baud modem among several users in that way, it can be called broadband too even though each user only have a few hundred bps.
ProfQuotes []
Top 10 new names for NTL's 128Kb/sec service (Score:2, Funny)
9. High-Speed Midband
8. High-Speed Medium-Middle-Of-The-Road-Band
7. Better Than A Damn Modem
6. Fast Enough For Reading Email
5. Beats Watching Telly
4. Midmarket Consumer-Grade Porn Access Service
3. i-Get Me A Pint, It's Still Downloading
2. Watch Chelsea Lose 24-hours-a-day Service
1. High Speed !Broadband
128 is plenty fast (Score:2)
Telecoms' dodge (Score:4, Informative)
Even a search on their site for "Broadband" returns only one result (a case study for ATM).
Very slick.
Re:Telecoms' dodge (Score:2)
Re:Telecoms' dodge (Score:2)
Re:Telecoms' dodge (Score:2)
Also, if you can get a Telstra Clear line you can get unlimited 256K ADSL or Cable with a 5GB limit.
Re:Telecoms' dodge (Score:2)
Re:Telecoms' dodge (Score:2)
Plus, the confusion factor of Mobile Jetstream, vs. Jetstream will really nip you in the butt when you think that you're getting 2Mbps on your mobile phone!
Throughput is not maximum speed (Score:3, Insightful)
Most users are confused with this term. When you have a 2Mbps throughput connection it doesn't mean that one data stream enjoys a 2Mbps connection. In fact, a single data stream's rate will achieve saturation long before it reaches the maximum throughput of 2Mbps, due to many factors, such as bottlenecks en route to server, heavy traffic, and so on.
It does, however, count when you have many data streams, especially many users. The throughput of the connection will see how many data stream can enjoy maximum data rate at the same time. A 2Mbps broadband is definitely better than a 128kbps leased line, even though in the earlier case data rates can only climb as high as 128kbps.
One more thing that I realised with our company's broadband is unreliability. We have our company's headquarters in Finland, and our border gateway estabilishes a VPN between itself and HQ's gateway. However, in certain times of the day, the VPN is unstable and it needs time to reestablish the connection.
That is the selling point of IP-VPNs provided by, for example WorldCom or Hutchison Global Crossing. They promise certain levels of throughput and delay, not to mention reliability, through their SLA (Service Level Agreement).
Broadband ISP's don't do that. If traffic is really heavy in an area, your connection may get bogged down to 56kbps, even if your line can do a maximum of 2Mbps.
Re:Throughput is not maximum speed (Score:2)
What makes you think that? A single TCP stream can easily fill a 2Mbps line. The download of the Matrix Reloaded trailer was a good example. Certainly not every server is connected through such a fa
Definition of broadband (Score:3, Interesting)
I couldn't find anything on their site which calims that their 128Kbps service is broadband. 10Mbps ethernet is not broadband. Neither is 100Mbps or 1Gbps ethernet. Somehow the market decided that the word "broadband" means "fast".
Broadband is not a measure of speed. It means you're transmitting data on several frequencies at once, to maximize the capacity of the physical medium. I sincerely doubt that anything running at 128kbps is using broadband modems. We have ISDN repeaters for that.
Re:Definition of broadband (Score:2)
Yes, there are, e.g. cablecom in Switzerland has it's lowest priceplan capped at 128/64 over a broadband (read: cable modem) modem.
The term is stupid, anyway (Score:5, Informative)
It's not clear how this term became associated with DSL. Early on, DSL was referred to as "data over voice". (This came from the old "data under voice" system, which sent very low data rate signals for alarms and such over lines also carrying voice, using a frequency band somewhere below 100Hz.) Both of those terms are now obsolete.
DSL has no DC component (you can put it through a capacitor and it works just fine) so technically, it is "broadband". But that has nothing to do with the data rate.
From a regulatory standpoint, what we need is this: It is deceptive advertising to advertise an "up to" speed without showing, with equal or greater prominence, a guaranteed minimum speed. This rule should apply generally to any advertising that specifies some numeric measure of goodness.
Re:The term is stupid, anyway (Score:3, Interesting)
Where I am, the phone company used to advertise thier DSL in the vein of "No sharing access!!!", in reference to the fact that cable subscribers all use the same wire to get to the distribution point, which leads to slowdowns as more people are added. Every household, however, has it's own dedicated line to the CO - no sharing, so it's faster, right? All fine and good, yes? Not quite.
What they didn't tell you is that each of the COs were provisioned with but a single T1
Re:Up-to speed (Score:2)
"Our service can be up to 50 times faster!"
"Your old service could be 50 times slower!"
I still have a 1kbps modem which I
You can't possibly give a garanteed minimum speed, though.
Re:The term is stupid, anyway (Score:2)
Plain Old Telephone Service is almo
DSL (Score:5, Interesting)
I was stuck on iDSL on covad for 2 years till they fixed our phone lines.
Good points, faster than modem, almost 3x. And ping was great, 20ms to all hops in Seattle. (Low ping bastard for games)
So it was doable. And compared to ISDN which you had to bind the channels together, and dial out, was a snap, static IPs and never a disconnect.
Total cost, about 400 bux for a modem, 100 bux a month service.
Now YOU bitch about the price of high speed DSL.
Re:DSL (Score:2)
In my case, the part of the city where I live is in a fiber-fed neighborhood. Since DSL signals travel above the analog frequency band, they can't be multiplexed, sent to the CO, and then wired over to the ISPs cage. The only two ways around this are: 1.) Use a telco-standard data carrier from the residence to the CO, or 2.) Install a DSLAM in every fiber SLIC hut where the subscribers are.
This presents a problem f
streaming video standard (Score:3, Interesting)
My home connection (Score:2)
I think that "broadband" must be defined as "The possibility to watch movies and play games on-line without much problems". As PC's will continue to evolve, and bandwidth for movie-watching is lowered (we have to expect higher and better compression in the future), we might actually end up with that an ISDN-owner might see a full quality stre
What a strange case (Score:3, Interesting)
But then found out that the lawyers were arguing it wasn't "broadband". ie, some stupid slime has stolen physicist's language, and is trying to force change in terminology through law. They didn't have a beef with the "high speed" part, instead they chose to pick on "broadband".
How broad is broadband? (Score:2)
Re:How broad is broadband? (Score:3, Funny)
Why do you think they call it broadband?
Works fine for me..... (Score:2)
I wouldn't call it slow. Low latency when gaming and download speeds are reasonable particularly for the £15pcm (cheap) it costs and its always available (ignoring network outages). Bearing in mind that some/most dialup services cost £15pcm plus any additional call charges that may occur plus your phone line is then tied up - the NTL is twice as fast, always on and costs less to run.
It is slow however "compared" to the 600k
Broadband is an useless term (Score:3, Informative)
This causes a big problem for everybody. Developers have an inherent need to limit their bandwidth requirements and perform a lot of tests to reduce network problems, and it can really influence gameplay design; technical support and marketing can be a headache for the publisher and the experience for the user can be very frustrating if there is a simple latency problem, even if the bandwidth is high.
Every "broadband" user in this case says: "but I have broadband! Why can't I play?". Latency and bandwidth are very complex things to explain, and many factors can affect the videogame experience negatively. (number of hops, type of interface, firewalls, NATs, network traffic, just to name a few)
I performed extensive tests with the Dreamcast, the PS2, the GameCube and the Xbox, I can say not many games really require more than a 64K connection, but in many cases, while even the bandwidth of a 56K modem could suffice, a specific game may have a problem with the latency associated. That's why some games are labeled as "broadband only". Of course, it doesn't guarantee the connection will meet the game's requirements, but it minimizes the problem somewhat.
As it is, we used to have a better way of classifying the connection speed on dial-up modems. The diversity on interfaces and protocols (xDSL, Cable, WLAN, etc.) just render the term "broadband" useless.
I remember Ken Kutaragi (Playstation's main designer) saying something in a conference a couple years ago that went along the lines: "you call 1.5 Megabits/sec 'broadband'? But that's about the speed of a CDROM!" I wish Kutaragi extended the analogy to latency using CDROM seek and access time too.
We need a better way to refer to a modern Internet connection, period.
128kbit/s is nothing (Score:2)
It is time for a fiber revolution!
UK OFTEL definition of 'broadband' (Score:5, Informative)
Common Sense (Score:2, Insightful)
"Cigarettes may cause cancer."
"California Recognizes that burning gasoline may pollute the environment."
"Warning, Coffee May Be Hot"
How about a whole list of stuff? []
So when a company decides to use the techinal term, (a REAL technical term) people get all pissed off because it doesn't quite meet thier own made up definition. When are people going to wake up
Not with these limitations (Score:2)
Not just the word 'broadband' (Score:2)
In Soviet Sweden... (Score:5, Funny)
Thay had a meeting about it, to discuss what people thought of it, the company explained that other appartments were having 10Mbps lines installed.
Being Swedish, they decided to have a vote, and democratically decided to change the network to 10Mbps so they would have the same as everyone else.
Only in Sweden...
I used to have this (Score:2)
As for the word broadband, I thought it referred to dividing a line up into multiple channels with
Technical vs Marketing (Score:2)
This 128kbs se
Broadband isn't the issue (Score:3, Informative)
Speed doesn't make something broadband (Score:5, Informative)
The reason why broadband is an exciting technology to the home user is that you can get data over an existing technology like cable or phone lines. Since it travels in a seperate band, it doesn't interfere with your existing service, and since it is part of the same link, there is no requirement to run an additonal connection to your house.
However it has no bearing on speed. My external link is broadband, but only 640kbit/sec. My internal links are all baseband, and old technology at that, but still run at 100mbit/sec.
Rediculous (Score:2)
ASA - doh! (Score:2, Insightful)
Mind you doing things that define common sense isn't new to the ASA. A couple of years ago they banded a car newspaper/magazine ad because it had a blurred background and gave the impression of breaking the speed limit (the car was ac
Clearly misleading... (Score:3, Insightful)
Not a new issue (Score:3, Insightful)
Then 19200 and later 28800 came out and suddenly 14400 modems were accessible to the masses and they weren't considered to be high speed anymore. However some 14400 modems still were labelled "high speed", presumably to attract people to make the switch from the lowly speed of 2400.
Then it happened all over again when 56K came out.
The one thing that was different is that I can't recall hearing of anybody getting sued over it. Probably because most modem buyers back then were more of the nerdy types and weren't fooled by cheap marketing gimmicks like sticking the words "high speed" on the box!
As for broadband, it's probably best left as a relative term. In many countries, 128K may be the best that one can get, unless one wishes to spend thousands of dollars.
EE Terms (Score:3, Interesting)
Contrasted with "baseband", which is the simple placement of an electrical signal on a wire.
Ethernet uses a baseband method of signaling. Hence the technical terminology "100 Base TX" 100 Megabit, baseband signaling. The TX, I forget what that represends.
Baseband signaling is trivial to ethernet adapter only needs to be aware of three states on the wire...0, 1, and null. As opposed to broadband, where the adapter needs to be aware of the different signal levels and frequencies and pick the right channel from the wire to modulate/demodulate over.
How can a lawyer define a technical term? "Broadband" has been misused because DSL/Cable are implimentations of broadband, but broadband signaling is not implicitly faster (or slower) than baseband signaling. There is no debate over what "broadband" means, it is explicitly defined in the world of electrical engineering, and has been for many years.
WTF do the lawyers think they can get off doing?
Re:don't bitch (Score:2, Interesting)
Of course, bps (bits per second) is extremely misleading too. Why not be honest and saying: "64K" bytes per second.
This is, 8bits/char plus the two extra bits due to parity and other information.
Don't make numbers go naked! Put units on them!
Side note: 2 bits == nibble
Re:don't bitch (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Definition of Broadband... (Score:2)
its sad really that they can now begin to fleece the people who dont know any better, but if you think of it, if they charge a decent rate for 128k/256k service, then the people who would like a little more kick than dialup but arent on the net ALL THAT MUCH, would probably benefit from that service.
they are not advertising to the geek aparently.
Re:Definition of Broadband... (Score:2)
Broadband - Where the bandwidth is divided into ranges. Each range typically carries seperate coded information, which allows the transmission of multiple data streams over the same cable simultanesouly. Special equipment is used to combine the signals at the source and seperate them at the end.
Baseband - The cable's bandwidth is devoted to a single stream of data. Thus, the
Re:Definition of Broadband... (Score:2, Funny)
so by that definition then broadband is what... Coconut Cream, Keylime, or Chocolate Silk!
Re:Telephone lines bonding (Score:2)
Well, actually you'd need multiple telephone lines :-)
Diamond (or whatever they were most recently named before finally going out of business) used to advertise something they called "shotgun" modems; you bought two of them for one computer and used one on one phone line and the other on a second phone line. Apparently in addition to whatever software came with the modems (probably Windows only) you had to