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Comment Flexibility! (Score 1) 95

This is interesting. Work-from-home CS jobs aren't a new thing, but aren't widely deployed either. It can be tough to monitor remote workers, although phone calls have a lot of good metrics associated with them that are easier than some tasks. The rest are part-time warehouse positions, which are fine for what they are, but aren't breaking new ground just expanding what they already have.

I'd really love to see some more corporate knowledge worker roles be able to move part-time, though. I work for a good employer, my work is interesting, but I'd really just like to be at work in general a bit less. There's not a lot of market for a "freelance" project manager the same way a coder or designer might be able to pick up. I'd just like to work on half the number of projects, and take home less pay. I'd be happy to work 3 days a week for $60K and the low-tier health plan, instead of more than double that plus considerably more expensive benefits and matching etc.

Comment Re:In other words. . . (Score 3, Informative) 314

That's effectively what "Ban the Box" legislation is doing. Since it's getting increasingly unacceptable to ask about and disqualify candidates who have criminal records up front, and since black Americans are statistically more likely to have a criminal record, employers have responded by hiring fewer blacks at all.

The next step is a quota system.

Comment Sure. (Score 1) 100

That looks like a promising way to deter car prowls in parking garages, and alert security if there is one in real time. Maybe similar in buildings with lots of windows, have a few of these robots patrol the corridors listening for the sound of glass breaking or doors opening where they shouldn't be.

I'm not sure I understand the connection to Sandy Hook, but I suppose inspiration isn't necessarily a deterministic process, so who's to say that's wrong.

Comment Reasonable enough, I guess (Score 1) 145

While I'm not thrilled with the concept of traffic limiting in general, this is an amount of data that will easily accommodate a full family of average users, or even a couple of power users.

I've been keeping track of my bandwidth usage for 5 years, even though I've always had true-unlimited plans via business class service. My absolute highest month, ever, was 670 GB. Most months are around 250 GB, and I consider myself a power user, like most people on this site probably do.

Sounds like they've found a reasonable compromise if you ask me.

Comment Blockchain applications? (Score 1) 490

Continuous voting sounds like it might be an interesting use of a blockchain technology, especially the aspects about vote-delegation to a representative with the ability to override that transfer at will for specific votes.

Part of our country's fairly long history of democratic security has been that it takes a whole lot of effort for anything to get done, especially when that anything is passing laws. The fact that it's a fairly lengthy process to create or change a law means citizens and organizations can be comfortable in not being subject to wildly changing regulations. If something is to become illegal, or vice-versa, it's not likely to happen by surprise as long as you're paying attention. Continuous voting would potentially introduce quite a bit of instability, because the Government's actions would be too difficult to predict based on wildly changing public consensus.

This might be an interesting way to adapt the U.S. House of Representatives for a larger population and changing communications technologies. Constitutionally require all new laws to be passed with sunset clauses and re-voted every 4 years. Use more of a direct democracy in the House, where voting is out of the total population, but a Representative casts the votes of everyone who has delegated their votes to that individual. Let the Representatives be advocates and speech-makers and politicians, but let people themselves step in and cast their votes if they want, on a predictable schedule.

Comment Supply and Demand (Score 2) 218

It is to the benefit of all mankind for the supply of these rare resources to become less constrained on the supply side, thus driving the prices down. Imagine rare-"earth" minerals mined by the cubic meter from off-world bodies, vastly increasing the supply for land-side electronics while simultaneously driving their prices down and moving the environmental impact somewhere with essentially no environment, and thus no impact.

Comment Linux+Multi-Monitors (Score 1) 281

I checked the list. Every game that I play is, apparently, available for Linux.

I'm in the market for a PC upgrade and a new OS to come with it, and Windows 10 looks to be enough of a privacy nightmare that I'm inclined to shy away. That said, though, Windows has always "just worked" for me even with pretty weird configurations (i.e. 6 monitors on 3 video cards, mixing GeForce and Quadro in the same system) and I've never been able to successfully set up Linux multi-mon. That's always led me to re-format and go back to Windows every time I've tried it.

The last time was 2-3 years ago, though. Has any Linux distribution advanced to the point where it supports multiple monitors? I've simplified my configuration a bit but have also grown out of the desire to do IT projects for fun; now it's 3 identical monitors driven by a single video card (AMD 290X). Is there a GUI to configure multiple monitors yet, or am I just asking for a miserable experience again?

Comment Re:Why are people going to jail for this? (Score 1) 664

This would be a great place for a law that varies based on the heights of the structures. Something to the effect of "unmanned aircraft must stay at an altitude between 4 times the height of the tallest inhabited structure on a property, and the beginning of controlled airspace at 500 feet, in the absence of permission from the property owner". (Although in this particular case, even assuming the shotgun owner had a 5-story mansion, flying at 200 feet would still be above the trespassing line with that formula.)

Comment Re:Makerspace.... (Score 1) 167

They're broadly synonymous, but "workshop" has in my opinion a connotation that implies the work going on there is on a bit higher of a level, more complex, and overall productive and goal-oriented.

Makerspace, to me, implies more of a "the act of working on the project is it's own end goal", and any outcomes (magic smoke or otherwise) are more or less incidental to what's actually being undertaken.

Even with the same equipment, say, a retail space randoms drop into and pay by the hour to play with fancy gear they can't afford for their own hobby is a Makerspace. The exact same lab, being used in-house by a commercial outfit, would be a workshop.

Comment Re:ADA insanity... (Score 2) 278

Legally there are a few types of animals. A real service dog is like a seeing eye dog, or a seizure warning dog. They're ridiculously trained and only available from a prescription...which is fairly difficult to get, and bringing them with you is backed up by the force of law. I'm sure the people who need service dogs really would prefer they didn't need them.

On the other hand, "emotional support animals" and "therapy animals" require little more than self-report, or an advisory note, and most of the time aren't afforded the same legal protections as genuine service dogs.

It's often up to individual establishment's policy on such animals, but few make such a differentiation since the penalty for questioning someone and getting it wrong is somewhere between a bad Yelp review and a lawsuit. It's also too easy to just put a dog in a purse and get away with it, without even the pretext of a condition. So, yeah.

Misplaced anger, man.

Comment Okay. (Score 1) 114

So, subjects in photographs other than the rightsholder now have veto power over when those works are displayed? We're just a couple court cases for anyone tagged in an unflattering Facebook photo to demand it be deleted from the Internet entirely, not just untagged.

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