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Comment Re:Fraud (Score 2) 240

On the flip-side, many people know that a cold will go away in n days with bed rest, but they're employer requires a "note from mom" after n-x days. Once at the doctors they'll usually think, "Well, I'm here, might as well get something for this headache/sniffle/uncontrollable-drool" and flash their blood-shot puppy eyes and whimper until the doctor gives them treats.

Mathematica 6 Launched 222

Ed Pegg writes "Wolfram Research has just released Mathematica 6. That link, in addition to the usual 'dramatic breakthrough' material, has an amazing flash banner that simultaneously shows a thousand mathematical demonstrations all at once. The animations came from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project, a free service with 1200+ dynamically interactive examples of math, science, and physics, all with code. For the product itself, much is new or improved, with built-in math databases, improved visualizations, and more."

Submission + - Attempts to Supress HD-DVD Revolt

fieryprophet writes: "An astonishing number of HD-DVD encryption key releated stories have gone MIA, in many cases along with the digger who submitted it. As a result, many in the digg community are becoming disillusioned with the "democratic" news site and retaliating in clever and inventive ways. Search digg for HD-DVD song lyrics, coffee mugs, shirts, and more for a taste of the rebellion."

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